Wednesday 29 February 2012


The saying 'a little learning is a dangerous thing' can be for some almost fatal. Biologically we have almost identical systems but literally how it's wired and how it performs can vary enormously. Like identical computers what we load it with is akin to what we want out of it and how we are to use it. Those that have a quest for knowledge are more aptly devised to process efficiently all the intake of information they receive. Those of a lesser state of development which happens to be the majority of people take in bouts of knowledge and don't efficiently process it, nor do they have the capacity to see the "bigger picture" and thus go off on a tangent of their own making and then wonder why life isn't what it should be or it isn't fair. The media delve into others lives, people's state of affairs, often really dull and boring stuff and it's picked up usually by dull and boring people as they have little else to do in their introverted thought processes.  None of the information having any bearing upon whoever reads it and thus is immaterial to their lives. No one is indispensable, if the Heads of State in  all Europe and the USA died over night, life would still carry on the following day, they would be history within a week as the new incumbents would be the flavour of the day and being live have more to offer than a corpse who has no further use. Respect for the dead is something that doesn't exist, it means nothing, no matter what you felt of them either personally or with regards their imprint on humanity, which few have, it's just a mind thought, admiration can live on respecting the dead is hollow.

The number one person in your life is you, it has to be you, you have to be the centre of your universe and not some alien atom floating around the nucleus of another being or life. It's not being selfish nor self centred, if you can't do something for yourself then no one else can either. Once you are "at one" with yourself then you have the perfect ability to do whatever you want and help others you deem are significant in your life. Your whole "love walk" the co-existing element in humanity thrives on you being able and secure in whom you are, for without either you dither and procrastinate and have little to offer anyone as ones existence become a trudging concept that overrules all the fun, the enjoyment, the grace, the enhancement and creativity that is out there awaiting you. The global state of mental health that Western countries are facing is all bound in others being too nosey into others lives, it's not a healthy caring scenario, it's almost of voyeuristic proportions and linked to the self, which is a self poison which doesn't rest well and produces negativity, stress, anxiety and daub. However, we have choices in what we do and say, whom we look up to and who we possibly despise like despots and the Islamic suicide bombers, who seem to be forever growing such is their religious instability.

To clear the mind of extraneous garbage one must have a self focus and subliminally have a list of importance placed upon each, not a cheap second hand thrill but a real purpose for what one deems are relevant to life for if this is not in evidence then much of the self thought is superfluous and without merit and over burdensome to what one thinks and feels about. Our attitude is paramount to how we live our lives and enjoy life, if we are overruled by negative emotions such as ego, anger, greed, pride, arrogance, etc, then whatever is ahead of us will always be second best no matter what it is. We will not see clearly because of the self created fog thus we cocoon ourselves in a diatribe of high pent up negativity and stress and badness. Where the love walk doesn't exist our minds focus on what others have negating what we can do to improve our lot. Where love meets consciousness on a higher level the resultant is all seeing and all knowing to a degree that one is more secure and easily ready to understand what was previously not understandable, it's a freeing of the mind and soul without any negative feedback nor inner acquiescing to any other state that may be circling around us. 

If we only held on to what is important, whatever that is to each and every one of us how much lighter life would be. Reciting the bad news spewed out by the television and radio does nothing to promote ourselves especially when over 95% of it is beyond our control or ability to change. Being informed is one thing, harbouring such thoughts as a means of trying to be 'smart' or up to date in conversation speaks of a low mentality and one which will suffer the penalty of negativity. Negativity in any guise forms an automatic lowness which eventually permeates every fibre of our system, it has to as if we feed ourselves garbage it has to go somewhere. Good thoughts always uplift, it's no option because goodness is by definition uplifting and where such upliftment occurs so does a calmer and more sedate and understanding mind. If you've tried being a know all stop it and reside on a need to know basis, allow what can't be changed or you have no control over to be as they are or stories about others who you will never meet or see or have any connection with float on by. They are not number one, you are.

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2012

Tuesday 28 February 2012


Currently we live in a 3D society that is encapsulated in time, we rarely think in a time continuum latitude as we are finite souls that have to do what we have to do as soon as possible and that for many they never accomplish what they would ultimately seek to accomplish. The dichotomy of religious followings will ultimately lead to a real crossroads in life where the 'higher' believers leave those that are on a lower pathway to 'self destruct' to fulfil their created demise. All "religions" will be on a lower level as they are constructs of man, devised and devisedly interpreted by man, enacted by man and thus will die by man such is their own finite nature. Those that worship symbols and animals that are of this world will suffer the same fate as one cannot understand the complexity of ethereal matter via any form of  statutory idol no matter what it represents and what it purports to be. Whilst the "Adam Caedmon" is not as it should be only those that have as the centre of their hearts love in all its glory will survive and sadly that doesn't equate well towards spiritual leaders and despots of religious orders even if their will maybe at times of goodly thoughts. At the end of the day a real Armageddon exists for the self regardless of what happens to the world around.

The fourth dimension is time, something that was there before us and will be there after us, the fifth dimension is that light which is where we are to evolve to, that conduit to further our pathway and has no symbols nor edifices. has no fear based concepts and has a pathway of pure love and equality with the feminine of life, which this life doesn't hold, and religions definitely don't subscribe to. It will not be restricted to the narrow constructs of life nor the endless man made regulations of the self and those written into 'religious' orders that all such doctrines have and are over time enhanced and contribute to a veering off of the truth. Time has that ability to shift negatively as it does to pave the way forward to levels of consciousness that many only understand via science fiction and comics and thus live in ignorance of in this life. Most people don't understand God and the purpose of their lives, they know only what they have been taught and then hypothesise arrogantly on that hoping that all will be alright at the end of their days and often with that thought all else is dismissed. Just because one may get an overawe of feelings by the magnitude of those around believing the same thing doesn't hold any water. If millions have to die then they will, although it is their choice.

Time is changing our lives at the moment, as are areas of existence that for the major part most either don't realise or don't care or are too selfishly engrossed in themselves and their lot as to be bothered. To be honest it doesn't really matter if the latter route is taken as it displays their understanding of time to come and their lives within it, or more to the point the abrupt end of their lives at death where the physicality will be purely falling back to earth and no spiritual journey thereafter. We are in the age of materialism and it's not that material effects aren't good it's the power they have over us as opposed to the other way around. There are those who manifestly believe a doctrine of their own based upon what they know and what they think, but at the turn of this century life will be significantly different and it won't just be put under the banner of evolution even though in the bigger picture it is by default.

For many people at this moment in time things are happening to their lives, their minds / memory that seems to be somewhat different to what they have been used to. The acceleration of time and our existence in it is having real effects that we can both see and feel even if they are not always of great significance, they are noticeable. For those of a higher consciousness they will experience much to contemplate, for those that dwell on lower levels they will just trudge through life as if there are extra burdens and expect no more. These are exciting times indeed, ahead are events that will both please and play havoc two extremes that the world is now playing to. Society is in a metamorphosis of its own evolvement where little now stands still or it does so at it's own peril. Where both the physicality of humanity, the world at large and its spiritual over key are actively live and together will demonstrate to the unsuspected what happens when the self tries to rule at the expense of humanity and the absence of the love walk. This will be the time when people will pray to their God and in return nothing will happen, this time you'll know you are really alone. All false God and definitely all religions will be caught in the fire.

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2012

Friday 24 February 2012


Love is an intrinsic part of us as individuals, even for the bad guys it's still a part of them too. It's also true all over the globe including the modern day despots and ever growing religious fanatics who seem to have more of a mental condition than anything else. Love is what makes life bearable and what has sustained mankind throughout time. Man has looked after himself and has grown to where he is today even though there are still primitive tribes thriving in both African, South American and Far Eastern forests. On the whole people like doing things for other people, helping them if lost, caring for them in specialised units, in fact for many helping is a vocation, unlike the finance industry which is heartless and cold. Of course there are exceptions there are those whose mental stance on life has overruled love for the self, gain at all cost, burglary, muggings, sexual offences, greed, selfishness, isolation of humanity and living without thought for others, and so it goes on, and other than mental conditions it's all self contrived. Unsocial behaviour is seen daily in all walks of life including public transport, shopping malls and even on Facebook and other social media sites. It's an act of the self over and above others brought about by unhappiness - and unhappiness manifests itself via many forms.
Life affects everyone differently and we go through various stages as time goes by, we encounter problems, situations, events, and our perception of it based upon how we are faring and feeling at any one time. It's good to be loved, it's good to be wanted, to be needed, it's good to love and it's good to care for others that significantly mean something to you other than your partner, such as best friends and very close people who resonate well deep inside of you. Without any of these feelings one is almost alone, and indeed it's often how loneliness is caused by the self, rather than by circumstances. In order to love one has to give, if you can't give you can't receive as it's the same conduit, so if you block it up with self created thoughts then you will by default alienate yourself from love. You'll see and know it's there but you won't be able to either access it or to allow it to touch you and give you that warm feeling which keeps that void deep within at arms length.

There are those who are desperate for love and those that almost have a vocation spending time on "Love and Dating Sites" much of which results in zilch and verges on correspondence between the deceitful and and the fanciful, all matching false identities and building hopes on clouds that pass and are never seen again.  The con artists, the frivolous, the game chasers, those that use the site for pure entertainment, and those who use it to pass the time way. Love is something that never runs out, so the more you give the more it's replenished and thus the more you are a contented bunny, feeling elevated rather than deflated even when life takes a slight tumble. Those that forever extol love as something special that they are saving for the "right" person are to be avoided at all costs as they harbour a high degree of self created selfishness. Love is special but it's also universal and if we adhere to television, the press and other negative outlets then we can generate a degree of paranoia which will eradicate our ability to love.

If life feels low for no real reason or that circumstances are not as they should be or you have isolated yourself and ponder endlessly about it but do nothing then it's a mind stance. It's not that you haven't love within or that love isn't evident it's more to do with accessing situations over and above your love walk, where the mind is set to identifying life bit by bit and love is an adjunct that holds little value in it all. Loneliness is where communing with others has left the individual bereft of that exchange hence many people have pets as they give unconditional love something that few humans can do. There is a definite increase in people feeling lost and almost in a vacuum of nothingness which they can't pin point or put their finger on, yet at the same time one only has to listen to just a few lines of their conversation to understand this mental stand off position. Don't allow the emotions of negativity ever to get the better of you or you will unfortunately suffer by default a degree of lowness and feel that that "Loving Feeling" has left, it hasn't it's just that you've inadvertently side stepped it.

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2012

Thursday 23 February 2012


Today it seems that everyone and everything is being forever judged by backseat drivers, those who are "critics" or pass judgement on others and situations. The television is littered with experts on a whole manner of subjects spouting off about what should have been done and what could be done and why it went wrong, as if none of us are experts of hindsight. Yet the vast majority of these so called experts do absolutely sod all in their lives to contribute to positive change, they just comment and nothing more. And whilst it is all supposed to give gravitas to the subject matter it is after a time like watching the same old wallpaper dry, it becomes a pure back drop for organised diatribe to fill a column, fill a few minutes on the news, fill in a documentary and for some supposedly 'intellectual' programmes it's almost a public display of mental masturbation, the same old people wheeled out of hibernation and given a 60 min life yet again.

Everyone today has a part to play even if it's just living your own life to the best ability you have. There are of course those that drop by the wayside and become fodder for those that have ideas and thoughts as to what to do with such people and there are those that actually roll their sleeves up and get down to the job of helping them whilst the intellectuals intellectualise and again do sod all about it, which seems to be becoming more and more prevalent today than ever before. Whilst we live in a big world life is getting smaller, our microcosm of an existence is the first and most important thing for us for if we can't make a go of it no one else can do so for us unless it's something not so savoury that we wish not to contemplate like a prison or such institution.

Everywhere we go someone casts aspersions as to what it is or what has been done as if they are the first and last word on the subject which if the truth be known, if they died overnight no one would miss them as their interjection of knowledge is tertiary and purely cosmetic and like all cosmetics they get washed off for a new application every day.  The media have a cosy relationship with critics but as the paper medium is dying is there no wonder why the acerbic bitchy hollow and shallow critics seem to make a life out of finding fault as if there is a prize for pulling down man's own efforts and those that try and those that invest their time and money in to what they do, whilst critics again do sod all, and in fact have little to offer the world other than perhaps at the end of their lives as bone meal. Do they get some perverse pleasure of covering up their own inabilities by knocking others, even if what others do doesn't come off, and it doesn't come off every time for everyone, but the delight and the brusqueness that they wallow in like pigs in shit outlines what weak people they really are.

Society gets along by degrees of communal acceptance, our dearth of variety is out there because people actually try and many go through almost nightmare situations just to get to the initial stages often wracked in problems that emerge as they do from no fault of their own, and of course insipid bureaucracy that springs up run by even more insipid and dull and lifeless people. It's time that there was a cull of the negatively arrogant little peasants who mascaraed as bastions of knowledge and all of understanding to know that in truth it's not them that are loved at all it's those that try and those that have real humanity and compassion within them.

Families too can be your biggest downfall as can your religion, being judged not for whom you are but from their point of view you don't do what they want? So where is the unconditional love? What happened to it? Your happiness is the prime and pole event in the hole of your life, if someone you know or love is happy what more could you want for them. Whether you agree or like what they do is YOUR take on life, to impose your views is cruel, selfish, evil and wicked and so many religions take this righteous mantle but are not even close to God in their motives. The Middle East is a living prime example.

Never ever let anyone put you down, whether you have made a mistake or life hasn't gone as well as you would have wished. You are entitled to be whom you are regardless and even if your professional presentation especially via the fickle and heartless media isn't on the day that bright, don't worry, life has a really way of bouncing back. Nearly all the greatest inventions people in life have failed and won the day and if you look back at what the critics said it's laughable as they are laughable. Stand your ground no one deliberately goes out of their way to be substandard especially when they have invested so much in what it is they do. Don't ever allow a five minute critic whose life will end up in hell to put you down. You are a winner and enjoy the kudos.

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2012

Wednesday 22 February 2012


For many people the word failure sends a shudder down their spine, it brings a cold and embarrassing chill to what they have to say. Yet failure is a natural part of life, it's a part that makes us strong, resilient and above all successful too. Every day scientists and researchers fail in trying to find a solution or a cure, eventually they find an answer that works. The telephone, light bulb, penicillin, cancer drugs, the aero engine, even none stick frying pans all emanated after years of constant failure. So why are so many fickle people so frightened of the word or judge others who try and fail yet they themselves sit smugly doing nothing so not to fail?  Why is it that the "gatekeepers" (who are the real failures) the secretaries / HR / the employment agencies so fearful and reticent about it all that their own insecurities and sheer ignorance holds up the free flow of real talent that's out there and allows mediocre people to get jobs that produce mediocre results. The dearth of lowly intelligent management who whilst may be acceptable at what they do have no foresight and are far too fearful of employing anyone who would shake their own position.

Applying vision to someone who hasn't any is always a problem and even successful organisations are staffed by those who again may effectively do what they have to do well but in the process stifle what could have been or might have been far better had creativity been allowed to enter into the scenario. Short sightedness, tempered outlooks, lack of real vision, fearful of breaking the mould, employing the "if it's not broken don't fix it" mentality, all of which is totally wrong. Staid, dull, monolithic structures, bureaucracy which is always run by dull people, and so it goes on. Many major companies pride themselves on units or adjuncts where they employ people who supposedly "think out of the box" and some are brilliant yet the majority are just mildly creative which flatters those that take them on and falls short of what real "out there thinking" contains. Real "out of the box" thinking often comes in packages that most couldn't recognise if it was stamped  "out of the box thinking" on the outside of it.

Learning is a series of failures for if everything went correctly when something goes wrong we wouldn't have a clue as to what to do or indeed do not act efficiently in rectifying it all. Even in accidents we find out why the cause happened and take steps to help identify and reduce the situation happening again. Those that never try because they are frightened of failing are dull and produce nothing of value, our skills and mind sets help others not go down the same pathways and if we keep failure to ourselves and not share the experiences then it says a lot about us and what insular and mean people we are. Granted there are times when failure can be more than embarrassing, it can cause loss of life, mayhem, turmoil, etc, but that is literally a part of life and something we must face up to and not shy away from, nor listen to the throng of people on the side-lines casting aspersions and shouting, for such people are the fodder of real failure and are of worthless content trying to make themselves feel important whereas they are of no consequence in life at all.

Those that have had a whole heap of dead ends, things that have not gone well or worked out, things that have met with high resistance, things that others cannot get to grips with and things that have on the outside seemingly failed are always those that in the end do well. They overcome the dull and pathetic and pseudo intellectuals who have no creativity just the ability to churn over in their mind potentials and possibilities yet it never really works out. Interesting people, people who can laugh, enjoy life, people who are stable are those who have endured, entertained difference, pressed on ahead in dark corridors, gone ahead where others have dithered, had a go, put their heart and soul into it all and just dared to be themselves and not be influenced or clouded by the mass dullness of everyone else. If you can't entertain failure you can't entertain life.

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2012

Tuesday 21 February 2012


We often look at life and try and foresee what may happen in the future, sometimes even not wanting to think of what may happen as it's too unpleasant. But "stuff" does happen and we have to make decisions sometimes very unpleasant ones in order to effect a solution even if it's by default, we still have to do it. If one listens to what people say, which many don't today, they prefer to speak rather than listen and give their point of view one can almost instantly get their opinion, their views, how they think, what they are planning to do, their temperament, their traits, their sensitivities, their stubborn points, their narrow views on certain subjects, their failure aspects, their desires, what excites them, their flippant tendencies, and their fears, plus a whole load of nuances that may arise. It's given away in what and how we say anything.We can at times be our own worst enemies, something we don't wont anyone to tell us anything, we can also at times mix fact and fantasy together and try and make some degree of sense out of it all only to get into a worse situation than before. Decisions at times have to be taken, we also have "ideals" as to what we want, how we want it / them, how it looks like, how it fits in with our desired pattern in life, and so on, so when a decision is made it's contrived to hopefully meld in to what we have to do. When that doesn't happen which is quite often and a compromise is not to be made then we have what we call a problem. But it isn't a problem, it's just us not liking what the solution is to be. If we are honest with ourselves we know that as a truth from day one, but often we go a long way down the road to see if at some point we can effect a change that brings it all into line with our thoughts and feelings, it rarely happens. In relationships this is a prime area of conflict rather than compromise and can be sorted easily but rarely is. Silly but there we are.

We see other people making drastic changes to their lives and apart from a few glum looks they seem to be handling it well as if it's all so easy and that they have come to grips or terms with what has had to be done. We then place ourselves into their position hypothetically and see how we would feel and it just doesn't work, we have too many obstacles and personal likes and dislikes in the way and it would mean altering our cosy relationship with the current status quo, which will definitely not do. And so it goes on, we keep looking at life from afar, assessing what we think and feel in relation to others and it rarely works out. Of course we are all different some people are gregarious and accept what's what and get on with it keeping a positive mind as to the future. Others completely the opposite and any opposition to what they think or feel is riddled with the "woe is me" attitude that prevails and almost at times makes them ill or full of ongoing consternation.

There is a solution to every problem although not always as we would like but never the less a solution exists, politicians have to make "overall" choices in what they do "for the best" as there usually isn't a "one size fits all" yet real statesmanship is sadly a thing of the past where PR and personal positioning overrules what is expedient and many such people are weak as are many company leaders today except where personal greed is an option and they'll then fight to the death. Life has to have a purpose, it has to be universal and if you have a partner it has to encompass both elements, although there usually is one element that is more ethereal and selfishly motivated (I like, I want, I don't like, I don't want but none of it having real substance) so some degree of pressurised compromise has to be made, but it usually is made and ultimately it turns out right.

Placing the word problem in your vocabulary or potential problem often creates what one is seeking to avoid, a solution as to seeing around or ways forward existing over and above the dullness of negativity which dwells on lowness and thus misses out of the availability of options. Often solutions will not please everyone who is a part of the solution, but that's alright as we have no contract with life to make others happy nor sort out their problems even if we are a part cause of them albeit by default. It's a degree of maturity that others the recipients of our effected decisions take control and steer their own life back into how they need it to be after all they steer their own ship not you. Provided your decisions are made with clear thought i.e. not malicious then one need not worry about the effects on others even if they selfishly moan and groan, which which many do today. You are number one, without being selfish or self centred, make a decision that suits you, do not compromise yourself in life as it will only compound problems further down the line, respect yourself and don't play the martyr, which is not to say that if minor compromises need to be made via your good will then so be it. But be logical not emotional or you will by your own hand default yourself into a position that you will most likely come to regret and in the long term not have any thanks from those you thought of well at the beginning in making your judgement.

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2012

Monday 20 February 2012


Firstly you've got to decide who you are, that is where you came from, not the biological story but you as an entity in life itself, because this makes a massive difference as to how you think and feel and interact with life and everyone in it. It doesn't matter what conclusion you come to, but whatever that conclusion is, is where you place yourself, and only you live in your mind, so what other people do or don't do is for them to come to terms with not you. If you believe you are a mistake which a lot of people do, and it shows, i.e. you believe in the Darwinian theory that you have evolved and are as such of no value, when you die that's your lot, then your  minuscule life the bit in between in relation to the billions of years of previous universe existence and that to follow is as if nothing had happened and you are a waste of time. If you believe in God then there is a purpose, not religions as they are all rubbish and man created and as man is imperfect so is the result, just look at Islamic countries around the globe and the eternal mess they are all constantly in.

As a package we arrive skin and bone and stuffed full of an enormous array of veins, tissues, nerves, ligaments, liquids and processing units like kidneys, liver, lymph glands, a motor- a heart and a processing unit our brain which has sensory capability of ears, eyes, nose, mouth and nerve functional control, and in reality a whole lot more. That's us in a nut shell, we have a "sentient" capability and we have an inbuilt ability to love, which separates us from everything else, for without love we are but robots just living to live. We also have far beyond this a spiritual awareness, even the worthless Darwinians have this too, although they tend by and large to suppress it for fear of alienating their theories of science which is their "saviour" and should that be proven not correct then all would fragment in an instant, which for many wouldn't be a bad thing.

We have every chance in moving forward regardless of how we were brought up, granted certain areas of the world don't provide any real platform for advancement but that's part and parcel of man's own conceited ability. Such as is evident in Africa and the Middle East, forever relying on outside support because those inside government are in it for themselves and are also inept and riddled with either "religious" rubbish (fear based and evil) or gross greed, syphoning off the available wealth for their own aggrandisement. But moving closer to home, "the self" we are remarkable creatures in that we can make a good and great life for ourselves, how we do it and how we think for ourselves is purely based on our perceptions of what happens around us. We are not all equal in the mental processing department nor our physical aptitudes. As soon as we realise our capabilities and our limitations we have a great base upon which to start whatever it is we need to do. That doesn't mean that we don't have to push ourselves forward, break free from our comfort zones, be uneasy about moving onwards, make far reaching decisions, etc. However many people make up stuff and hide behind self created barriers full of excuses and opt out clauses and admonishing themselves from reality, blaming circumstances, in fact blaming anything they can put into the equation. We can even compare ourselves to others, another stupid mind game saying that "it's all right for them but in my case it's different" that's also pathetic and rubbish and contrived. Live up to how you are and not how you would like to think you are, fooling yourself or being precious isn't an answer that will get you anywhere other than bring you down.

Our minds are capable of many things if we don't ground them in circumstances or others problems, no matter who they are. Being free in "spirit" allows us to see the bigger picture and all the opportunities that are around us. It may not be easy nor the way forward be clockwork, but there is a way forward and in devising whom we are or establishing ourselves on a new level is a process of both re-discovery and elevation so it's of great importance to ourselves that we push at all cost towards where we feel we need to be even if the final destination is not that clear. The road to moving forward brings into view so much more information that we would have never ever dreamed of and highlights to us what we have been missing all along. Like water we have to find our own level that process can be relatively simple or complex, but we know when we reach the quench state and thus it's imperative that we enjoy the ride as it can bring so much joy and purpose to our ultimate place of peace within.

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2012

Wednesday 15 February 2012


Life comes in cycles, however each cycle is quite different in that the substance of life in between the last cycle has changed considerably more so now as technology is coming on leaps and bounds even in just the space of a year. We look back and laugh at the 60's and what people wore and the technology, similarly the 70's and 80's and now it's all of a melding of retro and futuristic mixed with nostalgia and tradition all stirred together in a pot of life to produce items and experiences to hopefully elevate our lives. It's this surge of advancement that has left so many people bereft of love, understanding and potential for the future. It's this homogenising of society and within it a breakdown never experienced before of terrorism, which is predominantly Islamic, cultural breakdown, politically correct stupidity, and an unease with young people as to what life is all about causing unrest and for the less intelligent street gangs.

One can see especially on the Internet that there are springing up a whole plethora of groups / individuals / organisations / societies that are keen to put us in touch with our 'higher selves', whatever that is, maybe it's something a bit kinky like a mirror on your bedroom ceiling so you can see yourself at a higher position, who knows? Whatever it is these people have no more connection with life or any other entity or energy than yourselves, even if they have a more calmer outlook, that's self control more than any divine power or knowledge, and there's nothing new here. There is a market however for relaxation and some companies actively engage in this, most are understandably city based as it costs money but never the less it's out there. The companies that indulge in office massage techniques by outside firms are very few and far between and overall it solves nothing, it's just putting a plaster on the problem. Whilst massage can be very beneficial it doesn't solve the root cause as to why everyone has gotten so hyper in the first place. But when finance and ignorance and PR come together, ineptitude is often the resultant and shows considerably as such.

There is without a doubt considerable energy around us both natural and man made. We all know of static electricity when we get a shock from touching something or our sweaters crackle at times when we take them off. Our mobile devices receive energy in the form of radio signals to make and receive our calls as does our sat nav, tv and a whole host of other things like our auto car lock, and TV controls, we just can't get away from it. And from recent disasters we know of high levels of radiation too that whilst we can't see it have devastating consequences especially over time with regards mutating our genes etc. So we need to be selective as to what we call up and try to access with all this "higher self" and "consciousness" and "spirituality", as there are many quacks and charlatans and weirdo's out there who have lost the plot before they have even started. Many on the weird scale from 1 - 10 have already hit the 8 mark if not some beyond 10.

There is also a satanic energy out there and that is very real and many have succumbed to it inadvertently in the search for "higher things" whatever that is to the individual. There are also many religions that are evil based and although they talk of love and goodness do no such thing when it comes to 'walking the walk', the followers never have good things from their God but endless misery and it shows mega-time. Everyone who believes is precious about their faith not wishing to understand that if it isn't real what's left, that's only something that they can come to terms with themselves or feel that what's currently on offer doesn't work but daren't change, it's back to fear again. Fear is the antithesis of love, but believing that is something else as so many are used to thinking fear.

It's not to say that many who go on courses to find their "higher self" don't get some benefit, we can all learn at any age, although many of the people who attend these courses are 30+ and single and predominantly female, but not exclusively. Loneliness and isolation and sadness and mild depression often get confused with the thought that life holds more but it just can't be accessed so therefore it must be of a "high energy" etc, which is rubbish. It's also that elusive feeling that there are 'secrets' out there that have the answers and accessing your "higher self" or whatever it is you want to access will bring one much closer to the reality of happiness. It won't ever, even if one enjoys the experience of learning and meeting like minded fellow lost souls to exchange views and aspects of getting older more cranky and still lonely, if nothing else it passes the time. Our own energy levels are directly related to whom we are as a person, so our physical and mental health are what we make them by and large. Going "overboard" is almost as bad as doing nothing in that we get out of one encumbrance and shift to another, so in the end we end up with a slightly different but contrite perspective that gets us no further or at least see that what we have done still hasn't quelled the inner pang for that illusive 'higher self' which you have already, but if you could actually access it - then what? You haven't a clue?

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2012

Tuesday 14 February 2012


We all follow something in life or someone whether it's the news or sports or fashion or a singer or whatever it is, it could be even the local gardening club newsletter, we still have pre-programmed thoughts that steer us in that direction over and above all else. Within our lives are a whole multitude of options and avenues that are open to us every day, we often don't realise the choices that we have as subliminally we take them all in our stride and prioritise them in relation to whatever it is we have to do. It's not rocket science and it's by no means a feat of dexterity even if some people tend to be a bit forgetful or dippy. Very little of what we see today is totally genuine, it's all had that stardust / spangled effect to hopefully give it gravitas and solidity even if it's a load of old rubbish. Granted things have to sound attractive and it's only right and proper that if we pay our good hard earned money for something we want it to be better than we could make or get at home or have a purpose that makes us feel good too. We also know that in the fashion industry many garments are made overseas for a few dollars and sold for thousands because the "brand name" sells the product over and above the real value of it even if the product is well made and of high quality. The news we hear daily is so hyped and milked that the bog standard terms are all "sensationalised" to try and make it more appetising in the dearth of competitors selling the same garbage with "twists" by their resident or brought in experts, which literally has a shelf life of minutes rather than something which is profound and grounding.

To some extent we become amused, to some extent we take some notice by what we see and hear but as quickly as we take notice it changes so we almost give up as most of the topics are way beyond our ability to change or do anything about. Looking after ourselves and families we can enact change and very substantially and with real love and sincerity something that media companies have had medically removed as it blocks their free flow of diatribe. Truth in the media is also a word that stops creativity, so why use it. How we see life through all the cloudy detritus is how we are as a person and it's how we will feel within ourselves too. Whether we are upbeat or downbeat will be our take on it all, coupled of course with how our lives are being lived. If we have substantial issues then of course no matter what is out there it will all pale into insignificance. If we go on holiday without seeing the news we arrive back without actually missing it, although there are today those that can't go to the bathroom without their smart phone or ipad or whatever their devise is in case they miss something like when they return the earth will have ended. Everything has a consequence especially getting emotionally wrapped up in a scenario that has little to offer but updates on issues that you have no control over. When the "old gits" those in finance lead organisations and aged whores in the media who perpetually lock on to world key figures and group board members, such is their relationship with them (fodder for their trade) as if they are irreplaceable will come to an end, all those including world leaders are dispensable, if every group board of every bank and president / prime minister died today every organisation and country would continue, and perhaps in a better mode as there are always those to fill in such places, always, always, always, always. In fact there are probably those awaiting the death of those in charge to go for those identical places as we speak. All good news.

Who and what we follow does have a bearing upon our perceptions regardless of what we think or not, so it's important that we keep an even opinion based upon truth and reality and not veer off into some strange world of concocted mystery. There are increasing cases of young people and some not so young completely hooked into cyber worlds where game playing has almost taken over their lives, their trade mark being pasty faces and anaemic looks which dampens down their own free thought. It eradicates their ability to communicate on a face to face basis being hidden behind a screen looking like a screwed up garbage bag. Even the language of today is sloven and hinders those who can't or don't know the difference between making a coherent conversation without repeating words like, 'man' or 'like' as if to punctuate it further still. Also our own ego and arrogance can quell what good points we have to an extent that whatever it is we have to offer no one wants it.

We need to follow our heart firstly and foremostly, we then can follow whatever it is we like or deem is pertinent to our lives thereafter. It's one thing to get worked up about your favourite football team or designer, it's another to become obsessive which some people do. Of course in life there are always followers and leaders, but when it comes to one's own life one should always lead as you are the expert in what you know about yourself, no on else does even if they know you well. The moment you give up any kind of leadership / decision about yourself fragmentation starts and bit by bit the gap between being happy and feeling out on a limb starts to take place until it's all too late. In making decisions for yourself you make mistakes, nobody on planet earth has not made a mistake including all the well known leaders, so it's no detriment to yourself if you do, just pick up the pieces and keep walking like everyone else. At least when you are ahead of your game leading all be it at times in a fog it allows you to put into place "you" and not a version of you that someone else has made up.

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2012

Monday 13 February 2012


The higher human energy that is radiating around us today is not that of harmony or greater substance, it's one that has an almost retrograde self enhanced degree of negativity that's permeating people and religions as they increasingly become impotent and fearful about life and hold no answers towards technology, biology and science itself. The quality of the so called learned spiritual yet -antiquated leaders is of the lowest calibre to date as they cannot understand man's consciousness and his purpose. (other than reciting scriptural content - which is not good enough - anyone can do that). Furthermore basing the Universe on scriptural writings and how we all came into existence and where we are aiming for is way beyond their feeble and increasingly dull mind sets. All the self created pomp, ritual, bureaucracy and pseudo importance they have created over the years has been towards themselves and not that of a higher understanding. Their inner divisiveness to promote themselves and those therein has both eluded, deluded and veered them off the course of truth, and yes the truth still exists - somewhere. At the end of times all these people will be of no value and those that follow will not be the "saved" ones, like all herders in life slaughter is the inevitable doom. The populous of the Middle East are herders mainly via indoctrination, never the less doom and slaughter are now part of the inevitable unless radical change is made, which sadly is highly unlikely. Although the Middle East will not be alone in this, there are many who are self smug in that they believe a different ending based purely on ignorance and their version of it all. But life can change in a flash and whilst many enjoy a pseudo enjoyable time now they really cannot perceive anything other for tomorrow.

Religion is an industry, it's far far away from God, and the growing ideological farce of science believing in itself when it still knows very little will result in history proclaiming figures of note of today to be as popular a King Kanut and the butt of jokes to come. Flat earthists still exist and the arrogance of piecing together random knowledge and formulating a hypothesis as QED is folly of the first order. There are brilliant yet unknown scientists that are conducting advanced experiments (for our time line that is) and then those scientists who ponder on the commercial exploiting what little they really do know over the ignorance of many, yet in reality they are at a level where they themselves are not sure which end to place the tablet or the suppository. However in the bigger picture where free thought and unlimited perception exists it means nothing except for the struggling enthusiasts clambering as they do for eternal knowledge which is available only at a higher level and thus will forever elude them.  The nullification and neutralisation of the soul is more and more in evidence as the "quacks" and "new age" weirdos spring up and capture those who are lost, bewildered, foolhardy and aimless, who seek meaning and purpose yet predominantly all will die with that self same thought at the end of their days. It's a gloomy outlook for many, but for some it's as it should be where the springtime of life is yet to enter into them and elevate who they are to a level of consciousness that for many is only what they have read in a book and will never physically experience.

Fanaticism is on the increase, this is in direct response to how life is and that where there is no hope nor purpose those who have lost every ounce of humanity seek going for their goal as the only option available. Where companies are without humanity too both within and without, radical changes will take place as will the way people see others and countries will either isolate themselves to their detriment and feed off of their fear whilst others co-join and grow but not at the expense of homogeneous melding. The entities in the world look for "harmony" but not of the peaceful kind, but one where if all is the same then it's easier to control, nothing more. Control is the key element today, yet in that process unrest will be fuelled and disharmony will be the fall out that will wreck havoc and cause dismay and civil unrest and an overall decrease in "happiness" which will have dire consequences.Natural world events will be on the increase and these will tax heavily the recipient countries but those third world countries which can't even cope now and never will, such is their future. This will lead to disproportionate funding and selective granting of aid as Western domestic markets will struggle themselves leaving less and less for those who live in poverty, corruption and where their God never ever helps them nor will there ever be help. The world will yet fragment but on a more compliant system on "needs must" rather than mutual co-operation and where companies will have to re-introduce a service and not a greed defined front end front, of which American companies lead the way in negative divisiveness by often deceitful means of add on target wealth and value for themselves leaving more frustrated customers and clients.

The self help market, the tablets to calm our nerves, the increase in disruption by various groups of people, self abuse, fragmentation, there isn't one stable Islamic country on planet earth, it doesn't just happen without purpose. It's man being ignorant, arrogant and short term minded, the lack of real statesmen and company leaders who are not in it purely for themselves doesn't exist, we have come of age, a threshold and turning point that will see drastic changes, slowly at first and almost unnoticeable until one day it hits home with a sobering reality, like a terrorist plot out of the blue. For many it's all beyond belief, but it was only a matter of tens of years ago mobile phones with TV capability was science fiction to the unbelievers whose mental agility is sadly below zero and still resides there. It was also only a little before that that mechanical toys were an amazing product and it's all now consigned to history.

People need to believe in people, if this belief is gone then they are gone also, they need to feel loved and wanted and purposeful for without those feelings there isn't a plot worthy of following and furthermore mental health starts to break down, which has disastrous consequences. Like it or not believing in God (real belief) is for many their saving grace as it helps them through what man himself can't. For Darwinians everything is a mistake so they are the result of evolution, a glorified mistake or event, so no losses when they die and revert back to the cosmic dust from whence they emanated. For many reasons this year 2012 is "the" year that all the mystical religious and even scriptural texts have pointed to as the change, it's definitely and truly now the "Year of Aquarius", time will tell. But what is firmly on the agenda is that changes like we have never experienced will be happening and then it will be a very salutary experience looking at yourself in the mirror and defining who you really are. Maybe not tomorrow morning, but like the first grey hair you spot in the mirror, the rest follow with increasing veracity.

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2012

Saturday 11 February 2012


Isn’t it funny how fickle we are as human beings, our great strengths, courage, determination, our phlegm, our verve, our steadfastness, our resolve and all the other superlatives that we can think of, yet the moment something goes wrong, down it all comes crashing like a pack of cards. The endurance of the human being is legendary amongst the species of life forms that roam the earth, we’ve conquered, created, built, devised, produced and still behind that robust and elegant facade is ‘us’, the real ‘us’ the bit that thinks and feels and laughs and cries.

Our minds are what we fill them with but our minds are also filled with the thoughts of others most of which has nothing to do with us what so ever. We can even take on the mantle of sayings and feelings that our parents repeated to us when growing up, and some parents were not only negative but literally cruel in their ignorant delivery of what they said, or still say. These subliminal thoughts which lie within us can greatly affect who we are and how we get on in life. If we come from a strong positive family background then we tend to be that type of person, if we come from a weak and pathetic parental background then that’s how we will also tend to be, although we always have the option of breaking free, never make that an excuse, unless you are a parrot.

But regardless of whom we are and where we emanate from we are still whom we are in terms of how we are “hard wired” and the way we think and feel is always peculiar to ourselves. Our little foibles, idiosyncrasies, likes, dislikes, fears, phobias, aspirations, feelings, and all the little bits and pieces that makes us individuals in the grand order of life and humanity. Many people have a very “switchable” attitude in life in that when everything is going well they feel fabulous and that the world is a wonderful place and if you believe in God, that God is good and great, like when winning a race you thank God for that deed. Yet just as quickly when life takes a tumble and a turn for the worst everything becomes unfair, miserable, and unjust and God’s nowhere to be seen or worst case scenario thoughts reign in the “he wants us to go through” these things scenario, which is stupid. We can fool ourselves as long as we like but the bottom line in life is life is as it is and it’s full of contradictions and twists and turns and there are no guarantees or equalities nor fairness clauses other than what man has put into place himself, and that varies enormously all over the world, and is not that fair anyway.

The default side of living in a technological age is that we are recipients of the technology we create for ourselves become ‘hooked’ upon what’s available and the things we can do or utilise for our own enjoyment, so we lose often the ability to create our own stability. We lap up “hype” from emotionally and creatively driven stories and copy designed by the fickle themselves who seek to turn what is in reality mundane and has little purpose into something of hollow value with a glitter facade. Our positive mental health is paramount to living a good, fun packed, emotionally stable, loving and caring life, so the moment that is compromised then everything starts to falter within, it’s that simple. How we deal or come to terms or adjust to the changes in our life is paramount to how quickly we can get back on course and enter ‘life’ once again free from the doldrums and self created emotional gloom and the feelings of lowness which often prevails.

Whatever happens to us in life it is processed within our minds, tablets, booze, weirdo stuff, etc won’t change how we think or feel, although keeping healthy and active tends to revitalise sluggish thoughts and feelings and keeps our bodies in prime condition, all has a positive effect in more ways than just agility.  Our body is holistic in nature it needs all the parts to work to optimum performance so if any don’t and we don’t do anything about it, our own self abuse isn’t going to help us on our way to a better state in life.

When we get pushed into a corner and see little way out or circumstances of a negative nature loom large we often retort to self withdrawal, wanting “space” and “time to think” which is fine for a short spell, but once it overflows into days and possibly weeks and even longer then withdrawal symptoms start to manifest themselves as the mind isn’t getting the stimuli and mental nourishment it needs to work efficiently. Cocooning oneself isn’t an answer nor is it a solution it’s more like opting out with excuses than anything else. Our level of happiness and composure in life comes from within, being dramatic and telling all about your problems makes it worse as it gives it gravitas and fuels feelings of sympathy which in themselves have no value or strength.

The mind gremlins come out to play the moment we are feeling low, they just love the negative vibe they get from our own self created morose feelings and gross indecisive thoughts. The more we feel sorry for ourselves, the more we feel pitiful the more they love it, they jive to unrest, they boogie to indecision, they funk to panic, they waltz to hysteria, and they rave to restlessness,  and if self sorrow comes into play and feelings of “why me” (why not?), then they have an almighty ball. Those negative thoughts and words that flit and fly around your mind, the inner mental pep talks about how it will get worse and there’s no way out, and regurgitating all of the past and spreading it out, reliving it again and again, wallowing in your little faults, making mountains out of molehills, what a time they have feeding on what you are giving them yourself, a veritable banquet of dark mental detritus.

Our capacity to overcome and regain our composure is great and it’s within all of us to forge ahead to better things no matter what has beset or befallen us, we are the masters of who we are and our own destiny as well as keepers of our own happiness. The moment we admonish any of these on to conditions outside of our control then we have literally lost the plot as well as the ability too. Whilst others may be able to assist us, where outside circumstances may aid us, our life is still within us and it’s there until we die, how we utilise it for the better is solely down to our own creativity within. Honesty rather than fantasy or just plain “wishing and hoping” is a grounding experience because what we literally have we can use, what we wish for is forever illusive. There is no kudos in negativity encompassing emotions and feelings of self pity, it only tends after a while to whittle our self resolve down to a moment when we lose the desire and ability at which point untold mental conditions start to manifest themselves within the body.       

Of course the mind gremlins have friends, anger, frustration, lack of humour, a short temper, irritability, irascibility, grumpy, touchy, greed, envy, fear, selfishness, etc and whole host of other like minded acquaintances that you probably know only too well. Unfortunately whilst you’re concentrating on these life starts to pass you  by then you wonder why things are getting worse, even though you are the instigator of it all, it’s short sighted and selfish but it’s all been chosen by yourself so no one really wants to hear about it. There’s nothing like turning the chemical imbalance within your body to something other than it should be then wonder why you don’t feel well or you manifest lots of minor ailments that never develop but never the less reside at the initial stages such as sniffing and flu symptoms, rashes, mild hyperventilation, indigestion, itching, mood swings, irregular sleeping disorders, sweaty palms, headaches with sore spots, and lots of other self generated goodies. Yes this is all your doing, your mind is so fantastically great you’ve chosen to unleash it’s power of self destruction and given up your ability to enjoy life.

We must at all times be in charge of who we are and that literally means when we don’t feel like it too, we still must be in charge and not let loose the mind gremlins that say nasty things to us and try and bring us down with feelings of insecurity and failure and loss and lack and all the other stuff that they feed upon. They are the failures not ourselves, they are the ones that need help not us, they are the ones who we have given permission to roam freely within our minds, and we know how to stop it too.  If you believe in God you have a way out, if you don’t just be positive and fight the infiltrators with stuff they don’t like, love, happiness, positivity, greatness, laughter, not giving in, success ahead, those are our friends we have who are our soldiers and fight for us, the ones who bring us success and a life that we need to enjoy. We all have "Mind Gremlins"  and when at times they come out to play, just rest in the knowledge that you have already won the race, despite outside circumstances, feel secure that life will be good and great and just because you possibly can't see it, it's there, just like electricity and air. Now concentrate on sleeping in the knowledge that positive change is always there.

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2012
An excerpt from “THE MIND GREMLINS?”, part of a series on Emotions…   (CD available)

Friday 10 February 2012


The incidence of mental unrest in relationships is at an all time high, it matters not what religion you subscribe to, what doctrine you wish to understand nor where you live, although that has other effects upon your thought patterns. In life there is one common denominator and that is yourself, so if you have failed at many things time and time again including relationships then you are the point of commonality in the whole thing. Don't blame circumstances, situations, conditions, or 'it just didn't work out', etc, you are the common denominator in the whole shebang. There's none of this "well you're lucky" or "I just don't seem to meet the right people" it doesn't exist. What you did, find, enacted upon, joined into, might have been wrong, flawed, incorrect, etc, but you went into it, and seemingly have done so time and time again. How, why, is another matter but taking the leap into doing what you did for it to fail yet again outlines to everyone else that somewhere down the line there isn't that intelligent connection that's seeing possibilities which come to light as if almost in a recurring manner. Not dissimilar to the "battered wife" syndrome.

Of course failure isn't as bad a situation in some areas as we seem to make out, scientists often fail for years trying to do something and it not working out until one day that 'eureka' moment hits them. Many people are alive today because of the constancy of pushing forward over and above failure in researching pharmaceuticals. Similarly with engineering and science life is often trial and error and even in accidents we learn what not to do or how better to modify the service or product for future betterment. Failure can make us stronger and wiser and give us a degree of personal wisdom over and above that which we could learn from just every day life.

Our relationships span a multitude of levels in life from one with ourselves, do we love ourself? To those with significant others, friends, family, work colleagues, to those who we meet in the shopping mall, services and other intermediaries. Some people walk around with an almost permanent smile and face life as it is whether or not they receive any reciprocation from others is immaterial. Others walk around with a glum dull face and if anyone smiles at them they get unnerved and even upset wondering what the catch is, such is their low debased and insular nature. How we view life is how we live it, the better we are at looking good the more help and encouragement we get from others and the more respect we tend to get too. No one likes to help grumpy gruff sloven people, it goes well against the grain both psychologically and morally, it doesn't feel good, and we need a degree of reciprocation in order for us to make additional moves in what we can or will do.

Loneliness for the main part is down to failed relationships with life and the amount of selfishness that's in that thought behind it all. There are those who are forced because of physical and mental conditions to live in an isolated situation, but the vast majority aren't. Selfishness, meanness, laziness, bad attitude are all contributors to loneliness. Failed life relationships are self created, and it matters not whether one is naturally gregarious or reticent, in between all of this is humanity, and if we don't embrace it or we have stilted views or prefer to be biased towards our family or race or creed or whatever then we will sadly and statistically be veering to a life as time goes by to be on our own. People who are on their own tend to have more problems mentally and physically than those with good and constant friends. Whatever you think, whatever excuses you put up, the ball is in your court, no one wants to hear the excuses anymore, if you can't give of yourself you are certainly not going to receive back what humanity has to offer.

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2012

Thursday 9 February 2012


The biggest problem you'll ever have to face is yourself, it's you that will have to deal with whatever besets and befalls you. It's you that will have to cope, pick up the pieces, come to terms with, move, shake, rattle, roll and whatever else lies ahead of you. It's you who will have to come to terms with whatever financial situation you have to face, whatever health problems you or those around you will have to face and any other problems that arise whether you are directly involved or not, how you react it is solely down to you. End of story. No matter how much weeping and sobbing and wailing and any other selfishly devised outbursts you start to do it will not effect one single bit what has happened and will only ward off the time you have in front of you to live a great life in spite of it all. Forget selfish traditions and group family moanings they solve nothing, it's all self indulgent and mean, and if someone has died then it makes it worse for if they loved you then they certainly wouldn't want you to be unhappy after they have left (unless they were selfish too). Yet at times the traditional drama that people go through is not a sign of respect nor anything else. Respect is for the living, not after the event when it's all too late. Showmanship at times of bereavement i.e. to make it seem you respect the dead by looking dead yourself is beyond being pathetic and takes the limelight of the bereaved so what does it make you or where does it place you as a selfish moron of the highest order.

Of course drama is part of some cultures as it telling lies and being deceitful, sad to say but it's true. Most of yesterday's cultures and traditions other than the enactment of certain colourful routines are retrograde and hold back and cause scorn, heartache, misery and effort just for the sake of it as none of it serves a purpose anymore. Today's society isn't any longer compatible with much of the past, like old computer software it doesn't work anymore, although there are many that go to great lengths to try and make traditions work for fear that if they don't they will lose something about themselves, and this eternal "my culture" aspect, which no one cares about but the self. The basic elements of humanity are love, truth, compassion and understanding which is across the board no matter where one resides or where one emanates from.

What we do in life and what happens to us can vary enormously, one day everything is going swimmingly well another it is completely the opposite, how we go about our daily life is down to us whether we choose to tell lies or be dishonest or deceitful is again a matter of choice, no excuses. We can apportion blame which there is a "blame culture" today, whether we get away with it or not doesn't hide the fact that it's us that's made the statement and that doesn't negate the truth. The more we do in anyone direction is how we tend to steer ourselves and subliminally once we engage on a certain route unless we put ourselves in check then we have embarked on a course that will or will not enhance our future. Our future life is facing challenges today that we had never dreamed of or thought would happen and areas of the past start to rear their ugly head, regrets and remorse are far too late, the present is what it is. That's not to say one can't alter ahead what could be in store - should we play our cards right - but what has been dictated by the past is what it is. We always feel that by a certain time we could be this or that and often that's the case but sometimes not quite as we anticipated and not always on our terms or not what we thought it would be like. Everything we do in life has to be processed by the self, how we react or come to terms with it is solely down to us.

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2012

Tuesday 7 February 2012


We have ideas about life and what we would like to do or be, we may even have our own companies and be proficient at having done so for 20 years or more, or even perhaps just started. Whatever it is we do what we have to do is what is expedient for the time and place, we can't afford the luxury of just sitting back and admiring the view and endlessly contemplating what is before us and how it matches our chosen ideals. Life has variable paths and often we have to go through a series of failures in order to find what it is that works and what it is that we can do proficiently and professionally as opposed to just "having a go" and in the process mess up other people's lives and plans, which happens. Those that do mess up others plans tend to have repercussions somewhere down the line if a degree of reconciliation is not entertained, as one would have then otherwise accumulated 'baggage' en-route even if we brushed that aside in our mind. Nothing in life goes unchecked or left to rest without a degree of understanding put towards it, just because others don't know doesn't mean it doesn't exist nor have a merit and an energy that still lies their untapped.

The future is what it is, we can plan all we like but we have to be eternally ready for what may happen and opportunities that may arise sometimes astoundingly so, life can play good cards and it's not all gloom and doom ahead, in fact if that is how one views life then the chances are that is what you will attract. Whilst we are individuals we are also part of the bigger picture and many smaller pictures at that. We live in a world, live in a town or city, live in a smaller community, and then we have an extended family, personal family and close friends or acquaintances. We have a work environment and we can possibly have a work community that extends overseas too if we travel, sports or recreational friends, etc, so our montage in life can be very colourful and depict many sides of our character and show various attributes and hues and shapes. It's sometimes interesting to note that all these pictures depicting ourselves in various aspects of life and our situations are not always linked other than via ourselves. It's more than likely that many people know us only for that side of us they see and nothing more so they have a view about us which many not be incorrect but is possibly incomplete. A prime example are bigamists who lead totally separate lives and many do it successfully for many many years, as do con men and other unscrupulous people. They can all be the most loving to their respective families yet ruthless, dishonest and corrupt within the rest of their lives and the businesses they do.

Life is not linear, it starts out that way for most people then life takes over and plays its part, a myriad of factors come into play such as health, wealth, people, situations, opportunities, the self, conditions, circumstances and so it goes on. The key to all of this is how we deal with it all, there is no other route nor situation that can effectively process life other than via our own attitude towards it. We can make or break ourselves via a good or bad attitude. We live in our minds, nowhere else, the past is there, the present is being written and lived there and the future is awaiting to happen there, how we join all of that together makes us whom we are, it gives us life, reality and we then mix it with love (or not), compassion, understanding, knowledge, feelings - emotions, process it all, in a quick flash, and then that's our attitude coming into play. We are both judged on our attitude and responses to whom we are are often based upon same, and if there is any degree of doubt or unease then we have disadvantaged ourselves before we have had time to present our credentials. This happens many times a day by everyone to every other person and those dreaded "gatekeepers" in life too. We pick up negative vibes from friends and relatives very quickly even without them often saying or doing anything, we are sensitive to change and at times minuscule changes at that.

Accepting change and not developing an arrogant or ignorant King Kanut attitude makes a real difference to our journey ahead, as often the "letting go" process is not only cathartic it's healing and gives a spacial quality to life and a freer thought process. "Letting go" actually helps good and better things enter life often with surprising promise and excitement as it contains nothing of the past that's being held on to and what really doesn't exist. The mental anchors that we can have hold us back purely from the fear aspect and fear is what evil religions breed into their congregations and the unenlightened feed on through ignorance. Whatever you believe or think this journey you are on - life - is a once only event, respect yourself and others, add the love walk to it and be strong, with that behind you all manner of possibilities exist and if you did but look are awaiting for you. The special offers and free goods that the stores have on offer won't come to you, you have to interact to receive them, even if on-line, life is no different. Make the journey worthwhile.

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2012

Monday 6 February 2012


Every day we need some degree of focus in our lives otherwise we end up doing very little that assists us, just playing for time and not getting to grips with what we could do. In the same vein we need balance too for without balance we veer off into a tangent that's at times steeped in bias and we can then get bogged down and come to a stand still. Every day we have to take on its merit, some days we are full of inspiration and get up and go, others we just seem to be treading water even though there is perhaps lots to do or be getting on with. Life is like that, it's not plain sailing, and steering our ship means we have to accommodate and navigate what is ahead of us, from a calm sea a storm can brew in minutes and we need to be mindful of it. We also need to be mindful that our inner self wants to do something and we just don't have that motivation to do it, at least at a certain time, writers have "writers block" where they just can't think the story line anymore, but it comes and goes and all is well again. Getting upset or remorseful isn't an answer which needs to be entertained because if we dwell on these events we can severely damage our intent by thwarting our inner self to bounce back quicker than it could do.

Every action we make has a reflex action, sometimes it's barely recognisable other times it can have profound repercussions not only on the self but on others and situations around us. That's not to say that we should never make such actions that have wide ranging repercussions because progress is primarily held back by the 'stick in the muds' and those that can't stand change, so we need to state our case and go for it, if we can't do that for ourselves no one else can. We are not by and large responsible for others actions nor others getting upset or in today's parlance "offended", which seems all too easy. And that not everything we do is going to please everybody nor be conducive to their circumstances and that change may have to be effected, but then so be it, it's just others looking after themselves or the selfish making a noise which they always do every day they don't get their way.  Life is a series of options some have to be taken into account and a decision made others are optional and just give us a latitude in what is available for us. Whatever there is available there are consequences even if some seem of little or no value, but what is of no value to one person could be of great importance to another for their own reasons, keeping an open mind helps one along on their way in life without encompassing needless unrest from others.

Balance is a prime factor in everything, we know only too well that eating our favourite foods to excess causes us to get fat, drinking too much gives us a hangover, lounging around chilling out stops us getting essential exercise and we become sluggish both physically and mentally, and so on. Balance keeps things fresh in excess we get fed up after a while if not indeed go off whatever it was, so a healthy balance in our work and social life promotes a degree of alertness that's essential to us living a good and happier life. When life gets us down our ability to see clearly and correctly comes under pressure which does us no good at all we need a good and balanced view in order to see the pros and cons of each aspect of our thoughts and a degree of polarity so that we know why we are making the decisions we are. Without polarity we become aimless and that has negative aspects in itself which we ultimately will suffer from. Regardless of how something grabs you, whether it sounds fine or it's discordant, don't let your emotions step in before you've had chance to think about it otherwise on the spot reactions can turn out to be remorseful and one can easily say the wrong thing.

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2012

Saturday 4 February 2012


Let's start from the beginning, we are all different every single one of us on planet earth, even if we appear similar as twins do, we are different. But being different is also a very subjective thing as many people especially the young and vulnerable want to look or emulate someone else or fear that they don't match up.They have a desire to be "the same" for some reason even though they know they can't be ever. There is today a whole culture of "wanting to have" or "needing to have" sections of the public often educationally low, but not always the case, that companies play on to try and secure sales at any cost, and it is at any cost, despite their PR - which is usually a pack of lies. If it's not a pair of costly trainers or perfume / after shave, or a certain brand, then it's an experience from drinking a super alcoholic drink that will not only get you into the mood but elevate life to a level that you can't imagine, which sometimes happens as they ultimately arrive in casualty having their stomachs pumped and lacerations from a fight or a fall. Something which was not on the night outs agenda. And yet at the same time we read in the self same publications that pour out the "must haves" and the "sameness" packages, articles on "individuality" or "dare to be different" and whilst we all understand the commercial nature of such organs one wonders if those that put it all together indulge in eating their own vomit as a way of being different and the same at the same time.

But moving onwards from all of that, for the majority of people individuality and identity only goes so far, they are neither gifted nor blessed with anything wondrous that separates them from anyone else, or if they are they don't do a thing about it which amounts to the same thing. They only veer forward in stages and in controlled moves for fear of "what others will or might say or think" or that they will stand out too much or whatever it is that will identify them over and above everyone else. There's nothing wrong with this stance at all, if it floats your boat fine, if it doesn't but you've ended up there then there is something within you that's held you back. You don't have to be significantly different to be a wonderful mum or dad or a loving person over and above just who you are. A significant number of people actually get frightened by people who are different often wondering what they may or may not do or say or suddenly jump up and enact something that embarrasses them. Then there are the "followers" those that actually like the zaniness of those that are different as it gives them a buzz and feeds into what they lack themselves, often appreciating the zany company and encouraging it for the best of reasons. It takes all sorts to make a world and it takes everyone to do what they have to do and be a part of life's rich pattern and understand same. There's no getting away from the fact that we attract those similar to ourselves or those who we feel comfortable with us even if they are not the same because we appreciate too their inner sincerity.

Whether it's good to be different or not is something else, many in the media literally create "being different" and have a back up flotilla of serfs and hangers on who are paid to inflate whatever they do. But really different people are just that and don't often think themselves as such because they have always been like that, it's just at certain times in life they have the opportunity to "go for it" big time and that enhances and often nourishes their inner being at an opportunity arising. Being different for some can be a nightmare for others it's just par for the course but most people actually like being different even if they are not readily understood or are viewed warily. Communication problems often develop with those deep thinkers and at times are as such viewed as "funny" or a bit eccentric or even a bit of a novelty as there is a loss of mind transference from original thought to the transcended or delivered thought.

Being different often raises points and issues that spring to mind in our current daily lives that others either never see nor feel the need to identify with as the message is either too deep or doesn't have a baring upon how they think in general. Furthermore most people who are "different" to a substantial degree can often see into others thoughts and conversations which can at times unease people as to their minds being read, which is not always the case, but what we say subliminally and don't often realise is that our delivery sets many tones about us and the content of conversation over and above the pure sentence at conversational level. People who are different by nature not by design often can appear slightly "out of it" or "aloof" at times, as if their minds were elsewhere and even appear a little "dippy", which is a relatively common trait, yet totally inoffensive. Being different can also happen as an act of life through injury or illness and similarly ones stance changes as one comes to terms with life from a different perspective and understanding often it actually heightens all previous perspectives and views and levels of compassion. Wherever one resides it makes no difference in that we have to do what we have to do, and that's when we make our mark on life and that's where most people excel, whatever excelling is to each individual.

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2012

Friday 3 February 2012


Fun, happiness, joy, laughter, love, grace, humility, presence, future, worth while, friendship, humility, excitement, purpose, and so it goes on, all buzz words which help our lives go forward with a richness and a feeling of whom we are and everyone else around us. It helps put into place life as it is and not how it's spewed out and manufactured by the press and media to sell more copy, they can't help it, it's almost a drug habit they can't kick. But it's important that we get on and laugh and definitely NOT harbour negativity at ANY cost whatsoever. Negativity creates doubt and definitely stifles creativity at every level. It produces depression and is the start of so many self created illnesses. Negative thoughts place out of perspective life as it is so that we get caught up in a whirlwind of extraneous thoughts and feelings none of which do us any good nor produce positive results or outcome. Everything looms large and eventually just gets us down and then we revert back to the negative spiral again. But for those who are already saying to themselves "but it's easy to say but try doing it" or words to that effect, that's just where you are letting yourselves down and smugly allowing self manipulation by placing excuses (possibly as you always have done) ahead of yourself so as not to make any changes and feel somehow more worthy of joining others in the lake of negativity.

There's no doubt about it that being positive and fun makes a world of difference to ones life, regardless of any current situation or circumstances that one may be facing or going through. Negative people tend to feel that there is a worthiness and purpose to be negative and always harp on about negative states or the state of the country or world or finance and thus tend to listen to negative people more often and commune with them on a mutual pity level, which is not only pathetic but identifies them as people of low calibre and who plod through life as opposed to walking firmly. Like attracts like and therefore there is usually a dichotomy of people who have fun positive friends  or dull dismal friends who may or may not laugh but it's all so short lived.

With negative people there's always a caveat as to why they can't or shouldn't or won't or it's them (whoever them are) or they won't allow it (whoever they are too), and so it goes on, it's exasperating conversation and soon becomes so pedestrian that one wants to give up on them. In everything we do there must be an element of fun and satisfaction, there must be an onward purpose and a payback to life otherwise there just ends up a bottleneck of work which is a one way stream and that causes untold problems. Fun makes life go forward even for those who "fight for a cause" there is still an element of fun and fit for purpose otherwise the will to proceed will be forever daunting and at times depressing. A bright and clear mind always finds a way out, there's always potential, there's always hope and real hope not just a bystanders version of it nodding but do nothing, and furthermore those who are bright and fun always get by far more help from others, as they can see that light of potential and with gratitude within. Negative people have little of either and tend to hop from one trough to the next and then when one obstacle is over the next looms large and they reflect that, something others definitely don't want to be associated with it.

Fun people are those who wear fun on both the inside as well as the outside and aren't "two faced", so many people appear fun but it's just a mask that they act out to hide and overcome the facade that they adeptly wear as a guise. The guise only fools themselves even if others are initially taken in as they have to live within their skin, no one else can ever do that. Being "at one" with yourself allows greatness and goodness to permeate through ever poor so that there are no contrived responses or play acting events to try and uphold what isn't you. When everything is naturally fun and wholesome it just works, sometimes not the way one wanted it to, but it still works and often for the better.

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2012

Thursday 2 February 2012


No matter where you go there are more and more incidences of suicide or people going off the rails, some do it dramatically - although not by choice, others do it quietly. The incidences of people going to re-hab is also on the up, in fact counselling services and re-hab are unfortunately a growing industry. It's never a good sign to make money out of unfortunate people except for the finance whores who have no morals or scruples within them, yet it's a service that needs to be available. And it's not all that a seasoned area of expertise as emotions reside at a very delicate level, it's almost like smoking in a firework factory, one quick spark and its all over. What is in evidence is that areas where heightened tensions are not uncommon such as in the media and finance especially at the higher end of the market are very seldom regulated and signs are very seldom spotted by others. Unless one is really at a low ebb physically which many people can be but still be OK, others are not and have a great ability to show a facade to the world that all is well, when deep down emotionally they are walking on eggshells or broken glass. The pain of mental torture by the self, i.e. it's not inflicted by outside sources, is enormous and anyone who has embarked upon this journey and the complications that arise are many and it's so very real to the individual. The scramble of the mind to seek the "Exit" or "Way Out" to mind dilemas is so intense that it clouds everything, eternally searching constantly for solutions and real peace that seems to elude them every step of the way. Even those nearest and dearest seem almost alien and smug and oblivious to the effects that one is experiencing and it's this closed environment that is self imposed that hurts the most. Where one lives within an almost invisible bubble where there are two lives concurrently working, the outside world and the inside world rarely do either meet up.

Mental health is the biggest problem the West is facing, and it's spreading to developing nations too like a virus out of control. When situational and circumstantial areas of life collide with the self those around (no matter how loving they "may" be) are totally unaware or oblivious as to what one is going through and incapable of doing anything, that's when the mental onslaught starts. The journey to mental instability and often breakdown starts from something so small and innocuous that it barely resisters on the 'life Richter scale', but it takes only a small pin to burst a big balloon and then what a bang! Our emotions make us what and who we are as a race of people living on planet earth, it's our emotions that set us aside from animals and robots, for if we didn't have emotions then we would be robots or drones just living to live. Some cultures that are religiously repressed have exceptionally high incidents of mental health over and above others, this incidence according to IM research is that there is up to an 80% chance of Muslims not being happy, which is also a root cause for mental breakdown and almost permanent instability .

When the mind loses its grip on life the fear that it produces as a self feedback is frighteningly real and scary, when one almost becomes inertial and emotionally numbed to aspects of life, but cleverly disguising it all with smiles and robotic reciprocation it goes unnoticed especially in today's selfish existence where everyone is a friend until something goes wrong. The mind conflict goes into a stasis of 'nothiness' and one tries to wrestle with ones inner feelings as to grab and pull out a meaning or feeling to make it all become clear again and wholesome, and it just doesn't happen. The resultant panic throws the mind into an even further spiral until a plateau is hit and nothing is of value anymore, the mind knows what it means yet it can't feel it, it's this anaesthesia of thought that results in the unthinkable being thought. It's only after a tragic event that the press and media and those around the deceased start to make up stories to appease themselves as if they are all of a sudden smart and shocked at the outcome, but sadly they are part of the picture even if by default.

Nothing happens in isolation, death never just happens, there is always a cause, depression never just happens their is always a cause whether it's emotionally charged or clinically charged, there is a cause. There is a cause for everything and there is always a resultant effect too, not all of which is bad. Understanding and love are two main aspects of knowing how and why and proffering real solutions, but very very few can administer either in a soluble way that is absorbed and not just passed through the system like a glass of water. Indeed many professionals are in themselves dull and miserable and seemingly vacant in their own characters even if they know their stuff.  The human life is very precious and it's only when faced with such inner conflict does one see life drain away from what one day was good to a shell of a person the next, where all ones material possessions come to nought and for those that have nothing it all remains worthless anyway. Where listening is like watching a film with lip sync problems sound and vision aren't that aligned such is the internal thought conflict of the self towards others, it's a pasty world of endless conflicts and no resolution, it's a cold miserable world, it's when the intangible is the norm and not the exception, it's when life from within actually starts to falter and like an old scratched record missing grooves and skiping tracks. And where the future is in thought way beyond comprehension and the self doesn't seem to fit in to any of it, where the now is living with panic and is becoming obsessive and those stability blocks that one used to have are just not there and even in a calm sea one drifts aimlessly with undercurrents just taking control.

There are always solutions and ways out, there is always help, and the mind can spring back into focus as if it never happened, and there is life ahead, and their is fun and enjoyment and laughter and deep love which heals the past vortex of negativity. It is there, unfortunately for many they never find it. We are all part of someone else's problem whether personal or business, what we do or know about others isn't awaiting the words "well I would never have thought" after the event, you know only too well signs if you care to think about them, they are not in code nor disguise they are there. But of course you have to live your life and as that's important what does it matter about others?

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2012