Thursday 27 October 2011


We all have moments of recollection, of posturing on potentials of the past, of regurgitating scenarios of this n' that, and possible 'that' too, we could go on for hours hypothesising and intellectualising about what did happen and what could have happened, the story permutations never end. It's something we do at times when we have time on our hands and there is usually a trigger to set it all off also, it just doesn't come rolling back in to the mind for no reason. Feeling a little low is usually the main reason.We all do it from time to time, it's when it becomes almost a ritual and like a 'soap' on television. it just carries on in a banal manner as if it's an alternative to the moment, instead it's reliving the past for an emotional thrill, even if that thrill is quite negative. How we manage our thoughts is crucial to how we both perform and meet the future, because once we allow any overlap from past to present we have almost secured a failure in the pipeline, despite what we may kid ourselves that it's nothing of the sort. Everything that goes on in our head is a part of us, no matter what it is or was it's a mark of us, and like everything in life no matter what, there are at least two sides to it, life doesn't exist in a vacuum.

Our thoughts we like to 'think' are good, and any wrongs against are down to the 'other person' or 'them' or whatever it was, very rarely us, we are good at blanking out "any" possible negativity of ourselves. Yet there is still a reason why things happened even though try as we may we to absolve ourselves from any blame, even the slightest of doubt is washed away in an emotion of unfairness and 'how good am I' thought consensus. Relationship failure is number one in this respect, no matter how it was caused. It's difficult at times actually letting go of the past even of years ago because we still feel the memory of emotion of the pain and can't let that really go as it's too much for our tiny insular minds to feel that without some pain it didn't actually happen, and our selfish side just doesn't want to know that if we did let it all go life would be 50 times better at least. We get used to smiling about the past about having overcome and pulled through and all the rest we like to pile up to make ourselves champions of austerity and  successes of today, with trophies to prove it. But it still doesn't stop us from dragging the past into our conversations and making reference to "our" plight no matter how subtly that may be, it still leaves a vapour trail of the past and as long as that's there our 'heat seeking' mind emotions latch on to it and keep it relatively alive and watered for us dine out on it from time to time.

Even events of yesterday can cause us to have an emotional jolt and drag up what was a minor incident, dwell upon it and before we know it we have given that emotion a life of its own, our thoughts have created our own Frankenstein that we are now getting all heated up about and our mind talk is in full swing and almost worthy of an Oscar. Of course in reality it's all quite pathetic, it's all not doing us any good, it's not helping us - in fact it's harming us, it gets us nowhere and it's pure self indulgence, nothing more as we can't alter anything that happened three minutes ago yet alone yesterday or years further past. We can of course not cosset ourselves and as soon as we realise what we are doing it fight it in our minds saying "I'm not going down that route" but for some the temptation to literally go down that route is too strong, to give it just one more go at "getting back" and having that last word, and making you the hero, whilst the other person has been demolished and put out with the garbage or whatever the scenario is.

Whatever we say, we still reflect our past in our conversation no matter how smart we think we are, it matters not, people by and large can 'understand' and because most people are generous thought wise look towards the better side of us now rather than past incidents, yet is that what we really want to be seen as, an acceptable oversight of the past? It's your choice, but like it or not, kid yourself or not, if you never let go of past emotions they will most definitely embed themselves into your present conversations as they will be a reference to your future thinking, and they will also be a part of your perceptions, always not quite attaining what you want because there is that little bit interjecting in between. Never getting what you want or need because the image of utopia no matter how that's devised in the mind doesn't exist, so it plays safe to say what you like knowing it will never come to be. Life today is the stepping stone for tomorrow, don't bring the past with you it's where it should be a memory, and hopefully the bad memories are behind the good ones where they should be.

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John Rushton / The Life Doctor 2011

Wednesday 26 October 2011


It's at times good to air ones views, it gets off your chest once and for all stuff that has come to mind that has a significance with how you think and your views and perceptions of life. It's also subliminally how you are as a person too, and that is probably the part or element of you that materialises in what you say and possibly what you'd rather keep to yourself, even though there's nothing wrong with giving that information out, it's just that it can throw signals about you that could be deemed negative, but that's the way it is. Today in our short lived throw away society of cheap morals, high levels of mental health problems and instability, there are open for all avenues that we take because it gives us some kudos or pleasure (and the type of pleasure is subjective here) in stating our case, its usually because we can and it's available and more open than being cloistered in a closed loop of internal congregants. Facebook and to some extent Twitter and others are the most popular areas of voicing one's opinion publicly, rants can include birthday bashes, general events, personal gripes, world and political comments, views on society at large, our work, or something we feel we can boast about to try and elevate our status somewhat, alternatively we can ramble on about something not so grand and try to solicit sympathy, there are other endless permutations linked to why we do things.

The fact that we do things has a cause, even the writing of this article has a cause, and why some people almost live on social media sites and have endless streams of followers is a cause of personal identity. Loneliness - which doesn't necessarily mean you are on your own is a major cause for people to state their claim to an inclusion on something they want to share even if 99% of people aren't interested nor feel inclined to join in either, it doesn't negate its validity. Women basically are more vociferous and sociable than men in their ability to comment, and it's not without reason that men tend to reply to men's comments and women to women's comments, and although that's a broad statement, it's still generally true. Most women's comments are emotionally based, again a generalism but never the less it falls into a category of emotional content and is written as such, sometimes hiding past events which seem to emerge by default rather than design, a bit like saying bad things but still smiling. Men on the other hand tend to be rather more mechanically minded and comedy driven and not so open about their relationships or past failures, to them it's the past and that's where they can stay, what's happening in the here and now is "their business" and that's it.

If we intellectualise about life or hypothesize about it we will very quickly lose any semblance of romance and desire as well as what love may have been there for us as it will come out as a cold edict with very little quality, a bit like compressing our feelings and possibilities into a bar code to be scanned at any one time. Life is far from a bar code as it evolves daily and the real beauty of life is that it's full of the little nuances that make it so wonderful and special should we allow it all to happen. Pre-determining life and rationalising too much our thoughts at times drags the past into the present which is not very smart nor is it expedient either as it smacks of "unfinished business" that's not really been healed or resolved satisfactorily. Like it or not we do present our credentials to everyone by every word we say, even the most dullest of dull subjects reflects our delivery or ability to interpose our own "watermark" or "hallmark" on diktat and format and how others can read into our conversations and our character. Humour is an excellent constituent part of any conversation even serious topics as it literally instills confidence. Moronic and lifeless an monotone conversations detach the subject and the orator to an extent no one actually knows what or whom to believe and thus the reportage is obliquely disengaging.

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2011

Monday 24 October 2011


Lemmings have been around for ages, and it's becoming increasingly more "lemming like" today with the populous following rather than standing their ground and being counted. It's one thing to agree with a general consensus of events that are easy to assimilate such as a "bad winter" the "rising prices" it's something else to make the effort not to be put off  with the emotion of it all not harbouring a smug opinion of it and at the same time remain ebullient thought. Depression of the self inflicted kind is so easily succumbed to when the 'self' gives up all thoughts and hope, for without out hope there's little left. Of course all around us we are blasted with negativity, the media like vampires prey on negativity sucking the life out of everything, companies peddle it with threats of closure or redundancies if they don't get grants or whatever it is they seek as a freeby financially, and so it goes on, a game of pre-determined deceit, lies and unwholesome business. The academic institutions aren't much better today, and whilst there are "some" brilliant minds many are pure armchair experts when it comes to the reality of transforming theory into practice where the vessels of explanation are full of holes. We would have a society of academic millionaires if all their extrapolations and hypothesis came to pass, sadly for them it doesn't, snapshot pictures of life are just that and the variables are too numerous to compute. Having said that many of their contributions are valuable in many other ways.

The masses today whilst having relative freedom, and everything is relative today, where freedom is the ability to do what you want within moral reason, and even that's subjective. However that is tempered by the constraints of personal ability, finance, courage, foresight, guts (not the abdominal fat ones), and an overall inner desire to be different. Being different is also a "buzz" word of today, but few people lack any talent to be other than what or who they are fed by media diatribe and mirror copy their peers. The really "different" people are often classed as weird or "zany" because they dare to be different, although their dare is more of an inherent and intrinsic feel about them from within so it's not so daring as someone trying to emulate "different" because they think it cool or expedient, it's not. Pushing the boundaries is exciting for the few and frightening for the many, what we deem is "out there" for one person may be ultra boring for another, and literally beyond comprehension for others.

Marketing by television creates conversations of who won last nights auditions or whatever it was, or who is sleeping with whom in the latest soap, the banality of this is what it is, mass fodder for the drones, those folk that try and make the best of their lives yet subliminally see life for themselves as pre-determined and as such they forever limit their abilities and their potential. It's so easy and at times comforting for people to fall into an abyss of nothingness because it requires very little input, very little thought and the subject matter outside of small personal events in one's life has been created via exterior sources and is almost universally known within their circles of friends. Originality and creativity is not something high on their list even if they are snazzy dressers and have an eclectic sense of humour, there is always an imbalance between pedestrian thought and those that think beyond it. We are drawn to those whom we feel contribute to our lives in some way, often it's a commonality of thought, although the character of the person could in meetings not be as forward as we would like. Hence relationships are often drawn out on a series tiers and the success of those tiers is that they stay at their levels whilst communicating via an array of social media as an interface of mind thoughts.

To be truly free and not go with the flow one must have the ability to see beyond the banal detritus of 'ordinary' and thus not pick up literally or subliminally the flotsam and jetsam of devised life as concocted by any media and designer produced thought. Nor be involved in a "snapshot" of life which can have the effect of producing instability and mental retardation as once information has reached the masses it's out of date even if seemingly current. One cannot have original thought based upon published facts by an large, if you have thoughts in any one direction one normally has a conduit to the source(s) and thus various sources produce a more grounding picture without the flummery and additions of editors and others of unimportant thoughts that at times seek to be 'gatekeepers' rather than illuminators. At any one time we have the ability to be "special" that is not a contrived person but allowing our thoughts to be individual, however if this at all becomes a feat of dexterity then it highlights what the real you is all about. It's this realisation that many find upsetting because perception and reality can be miles apart. Knowing yourself however is a real strength and not a weakness.

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John Rushton / The Life Doctor 2011

Sunday 23 October 2011


Education and knowledge are one thing, putting it all together in a coherent way is another. We can obtain knowledge in the form of a book or a CD or a download but unless it has some purpose or a place to park itself it's just something of potential nothing more. There are many academics who are incredibly learned but have the charisma of dog food, they look and sound dull, have little in the way of communicational skills, don't utilise their knowledge for anything else other than their self desire for even more knowledge and just trundle along in life almost as living wallpaper such is their want. There are those who also have an incredible knowledge in a certain field or area of life, little passes them by and as they get older they have accumulated variances on the topic and stories to go with it, yet when it comes to making something out of that vastness of knowledge they are positively downbeat, impotent and almost lost at the prospect of it becoming anything of value other than being proud to know so much of that subject, possibly slightly arrogant too, this being their claim to fame. There's nothing wrong with any of these scenarios at all, we migrate to areas of life that suite us best and mentally can cope with, our individual thoughts on whether such people could or should do better is insignificant, we do what we want and others may have such similar thoughts about us too. Often however as a form of sport such knowledgeable entities will spar with you to try and catch you out on some minor inaccuracy as a form of "one upmanship", it's small minded and banal but that's as far as these mind reclusives venture into life so little else ever touches them, intellectual masturbation is probably the height of their existence.

We are probably familiar with the odd "know all" the person that has a "so called" grasp of knowledge pertaining to a wide range of subjects, often the knowledge isn't that important to daily life such as knowing how your car engine works will not make you a better driver, and so on, or knowing how your digestive system works won't help you eat better, billions of people have managed for centuries without such knowledge. The problem with knowledge is that in the wrong hands it's almost as devastating or indeed stagnating as ignorance, it can be subversive and predictable and negative as knowledge needs to be able to grow and imagination is a crucial aspect to its' utilisation. Many "so called" learned people lack foresight although they have opinions, they often lack creativity as application isn't a strong point, and they lack often communicational skills in allowing what they know to be succinctly spread amongst people of different knowledge levels and for them to understand what's what. Those that are both knowledgeable and have common sense as well as communicational skills are truly gifted, the rest just have an ability no more as that an expert chef, painter, sculptor, writer or any other craftsman. A little knowledge that's put to use is better than an accumulated knowledge that's redundant and sterile and helps no one.

It can at times be intimidating talking to someone who has seemingly huge amounts of learned knowledge, but this is at times only a relative perception, the real truth is often quite the opposite, it's our imagination running overtime and thinking that someone with such knowledge must be eminent in what they do, whereas it's often not so, even if at times they do contribute to the "bigger picture", in themselves they hold no such esteem. Many people with a limited knowledge factor can do remarkably well as they have high degrees of acumen and market / street sense and this gets them to forge ahead with their product / service and produce tangible results. Life is full of conflicting scenarios, ideas, perceptions, thoughts, reasoning's and if we are not careful we can be drawn into conclusions about people and situations that don't exist.There's room for all, and all are needed in their place, it's therefor imperative that we don't undervalue ourselves in light of others or put others on a pedestal at the expense of denigrating what we know. No one is self sufficient and when we are in need of something, doctor, dentist, plumber, electrician, lawyer, accountant, mechanic, fire/police/ambulance services, etc, it really does consolidate the value others have in our lives, and our reliance on such. We expect our water, gas, electricity, sewerage, mobile phones to be there 24/7 and our shops to be crammed full of food, we are in reality but a small cog in a big watch. If the president of our country, the Pope and all the heads of the banking industry died overnight, apart from being a massive press spectacular, which they would love, life would still go on as per normal, indeed there is always someone to take your place, always, especially in commerce, and new ideas are always in short supply. It's better to be a human being than a parrot, it's better to commune with life than live in a cocoon within it, but it's your choice.

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©John Rushton / The Life Doctor 2011

Saturday 22 October 2011


Children are in many ways quite virtuous in that they "have a go"at what they do or say, they don't know any other, and we see comical aspects of what they do and say on television via clips sent in by parents of their own children doing somewhat 'silly' things. Children more often than not don't have pre-conceptions nor do they have the amount of amassed stupidity that humans do based on what others think or say, children if they lose the plot just "have a go" the best they can. As they get older parents and the educational system brow beats us into thinking in a certain way, the press and media make fodder of people who have made mistakes or got it wrong forgetting all the right and good things that such people have done in the past. The world unfortunately by and large is made up of lemmings and dull pathetic people, these include parents and educationalists who have in turn been conditioned and who by their own volition think they are just and right, yet what do they really know other than what they have been taught and never challenged, the little imagination that's actually left is so governed by "outside and alien thoughts" that they become almost mentally impotent and facile. Fortunately there are those who do break free, those that do have a mind of their own and despite protestations, veering from others, and struggles feel at least they are worthwhile citizens within the galaxy of numbskull's and can and do make a difference. Scientists often get things wrong every day for years in trying to find a cure or get a breakthrough in a particular field, but they do and it's because of them that many people are still alive today or enjoy a better quality of life no matter how small it's all grist to the mill of getting better in life.

People who are prepared to be wrong which is not the same as the self opinionated and bombastic folk who feel the need to tell everyone their story who are self created failures by default, are those who walk their own pathway. Those that see life from a different perspective and are genuinely interested in what life is all about and not a potted hysterically inept version depicted by soap television programmes or television chat programmes using the same old fogies time and time again which are for the mentally subnormal and pedestrian flock. The road to ending up being wrong can be very enlightening, it's often far better than being "safe" and literally doing nothing all your life except live within the narrow parameters of insularity. Which is what many in the Middle East have been subjected to over many centuries and are now finding that their own voice is as good as anyone else's, even if they haven't a clue as to what to do with it. Being wrong doesn't automatically donate failure or injustice or anything grossly negative, all through our lives we adjust and compensate and learn from our mistakes. Indeed it's those that are successful that have made more mistakes than the "safe" brigade that never do anything and thus never contribute to anything either, always the recipients of what others have done. It's a sad indictment that there are people "out there" who are almost solely seeking those that have made mistakes and to highlight same for their own kudos because they themselves are lacking in their own life and have little or no ability. It says a lot for society that these areas exist and that such areas have followers, but on the grand scale of life it literally does separate the scum from the broth beneath.

For many being wrong is shameful, it's a lack of face in some cultures, but that default assumes that one has to be always right and that credential just does not exist, there is no one on planet earth who is forever correct including the insipid press and media. What lies behind our incorrect actions, predictions, assumptions is key to why we get things wrong, sometimes or in some cases nearly always, even with the best will in the world outside forces dictate our final stance. Those that never do anything can be the culprits of worse negativity than those that do and get it wrong, as those that get it wrong are more likely to be able to effect corrections and modifications far quicker and more effectively than the majority who sit and wait for others to do it for them, and then still haven't a clue.
Corrections, modifications, a change of stance, direction, attitude is how we learn, it's how we evolve, and what might be correct one week may not the next and our ability to understand and adapt is crucial.

Some areas of life are almost changing weekly such as in the food industry where one day we will be living on borrowed time if we eat a certain food, then two weeks later it's the best thing we could take for longevity, and the week following it's all rescinded, and so it goes on. Government and councils make horrific mistakes because they are predominantly run by people who rely on consultants and don't in themselves have any intrinsic knowledge or a feeling for what they do, it's almost always based upon "it was a good idea at the time" but it usually isn't as much of what is implemented it's what has to be drastically changed shortly afterwards. Success is based upon things going wrong, so it eliminates much of the fault lines and leaves what's left as a more true and pure source to work more efficiently. Never be frightened to go for it, make a difference, make an opportunity work, forget that it may be wrong especially if you have done your research. Many a product launch fails one time to work the next, it's just the way it is. Success is always ahead of you, failure really exists in those that critisize who have opten for failure by default - the safe route - do nothing and nothing will happen.

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©John Rushton / The Life Doctor 2011

Friday 21 October 2011


At times in life many arrive at what is virtually a Life Impasse in that all of a sudden everything appears to come to a grinding halt, the meaning and purpose and fluidity of life starts to pull heavily within the mind and one starts to reflect with a determined voracity that drags up one’s past life including all sorts or weird and unrelated events whereby one tries to piece them all together to form some sort of coherent picture. Once this happens the happiness trail starts to falter and one’s thoughts dwell on the morbid events of the past and the possible uneventfulness of the future, the inner desire to see positivity is all but thwarted and anything that tends to ‘raise the game’ is viewed with a degree of caution that it’s almost self defeating. All this can and at times and in some instances does lead to depression of the self generated type. We are the product of what we feed ourselves so for example if we are fat it’s not down to our condition or tablets even if there is an effect as such, no one gets fat on fresh air, it’s in direct relation to our calorific intake. Similarly if we feed our minds with rubbish then we will eventually manifest an attitude which has a base parameter of rubbish in it, we will see much of life as both flippant and oppressive such is the nature of pathetic content taken in. The power of the mind is just so great that if we abuse it and if we turn it in on ourselves and instead of doing ourselves favours we are harming our own infrastructure and start to develop negative traits and idiosyncrasies. Where the mind goes the body follows, so if we are not quite as we should be mentally then our body also follows that route and we manifest all sorts of psychosomatic illnesses or manifestations that are a result of our depleted mind functionality with regards thinking.

Dwelling on the problem is the worst thing anyone can do as it stave’s off ever finding the solution, which separates the entrepreneur from the plodders, those that don’t make that distinction and forever go around in circles wishing, hoping and thinking that they will meet someone or something will happen all of a sudden to change things for the better, keep dreaming it won’t happen that way. The self is the begining and end of life, it’s what we do for ourselves or what we “put out” into the wide world that opens up the endless possibilities of chance happenings. Chance happenings are not to be associated with luck even if one perceives that events changed because of luck, even luck can’t be manifested is there isn’t a base for it to latch on to, we will never win the Lottery if we don’t do it. We are responsible for changing our own fortunes and that only happens with a positive mind, a negative mind is one that chooses to see the bad rather than the good and thus is forever in a state of perplexed conjunction and embroiled mind talk which never gets anywhere other than produce feeling of lowness, lethargy and everything else associated with dullness, it’s not rocket science here, we all know what’s what.

What really makes a difference is our attitude, that’s something that we can control even though many choose not to and prefer to hide behind a smoke screen to solicit sympathy as a way of consoling themselves as to why things haven’t changed for the better. But what ever one tries to hide behind or excuse or manifest scenarios, the truth is that if life sucks it’s still down to you, no one else nor circumstances, it’s perhaps a greater truth that you haven’t got the ability or desire to just step out from where you are and thus just rest on potential thoughts as opposed to a reality of trying to really move forward. There are always solutions to move towards the exit, there are always routes and roads leading to where you would like to be, but whether the bottom line instinct is strong enough to cast caution to the wind and go for it is yet another matter. But whatever it is a reality check is the most important aspect one must face and not continually searching and hoping for that will never produce a positive result. Being true and honest will at least allow where you are to be more pleasant even if it’s not at least initially palatable. Decisions are sometimes monumental at other times relatively mild in nature and context, whatever those decisions are one must stick to the reality of whether it needs to be resolved now or hold on tight for the road ahead and perchance to live the rich rewards that are all possible, but it’s your choice.

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2010

Monday 17 October 2011


It had to happen and you can't blame the social media for it, the first stages of "small group people anarchy" has arrived. The world of political speak and aloof governance have eventually come to a head whereby the "average" person has had enough. Modern day politicians are not the strong and resilient breed of those of yesterday. Those that really broke the confines of traditionalism and forced issues, today's politicians by and large have little going for them and sound like a load of pubescent school girls blaming each other to elevate their ratings rather than devise structures that enhance life and society. They are still frightened by corporate threats and administering punishments for inadequate corporate governance and self greed, it is almost none existent. It's not that capitalism doesn't work it does, it allows everyone who should wish to to start their own business to do so, and since the vast majority of people employed nationally outside the charities are within the self employment / small business sectors it goes without saying that such areas need to be nurtured. The forever disgruntled and lazy and jealous and those that can't think will always whinge and moan but that's nothing new as they never add value to life anyway and prefer their self rolled up cigarettes, a pint and a moan as an intellectual way of life, if it is a way of life. That anarchy has started in the Middle East with the so called Arab Spring, but Arabs have never been used to freedom and unless there is strong governance (which there isn't at all) there will forever be unrest, and unrest is an Arab trait. They want freedom, then once they have it they will complain that no one is looking after them. It will take an age before they actually become of age and mature in the way they see life and do business and not be forever confined to outmoded religious Islamic restrictions producing endless failure.

The marches and protests around the world are what they are, whilst social media transmits the idea, ideas are not taken up by anyone just for the sake of it. There is so much global collective thought concerning the self same thing that politicians are too far removed from the populous to recognise it, even though those that write their speeches for them try and show they are not. But we don't believe PR anymore as it's predominantly divisive and illusive and designed to give somewhat comforting answers and explanations that don't anymore. The camaraderie of the people is now at a level whereby their own love for their own country is greater than the roles of their robotic politicians that have left home territory in favour of "globalism" and give the state's money overseas. Politicians by and large are no longer an enhancement to life and only see what they can associate en-route in their lives in soliciting more rewards and favours in the process. The press and media do absolutely nothing to help the upbeat feeling of humanity, and with the odd exception of a few 'soft' stories everything is designer gloom as they themselves see their role as impervious to life in general and thus can't be relied upon for real accuracy, most of it "designer driven" as a story of fiction rather than fact. The recent underhandedness of the press goes only to prove their own fragility in what they do. For many the reports on the free social sites outweighs the filtered stuff that one is presented via the established and lost companies that make capital out of misery and are themselves guilty of corporate greed (not profit - greed).

Governments around the world do things in conjunction with governments around the world often as a gesture of international good will (except Russia and China and they never do always finding an excuse) which has at times nothing to do with one's home turf. The upholding of security in Afghanistan and Iraq will be futile as the mental Taliban and other brainlessly suicidal Islamic groups will continue forever more, such is their doctrine and alien religious thoughts which are purely self orientated and empty. You only need one sniper to be let loose to cost millions in defence of it, and where the Islamic value on life is negligible with hatred and death and killing embedded within them, it's a no brainer that peace will ever exist in the near future.

Global greed and corruption is on the up, everyone wants a slice of the cherry, the impotence of governments to really get to grips with the situation without getting paranoid in the process and disadvantaging those further down the ladder is imperative. Also the increase in over avaricious tax inspectors who see their job as a smug sport rather than ordinance needs great scrutiny at assisting the climate and not being the culprits of despondency which they can be, and shutting off the hands that literally feed them. The young see no future in their plastic coed politicians who fly around the world at great ease to discuss high level talks which today means propping up some badly run country or other or ploughing money into financial institutions to keep the Sociopaths well watered and everyone else nicely screwed so that they can't do anything silly such as revolt, but they will. The word "revolting" has taken on a new and heightened meaning, it's almost an elevation of what politicians can't and dare not do, that's seek countenance for their own country. Even the police who are there to keep the peace have few rights to really tackle trouble makers because of the massively stupid "political correctness" that prevails today and upheld by life's morons and misfits and greedy bent lawyers.

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2011

Saturday 15 October 2011


In binary code another world exists, it's a world of control and effect, it's a world without heart and soul, it's a world that thrives on yes and no. It doesn't discriminate without purpose as it feels no emotional issues, just logic based upon what it knows and statistical evidence, regardless of the consequences. Although synthetic emotions are being written into programmes to try and give some degree of sentient thought it's still in its infancy stages. But for the main part of creative development, heart and soul are alien concepts and programmers, writers and those that see applications perform are dealing with a cold reality that can and does has adverse effects. We are relying more and more on algorithms to decipher, understand, control and play out aspects of life, to put into place concepts and realities based upon forward thought that has yet to take place and is often incorrect as it's still much in the way of advanced guesswork. Our thinking of the future has yet to realise the combining of situations that we know nothing of as yet. The stock markets suffer from a condition called "red screen syndrome" where the fluctuations of companies worth have been pre-defined within percentage changes and start flashing red when they veer out of such parameters. The "red screen syndrome" is becoming a regular occurrence and often ironically "white outs" are now taking place whereby the whole monitors are red in appearance as escalations have a knock on effect as confidence - a human trait - inter melds with electronic interfaces. Unfortunately the human mind can't think as fast as the binary world and then another human trait steps in - panic - and then the worlds detritus eaters enter - the media - they prophesy doom as the only aspect left to plunder. And as the stock markets are both fickle and grossly manipulated for selfish reasons it gets worse at the benefit of a few.

There are various levels of human intelligence and within these levels of intelligence there are those that possess wisdom, yet another human trait that is unfortunately very scarce today. Wisdom and intelligence are not directly related and one can have either or be blessed to have both, it's not inclusive nor exclusive. When all goes wrong mostly wisdom outsmarts intelligence and wisdom is not always in abundance in companies and organisations at the high ground levels. Our ability to control our emotions is essential if we are to find solutions, whilst emotions define and give a human interface to what we do, if we allow emotions to rule we are finished. Our society is controlled by binary functions, all carefully and strategically programmed to work in such as way as to enable processes and actions and those at a human level to function in a harmonious way. We see films in which someone infiltrates a control center and then we get grid lock and mayhem all over the place, and then ransom money comes into play as examples of negative manipulation. The public are usually the first to go into panic mode as most are helpless on their own, they panic as they haven't any foresight as to the bigger picture so from their insular little world they give in and solely await help from anyone around them including others who maybe panicking also. Wisdom in a binary world is our saving grace for without it binary logic can rule out human life even if it's programmed accordingly. Finances are a point in question where the ruthlessness of selling has overtaken the humanitarian need for compassion, and the results are for many devastating. Much of this is effected by the human emotion of greed a factor of humans praying on humans allowed to happen by more humans by grossly impotent government regulations.

The more the population increases the more services are required to handle them, the more exponentially other areas increase too not in the least that of health and the mindless garbage that people feed upon via their communication devises the television in particular. Subliminally we pick up more than we feel we do until our "cache" is full and we find it difficult to process more so we get a "dithering effect" in our routines and thought processes. And then we get mental health problems as we can't effectively process and see beyond what's directly in front of us and what we have is then never enough. All around us we are being controlled in some way by binary systems even if they are providing a positive and beneficial service, they act not alone, and they "talk to each other" in conversations that we neither understand nor can interpret at times. The binary systems have constant conversation about us that are going on 24/7 and whilst we sleep they are still talking and logging details about us every nano second of every day. We can't stop it, if we did our quality of life would substantially be reduced as would our services. Within this Catch22 are a myriad of possibilities, the definition of which is purely up to man's own design and discretion, and that's where the real danger lies, the differing of ideas for purpose that cause the biggest downfall by man himself, it's the stuff that dictators are made of as are the mindless and selfish and lost despots and Islamic terrorists of a violent religion which adds no benefit to mankind.

The "third world" which relies on still primitive aspects of life even if the capital cities are well equipped via the banks and commerce with modern technology, slip constantly and quietly into a world of further oblivion as more natural disasters arise. It's only advanced countries like Japan that can bounce back because of their collective understanding of getting on and moving forward. Third world countries are so used to poverty, genocide, being propped up, bribery, devastation, no education of great value, their beliefs are redundant and compromised by a total lack of themselves and faith, their barbaric killing of kindred races, themselves and other religions, still is rife today and decimation of landscapes that mean nothing fuel even more environmental destitional depravities. And whilst all this is going on the binary systems at the speed of light continue to monitor and form logical opinions based on current conditions and past efforts and future extrapolations and pass their decree for man to  assess yet again as to how best help the forever unfortunates whilst sustaining an ever increasing pressure at home to live a happy life.

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2011

Wednesday 12 October 2011


Every action we take has another action contributed to it or even a number of other actions based upon the original one, we only have to look at a car accident to see how the action of a crash can decimate so many ancillary things all in a few moments, lives, property, disruption, etc. But we don't have to be morbid, taking the positive aspects of an action we have all benefited at some time or another from the effect of someone doing a good deed for us regardless of what it was. It could be they spent their whole Saturday helping us pack and relocate elsewhere, or they made that discrete phone call to a friend of theirs regarding a need we had and lo and behold it has come to life. Many is the time we help others out or vice versa just from the goodness of our hearts, because that's what people by and large do. And yes there are those that don't do anything for anyone but we don't need to bother ourselves about them, they don't register on the scale of things in life. However there's more to life than just sheer opportunity, we all need a catalyst at times to help us on our way, and catalysts are indeed out there all around us just waiting to happen. A catalyst in science is something that helps a reaction take place without altering its chemical properties, it often speeds things up dramatically thus it has a very positive use. In life we are usually quite impatient too wanting whatever it is to happen sooner rather than later. But with a human catalyst events can whirl us from where we are right now and transport us into a higher elevation often leapfrogging much of the laborious tasks en-route to getting there.

Why does this happen? The average human being actually likes to help others, it not only helps someone in their quest to move forward but it's a nice feeling for the self too to have done it, and if you believe in God then it's also the correct thing to do to help others no matter what. What really hits home also is that the deed done more often than not needs nor expects any reciprocation and that's a very positive and wholesome move, quite self gratifying. It's these moves we do in life that give us a greater purpose to help others, for without these feelings we are at times lost in a world of "what's it all about" as are the many selfish and self centred people who don't do nor expect and thus get little or nothing out of life. Catalysts materialise from anywhere, their credentials don't have to be impeccable, someone of great importance has a mother, sister, brother daughter, son, best friend, etc, and the unlikeliest of contacts can have some of the most unassuming but influential conduits to gaining a degree of access that one at times finds it almost impossible to reach oneself. We hear about the six degrees of separation, that we are all linked by that mode, but rarely does it work even for avid networkers because en-route to the theory being made whole is that in practise many people are just not going to let loose or give in to any of it at all. What's theirs, (their contacts) are theirs, so it all starts to crumble in front of you and at times a degree of jealousy creeps in too, helping someone else may make them more successful than they are, and so it goes on. . And people in general are very fussy at allowing themselves to be conduits for people they don't know, trust or have an inkling that they are being used, which can be the case.

However over and above this there are conduits so close to hand that the isolation we feel at times is purely in our minds and if we don't go out and about and circulate and network then those conduits and catalysts will be forever illusive. There's no other solution, the more we stay put the less likely we are going to come into contact with what could be one of the best opportunities in our lives taking place. The idea that "if only I could just get to where I want to be" then all would be well is a fallacy and already smacks of failure. The journey has to be made in order for the credentials of understanding and knowledge to be learned. If we can't manage the knocks en-route to our goal we will certainly not be able to handle the position we seek with any great assurity and will always find problems without seemingly solutions. We too unknowingly could be a catalyst for someone else, undervaluing who or what we know in favour of us seeking and not actually being sought after. Life is full of perceptions so we should not be closed to what's out there and our role in it all, and if someone asks or we see a point at which we can help others then we should be free to do it taking into consideration what it is and who they are and separating it from being mean and just not doing it because we haven't been helped as yet by anyone. That's both a failure and selfish mentality and goes a long way to others steering clear of you when in a position to help, it's an inherent feeling they get which you give out. People that have that "needy" look are as a rule always left out of the equation, as are those who want everything for free, which is not usually a money orientated situation it's more of just being down right mean, and that by default holds them back too.

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2011

Monday 10 October 2011


The more we have time to ourselves the more we observe what others are doing and saying, whatever we say we give away how we are and what's on our mind and why we said it. It's not that it's important in the grand order of things that we pick up on others as our interactions are probably almost negligible and that whatever others are up to has no or little effect upon us anyway.  But what is interesting is that even the most enlightened piece of writing and positive prose often has tinges of sadness within, it's not the sadness of pity but more of something missing in their own 'bigger picture' that's causing them to feel slightly un-quenched and not as happy as they could be. It also often states that there is a need for personal love, not that people aren't loved but the desire for the intimacy of it. For the most part we read what we read, take on board the context and then move on, we don't want to play amateur psychologist or anything else as that serves no purpose and one ends up being slightly ungrounded and elliptical in thought which forever produces loose threads in any conversation and a degree of permanent instability. It also affects our ability to genuinely laugh, be fun to be with and restricts creative conversation no end.

The future of our lives resides with us, despite conditions, situations, restraints, opportunities, parameters and anything else, such as health, finance, relationships, family, work, etc, it's us that has to live our lives no one else, ever. Our mind is solely our responsibility and what emanates from it is always our thought, even if we choose to follow others or 'go with the flow' we make those decisions, so if it all goes wrong, we have to accept the blame from 'backing the wrong horse". Admonishing responsibility isn't an acceptable answer and is for brainless nerds who can't and never do take ownership, something which becomes evident in conversations very early on in whatever is said. Within every generation there are massive changes, within our present climate changes are taking place faster than ever before mainly because we can communicate faster and also the migration of different cultures and the falling apart of traditions and regimes is also having an effect. Similarly the worlds natural disasters are increasing both in frequency and enormity and this will continue more so which will have resounding complications and fierce reality checks about propping up third world countries where despite progress it's an endless game of  snakes and ladders.

Many young people feel the pangs of degrees of 'nothingness' one minute full of excitement the next full of gross despondency cancelling out their pre-thought euphoria. The instability and greediness of our financial and commercial enterprises accounts for much national and employee unrest and unhappiness. Unhappiness cannot be undone by courses or re-training, it's like whipping someone and telling them to take pain killers to help them stop feeling the pain, stop the whipping! The overwhelming and indifferent ignorance and unprofessional statements that are published by organisations smacks of ineptitude, whilst whoever makes the comments may be good at what they do, they are not good orators in tact nor diplomacy, even if they can talk until the cows come home and wax lyrical about nothing for ages, something which politicians are good at. Without genuine inner feelings of ability, not that of smart talk or motivational speaking, a real and defined product within that's transferable and transposable and doable by the self, then everything ahead is a blank canvas. And whilst for some a blank canvas is a myriad of opportunities for others it's a sea of nothingness upon which to latch on to but can't. Motivation for entrepreneurs is self evident, for those that don't inherently possess such abilities they understand what needs to be done but require a catalyst upon which to make it all come together, something that smart talk and motivational ideology never provides.

Within our teaching organisations there are students who are brilliant at what they will end up doing making real moves in their lives, but often the route to same is emotionally torturous, and even those who embark on lesser dreams and aspirations the going and thought of the future other than via stereotyped thinking is daunting too. Little is ever given to mental support and how to project oneself proficiently in trying to achieve their goals. Despondency can effectively reduce our intake and creative thoughts and reasoning to a level that's so banal we feel demoted and unstructured and then lose a presence with life, everything becomes a struggle and weighty. Our desire to do anything then is robotic, which for many is becoming the norm today, and then that word 'failure' looms large, which it shouldn't as for the majority their state of play is purely mental, regardless of any circumstantial effects that are taking place. Viewing the bigger picture always places the self in perspective, however if the company you keep is negative then it can forever be difficult to break free and enjoy the openness that will ensure success is ahead of you and not a pipe dream.

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2011

Thursday 6 October 2011


If we lose the plot then absolutely nothing in life has a positive value, so our thoughts and dreams and aspirations, our possessions and our friends and family have little value as we can't assimilate them into our world of confusion. We know they exist, we know fun from not having fun yet none of it has a shape and feel that we can equate to anymore, they are just feelings with names that we know of of a past era. The present is a woolly maze of robotic deeds and the future isn't just worth thinking about as stepping from today into tomorrow is a feat of dexterity all of its own, without problems arising en-route. Yet as important as mental stability is and taking care of our minds there's very little if anything around to assist us in that respect. There's quite a bit of support at hand when it all goes wrong but little before, and prevention is far better than cure. Companies don't help when managers become bullies, when office leaders become little Hitlers and where area managers start lashing the whip to make quarter results, in all too often that whole departments muddle through from quarter to quarter with little in the way of happy personnel. And whilst company courses are fine the content rarely lasts that long  before it melds back into "old ways" and as staff leave then it fizzles out almost completely, even though personnel and managers feel smug that they were once pro-active, but you can't live on that single thought.

It's not for nothing that happy people, even in relative circumstances are better all round people as they can 'see' the bigger picture and are happy to take ownership and knuckle down when need be to help out or temporarily take over areas just to get the job done. Those that aren't happy stand aside with the attitude "I'm not paid to do that" and as such overall productivity and moral are lessened. It's the same at home where families are predominantly happy anything can be achieved, where there is a tension nothing is achieved and a whole array of minor illnesses and dyfunctionality results from the atmosphere. Children are the most vulnerable when it comes to absorbing negativity as they intrinsically know good from bad and although they themselves may be little "brats" they still feel negative vibes and see such and feel it. As we get older our ability to reason becomes more in evidence even thought at times one wonders with some if there is a brain at all. Never the less if we don't take charge of whom we are we lay ourselves open to absorbing by default aspects of life that mean something to us - and variances of opinion pertaining to those areas and subliminally that can have a marked effect upon us and steer us away from being both happy and stable. Stability can be relative it should be complete without being relative never the less stability is paramount if we are to enjoy our journey through life.

What is mental stability, a number of definitions read that it is "trying to be "normal" when normal doesn't exist"? Yet we all know and understand normal even if it has variances, we succumb to normal, we talk to others about 'normal' regarding people or situations, and we make 'normal' an understood base line that no matter who we are in any part of the world, we know 'normal'. We define experiences as fabulous based upon what normal is, we define unpleasant experiences based upon what we define as 'normal' so it's not that illusive. And when our mental stability isn't what "we" think it should be that's based upon 'normal' too and so we accurately have diagnosed that what we are experiencing isn't what it should be. "Normal" has a latitude that veers from high to low, but within that there is a parameter of comprehension that we understand all too clearly, and even when talking to strangers we can say that "that person isn't normal" and whether they like us or not they perfectly understand. So "normal" isn't illusory it's been around before definitions and screwed up psycho-wafflers tried to pigeon hole it.

We become obese if we plough ourselves with food, one doesn't get fat on fresh air regardless of medical conditions and prescriptions. Similarly we can get bogged down in another reality of created ambiance that's been devised by others to promote sales, feelings, situations, atmospheres, desires, wants, needs, purposes, excitement, alluding to wholeness and acceptance, etc, and so it goes on. If we take on board that we are missing out or we need some of what's on offer to make ourselves better then we are also creating a world of self desired feelings, and when those can't be fulfilled, that's when we become unstuck.There are other mitigating factors of course families that have put you down or are lacking in self confidence and many other areas, but we usually know these areas as they are self evident in our daily lives and we thus steer our course to try and avoid conflicts or areas that we don't cope too well in, although that also doesn't mean that we may suffer from instability, quite the opposite. Knowing our weaknesses is a strength.

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2011

Tuesday 4 October 2011


Just about everyone knows the difference between good and bad it's instinctive and intuitive, the few that don't are relatively hopeless cases. For the main part deeds of an evil nature such as Islamic Terrorism are self defiant deeds based upon a purely selfishly ideological mind set and is certainly not God driven, if anything it's Devil driven as God promotes the Devil demotes. And for others who subscribes to greed, burglary, armed robbery, cyber  and banking fraud, the culprits know exactly what they are doing no matter how well they try to hide behind loopholes, logistics  debased lawyers and points of law. Criminality is what it is, as is having children to receive "state benefits" and nothing more. Divisive aspects of life don't make what's done any better or worse than the gross selfishness of those that do it, and here lies the problem, it's all done with a stilted view against society hence there are areas of our society that forever are below par and all that is connected with such is a burden to the state and everyone else. There are certain groups of people that wherever they congregate en-mass by default form a ghetto, no one else wants to go there so by their own hand they become outcasts and then wonder why they are deprived or always lagging behind. Smug attitudes of religion that don't work and ideals that no one gives a dam about lays the pavement to a life of underachieving, un-disovering, under performing, under developing, under creating, uncommunicative, always blaming others, nothing is ever right, etc. Soon the self same smugness unfolds hardship, resentment, anger, pain, suffering, and an attitude of lack of purpose because at the end of the day there's nothing to show for it just failures living off of what others produce and create.

Most "religious" groups become so bound up in their own doctrine they turn into the things they denounce, and bit by bit they too fall short of their own salvation as they can't see how devolved they have become. So bedazzled are they by their attitude that they are "so correct" that they make up elements of their own posturing with life as if it's divine inspiration whereas it's nothing of the sort. The real spiritual leaders are yourselves, as the appointed ones in today's society are weak, ineffectual, insipid, whet, slow, unresponsive, intellectually banal, indecisive and are by appearances camply clad entities that are too slow to catch cold. Their favourite topics are usually "stating the obvious". Evil and wrong doing are no strangers to religion especially where money is concerned or at times sexual proclivities, it happens because it can happen, and what the congregation don't really know would shake them to the core should they find out. Respect for anyone has to be earned, it's not something no matter who you are that is automatically bestowed.

Goodness comes from within, it's not a state whereby it's farmed out nor is it selectively proffered to those who one deems it expedient to be given to, but it must be an inherent state of mind and one without ego or arrogance nor pre conceived purpose or effect. For some goodness is almost a natural instinct, which it should be ideally for everyone. But unfortunately there are those who feel its just too difficult to be nice for without a return or reciprocation in sight can't muster the ability to carry it out. Especially towards those they don't know and that it would lower their own inept and substandard ability even though should they be nice it would elevate them straight away. Those that carry burdens of the past that have not healed or gotten over are candidates for "looking the part as Mr or Ms nice" but it's only a facade hiding almost bitchy and spiteful remarks wrapped up in chosen words and statements as if said in jest, it's nothing of the sort. We all change in life bearing the scars of the past even though not visible, yet inwardly looking like an elderly mature whale full of nicks and cuts and marks that have healed over with time yet are still there and are of no value to the future or indeed the present.

Life is a multi-coloured tapestry, if we choose to be selective then that's our prerogative, we can see only what we want to see, but that doesn't hide the fact that much more exists and others often live and dwell on what we tend to filter out, thus we get a distorted view of life and our position within it. Our emotions and love, love being the most essential element is paramount in us making progress, being stable, enjoying life, understanding what goes on around us and seeing a positive outlook in the future. Anything less than all these things is to veer on the dark side, there's no option here, if life isn't good from your own perspective then it can't be anything else no matter what you choose to call it. In earthy terms we are here for an almost minuscule amount of time, so the world at large doesn't care about you at all, how you are thought about whilst you are here is purely down to you, and how you perceive life and how others perceive you is all a mind concept, everything is what you make it regardless of circumstances and situations which are forever subject to change.

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2011


Sunday 2 October 2011


For many people today life ahead is an illusive unknown factor that instead of filling them with possibilities weighs heavily with a ponderable drudge that even despite optimism still throws a cold shiver down their spines. Our whole society is changing, it's moving into a new realm of its own than  more than just hard work can accomplish. It's an era that even the relatively perceptive just can't get right in their predictions. Our ability as a race of people - at least in the West - is developing technology at a pace that undermines previously accepted ways of both doing things and communications. Whilst in the third World and Islamic countries the past hangs around to continually haunt them until the inevitability of suffering and condemnation often by their own hand is their only way out of a troubled mind set and country conditions.

Of course there are always exceptions to the rule and what was good today can be alien in value tomorrow or so science keeps proving itself wrong again and again then bypassing the issues as by the nth time everything is obsolete anyway and no one believes anything or anyone anymore. But more importantly is the state of mental health especially for those in education, learning is good, but when one sees that the numbers of learned people are becoming menial workers it throws a light on to the cultural and established values that are no more. It's almost a free for all where many previously accepted teachers are now the dinosaurs of a past age nearing retirement and tut tutting to themselves, feeling thankful that they either are or will be out of the race very soon. But reality is forever with us, it never leaves and as much as we may wish to avoid or evade issues they firmly remain and take root and one way or another, if we don't acknowledge them they will uproot us and when that happens it's often detrimental.

Facing life ahead affects everyone at every stage of life, for it encompasses illness, finance, relationships, friendships, abilities, and anything else that the ageing process takes under its wing. Life for many even those of fortunate circumstances has a way of pulling the plug when one least expects it. The average person is living longer and that has many implications not only on the individual themselves but on society at large. The global community is widening and resources are always in a catch up stage as priorities are nearly always youth orientated as that's where the future lies for the elderly and in every generation as they are the ones paying taxes. Society will get tougher and the cases of lone mothers fathering endless children from a myriad of fathers will become the real parasites and outcasts of the society, where the value of such activities will be shunned by those that support a breed of child that predominantly has a pre-destined bad start because of the mothers total and utter selfishness. It's not the wealthy or comfortably off that take from society it's those at the bottom end that see everything as fair game and it's almost upheld by social services as an "I have my rights" attitude, but rights to what and at what cost to whom? It's not that "unfortunate" people should not be supported it's the strata above that that have little or few morals about anything.

Most people will make it quite well despite great changes in society and systems to old age, and their route through it all will meld their feelings towards what's best for them as opposed to ideals. But even the "what's best route" can be happy, fulfilled, enjoyable, fruitful and allow the individual to indulge in whatever it is that gives them personal pleasure regarding camaraderie and fellowship with life. Exponential shifts will be common occurrences fostered by real mood and attitude changes of the populous as well as technology. Politicians will be more transient as long term goals will be short term policies as change itself will erode perceptions and grand designs. But the human race are fighters, they are survives, they have survived this far through storms, tempests, wars, insurrections and mental Muslim extremists that rely on Western technology to conduct their dastardly deeds as they haven't the cleverness nor mentality to do it themselves living in a Godless ideology of failure and fear.

The way people will interface with each other will also bring major problems and once the mental unrest of a nation is jeopardised then anything can and will happen like a flash in the pan. Instability is not understood by politicians even though they wax lyrical about it, it's all third hand rhetoric they spew out as if in total control, whereas for many they just can't see the wood for the trees. And as for the poor third world, well in the reality stakes they are just going to get worse and worse as are the natural disasters that will accompany them. The world is in itself changing like a snake shedding its skin, the world is doing likewise 'mother earth' is casting off her tetrenial coat and exposing a less ample sufficiency of what's left. Exciting times for those of a positive disposition, times of dread for the rest, in between are the politicians - life goes on - regardless. 

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2011