Thursday 29 December 2011


There are lots of things in life we strive for or have desires or ambitions to have at some point, quite often these get modified as time goes by usually for the better as we become more knowledgeable and informed as to how our plans would better pan out and how in reality they would interact with life better than our previously stilted view, even if it was a reasonably good view. The worse thing we can do is be mono minded, as that has the ability to thwart opportunities that could present themselves to us that we had not even thought of or have known about. Being focused towards our goal is one thing but being mono-minded is another. If we are to succeed at anything we have to have that desire within us, it has to be better than a sheer want or a long term whim that we try to enact out. Our lives are our concern after all our brain is ours and no one has access to it or can infiltrate it unless we allow that to happen, which many subliminally do at their peril and then suffer from a whole range of medical conditions such as stress, anxiety, depression, and a host of other psychosomatic problems that manifest themselves because we 'let go' and then anything can and often does happen. Of course we get hick ups in life which at times throw us off course but they are just blips in the grand order of things, we regain our composure quickly and off we go again. We grow and develop rapidly in such times even though they are not pleasant at all but after a short period they are but memories confined to the past and we enjoy what's ahead and where we are going even if we can't see the destination the ride is often very palatable and in some cases even better than arriving. For most people it's the ride or journey that is what they will live out as once the destination has been reached a whole new ball game arises that is not always as one would have wished, not that it's bad by any means but it does need a great deal of mental adjustment in areas one would have never thought about.

Everyone at times in their lives needs some kind of emotional support or at least comforting words that what you are doing or where you are going is in line with your own thoughts even if they come from the most unlikely sources. It's often unlikely sources that people pick up upon what others are doing not necessarily in detail but the gist of it all and say with honest truth their overall feelings, sometimes not even knowing themselves why they have said it all. The simplicity and complexity of life and how we see life and others see our lives can be strangely weird yet incredibly accurate. Those that perpetually seek guidance and positive feedback often don't make the grade  because the positive feedback is for them a deed of completion in the future so they lack the ability to stay the course and thus fall by the wayside like many others with such thoughts. The problem with our future is that none of us knows exactly what is going to happen even if we feel we have an inkling as to where we want to go. There are those who kid themselves, those that are arrogantly looking towards their self created imagination, there are those who see what they want to see (like politicians do), and there are those who see potential and opportunity and allow the greatness of life of steer their course until it allows all of what they seek to come to a degree of fruition, the rest being what you make of it yourself.

Everyone has an opportunity, what you make of it or what you deem is expedient to take up is a matter for the self, but it does exist. Opportunities often avail themselves cloaked in a manner that doesn't suite us, but it never the less has some degree of merit. It's this acquiescing to opportunity that those that seek it and take it are almost catapulted to a level above and beyond those waiting for "the right moment" which often spans years and in the process they lose their ability and stance as to being as proficient and like everything time lines have their own conclusions. We have but one chance in life, it's up to us to decide whether to take a chance or stick where we are and be readily happy with that choice. Happiness is crucial to our lives for without it we start to live a hollow existence. Goals are one thing but not at the mercy of anger, greed, stupidity and hurt, after all what we sow we will reap eventually in one way or another.

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2011

Wednesday 28 December 2011


It's strange how tradition brings on New Year celebrations and all those useless and well meant but never kept resolutions. There is a technical side to the New Year, it's the calender start point, the Gregorian calendar, the point on which we base all our meetings and events so that anyone the world over can understand when to attend and be there with everyone else at the same time. It's also a point which advents the knowledge that we will be all one year older sometime during the coming year, like it or not. However, in reality it's a beginning every day for a New Year, we don't have to wait nor put off anything in life based upon immovable dates and times, we are movable as people and thus can effect change in our way and via our direction when we feel like it. For many the start of the year is a mixture of joyous feelings as well as a degree of melancholy too, celebrations and then payback time follows, plus in some parts of the world the weather is dark and cold which isn't the best of environments either. But like everything else, how we view life is down to us, it has to be because no one else can view life for us and whether life is good or not so good we do ourselves no favours being miserable from every angle and point of view.

There is a tremendous amount of material in folk law, mysticism, religion, cults, earth magic, traditions, satanic rituals, ancient cultures of Egypt and Mayan and Aztecs, and so it goes on. Predictions for the future are based up time as decreed in years and there always seems to be a reference for whatever reason towards the New Year and where the earth is placed in the solar chart and the alignment of other planets, some information of which has proved very accurate over time regardless of its merit and base. The Gregorian time line is for us mere mortals who almost rent our space on planet earth for a very short while as the bigger picture dictates time values of different proportions. Where the term billions encompasses the overall collective of humans it renders the singularity of whom we are and our purpose as beyond being of any significance, a mere grain of sand on any beach nearby could almost represent who we are in respect to the coastline and as far as we can see, but it goes further still.

Technology has brought with it enormous benefits thanks to Western ingenuity and the mentality of the freedom of its population to develop and create in an environment that allows such to happen. The other parts of the world especially the religiously controlled ones rarely have anything of any significance, apart from killing, anger and hatred which seems to be endemic and just take from what others produce such is their narrow, ill formed and evilness that's a by product of control and a total lack of love. Love is the very corner stone of society, take that away from man and you have almost androids or robots without purpose and presence and being. What technology has also brought with it is the understanding that we are not the centre of the Universe and even on our own planet we have to carve a niche for ourselves because if we don't the abstract thoughts that have no explanation for some leave them bereft and almost panic stricken as to purpose and fulfilment.

The subjective view that the New Year is a new start is a good one, cast off the old - mentally - and start a fresh, build upon a better and more productive future with a more open and yet determined mind that will with a positive attitude produce better things all around. The power of our mind should never ever be overlooked, many never associate mind presence preferring to think on the lines that somewhere "out there" lies an answer which they seek but rarely ever find. Self awareness opens and unlocks doors one never imagined existed, but that's after and only after one discovers what the mind can do. The New Year  is almost etched in stone, we as individuals have latitude, a latitude that can transform where we are to where we want to be or even better, don't allow yourself to held back yourself or constructs of others or set material patterns, a New Year new begins every day. Happy New Year.

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2011

Friday 23 December 2011


Whether you like them or not you've seen snippets or heard about the soap TV programmes that adorn television. Those designer lead characters carefully honed to bring out peculiarities, stupidity, ignorance, deceit, and all the rest. If they didn't then life would be going on swimmingly happily and there wouldn't be a story nor an endless line up of plots and how the brain dead cope with everything in an hysterical fashion. A daily argument or two, a falling out, being overly nosey, facing a crisis, usual stuff and yes it captures those that follow like lemmings every word of it. Of course the producers get "real life" topics and intertwine them with the characters on the pretext that it's exposing the subject or placing it in the wider audience, maybe, who knows when it comes to media they live in another world. But far more importantly because you pay for what you see on TV one way or another, is this what your life is like, is it how it pans out and how it meets your expectations and satisfaction rating, because this storyboard is one where you are the producer, director and actor / actress, and there is no script, it's live 24/7. Where life throws at you a subject that predominantly has only "one take", no prompting, no make up, no brought in props and often there are not any chances for a second attempt that's it, it's a wrap good or bad first go around. What you do say or enact is as it is as it can't be undone. The time line of life itself has moved on and whether it's financial, emotional, relationship, health, family, employment, that's it in a nut shell.

We all have different characters, attitudes, knowledge levels and ideas, as well as aptitudes and abilities, life isn't a straight line nor does it have the word "fairness" encrypted into it, fairness doesn't exist naturally its what man has himself interposed it into certain events on a humanity basis. The melding of cultures is another area that causes endless consternation as some cultures are rough, brusk, cold, sharp, narrow, staid, etc, whilst others are more effusive warmer and more outgoing, often like two tides meeting it causes swirling rifts and areas of gross instability. Our cause and our pathway are dictated by a number of parameters, some we emanate from some we create and some are as they are and we deal with them en-route in life or not which then has other implications. There is nothing stopping anyone from any walk of life making the grade, our biggest obstacle is our self, nothing more, if we don't we don't, if we do we do, what others say and do is for them to verbalise but we don't have to acquiesce to any of it, there are always ways and means of transcending 'invisible ceilings'.

Enjoying life is obviously very important, because if we don't we are predominantly wasting our time here on earth. Whether we are useful members of society or a drain on society will depend also on a number of factors but at the same time determine what we do and how and the rest is back to how we as individuals perceive life and live and enjoy it. Our relationship is vital with life, our environment, those around us - work and personal colleagues, our future, what we aspire to, our enjoyment levels, what we do, and if any particular area is out of kilter then we start to get a lopsided slant of life one which if not rectified will eventually lead us to either dread it or it to have a predominantly negative side to our acceptance and enjoyment of life and our mind creativity. Attitude is one of the most important areas of how we perceive life as that is the culmination of a multitude of thought processes that identify themselves outwardly and guide us in the stable and good side of life or become depressive, it's often that fine a line.

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2011

Thursday 22 December 2011


Ever felt that there was either an invisible barrier or just that certain something that's either holding you back or stopping you getting to where you need to be? If you could only get to that 'one person' and let them see you or tell them about your great plans life would all fall into place. Or perhaps that that 'lucky break' would just appear one day and then everything else would be history. Isn't it just so frustrating that for many they are just so close to fame, fortune, success, whatever it is that one wants. Or that one envies that pop star who has 500 pairs of designer shoes stacked away, or someone else has your favourite sports car. The list of course is endless what we would like and what we want and what we need can be as varied as 'chalk and cheese' and often those that are wracked with desire if it came true despite what they say would still not be happy because their inner character has yet to be developed and as such is forever out of alignment. Many, especially young people who make the grade at an early age end up either in a clinic or seeing a shrink because they lose the plot and some never recover as it destabilises them permanently, happiness being a fleeting hope with bouts of depression in between.

To achieve anything the thought behind it has to be more than a whim it has to be a desire that one lives with, it has to almost consume you as a person and one has to dissociate oneself from those around with regards mentioning it to them as they predominantly won't have a clue nor an understanding and thus forever be negative towards the subject matter and yourself. That's the big difference between leaders and followers, and today's breed of "armchair experts" who do nothing for anyone ever, especially those on television, experts of hindsight nothing more. But barriers also exist as we all know outside of our minds, those "gatekeepers" in society that add nothing of value and have inflated thoughts about their job role. Gatekeepers exist as secretaries, employment / recruitment consultant in large chains, Human Resources and dull executive board members that seek to find "all round" personnel often at the expense of recruiting "uninspired people" as opposed to those that can literally 'break barriers and more' in their chosen field of expertise. It even happens at lower levels as Church helpers and especially in Charities where self proclaimed bureaucracy is always very high and jealously guarded.

We have the opportunity almost every day to make a difference even the simplest of tasks and duties can be enhanced or altered, yet lethargy, tiredness, lack of will power, lack of motivation even being over weight and clumsy and just generally not being in the mood all fall into place as to 'the self' not being in the right mind set which can for many be almost a permanent fixture. The only exceptions being those of a 'fun' nature then one seems to snap out of such a mood or mind frame. Breaking barriers needs to be something of a determined effort from within, it's not ego, nor is it arrogance, it's ones personal desire to get done what is within regardless of the effort needed and the obstacles encountered. However, those that do make the grade and succeed do so through sheer diligence and taste the fruits of their labours which are just so sweet after the protracted journey with many 'knock backs and disappointments' en route. Breaking barriers overcomes those who sit on the sidelines scorning, or in companies being over ruled all this goes with the territory, but the end result is an accumulated knowledge and understanding of the officious narrow minded minions in society that whilst they possibly do a good job allow their own ego's and ignorance to be a part of it and thus ruin whatever they could have made for themselves and others in life.

Wherever you want to go there are pathways and routes, they are not pre-determined on a "sat-nav" device but are there never the less for everyone who has the ability and determination to go forward and walk their chosen pathway. Our routes are dictated to often by events, some not so pleasant but we take them, others by our own abilities and at times financial constraints, never the less we take them also, smile happily that we are following our pathway and like salmon often swim against the tide yet still make it to the final ground. Breaking the barriers exists at all levels from hobbies to business to sports to whatever it is for you that's important. Whatever you do you must do for yourselves because if you can't do it for yourself you can't do it for others as they more likely than not can't even help you or concur with your line of thought or desire.

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2011

Wednesday 21 December 2011


The Gospel of today is one glorified mish-mash of insignificant people, governments, organisations and people who profess to be bastions of society, like the politically correct imbeciles who in the end are of no worth to anyone, not even themselves as usually their own lives are a shambles. Those in the "self help" industries  predominantly have very chequered lives with regards relationships and because of that often 'feed' off of their clients negativity to make themselves feel useful and important and above all needed. Many have a tremendous lack in the 'being needed' stakes themselves and they often display states of insecurity and instability. It's not that some practitioners aren't great people and have a 'natural' aptitude for what they do, most unfortunately are only as good as the last book they have read and then it's questionable having no inherent feel or understanding, executing their life trade by going through a check list. But what of everyday folk and what have they to fall back upon or find reference to upon which to base their premise in life and evolve further still. Most people need to have something as a common ground otherwise they feel lost, it's just the way it is. Very few people have the self ability to see life from their own perspective and adjust it according to their life style and desires without being subliminally pushed and jostled by others thoughts or indeed the hapless and deceitful media.

Religions don't help either they are so wrapped up in their own version of "hell and damnation" and everyone sinning that they have lost the plot themselves. There is very little love and almost all else is pure judgemental and effusive banter and scorning, it's all self pomp and righteousness. Most of the scriptural content is wrapped up in traditions and self made protocols and dressing up and rules and routines and anything other than getting to grips with humanity and individuals needs. Most congregations are full of regulars who peddle the same dull stories hoping for divine intervention, miracles, blessings, conduits to God, and all the other selfishness that their own baggage comes with. And of course the laughable things is that there are currently some 25,000 registered religions and everyone thinks they are "the one" whereas most are but a joke, others are dark and sinister and revert to killing in the name of their God and are also the biggest losers on the planet residing in the worlds worse areas, and so the story continues. If God can in all scriptures accept sinners - regardless of what they have done, why can't the religious organisations too? What is the big deal, and why do preachers see themselves as God's representatives whereas they are His servants. Many of those that preach especially in Eastern countries are embroiled in pederasty and in other world areas child abuse and drugs. The credentials for religious organisations today is almost defunct, the leaders are limpwristed and without merit having no leadership qualities and just relying on past followers and hereditary congregations to follow blindly, all of which leads to hells gates and nowhere else. And whilst there needs to be an income to keep their coffers in a positive mode there is a lot of fraud involved because it can be done by many behind the scenes.

Our own Gospel is between us and God, it's NO ONE ELSE'S BUSINESS, not the church or mosque or synagogue nor that of the state or your family, whatever happens is for your benefit or not as is the case for the majority of people. And if we don't believe that's fine too life is full of choices, even if you make the wrong ones, it's your destination via the route you take no matter what reason or belief or pathway you take. Your daily life is down to you also, if you believe then you will have a defined attitude towards life which will be in most cases positive, otherwise you will be a hypocrite, which is what most people are, they turn religion on and off to suite themselves. Our daily experience, that is how we live from day to day is crucial for if it provides no nourishment in the form of mental and spiritual appeasement and understanding and comfort then we are going to end up as a bag of nerves and be at a loss as to what our lives are all about. If we can't live in our own skin and be comfortable then we will degenerate even if our lives are relatively good, it's our approach to life and our attitude that will make or beak us. Life is full of good things which we can often miss or look over because we are not receptive to them. Life has endless permutations that can enhance who we are and where we are, should we take the time to acknowledge them, everything boils down to us in life so we must get to grips with ourselves and allow the good and great which is there and we deserve it to be in our lives.

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2011

Tuesday 20 December 2011


Isn't life just so good, the myriad of things we can do with or without money is almost infinitesimal, it's amazing that we can not only look after our minds, body and spiritual needs for no cost in our lives, but seek enjoyment, untold happy events, excitement, sleep well and laugh freely without let or hindrance from anyone else. The sheer joy of life is so overwhelming, those wonderfully uplifting feelings, those bursts of joy, those elevated stances of enhanced presence of the self, watching and caring for others and feeding on the reciprocal benefits of what humanity is all about, it's just mind boggling. Take away our wants and desires and fashion accessories, which are all very nice and great too, and just see what you have in your life without them. Do you still have a buzz or are you left with a cold and damp look upon your face not wanting to face life without them. The chances are that you don't you feel great without them because habit has crept in and you feel somewhat naked. But if you really feel that life will never be the same without them then you have a shallow inner existence that will get worse as you get older and statistically you'll become more unstable and possibly have less (if any) real friends. But it's a choice you make so blame no one else other than yourself. Everyone is different but that doesn't give you permission to exclude yourself to make things fit the bill the way you think it should.

Why then is there so much loneliness or self created depression, why is there a sharp increase in personal selfishness, those that keep to themselves, do nothing or little for anyone and end up cranks and misfits in life. Why is it that people fall out more often and that most people call acquaintances friends and in reality don't have any friends at all. Why is it getting more and more that people are lying not to deceive for personal gain but to create a facade of who they think they ought to be and not what or who they are? Is life becoming so fickle that individuals aren't even that secure in whom they are or are they getting more feeble and living an almost constant lie rather than enjoying where they currently reside, because if that's true it's a reason why many suffer from mental depression. And then there's loneliness, most of that is self created, not all but most. If there was ever a volume of books that would outstrip all others there's one which would be entitled "EXCUSES", all self generated and built up upon a premise of nothingness, and being upheld by equally flawed motives and tactics. The more excuses we make the more we move away from stability and the way forward to a better and happier life. And for the cynics and morbid who never let go of failure the glorified doom that you are holding on to life will get worse and for many will be an abyss that they will never emerge from.

The human being is both complex and simple at the same time. It takes at times very little to make us really happy and it can similarly take just a little to make us sad too. In between there are variances in life that we control, manipulate, deal with, create, develop, understand, get to grips with, cogitate over, and decide what the value is of what we have taken in and either reject it or go with it, or at times just put it on hold until we have a better picture as to what to do next. Of course being happy is paramount, and those which constantly decide they can't be happy because of the list of things they have accumulated we don't want to know about as they are often "emotional vampires" prying on others for their entertainment and energy, all of it leads to dark pathways forward so it's advisable not to follow no matter who they are. We shouldn't either buy into or be a part of media speak which like the wind changes at short notice and more often than not smacks of hyped negativity because they feed on the vomit of society as opposed to the nectar that's abound.

Positive people naturally attract other positive people and in the same vein negative people attract negative people, it's easy to spot either in ones own family or amongst friends those that are always or predominantly bright and ebullient and those that hit the other end of the scale with very quick 're-set dull' stances. Of course one only gets out of life what one puts in, many people despite what they might think about themselves put little in and many decide not to put anything in because they are sceptical about getting positive feedback, this is just such a low selfish attitude that it really stinks. If one can't do anything with a good heart then it's really not worth doing as eventually that facade of motive will show through and all will come crumbling down. There is for so many a fine line between happiness and sadness that they are continually analysing what to do next, whereas the really positive don't have to think such thoughts as it's all a natural feeling, a natural aspect and deed to do what brings in joy regardless of others taking it on board or not. Life is fabulous, unless you decide it's not, unless you decide there are credentials that stop it being so, then it won't be - ever.

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2011

Monday 19 December 2011


There's no doubt about it, many people are seeking, not necessarily actively but never the less seeking some glimmer of hope with regards where the future is going to take them, or what the future holds in store. It's nothing to do with New Age mumbo jumbo, nor is it to do necessarily with insecurity, it's to do with how they feel about life and how they see those that seemingly are in the driving seat but somehow have their "sat nav" tuned to a different route. All the reports in the press and media point to contradictions and depressing news, which is nothing new as the media is a professionally depressing medium today, but the overall bias is made by people for people to read and that's the alarming bit. The increase in social and self ability with regards mental health, general health, politics and all the other areas that the government see as a threat every second of every day is often just too much of a dull backdrop for life. Governments don't today instill confidence and whilst they may try "their best" to inflate the economy it never really works out how it would be expected to be, especially as much of today's recessions are man made, not actions of God or natural phenomena, it was all deliberate even if the spin off is how it is.

Of course the good news, I'll repeat it, the good news is that for the majority life ahead will be good, however the residual level of 'down and outs' for whatever reason will remain, as it does in every country at almost the same levels. We have within our midst a changing planet, whether it's statistical as many scientists tell us that what is happening now has happened before, or whether it's the "save the planet" brigade or "global warming" boffins, who knows, there are so many vested interests, ego's and again that nasty word 'politics' involved, who believes who any more. Maybe it's a mixture of all these things or maybe it's just the way it is, and man's own ingenuity will surface as it usually does. "Necessity is the mother of invention" and that's usually how progress develops, not by back seat drivers living on a hypothesis and literally expect everyone to follow them blindly, when all previous situations have been proven wrong, corrupt, or just 'good jobs' for those that are in it themselves. There's no doubt about it that the seasons and the climate are changing but then it has done since year one, so it's no revelation here.

As individuals we need to feel secure about our pathway in life, that is of great importance and it's up to governments to make sure that it has safety nets in place and strategies that are more than just 'good ideas' spoken with political rhetoric, which usually means a speech written in advance that leads nowhere. Our communal well being must be secure too free from adverse troubles and undue influence from cranky and religious sectors who are brainwashed themselves. The spiritual aspect of any ones life is of great importance whether they believe in God or whatever, for deep within we need some mechanism by which our internal gyroscope keeps us upright and moving forward. If there is no spiritual pathway, not New Age rubbish or Universe talking garbage, but something more deeply profound, if that is missing we tend to lose control and our stability once off course leads us to destruction without anything to stop us en-route. Already in societies around the world killings for any reason (other than war) are mounting up many without due motive and often not even pre-meditated. Where life is cheap our minds see no barriers to what can be done especially on the dark side of life which beckons those that lose the plot.

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2011

Saturday 17 December 2011


There's the very short version for this or the eternally long version of it too. The short version is if you believe in God (any one will do - as most never been blessed by any of them especially Muslims who get ignored by their God but they follow by choice) then you know the answer already as to what life is all about, regardless of your belief. You don't have to know the technical details you just know that we are here because of God and the divine plan. It's a bit like driving a car or being in an aeroplane, we don't need to know the technical aspects of how it works to know that it exists and is real and most of us have been in both many times and still haven't a clue as to how they work. Then of course we have another breed of human being who "needs to know" either because they have that desire of "needing to know" and many people fit that bill in the curiosity stakes even many of those who believe in God. And then there are those who believe that they originated from a big bang a while back (and most look like it) they are a mistake of natural causes and of no real value or purpose, and won't rest until they have got to the bottom of it all and solved it so that it can be consigned to next Christmas's best selling Blue Ray DVD or whatever the latest media format is that has been devised by some Japanese company. However the so far elusive Higgs Boson particle, that prized possession will end up as usual as just another avenue leading to more questions, that's science in a nut shell, but at least it keeps scientists busy and science magazines and TV doumentary makers in business.

Of course in discovering the Higgs Boson particle the whole of the creative process will be known and God will be proven to be a pure marketing control ploy by man himself, life will theoretically get appreciably better and we will have a surfeit of scientists who won't have anything to do. Or will it result in a discontented populous who will be lacking a purpose and a new unfathomable mayhem will emanate that will be elusive to everyone, despondency and unrest will be the new cause of everyone as morals will not have any back up. Society is already becoming defragmented and unlike our computer where we can sort that out, it will not take effect in the human system as things are going to get far worse. This is not depressing nor negative news it's a fact of the time line continuem and evolutionary state that man is experiencing. This is above and beyond the hypothetical States of science, rancid useless governmental blurb and all totally alien to the media, except they can constantly lie about the future to make up stories based on unrtuths to sell more advertising space.

Having sorted life out in one paragraph, everyone will know which way their thoughts lie, even if they believe in God (and mostly that's lip service) you can still be interested in science, although it doesn't always equate the other way around. Meanwhile for everyone on planet earth until such discoveries have been confirmed or rejected life goes on and in a big way, after all the here and now is all you have. We have only one chance and one life to live and what you do and don't believe is paramount to your views on life. Already religions are fragmenting badly as some are showing cracks in the system that regardless of who believes in what, if nothing good ever happens to you (over and above what happens to others) or you live in fear then your religion / belief is rubbish. Many people are fearful of what they hold dear with regards their religion for if it is proven to be worthless (which most are) then what's left for them, all of which will be revealed in the not too distant future by their own inadequacy and darkness of life, hence unrest and religious violence exists already.

The secret of life is yourself, whether you know or not what life is all about you have to live it, if you have any compunction or belief in humanity then you will have a moral code built into your own ethics and understanding. The phrase "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" is prime for we want to be at peace with everyone and have the confidence to move forward. Life is a mixture of different states, different levels and mentalities but the common thought is exactly the same even for the disadvantaged and often the disadvantaged are their because of how life is, not a deliberate plot against them by society nor any untoward events. It doesn't at all mean it's acceptable but education and strong leadership are the only weapons that can be used and both are sadly missing. Our belief structure is of prime importance no matter what you believe, because without a purpose to follow everything one does has no meaning and becomes totally materialistic and then the humanity aspect slowly diminishes until the self becomes alien in its own environment.

The human condition is "Love" based, for without love we are no better than robots or drones. Where religions preach killing and destruction it is actually a form of Devil worship as God is supposedly the ultimate in Love, you can't have one doing both. Choices and ideology reign supreme but many are falling to instability in the stakes for grounding and inner personal security. If our mental health goes then so do we, hence so many have a belief even if it is this "New Age" or "Universe" type of thinking which is basically a cop out concept as it is something to latch on to but requires no rules or conditions to follow. You are your life, your decision create your future. Your beliefs are yours, in fact everything is your unless you opt out and farm it off to others, blame culture, pseudo-religions or anything else that happens to take your fancy.

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2011

Friday 16 December 2011


Yes, the subject of happiness has come around again, like breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks in between, without happiness it's like going without a meal, we feel that emptiness within the pit of our stomach, that void that needs filling, because if it isn't filled we tend to veer off course and then that's when it all goes horribly wrong. Books on happiness abound but all are futile as happiness is already an intricate part of who you are, you are borne with it. You don't need a book or go on a course to find your stomach so why do something so stupid to find happiness when it's built in already. For those of the population who profess to have a brain and a working model at that, you have everything to give happiness a go, you may not be exactly deliriously happy every second of every day but you can effect happiness all by yourself and enjoy life come what may. Of course we have choices so you can choose to be moody, unhappy, selfish, self centred, greedy, evil, envious, deceitful, egotistical, arrogant, and all the other negative emotions, you have loads to choose from so find those which you tend to dwell on and have honed to perfection over time because these will be your downfall - fun isn't it? The biggest problem you will ever have to face is yourself, even if you think there is something else more pressing at the moment, because if you do you are wrong. How you deal with whatever news or information you receive is processed by your brain and then it decides what to do. Whether to be disappointed, unhappy, slam doors, cry, shout, be rude or just be nice regardless because all the negative traits will not in any way change nor alter where you are, except perhaps make it all worse.

Of course it's not nice to face financial situations, illness, bereavement, relationship problems, employment problems etc, and yes it can have adverse effects upon ourselves, it's not rocket science understanding that, and yes it can bring us really down, some more than others. But at the end of the day you either give in to your emotions and wear them as a symbol of your negative life situation, or you wear YOU as a symbol of whom you are regardless and still smile, and that really does make a world of difference. Now for those miserable idiots who will be saying "smiling won't bring in the money I need" or anything similar it goes to show what real self proclaimed failures you can really be without trying. We all need help some where down the line and statistically those that have positive attitudes get far more help, far better breaks, far better promotions, far better offers, far more friends (real ones not so called acquaintances), and indeed far more of everything good than the miserable crowd who wallow in their own negativity and usually stay there longer than anyone else. Our minds and the effect of a positive mind is amazing as is our "shop window" that is how we present ourselves. If we look like a lump of (something not so wholesome) then we are going to be ignored or by passed because that's what happens. We tend to like what looks good not an excuse for what isn't, we can muster up excuses of our own and need no prompting or stories from anyone else.

Our life is relatively short in the grand order of things even though certain areas of it feel like it's an eternity although it's nothing of the sort. We know when we are happy life zooms by, and when we are not it drags, but time is constant it's only our perception of it and understanding of it that makes the physical aspect of it appear what it is. We can buy into happiness and it does make a difference. If we need to punctuate our lives with unhappiness as some do to make a statement it's usually for a few initial reasons, sympathy, default support, fear of failure, ego and arrogance, laziness, looking for special favours - usually free, because we are selfish, because we are lonely, and also because it can be habitual too. You can actually get a "melancholic high" by residing in a mood, which many moody people do, it doesn't get you anywhere and the long term implications are that it produces bad health (which is then a real base for consternation). So ignore the moody let them stew in their own juice, you are not buying into it, you respect yourself too much, and those around you.

The simplest and silliest of things can make most people happy, either from friends, loved ones, children, situations, or just as aspects of life that one finds amusing. Laughter is one of the best anecdotes to lift the soul and raise the spirits, in doing so life automatically falls into perspective and one can then see ways forward as opposed to looking ahead and seeing nothing but obstacles. Turning obstacles into stepping stones isn't that difficult with the right frame of mind, but a negative mind forecloses on life seeking only that which is dull, evil, dank and below base zero, and below this creativity does not exist. Of course like is full of choices, even if the range at times is incredibly small, it's making the right choice, the one with positive steps forward that always wins the day, even if it has repercussions, results and life are not guaranteed to reside on a level playing field.

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2011

Thursday 15 December 2011


Structures of society have usually evolved over time, been devised or created or melded into folk law and religion which has since died a death or become redundant, and whilst they often reflected some good and salient aspects of life then, have little if noting at all to do with today. The model for which they were first invented has become obsolete and traditions  have held them together which there is now by default a 'fall out' and a dichotomy of life which people constantly struggle against.  The most common of these are dictatorial countries such as the Middle East which has a coupling of tradition and culture with a religious bias thus it's never going to be free as it literally would be a contradiction in terms. But even in the West we have structures and ideologies linked with present day self generated paranoia, hype and ego all woven into our governments of today, all interlaced with the media and almost all of it has  soaked up the populous. The result of which is that for many years the majority of people went along with the popular views proclaimed by seemingly knowledgeable politicians for the good of the country its well being and the health of the nation, jobs, welfare, status, security and everything else. However somewhere down the line these credentials of yesterday have gotten side tracked with vested interests, stilted views, corruption and a world which has totally different views. The parameters and boundaries have in many cases changed beyond recognition as have the intentions and development of nations and technology rendering not only different rules but ways in which life is played out and harvested.

Even at low levels of society there are defacto structures and rules which have no base whatsoever other than those made up by individuals that have 'stuck', so by default people have to "seemingly" enact the game whereas there is no validation whatsoever for them to do so, other than putting a few 'noses out of joint' if they don't. It's all these so called 'old and made up' structures that need tearing down, giving lightness and an air of respectability to life, a freedom for people to interact at a greater and warmer level and leave fewer people not only less stressed out and frustrated but  less disadvantaged because of the gross selfishness that it brings about. The complexity of today is forever mounting with pseudo stupidity of political correctness, instigated by the pointless brain dead amongst us, the rights of criminals over victims, the rights of illegal immigrants over the indigenous population, and so it goes on and the government want everyone to be happy to keep their vote, such is their weakness and two faced approach. We have today some of the weakest politicians and dubious legal structures and company leaders in history. Company leaders seeking short term ism for self gain, then out they go, and it's all quite legal.

The liable cases against the press and media have hit an all time high, as desperation forces reporters and the like to not only lie and make stories up, but stalk, hunt, prey, induce, set up, exaggerate. hype, play act, enhance, and anything else to entrap their prey for a story. It's all fair game, they follow you on the way up then watch until you crumble, although many in the media don't need any help in the stupidity market as they are often ahead of the game themselves and deserve little sympathy. But what about the average punter, what about them? The bottom line is that one needs to firmly take a grip and not accept anything that doesn't have credentials of value or which is not legal. Those 'made up' entities serve no one except the few who try to uphold them for self purposes. The thought of "what will others think" in executing a deed is not valid, provided you do what you need to do from a good base then you have a right not to be held back by others short comings. This is what happens in very closed societies and results is not only negativity but lack of development and movement, i.e. the population stagnation.

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2011

Wednesday 14 December 2011


Kindness, although it's a nice word in itself rarely gets people motivated as a headline even though it has positive connotations, it's usually the negative connotations or descriptions that start to fire the inner nerve endings and make people sit up or take note just in case it applies to them. Ironically too most people think they are kind to some large degree which is understandable because if the self thought that kindness in some part was missing what does it say of themselves and what they are like. What is kindness and what does it mean, has it bigger or larger implications other than just being used as a 'nice' word against some deed or thought or situation lead by others. And why is it that kindness seems to ooze out of some people and there's barely as sign of it in others, and why is it that some companies seem to have it as part of their culture - and predominantly do well, than those companies which  are seemingly cold, aloof and heartless. We may not make a big deal of kindness because we know it exists and what it is but we sure know when there is an absence of it, it really makes us stand up and take note of the situation or person we are with or talking to, and it makes us ponder and at times dwell on the feeling we have just encountered.

Kindness is linked to selfishness, and unfortunately society is becoming more and more selfish, everyone looking after themselves and keeping it that way. Now there's nothing wrong in any shape or form about looking after yourself, because if you can't who else can, and taking ownership is paramount today in our disposable society, so it's an admirable thing to do. But where it tends to go wrong is where we have a fixation on possessions and that often by default leads us into a state of anxiety, apprehension and instability. If we live on the edge with regards our money then we will in effect have a permanent feel of anxiety behind us because we can't pay it back, so it's almost a mental toothache taking the edge off of everything we do forever. When our focus isn't even it's swayed towards the self unduly "I must have, I want, I need, I'm not, why should I, they can't, I'm not going to, etc" so that deeds and acts of kindness tend then to be manipulative in that they are done for a technical reason rather than from the heart or perhaps a philanthropic position. When life becomes regimented and linear one loses the ability to love proficiently, smile, enjoy camaraderie, in fact one becomes almost a 'social exile' and again that leads to states of depression , anxiety, self abuse, lack of respect, becoming judgemental, bitchy, arrogant, cynical, and you know all the others too so no point in going further.

Furthermore, being religious doesn't mean you are a good person either nor does it mean you are kind, often religious organisations are havens for all sorts of weird and desperate people who can't seem to get along with others or a refuge for drop outs and anyone else who has 'gone their own way', including their own staff. And it's not that religious organisations are necessarily bad either, many do sterling work, but kindness doesn't have a specific home with a specific credential other than linked to the self, whoever that may be and no matter who or what they are. Kindness is even a step beyond philanthropy, it's almost a heart to heart deed that touches a real depth of humanity because it can not because it's deemed expedient nor has there to be any reciprocal benefit. Often deeds of kindness are done anonymously which for some is hard to do as they need to feel some degree of awe and gratitude in return for what they did, it's nice yes but it's not a credential of kindness. Kindness has a massive calming effect, it stabilises beyond measure, it repels aggression and allows tension to just wash off, it heals the inner self promotes both sleep and feelings of well being, it's creative and allows others to interact without initial consultation, because the good feeling is transmitted. Goodness has the effect of attracting same, and the degree of goodness attracts a similar feeling from others, so work it out for yourself your kindness ratio from zero to a hundred. If you think everyone is of a certain disposition or predominantly so, then it's more than an observation it's a reflection of where it resides within you, and how you deal with it is paramount to your own enjoyment in life.

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2011

Tuesday 13 December 2011


It had to happen somewhere and soon, that the general populous are getting fed up of staid, dull, bureaucratic diktat that is either out of date or deemed to be expedient by neurotic elements of the political society who only wish to invoke regulations to please themselves. The abject greed and dictatorial stance in the Middle East which was termed "The Arab Spring" will long continue until the end of this century and then will not be resolved, in fact the mayhem will get worse unfortunately because the ingrown and religious instability is endemic. Russia will likewise go through the self same events as will indeed China but these two countries have no compunction to use force and kill at will as there is nothing that either country will not stop at to keep control the way it is. India will have its own "Spring" against the vastness of corruption that exists because it can easily exist, Pakistan is due for "melt down" as it's so drastically unstable and living in another era plus natural devastation's will only increase yet further isolating the country and the helplessness of its population and those that believe but never see any difference nor get help. In the USA its own 'Spring' too will take place as in Europe for slightly different reasons, but never the less the reasons are reflected by the people. And for the rest of the world including Japan changes in national thought and the way things have been will be altered considerably by protestations because governments are too slow and dull and bureaucratic to effect change by their own merit, preferring to acknowledge as politicians do but haven't a clue as to what to do.

Our own personal uprising needs to take place also, the way we think as individuals and how we manage and enjoy our life and our contribution to society as a whole. What you put in you get out, and because life for many is so fragmented loneliness and depression are often the results of the self not being truly in harmony with what's going on and being a part of it. It's beyond selfishness, it's a literal 'foreclosure' of ones individual life not having the impetus or excitement or desire to do anything, almost a creeping lethargy that subsumes the mind and body bit by bit everyone keeping to themselves so that they get into a state whereby their comfort zone is reduced to being alone and anything else is a step too far. Even our vocabulary is interfaced with excuses and 'blame culture' models that are spewed out as a defence against failure and fear of trying something and then not knowing what to do. People are literally crying within at the state of their lives and the nothingness that they seem to be ever wading through trying to find some degree of light or hope or purpose and even those that are doing relatively well at times find it can be too much, but still get to grips to pull back from the brink of despair.

There are two futures out there, one is bright and rosy the other is dark, dank and depressing, we have a choice as to which one we take. Regardless of political circumstances, the banking systems, the state of the economy, the rising prices, the global instability, the world in which politicians live, and regardless of wholesale corruption and desperation, there is a life for yourself and a good one at that. As individuals we can do nothing to change what the media display, but we have absolutely full control of who we are and what we do and how best we live within our circumstances. There are no excuses to be made because we are the instigators of whom we are, we live in our minds so there is no internal interference in what we do or say, even if we follow others is purely and solely our decision. It's all about taking back ownership and being active with it and not being a self proclaimed passive recipient of what others do or say. Our education system fails many in that it teaches English and maths to a degree yet fails to teach humanities about how we interact and that itself is very rapidly changing because of technology. The default of that also plays a very important role in how we communicate with one another and that also has an effect upon loneliness and depression. If we never meet other human beings and interface in the flesh we will lose a lot of our own inner self which is what humanoid sentient life is all about. Take away human interface and we are almost back to an android state as we can't profess and feel the real emotions that we need to become stable and whole.

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2011

Monday 12 December 2011


There seems to be a "quest" for everything today that both the media and everyone around are looking for that "next" move, something to elevate themselves, enhance their lives, seek what they 'think' they are missing, not content with their lot they think that out there are answers to the universe, life, happiness, contentment, and whatever else is on their check list. Of course nothing could be further from the truth, even though there are aspects of life and possible solutions to what you seek, at the end of the day no matter what you find or have its you who has to make life what it is. We live in our minds no where else so its imperative that we are stable and know who we are as individuals because if we don't the chances are we will "lose the plot" which so many are doing today. Instability is almost becoming an illness of epidemic proportions in that it's self created as you can't catch it from anyone nor pick it up as a seasonal bug nor anything else, it's what you have generated and created yourself through lack of your own ability to understand yourself. There's a great deal of "blame culture" substance going on whereby people blame their peers, the media, magazines, television and everything else for the pressures put on them, but there are no pressures whatsoever. If there is a pressure it's because you have created it nothing more. If you feel left out then you will be, if you feel disadvantaged then you will be, if you are overweight then you are, if you can't sing or dance then you can't sing or dance and so it goes on. Some things we can change like our weight, even though it's not as easy for some as others, but it can be done, if we can't sing or have two left feet then we have to move on, that's it in a nut shell.

Placing the word "if" as a conduit to better things on our wish list is only going to negate the present, and many people go through life almost permanently negating the present in the quest for possibilities of tomorrow. Often such things are literally 'pie in the sky' as the chances of them happening are so remote that it makes life empty and shallow and dull and lacklustre. Anything in life that's going to present itself to us as a better option other than purely by chance needs a deed of action by ourselves, not just a thought about it. Even winning the Lottery needs us to physically buy a ticket. If we don't put any action whatsoever into our potential or what we think about then it's all wasted mental energy and takes up a lot of space that could be put to better use, especially in areas that we can effect a change and areas that are within our grasp. There are two ideals within our mind the idealistic ideal, the one that's everything we could possibly want or have based upon our limited knowledge hence it's always a let down, and a real potential that takes only a little effort to increase greatly our life and would at the same time enhance it to give it better meaning and purpose.

The phrase "the other man's grass is always greener" is so true, looking at other people go through problems or at times some don't appear to have any places us in a quasi position that we are unique in where we stand.  We feel it's "OK for everyone else they can cope, but in our / my case it's different or worse" which is the biggest load of thoughtless, selfish and conceited rubbish around. It's not OK for anyone to have a problem regardless of their circumstances or feelings, and feeling sorry for ourselves and not finding a comfortable way out of what we have to do, isn't going to help us at all, we just have to do what everyone else has had to do and go through with it. If what you have to do relates to family and friends then if they love and care for you they will understand and continue doing so, if they don't then you move on, although that's another situation it's better than living in a cocooned lie and gives you a freedom that you've never had. However if they do scorn you for what you are going through then you have been a part of the problem all along, nothing just happens without cause.

It's always good to want to raise the bar or level of life, there's nothing wrong with wanting more or being better either, after all it's how we progress via that line of thought. It's when it becomes so personal that wants and desires become emotional concepts that we "need or think we need" in order for us to be considered "complete" and that's when it takes on a life of its own. The here and now is where we literally live and it's so important that we enjoy it at all costs even if it's not that great where we are now because that will shape our thoughts and feelings for tomorrow. If we carry negativity with us dragging it from today into tomorrow and beyond, we become nothing to ourselves and less to others.

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2011

Sunday 11 December 2011


During our lives we meet so many people, all shapes, colours, sizes, attitudes, ideologies, religions, ethnicity's, cultures, and so the list goes on. Each and every person having thoughts on who they are their lives and what they would like to make of them. Our goals can vary quite distinctively from when we are children through to our teens and then beyond. En-route in life we see opportunities, we pick up skills that are surprisingly simple and easy for us that we had previously never thought about and we come across people who are conduits to a life that we didn't know existed. Our progression or evolutionary process can be very dramatic yet at the same time it can be an encumbrance too in that whilst we move forward we struggle it's as though our road ahead is via a muddy pathway and not that of a super smooth highway. Some  however seem to "effortlessly" propel forward, others even when holding on to tangible plans have to stand and fight for their cause. It's a matter of what life is all about, it's what we do as humans and it's about those who strive against the odds no matter what they are  and are those that eventually succeed and reach their own val halla, the rest like chaff just float away to where their comfort factor takes them and strategically analyse why it never happened or what held them back, in both cases the answer is nothing happening within yourself.

Some people are blessed with being bright and cheerful almost all the time, whilst others can be quite the opposite, although it's amazing to find that dull people rarely seem to think they are dull and look upon those that stay bright as something a little weird, it's all about mind concepts about the self. Like water we tend to find our level in life even if that level isn't what we would ultimately like, but never the less we find that level and for some a permanent dichotomy of thought usually prevails because of it. At some point in our lives we have the opportunity to help others, this to some will bring an instant shiver down their spine and it does happen, it's not merely a financial thing, it's a giving of your time, ability, knowledge, presence, company or whatever it is for that person or those other people. It's all a humanitarian thing, and it's nothing to do with being generous in the charity boxes either even though that's an admiral thing in itself. The Lighthouse Effect is whereby you as a person radiate a presence that others pick up upon, it's something that you exude to the extent that others can feel and see from within what you are about even if they have never met you before or know nothing of you.

We all have abilities both mental and physical that we never ever use and it's unfortunate as these abilities can bring so much happiness, presence, satisfaction, harmony, love, camaraderie, and a feeling of belonging in life, all of which many rarely ever get to experience because they shut them out preferring to try and enjoy the practical over and above the spiritual. Preferring to follow their compatriots as opposed to being themselves, preferring to follow the press advertisements as opposed to doing what is expedient for themselves, being too nosey and following the lives of others at the demise of their own, all of which leads to a lowness of the self and an almost on going presence of being below par and uninspiring. We are our 'shop window' and what many display emotionally isn't that striking, whilst the outer display may look a 'million dollars' the mannequin holding the image up could do with a 'makeover' as that's what the clothes should adorn, not the other way around.

Fortunately there are those who are beacons in our society, not the self righteous ones who because they helped someone once feel they are now "guru's on the subject, but those that just give off a presence of well being, hope and an aspect of life that for many onlookers is yet to be achieved. Once touched by such people others too can effect that state of higher living with less stress and anxiety and even more success and literally see for themselves that the over view of life is far greater than any self centred insular aspect, which many clutch on to for the fear of losing it. Your life starts and finished in your mind, make sure it's up to date and wholesome otherwise your internal 'sat nav' will steer you into a place that has no reception and no direction for you to get out of.

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2011

Friday 9 December 2011


It's a strange thing to say but there is actually such a thing as "Inverse Arrogance", it's an arrogance whereby one feigns vast swathes of ignorance or lack of knowledge in order to admonish responsibility or blame or anything else that could implicate the self. The usual saying is "Of course I know nothing of this" perhaps accompanied with gesticulations the waving of the hand and facial inflections stating that you have never heard or know of or about the subject in question, and whether one has or not it makes no difference it's a statement about yourself, and it's not a good one. It's so vitally important that we understand not only what we say but how we say it and the subliminal implications of how it's delivered or perhaps how we present what our knowledge or intentions are with regards how we want people to understand us. It matters not whether we do or don't know the subject in question but it does matter in the way we say we don't know or understand, because based upon a 'mini drama' or feigned ignorance can have quite lasting effects upon what others think of you. And whilst you may not be too bothered at what others think about what you've said if they have any influence either now or in the future over what they can impart upon you, invitations, goods, social entry into organisations, parties, etc, they may just want to overlook you in favour of someone else. After all your showcase has been delivered.

Sometimes the use of "Inverse Arrogance" is a lack of self confidence other times it's a real lack of knowledge and grace and humility, other times it's an arrogance to try and raise ones own prestige, yet it's far from all of those. It can even be used as a muse or a fun effect just saying as if you hadn't a clue what was being said yet deep down you are fully aware and everyone knows it, so it's said 'tongue in cheek'. However what we say in different company can in most circumstances dictate how we move forward and how we are accepted. We have to present ourselves outside of our friends and family as if we are honest and truthful, for if we feign anything else we will bit by bit let ourselves down and it's far easier to say you don't know even if appearing embarrassed than to say yes then end up looking a fool, that's even harder to get over, and you've lost both respect and trust. At times we all try to blag something, try to ride through a scenario that we know little or nothing about hoping to reach the other end unscathed so quietly trying to join in at appropriate times to look engaged, even though deep down we are far from it, almost game playing. It's usually when the bottom line doesn't really matter so our cause and engagement is more or less a matter of course, it's when what we are trying to feign is of importance and can have significant effects that things need deep attention.

Sometimes in life we have but one chance, be it in a business meeting, personal contact or interview, chance meetings with people who could be good to know for our own advancement, meetings or organised events either socially or otherwise with like minded others such as in clubs or societies. If we feel threatened not physically but emotionally because others have a greater knowledge or understanding then it's in most cases far better to be open about your status then expectations will not be higher for you and the chances of falling below same then won't emerge.  One of course can be coy about the whole thing and just listen and learn and pick up what you don't already know only letting known your degree of knowledge if challenged which is an option, but if challenged don't go into realms of apologies, just state where you are and that's it.Apologising, or stating your true knowledge must be kept to a minimum, yet so many people start waffling and excusing at this stage that they start talking endlessly or why they didn't, can't, hadn't, etc, none of which is important as it doesn't change the current situation nor facts. Speak only on a need to know or state your case and leave off, veering towards what you do know when appropriate and that way you will regain your confidence and others will see a better side of you. Everyone has been in this position even the arrogant who at times like to prey on those of lesser knowledge, don't let that happen, it's a weakness in their character not about your lack of knowledge.

Being open in company about the degree of knowledge you have or haven't go often sparks off the "warmer" side of others in that they appreciate you not knowing and are more than happy to explain, fill you in, translate meanings etc to include you in their overall conversation. People by and large like to help people. It's how you project yourself that makes the difference as to be included or excluded.

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2011

Thursday 8 December 2011


Whatever we think, whatever our views are, whether our politics are left, right or centre, there is a value to life over and beyond what we immediately see or pass judgement upon. Whether we buy a cheap packet of biscuits or a top of the range prestige car behind both lies a team of people who make a living from putting it all together. Everything has a value to someone somewhere and if our views are judgemental we are negating someones job somewhere as if they are dispensable because of our views. Of course there are in life morals (they still exist) and there are work ethics (which still exist - ish) which vary considerably from the third world where most people are grateful for an income to the  West where people today are also becoming more grateful for an income than ever before and where people suffer from more "respectable" and sophisticated illnesses and conditions such as stress and mental illness because of work pressure, as opposed to 'slave labour'. Everything in life has a value and all values are not equal as most individuals set their own value level in life and suffer because they decide upon something that is either beyond or below their abilities even if their credentials for setting such goals are admirable or well intentioned or just plain crazy and selfish.

There are two extremes in life both of which are horrible in that they reflect an unstable and unripened inner self and not the bigger picture. One is subservience and the other is being arrogantly judgemental, both for the same reason but from opposite ends of the spectrum. Both are embarrassing to encounter and both neither do justice to themselves nor others and engage by default those that can take advantage of each other, just because they can. The more life evolves the less tough people become and demand higher thresholds - and safety nets -  than their parents might have done and as such are less capable in making out in difficult circumstances. Whereas those of a more cultured and knowledgeable background would breeze through as they inherently know how to tackle life and any temporary dips that they may encounter. The educational systems today don't reflect today, they assume the past where many people leaned home skills from the home, but sadly that's not in evidence so home skills need teaching to give people more strength within themselves and less dependence of what's on offer even if that's a real alternative.

The middle ground today is fragmenting badly, job skills are very much in evidence yet life skills leave many completely impotent and incompetent at anything to do with life other than just pull through by default rather than design. Governments as usual are always last to affect change and when they do they believe that it's something rather grand and pushing boundaries, yet it real terms their focus is on keeping afloat with the electorate rather than the problems at hand. Governments are forever awaiting reports costing exorbitant amounts of money, running late and getting it wrong or predominantly missing the point. Lifestyles change, the supermarkets are becoming notorious for peddling deceit at all costs, and the values of society via our own social system and courts is way out of line with public thought. Thus defaults in unrest and disenchantment and unhappiness to a high degree are the subliminal effects of out of touch politicians, but it happens in all parties.

Values cut across all grounds, not only in finance but in what we do or say, our deeds for others, our inter-communication abilities, how we respect others, how we feel about situations and what we put ourselves out to do. Reciprocal feelings of benevolence and harmony only come from those that do, those that don't feel frightened because "giving" even of the self is a self created fear. Life has an enormous value and if we don't join in with that value then we will suffer in the long term with depression, anxiety and loneliness which are areas affecting many already. Creativity comes only from positive sources that have values, individuals seeking positive sources to go further or develop, despot countries do create but its war heads and mechanisms of failure as the future for them lies in a nothingness as they have nothing to uphold.

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2011.

Wednesday 7 December 2011


Anger, by its nature is very emotive, it can draw up from within  tornado of ill feelings, desperation, frustration, stupidity, revenge, untold acts and deeds of thoughtless motives. In fact it can turn our minds Topsy turvy and if we allow it it to take over command of our actions and then life for some will never be the same, it can even be the instigator of future illness. Feuds, relationships, wars, egos, greed, failure, disappointment, all the negative emotions fuse together to form an Armageddon structured ideological thought that can self fuel itself for quite some time and for the few can smoulder on for years. We all at times get angry at something often for the best motives, we get annoyed at unfairness, greed, ill treatment, injustice, and other actions that we deem not appropriate. However these are just feelings and whilst at times they spill out into emotional outbursts by and large we contain them within and occasionally mention same in passing to vent our feelings and get a degree of acceptance from others that we are not alone with such thoughts.

Every day we come across aspects of life that are just events that happen and lead to frustration, it's called life, and everyone has a different life even if it appears that many run parallel courses. We get let down, we get disappointed, we get left out, we get overlooked, we don't get chosen, we get cut off after having waited for 20 mins on hold listening to awful music, we don't get satisfaction from something that went wrong through no fault of our own, and so it goes on. We even get our gripes with fellow human beings at their apparent selfishness, thoughtlessness, lies, deceit, lack of interest, badly behaved children and their badly behaved and thoughtless parents, short cummings, and again the list goes on, it's part of life's rich tapestry. The bottom line for all of this is how we manage our anger, and what we think of ourselves, because the two are interlinked. If we have a busy life we are more likely to take stuff in our stride because we just haven't the time nor inclination to make a fuss about something and put our energy into getting upset, we have better things to go. If we have time on our hands and have little to do then we can make a meal of it all, and regurgitate it it time and time again. And in between all of this if we do suffer from selfishness, greed, ego, arrogance, then of course we make it a personal crusade and 'just go for it' as we feel we need appeasing at all costs because our self esteem hardly exists and thus that void need filling.

Then there are those who when get annoyed or angry feel they have to state their case with immediate effect as if to punctuate their life state and want others to react accordingly and say out loud "I'm really angry". Now to mention that you were angered by something denotes a conversational aspect of your feelings at a certain time over a certain situation or event, but to relay it to just about all and sundry is selfishness personified as it wants support or special favour which most will not to give as it will lead to darker places and then implicate themselves. If someone is angry or has a "bee" in their bonnet about something that's for them to deal with, you are not a sponge nor a "fall guy" to their predicament of negativity. Often anger is subjective too, what gets up someones nose may leave someone else unmoved and nonplussed, so there is always a value. What is true with any negative emotion is that if it is not dealt with it can tear you up inside and spoil your life either with immediate effect or unfortunately for the long term too. The knock on effects can be dire as then everything becomes a target and subject to ill comments or a complaint and so it goes on, so ignoring them is by far the best way, after all why should you be part of someone else's game of devised woe.

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2011

Tuesday 6 December 2011


Our life dynamic is a very variable thing and the scope and understanding of it varies from country to country no matter how well aligned they are. Even the smallest of differences make it as such that the lines of thought in certain areas can cause  disagreements, misunderstandings, frustrations, ethical problems, enhanced bureaucracy at times, and it even filters down to the populous where in some instances slowness and laziness is endemic like in Africa and the Middle East. Attitudes lead the way forward, if the general attitude of people is bright and ebullient and cheerful, then those that come into contact with it almost automatically feel enlightened and uplifted with a feeling of potential success even before anything has been said or done. Such is the effectiveness in companies and even in personal situations of brightness and lightness in our demeanour. Less mistakes are made and less untoward events take place where a degree of openness and positive communications are in evidence, it's almost infectious. The knock on effect of high positivity is everyone taking ownership of what they do and an interest and understanding of what everyone else does giving rise to overall greater productivity, enhanced bottom line results and less disappointment when things go wrong - the "bounce back" factor is increased dramatically.

Some countries have eternal unrest such as in the Middle East where attitudes have been so moulded on negativity and oppression that the effect is as big as the problem itself and it will take decades to unravel often with on-going bloody consequences such is the stigma of instability. Most workers being "guest" workers and not the endemic population. Attitudes stem from the top down, they should be inherently instilled from parents to children that positivity is the only way forward. Sadly that's just a hypothetical model that social workers or governments use and not a reality because some members of society have no morals, no values and don't care either, so it's imperative that those that do care and have positive understanding and abilities do offload their knowledge to best effect. There's no getting away from it, where a high degree of positivity reigns there is less crime, more genuine happiness, more communal spirit and a freedom that allows people to create as opposed to degenerate as it's a natural instinct from within. Our life dynamic controls so much, it's a major player in our mental stability and if our mind goes so do we, in every respect. Clarity of thought, understanding and not living with illusions of grandeur are paramount to us being the best we can be, and when we are closer to that goal, even if we never fully attain it we literally radiate degrees of positivity because we can see beyond the negative, always having one foot in the bigger picture so not as to get bogged down in the bits and pieces that get dragged across our pathway and would otherwise cause us to stumble.

Our Life Dynamics stretch over many areas, there's our own personal dynamic that's all about us, it's in effect "our shop window" and then there's that dynamic about where and how we live and what we do within it, most of the parameters are out of our control but we are not out of our own control so there is a constancy should we use it within all of that. Then there is the actual dynamic of life itself, world events, natural disasters, man made disasters, on-going Islamic terrorism from the religion of Love and Peace, and there is the commercial dynamic too one that's becoming increasingly unstable and losing its credentials from large and small companies alike, all have consequences both financially and personally. Our lives are finite, so it's imperative that we enjoy the moment for if we don't then we have lost our purpose and definition. Once we lose both of those areas we become soulless people in that a robotic structure takes over our heart, where our love lies, without love we are but drones and our whole enjoyment in life is a technicality nothing more. The constant fight that many people have again predominantly in the Middle East at the moment to fight for freedom that turns out to be a cause where freedom is anything but the truth is unfortunately a struggle on the dark side of life and one which the majority will forever suffer from. For the rest where innovation and life betterment is beyond hypothetical struggles for ideology over all else, time will reflect a degree of change that the world over will experience. One which will in time bring everyone into check and the Life Dynamic will change beyond what is currently understood and currently enjoyed.

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2011

Friday 2 December 2011


It's all the rage, it's hip, it's what everyone needs, it gets you going, it makes you a success overnight, it provides that proverbial kick up the behind, it stimulates, you become better in an instant, you are transformed in flash, you enter being dull and leave being gregarious, you walk in full of potential and anticipation and leave on the first rungs of being a multi-millionaire, it takes your reticence and changes it into that of a roaring lion, in short it's a whole load of crap. Yes we all need help in some areas of our lives, entrepreneurs already have it within them, they are predominately self motivating, then there are those that are teetering on the verge of doing something and just want a push, like a little child learning to ride a two wheeled bike. Then there are those, the vast majority of punters who aspire but haven't got the where-with-all to do it. Oh yes they get inspired alright, they get excited they get overwhelmed, they get whatever it is that they don't have themselves, but over 98% still never achieve or do anything further as they haven't got it either within them or their desire is ahead of their ability. It's at this point it all falls down with a large crash and frayed bits falling everywhere. There are even those who go to such speeches every year for a "top up" or perhaps their annual fix, but that speaks volumes about them more than what they aspire to. It's not that those who preach their trade are not worthy, it's more that those who attend seemingly think that by some miracle it's a short cut to where they think they need to be, and as we all know that stuff doesn't exist.

It's good to be motivated, it's even better to be inspired, because the difference between both of these makes a big difference in how one assesses what ones ability is and what one can literally and "truthfully" do. Many of the success stories start from "have a go" models, people doing things in their homes via the self employment route even if it's initially started at weekends only. They learn as they go along often the hard way, but learn fast they do, sleepless restless nights, frustrations, bad advice, mistakes, despondency, strapped for cash, the loneliness, yet the burning fire within just won't go out, it's their forever flickering and re-kindling itself despite going without to fund their project. In fact you name it they've done it, experienced it, been through it, and eventually even having endured a few false starts and failures (and stupid and thoughtlessness negative comments from friends and families) and like the Phoenix from the ashes they emerge, quietly at first but joyful that their project has 'lift off', and what a feeling that is!!! What they have achieved is of no thanks to smart smooth talking, it's of no thanks to well dressed presenters gushing forth with contrived conversational blurb, it's down to the real bottom line that's more than just a night out or an afternoon session at a talk on motivation. Motivation is best spawned within companies where their own management are lacking in such skills or the companies ethic is lacking in humanitarian reality, usually because it's financially lead which has a tendency to eliminate "worker ownership" which is literally what builds up the bottom line and enhances product or service success.

If we are inspired by what others or someone else has done it gives us hope that we too could do the same as we can relate to what difficulties and feelings the other party had to go through to get where they were, it's a humanitarian element which all of us understand. Here's where motivation is different in that it's often that proverbial "carrot and donkey" situation, and of course the donkey never ever gets the carrot. Life can be an emotional roller coaster for many people even those satisfied with life, it's all about how we deal with our lives and how 'together' we are. The best advice often falls on stony ground because it's not soluble to those receiving it, there is no such thing as "a one size fits all" and many is the time someone who is of very limited intelligence becomes successful because they are good at what they do, nothing more, so a partnership of services and facilities enters the affray to make it all come together. This is again usually by chance more than design, and those that "teach or preach" such things miss out terribly on the emotional side of the recipient who is "TRYING" to do their best and inside is one mass of knots and twists, even though they don't let on. They always smile even when holding back the anguish and even inner emptiness. You can see very often on someones face just five minutes from listening to "wise words" from those that peddle motivation that it's a waste of time,  the recipient is desperate for knowledge and here's where inspiration comes into its own in that everything along the route from where you are or were to where you want to go can be felt within, and upliftment ensues.

Motivation at times is like a Gin and Tonic without the gin, it's bright and refreshing and bubbly but lacks punch, that's the bit of real knowledge that turns motivation into a product, and it's this end part that the vast majority of people fail because of. They "just don't know" and if they do know they don't know how to employ it, and if they know how to employ it they don't understand the marketing, and if they understand the marketing then there's always yet another avenue that they fall down on because their minds are too fragmented with hope and not desire. And there are so many punters out there posing as experts in getting you rich but haven't yet made it themselves. Inspiration changes ones mental balance, it removes the perceived barriers and quickly outlines what it is like to "overcome" difficulties from a position of ignorance, almost a cold start, yet to be inspired gives a credential within that really excites those (and only those) who have stolid determination, it still leaves the wishful thinkers saying "wow" but no more. Inspiration leads to routes forward, motivation gets you all excited and fired up and then it just goes cold again because the impetus isn't there, at least not for the vast majority. Large and small companies alike employ motivational speakers to get the staff all fired up, which they do, but then they let everyone down by not changing themselves, it just ends up as another tick in HR box of things for staff to do.

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2011

Thursday 1 December 2011


What are you expecting to hear in reading this? What have you already got pre-set and conjured up in your mind as to what "being beautiful" is all about, because most people have well defined ideas of it in relation to a whole manner of things, including themselves, yet most would shy away from such self ideology or though. Is it indeed possible to class yourself as beautiful outside of perhaps "good looking" and that for the main part it is totally subjective. There are those who are in appearance "attractive" as they have features that conform to a set standard but that does not constitute "being beautiful" nor anything else. Some people who have on first sight quite pain features after a while exude a beauty that defies reasonable description and definition, it's almost an "holistic" presence of personality and form that melds together to portray an ambient feeling that's just so inwardly comforting. Just looking at the people around us and indeed our friends we see a collection of faces, body styles and shapes, movements and inner presences and a collection of minds, some quite dotty others exactly the opposite some even dull and dowdy, yet all have their own virtue even if we can't see it in either ourselves or them. It's far easier to fall fowl and lose interest in a so called "beautiful" person than it is with someone who initially appears ordinary then grows on you as a person of solid attractiveness and inner warmth and humour. Our emotional gaze can at times elude our own thought and subjective-ness, but like anything that has an immediate effect once that effect has had time to "settle in" then it all becomes just another part of our scenery and at times little more.

How then do you make yourself more beautiful, if such a thing can be done. Well the default situation is that one can be ugly both within and without from not doing anything. Bad thoughts, words, deeds, attitude, language, unkempt appearance, sloven, lazy, thoughtless, insensitive, selfish, self centred, and the list of negative traits goes on. Anyone who takes a pride in how they look, and it doesn't have to be designer clothes can look a million dollars. We've all seen wealthy people who have neither class nor style dressed in expensive apparel only to look like something from a drag show 'tarted' up with designer bits and pieces and no understanding of either themselves or what goes with what. The saying "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" is just so true, and whilst some people have that "eye turn appeal" the bottom line is that those who don't have that quality usually have more stable and secure relationships. Being "in love" with yourself is not a trait to admire nor does it create stability, and for those who constantly want remarks that their bum or stomach, pecs or boobs aren't too big or whatever need to get a life and not solicit lies from those around them to try and appease their own thoughts, as it will turn into a saga of no end.

Beauty is more than just good looks, beauty has a character something that many people have very little of as they are permanently too pre-occupied with either themselves or what they do to allow others into their lives except for fleeting moments of lucidity and personal need. Those who don't have such needs or feelings of themselves seek different attributes in others preferring to look beyond the superficial or outward and seek also the inner depths and humanistic content as that gives them a feeling of happiness, sureness, stability, peace, love and presence. All of these things together offer a high degree of "oneness" that then grounds and stabilises the self so that the desire for wanting more and never totally achieving is reduced to a level that's controllable and comfortable with 'where you are' even if there's more to do or gain. There's nothing wrong in wanting to look good or better or even perhaps you wish some of your statistics were of a different size or shape, but when it becomes an obsession one then starts to lose identity and confidence which others will pick up upon, all of which is totally needless and unwarranted. Just the way you are has a beauty of its own, don't down size your own value for the sake of trying to be something or someone you are not.

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2011