Monday, 29 November 2010


Yes we all have multiple identities and no we are not psychotic or schizophrenic, every day we utilise who we are and our knowledge to appear more aptly and somewhat differently to whom we talk to. We can at anyone time be a son, brother, father, grandfather, friend, lover, husband, boyfriend / girlfriend, businessman / women, expert, novice, patient, student, amateur, professional, club member, etc, etc, the list goes on and on. For each and every occasion we draw on different areas of knowledge and thus utilise different traits about ourselves and what’s involved in putting ourselves forward and communicating effectively at a level commensurate with what we feel and deem expedient to that situation. How we talk to our friends is not the same as how we talk to our partners or parents as we hold different information and have different experiences and feelings and thus reflect and relate what makes that relationship what it is.

Within those identities we have a number of sub identities that forms our character and outlines our identity, it’s these traits that separate us from others or link us into a “type” whether we like it or not. Our attitude is paramount as to how we get on in life and if it’s good then we have greatness at our door if it stinks, then no one really wants to know who we are, and why should they. Our ability to be the person we need to be to others either limits us or enhances who we are, those that make excuses or have a chip on their shoulders usually do badly, all of which is self engineered even if they wouldn’t admit to such. Of course over and above our multiple identities we can assume an identity that is one of our own design, such as a confidence trickster or a disingenuous salesman or women, (or a politician) all of which take on a role of playing to others emotions and needs for self gain and contrived delivery of their own product or service which they hope to sell on.

The media is the ultimate in chameleon two faced-ness, where it sees everything as fair game, upholding the rights of someone until they make a mistake then tear them apart and all in a matter of a few days if that’s what it takes to make the news. Understanding life and what makes it tick is paramount to the “self” to enable it to proceed forward without the divisive thoughts of others, to see the bigger picture over and above the narrow thoughts of those who seek only self gain. The information that’s put out for us to glean at our own behest in the free society we live in by and large has little to offer other than of interest value little of that that will change or enhance our lives. We all know what we need to keep body and soul together and over and above that we can drip feed ourselves with additional material so as to not overload our minds and whatever we might be going through ourselves which may have repercussions of its own.

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2010

Saturday, 27 November 2010


We all go through phases of one sort or another, or possibly a fad too, but whatever it is, we go through them, some good some not so good and some, well, we’d rather forget. When life seems to be going well even the wet cold damp days seem to shine for us as life is on our terms, we just think of pleasant thoughts and are more than charitable to those who ‘get on our nerves’ thinking that we know better even if we don’t. But the flip side of all of that, the flip side of positive emotions isn’t that wholesome nor that rosy either, it’s tainted with aspects of life that grate on us and thwart our desire to go forward. The negativity of life has no bounds and it holds neither prisoners nor keeps enemies, it does just what it wants to do and it does it in its own sweet time and has no compunction as to the depths it plunges and for how long. The human condition has long since been categorised and quantified and qualified by supposedly learned people none of which have an answer as to why some do well and do very little and others slog themselves to death and get almost if nothing at all out of life. But whatever we do whether we are scientists used to failing every day and eventually hit on something of enormous benefit for mankind, or at a more domestic level households doing their best to keep afloat regardless of circumstances, there comes a point and a time which is the tipping point, where things change. We like to think that things change for the better, but there’s no guarantee that that will be the case or that it’s an automatic assumption after a bout of negativity in all quarters.

The “tipping pint” however only comes with persistence and perseverance, and the more we show our true grit and metal the better the turnaround and the more we put ourselves out and about the chances of the tipping point happening sooner rather than later. However getting to that “tipping point” which comes at no pre-determined time also houses a lot of frustration, sleepless nights, anxiety, self doubt, life challenged and it heightens the smallest of things which would under normal circumstances be of no or trivial value. Whether we re-invent ourselves, re-discover ourselves or just hope that the life changes we are looking for will materialise at a point closer to where we are now is dealt with by shifting our attitude and not grasping on straws or making up scenarios to make things fit. Regardless of what we are going through if we don’t by and large enjoy where we are right here when the tipping point comes we will immediately find something else to take away the pleasure of a better ambiance and heightened situation. We will think that OK things have got better but I still need this n’ that n’ something else so by our own hand we will extend the doldrums in a habitual way until we eventually become moribund and lacking in total cause and kudos.

We can with many things in life affect the chances we have or the odds we have of improving our lot, if we do nothing then we open up the opportunity for random acts to take place and our chances of anything good happening are reduced to practically nothing. Alternatively we can enhance our chances and bring that ‘tipping point’ somewhat nearer to our wishes by enacting and communing with life in all manner of ways, but by being active we at least are a part of life and not part of an audience waiting for the show to start. Of course what we get when the tipping point takes place may not be exactly what we are looking for but never the less being positive in mind we can often surf that wave of opportunity as opposed to watching it hit the shore empty and then realising we’ve missed the boat too.

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2010

Monday, 22 November 2010


Life is a journey, not the “New Age” variety of “well it happens for a reason” or any of that mindless rubbish although some of our actions do cause events to happen for definite reasons, but the “bigger picture” is that life is fluid even for the most dull and solitary person. Life is constantly evolving, evolution takes into account both birth and death all at the same time, it fosters decay and growth all at the same time, and it favours no one whatsoever, it cares not about whether we live or die or suffer, life is what it is, it’s a platform upon which we have to make our own way. The stupidity and regressive and almost evil ways of some religions cause untold hardship and devastation to millions of people whereas it should help, promote and enhance their life to allow happiness, joy and love to flourish, over and above the cheap rhetoric of empty and hollow statements. Reality is a great leveller of truth in that it sees the lies and self devised facades that man creates to try and ‘hold’ everything together, it never ever works. Looking at life where the west despite its faults progresses whereas the rest of the world still struggles to forever catch up and still harbours a massive dichotomy of those that have education and millions of peasants that live around the corner who haven’t a clue about life and just survive. But life isn’t fair, it never has been nor will it ever be so, there is nothing written in life anywhere that says it is fair, fairness and morality are man made concepts and then only implemented by the few, again predominantly the Western nations, but that’s even getting out of hand whereby the “I have my rights” brigade, the moronic politically correct imbeciles have almost legalised criminality in the process.

So within all this “Where Does Love Live”? Why is it that some people are fraught with endless distress and mental discomfort almost all their lives and others seemingly have a better ‘lot’ and understanding. Why is it that Eastern Europeans, South Asians and South Americans and West Africans have the biggest incidents of selling their children or allowing them into prostitution more than anywhere else? (And one of the greatest love bonds is between mother and child). That some religions still look down on women and treat then as almost worthless creatures, which still happens to millions of women, despite those that have broken free of that structure. It’s very easy to talk about love when one is fed and watered and has nice clothes and MP3 and Blu-ray players, and iPhones loaded with the latest music, and meets ones friends in Starbucks, or go out for a nice meal with friends and enjoys the freedom of the society they live in. Cultures are often the biggest culprits and bane on today’s growing society, wrapped in historical failures and ideologies that modernity has no truck with nor is it compatible. For people to relate to culture as an “identity” of the past is like having to go down to the river for water when you have pure running water in your own home, it’s Stoic and narrow mindedness. Identity is where you are now, not of the past, you weren’t part of the past, ever, even if your history emanates from it, you are here now, you past starts from your yesterday not that of old folk tales and a world which was different in every respect. Cultures are mind concepts, everyone who holds on to the past certainly wants today’s modern drugs to cure them, yesterdays isn’t any good. So where does love live in all this, it does, but it’s thwarted by the stupidity of narrowness and a loss as to who you are as a person. People even fight over cultures and worse still religious cultures too that have no other meaning than what has been self created, and are nothing to do with God. People clinging on to culture as if it provides substance for them, it provides nothing but ideological content, and whilst their is nothing wrong with understanding the past and even celebrating the colourful rituals of the past of enjoyment and pseudo purpose at the end of the day it’s today that feeds you, clothes you, provides you with modern medicine, houses you, and all the rest, not a mind concept that’s a legend and not a reality.

Within all this where does love lie, what does it mean, and can we do without it. The first thing is that a humanoid based society is definitely love based even if there are those who choose to override it, and many do, never the less its ingrained deep within, it’s an intrinsic part of us, it’s what has kept by and large society the world over together despite the ego’s of despots, evil negative religions, ideologies, and gross ignorance of uneducated people, which accounts for many. Without love people fragment, become mentally unstable, stop thinking logically and start the roads to terrorism, without love we have no purpose, no future, nothing to look forward to nor desire to create towards. All the greatest creations stem from love, the desire to find out, something many religions want to hold back on, yet those that preach such are only too willing to accept dubious money to enhance their lives. Love is the biggest industry there is, it’s the world over people finding people, even if it’s a pleasure zone for some it’s still that desire to find another human being for empathy regardless of its merit that one can’t get elsewhere. Without love life is nothing, and those that survive on selfishness, greed, hate, arrogance, always suffer in the long term, they usually end up mentally exhausted at their constant battle to get their own way and in the process lose what it is really like to love and live at the same time. Love never leaves us ever, but having authority over our thoughts we can override it and allow negative emotions to take precedence, cultures and societies are aspects that fuel such thoughts and thus those societies are always backward, although in time they do evolve but it’s a slow process.

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2010

Saturday, 20 November 2010


There are so many books written today about Self Help, written by those on therapy (all about life and failure), Transcendental Meditation, (lazy and lost people), Guru’s rambling on about life and yet haven’t done a day’s work in their lives, about Spiritual Consciousness, (massive hangover), Finding God (he was never lost), Getting in Touch With Your Inner Self, (what have you been doing up until now), acknowledging your “feminine side” or “masculine side” (latent drag queens), and so it goes on. Psychologists and psychiatrists have over the years had a field day of looking up their own rectums and seeing if at the end of it life still exists, and in the process gotten used to the dank environment of negativity that they predominantly dwell in and within themselves have an overwhelming problem concerning the word “why” and resolution to it. There’s a market for it all however, and there are those who for some reason seem to feel that life could be better than what it is if they could just find what it is that they are missing. Such people are either already screwed up or have lost the plot or they are predominantly single and lonely and just can’t seem to make a connection with life or those around them or indeed make any tangible relationship with anything or anyone. Their all too frequent stares and glazed expressions and peculiar responses to what others would just take for granted sets them way out above the - dare I say it - yes I dare, the ‘norm’, whatever the ‘norm’ is, and already there will be those getting hot and flustered as to what the ‘norm’ really is, well, it’s probably doesn’t include them to start with. But for those who have a life, i.e. they are not glued to the media news, they don’t follow the fickle aspects of celebrities and how stupid they can really get, one doesn’t take everything as ‘gospel’ that anyone says about whatever it is they have to speak about, and one doesn’t believe the rhetoric of politicians in their eternal task of trying to convince ‘everyone’ that they are right.

The transformation of the self is almost a ‘coming of age’ in that it’s that sudden understanding and inner peace to do with a feeling of ‘knowing’ even if you really can’t translate it and put it into words. It’s an overall or homogeneous feeling that you can ’see’ for what its all worth the good, the bad and the indifferent and it no longer bothers you even if you intrinsically know deep down that some aspects are totally wrong. Being able to ’see’ life and what bothers so many and why some do what they do, allows you to stand back and feel the real breeze of life, that almost silent freshness that’s all around us that we are apt to ignore preferring to cloud our mind with minutiae of worthless detail and illusions of self importance over and above what is really important. People are making inordinate amounts of money running courses about the “inner self” and “happiness” and all the rest, and of course there are those who are so pathetic they believe it’s all “out there” for them to access when if the idiots only realised it’s already within them, but they are entitled to be stupid and at least going to the courses gets them out of the house even if it does mean mixing with other “oddballs” when they get there. Oddballs always attract oddballs and they tend to do the rounds as if it’s a ritual or “rite of passage” for them to do and very often takes the place of what a real relationship would be. Of course they’ll rarely ever get a relationship of any worth as they just can’t “let go” and give, hence there is this “single” phenomenon of people doing the circuit with other single people, nothing wrong with it, it’s just the way it is, but they often self isolate themselves and rarely know they are doing it, backing it all up with excuses, but everyone else notices why.

If one feels that they are out of sync with life or life is out of sync with them then it’s purely and simply down to your attitude, life won’t change and it’s viewed by billions every day all from their own perspectives and from vastly different circumstances. If the “resonance” or “vibe” isn’t good then it’s you that is not in harmony with life definitely not the other way around. You have to make the effort and not the excuses which is an all too easy cop out. It matters not what effort you make but effort is paramount in breaking through the invisible barrier that makes you feel like you do, mistakes are par for the course and only help to provide roughage with the grist in eventually dismantling that segmented wall that stops one feeling that life is good in all its glory despite the conditions. You can have your own theories on life, you can believe what others ramble on about but at the lest resort it’s you who has to come to terms with who you are and life and no one else nor anyone else’s theories or take on life. A positive mind can change the values, feelings, thoughts, circumstantial effects on the self in an instant, our mind has that ability without any pain or consternation. All the barriers we ’see’ for ourselves are self created even if there are hurdles in front of us, the magnitude and our ability to climb over them or transcend them rests with us, no one else, no matter what we have to do. In short life is all about us and how we engage with it and not about the problems or environment or anything else that we can’t always change. We can always change ourselves, which is often the biggest stumbling point for many as they have this illusion that there are those “out there” that have answers, they may have some, but it’s still YOU that has to effect the change.

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2010

Thursday, 18 November 2010


It’s not the nicest of things to happen, it blows our mind like a mini atom bomb going off inside of us, triggering all of our feelings and emotions all at one go, our minds almost disconnect from reality and we live in a place of self concocted hurt and indecision and unfathomable thoughts. Reality is not an issue as it hardly exists other than the fact that we are still alive, but only just, and interest in life whatever that is has ceased and anyway we just don’t want to know anymore as it’s immaterial and not worth it anyway. And what’s more no one understands even though others have gone through it too, it’s not the same as your heart ache, your pain is different. Well anyway, that’s an idea of what heartache is all about especially if you haven’t been through it, and it’s not a recommendation to put on your list of “things to do and experience”. Heartache is felt differently by “blokes” as it is by girls, men see things more technically and women see things more emotionally and although each and every feeling is just as real to men and women the thought process can vary somewhat and at times neither side can see where either party is coming from or going to, and the end result is that they don’t care either because if you can’t understand then that’s the whole problem in a nutshell. So there.

It’s usually worse for the person who is let down rather than the person who lets the other down, as the latter has usually a premeditated thought which tends to buffer them from the impact and actually they have had some time to think of other things even if it’s just having time on their own to ‘chill out’ and sort themselves out, unless someone else is on the scene. It’s a complex thing and for some it’s a point where they really think that life will never be the same again, it won’t it never is, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be 100 times better either, so there’s always a flip side to the way we think and the way we stilt our conversations towards a goal that seems always out of reach. It’s not rocket science either that relationships brake down at any age and also for those who are single and 30+,  mind thought is the biggest culprit to having a relationship or staying single as at the same time as compromise is nearly always an issue. Usually the woman feeling she has to compromise more than the man, unless it’s a gay relationship, but it’s usually one partner that acquiesces, and not necessarily for the worse either, that’s something to think of and not the egotistical side of “why should I” which is a ‘kiss of death’ attitude.

It’s rare not to get over a broken heart, even if it takes time. And all this “I’m sceptical about any new relationship I’ve been let down before" or worse, "too often before” etc, is rubbish, it’s self centred and selfish and maybe with that attitude it’s you that was part of the break up cause in the first instance. And remember if you have had a number of broken hearts, failed relationships etc, the common denominator in them all is you, not your partner, so what does it all say about you. There’s nothing wrong in playing the field except that “playing” is the operative word, so expect what you get when play stops, nothing, and thus nothing is what will happen time and time again. You must be honest to both yourself and others that way any let down will be be lightened as it will have a purpose and not just “it was fun whilst it lasted” which is why many “have a go” relationships are just that, shallow and hollow from the outset. One of the main causes of breakdown is not infidelity it's "hidden agendas" coupled with selfishness, and with the "why should I" and all this "I need my space" and whatever else YOU need is all fodder the day of reckoning that's about to happen.

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2010

Wednesday, 17 November 2010


Two very powerful words that express so much about life, the person we are, our understanding of life and others, the etiquette of getting out and about and communicating proficiently with fellow man, the humility of the self and above all our understanding of ourselves regardless of what others think. It’s important that we know when we are wrong and can admit to it without our ego creeping in or without degrees of arrogance taking over and us making excuses trying to avoid saying sorry. Being sorry and saying thank you can be very liberating indeed, it can free the self up from harbouring deceit and lies and and building a hard and callous interface within that over time will stop us from enjoying life as we should be and it will by default keep others away as they will be able to read the “unfortunate” side of our character and immediately not want to commune with us. Whether being sorry for whatever it is that one is sorry about is not accepted or if so begrudgingly by the other party is not important you can’t tell others what to do or what not to do, their thought patterns are the way they are for a reason. But the fact that one offers sorrow over an action or deed is enough to placate the self even if initially it was of a selfish and divisive nature. Having said all of that saying sorry doesn’t make things alright especially if the deed that one is sorry over was selfish and divisive and it all went wrong, but life is for living and moving on, it’s not from dragging the past with you or harbouring ill thoughts on a permanent basis to try and keep justification for negativity alive and hatred or anger as a live credential for purpose. Such thoughts make the holder of the negative emotions as bad or worse than the one or ones who instigated the wrong doing in the first place.

The human nature of man himself is to show gratitude and in showing gratitude it’s an acceptance of what some one else or others have done or are offering for you. The deeds of individuals or groups of people giving of the service or product play an equally important part in how we communicate with others, life is full of reciprocity it’s this reciprocity that makes the world go around and allows many of us the freedom to interact without let or hindrance by others. Religions in society (man made aspects of God) are the kiss of death as they impart evil and control and censorship and ritual and mayhem and guilt and it’s administered by those who should be preaching love, not the hatred as hate is the keynote of devil worship. Saying thank you denotes the acceptance of human exchange, the giving and taking of something no matter how large or small, it’s the deed or service or product that we are giving thanks for and that gives an elevated feeling of purpose, even if many say thank you almost begrudgingly, which denotes a staid and dull mind of a somewhat selfish nature. Happy and positive people are always profuse with exclamations in life of thanking everyone for whatever they have done no matter how small, they are given thanks. For those who have a grudge or a chip on their shoulders or who think they need more than they have or any other mentally defective thought then is there any wonder why those that don’t have or are envious or prideful aren’t as smart or as outgoing as those that do make a difference.

Politeness is a mild lubricant on life, someone with manners is almost automatically accepted even if not liked for some reason or another, the genuineness of manners is something else but the absence of them stands out a mile. Manners don a quality of the human being and a degree of breeding and the people whom one mixes with, and the company that one keeps overall. The absence of manners denote an ignorance that’s inherent and that one does not know the difference between a person of merit and an ignorant slob. Whether we understand the character or style of one over the other is immaterial, the fact that everyone knows the difference and that people who are usually well mannered in their acceptance of who are do so in relation to others and places the type of person who has such credentials on one side of the fence and the rest on the other. Manners are common to man, wealth or any other trappings are ancillary to what others say or do, it’s that point of contact that one can be honest with any deed or service that has not gone well or has been offered and that the other person or persons in question and reciprocating their acceptance of whatever it is. Even if it’s a thank you or a 'sorry' by proxy it never the less excludes a degree of ongoing implication unless there is some legality adhering to what has been transacted.

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2010

Tuesday, 16 November 2010


From the Chaos Theory we get the “Butterfly Effect”, then we get ‘sensitive dependence’ whereby both describe the changes that take place in any given scenario no matter how small that can affect the long term prognosis or estimate of what will happen or could happen. Small changes which to the casual observer mean relatively nothing or are indeed insignificant can eventually produce devastating or dramatic changes to a concept or theory or projection. Even our washing machines and dishwashers use a type of “fuzzy logic” to predict a random set of events or circumstances to give us a better and cleaner and more efficient wash. Every day pilots flying around the world often have to make small but continuous adjustments to the aircraft speed and direction otherwise they would miss the destination airport particularly on long haul flights. Chaos like anything else changes in appearance depending upon how we look at it, from a snapshot chaos is just that something that is literally chaotic and is all over the place or hasn’t got set parameters or boundaries. But from the “bigger picture” it has a definition and a life of its own that can accommodate relative predictable and quantifiable areas that together can be utilised to provide a solution to many problems. Knowing that a certain degree of predictable unpredictability is to happen allows us to programme such events into an equation and work out something that gives us a tangible grasp of whatever it is we are looking at. In short there is an order in life and sometimes that order has a span greater than we imagine or possibly shorter too so everything has to be looked at in context.

Where our human thought comes into play it’s often somewhat different in that we rarely see the bigger picture or make allowances for events or situations. Preferring to jump straight into the emotional aspect of what we feel or what we perceive and not put a great deal of thought into considering implications and conditions unless they stand out a mile and then we don’t often do justice to what we have gleaned. Many people go drastically wrong by assumptions and by wanting to move on too quickly and get some degree of closure or resolution based upon the facts as they see them. And facts are relative, if we are wealthy then the price of a small car is not only cheap we wouldn’t even consider buying it, if we are somewhat ‘hard up’ then even the cost of a cheap car could be quite considerable and we may even need a loan, so what is said by whom always needs to be born out by the credentials of who is saying what and for what reason. Most people like order in their lives it gives stability as well as a feeling that they know that they can move in different directions on the understanding that their bearings are always relative to their movement. But where even minor chaos is in evidence one can move forward and from where one came everything has now changed although in itself that position still exists. For example in a revolving restaurant, one gets up from the table to go to the toilet, on returning your table has moved forward further round the building yet the core has remained firmly where it is so you have to look around to get your bearings again and then find your table, simple, but with life itself it can be far more complicated.

How we live our lives depends upon how we view life and accept the changeability of same as well as at times the unpredictability and the consequences of such. There are many variables in our lives and many that we take well within our stride, that a certain road is closed so we go via another route that we know, or the buses or underground has routes that are not running for some technical reason, we with a little thought plan our journey in our mind using what knowledge we have of the transport system, and so it goes on. The future of our lives rests with what we do today even though there are ponder-able areas such as bereavement, winning or being bequeathed some money, or bankruptcy, or illness etc, that can radically alter the structure of our lives and how we respond defines the quality and ability we have in coping with whatever it is that’s made such a difference. Our mind rules who we are, it’s just so personal to us, even if we go around taking advice from anyone who can string a sentence together, it’s a choice we make, and the resultant actions are down to us to follow. There is an order in life and we are both part of that order and part of the larger chaos at the same time. We can make both aspects work towards our own benefit and it can be very advantageous that we consider facts in future about decisions to be made as opposed to blindly jumping in then wondering yet again why things aren’t exactly where they should be and that yet again there is a dead end sign ahead.

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2010

Monday, 15 November 2010


As a society today one wonders at times if we have progressed mentally or it's just the physical things around us that have gotten more technically advanced and we have stayed put. The number one problem affecting society is mental health, not the kind that we are all going loopy, but the stability of thought based upon who we are and what life is all about. We all go through ups and downs in life no one is immune from that at all, and by and large we overcome or come to terms with whatever it is, the human being is quite a robust piece of biology and can withstand more that it cares to think it can. The advent of shrinks and coaches is an all too easy step for some to try and pour out their heart akin to some failed Hollywood drama scenario and hopefully self pity will come out of it and an answer to the situation at hand. Unfortunately many of the shrinks and coaches aren't that clever and going through text book check lists written by others isn't always that exciting nor productive. It's a sad tale that whom you are speaking to is only as good as the last book they read, or maybe not even as stable as yourself, real intuitive and balanced thought is a prize that most never ever get near to, at least not in this life time.

The press and media churn out a whole load of diatribe every day in the hope that it will like fly paper catch a number of victims that will latch on to their devised copy and manufactured statements. To a large extent it works, especially with women who seem to revel in what others are doing especially other women with regards their shape, size, dress sense, who slept with whom, what he said what they did what she wants and so on, and view shopping as a sport where handbags and shoes are part of the prize trophy, something that leaves most men completely dazed and flummoxed as to this personal fascination with people you never meet nor will ever know. (Over 38 women's magazines as opposed to 3 men's magazines currently available). It's not that men don't have interests in areas like sports, indeed some become obsessed with it or hobbies like fishing which is largely confined to the male sex. Not that men they don't have self esteem issues either, they do but it's all manifested in a totally different way. What is wrong with being just you, you will never ever be like someone else no matter how hard you try because you don't share their brain, so following others actually places you as a second best person always following and lacking.The problem with forever following, which is not the same as being observant as to what's current, big difference, is that you are always a "has been" and your mentality usually reflects this when it comes to knowledge and conversational issues very little ever being original, most of it stolen from others or what you've read about others.

Forever complaining about weight, looks, lack of money, friends, your job, what others did or didn't do, will in the long term not only make you dull, which you may have arrived at that point already, but it will affect your mental disposition and how you view both yourself and life. You only have one chance at life, so it's imperative that you make it the best way you can. Narrowness of thought about others and being judgmental will forever hold you back and cause great consternation, which again doesn't mean you can't have an opinion. Individuality, self creativeness, presence of your own heart, your own thoughts are star qualities that everyone picks up upon and guarantees an acceptance as to whom you are, not what you want people to think you are, which is somewhat disingenuous. If you crave to be respected then people must know the real you not your potted and watered down version of others who you've taken on board because then you lack personal presence. Life isn't a rocket science expedition, it's been going on far too long and through far too much to be written about succinctly, every book written about life is only a snapshot of that moment for as humans we evolve moving on. If you can't be yourself, who can you be, and would anyone really want to know the fabricated you?

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2010

Sunday, 14 November 2010


The basis of all my writings is about the foundation of society and that is “love”, for without love we are but drones or robots just living for the sake of living, a grown up ameoba without cause and feeling and without the ability to commune with life itself. But love comes at a price, it’ a great price to pay, but for many the “evil ones in life” it really is a step too far. For those religions that preach “Love & Tolerance” yet still kill, maim, stone, and everything else it’s the beginning of the end, for with true love there is absolutely no violence whatsoever, why would there be because no one would wish anyone else to be the cause of suffering no matter what the nature. “Evil” religions need control, and the words “unconditional freedom” and ” unconditional love” don’t exist, everything is conditional and oppressive, hence all the religiously controlled countries around the world are backward in every way and breeding grounds for terrorists. The Love Swingometer is very simple it outlines various potentials and thoughts as to where you are in life, it gives a visualisation of thoughts and feelings and puts home within yourself where you are. If you believe in God (and God in every religion is pure love) then you are on the left hand side of the swingometer, Light, happiness, goodness, etc, and if you believe in the Devil then you are on the right hand-side, it’s that simple and that accurate. If you religion is oppressive and resorts to killing and maiming then there is no “Almighty compassion” it’s just cheap words, if you are on the right for any reason it’s Darkness and Evil and Devil, death, suffering, fear. etc so you may wish to review who you are worshipping and how your thoughts are constructed.

The more to the left hand side you are of “The Love Swingometer” the better life will be, it will be lighter, happier, more healthy, more fun, not at all neurotic or paranoid, it will not be stressed out or depressing, nor will it be lonely, it will not be vile or jealous nor will it be full of avariciousness and greed and divisive playacting, it will be creative and intuitive. And of course if you are on the right it will be the opposite, repressive, fearsome, psychosomatic, dark, lonely, isolated, conditionally loved, dreary, future-less, negative with hatred, anger, greed, indecision, full of paranoia and neurosis and all the rest, your God will demand retribution and all in all you will by default be a devil worshiper. It matters not what your ego tells you, nor what schematic plans you feel are needed to control or grow a society, but where love is in gross evidence the defaults of life, crime, rape, murder, embezzlement, burglaries, theft, etc, are but almost none existent. You create your life not circumstances, circumstances are what you have to live within, how you react to them or apportion them to your life is purely down to you. So if you throw a “wobbly” then that’s how life will be to you, if you say “sod it, I’m going to be happy anyway” then life will automatically be elevated even before any change has taken place. Such is the power and nature of our mind thoughts. We tend to migrate to those who share a common ideology of life, negative to negative and positive to positive.

TheLoveSwingometer is an indication of what life is all about for you, it’s how you react to life how you feel how you manage your emotion or perhaps why you don’t, it’s how you interact with life and how you see yourself in relation to others as well as they to you. Peer pressures, media hype, friends attitudes, plus other’s lifestyles at times have an influence, they shouldn’t' but they do, what is inherent in just about all is the camaraderie of humanity and life itself. It’s only edged apart by politics, ignorance, and cultures, many of which are not compatible with life today, the stupidity of the gross failures in life such as the ”politically correct” morons, who have nothing to offer except early death of themselves, and those that are greedy and avaricious. For the average person being loving and kind is the best credential they can hold to going forward in life and attracting the “right” sort of people around them to make life as comfortable and as secure as they can. TheLoveSwingometer is but an indication of where the good and the bad in life lies, the real litmus test is within and that is where you experience life for all it is. Life is what you make it, you can’t control outside forces but you can control yourself and how you feel. The rest is now up to you, follow your heart not the diatribe of nasty religions and worthless people.

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2010

Thursday, 11 November 2010


Much of our life is played out by what we know and how we live with that knowledge, how we enjoy our lives is something down to us and our attitude and mentality, it has to be as no one else can think or feel for us no matter how close they are or well meaning. Within our environment there are people, authorities, governments, religions, organisations, societies, charities, and the like all of whom have a doctrine of their own and that doctrine dictates what they do and how they do it. Most religions have staid, outmoded and defunct doctrines that should carry a sign saying ”This Religion Carries A Health Warning” in that its participants expect or receive from God is absolutely nothing at all, mainly because the religious leaders are impotent, shallow and fearful themselves. They are no better off than atheists or agnostics who have none of the baggage, guilt and oppression, other than the fact that agnostics and atheists will die without further cause. What we build up in our minds is so often empty and hollow in that we frequently react or act in accordance to what we think others will think, which is silly. Whose life are you living your own or that of others?

There are two main types of people in life leaders and followers, it’s the followers who tend to suffer the greatest by making aspects of life more topical than they are and commenting on what’s being bounced around with regards the press and media as if its all final, cut and dried. However, where life really takes a hold is within one’s mind, and it’s there where we either accept or reject aspects of life pertinent to us. It’s there where we come to terms with ourselves and others and it’s there where we physically live our lives, not outside of our minds, for the environment in which we live is but a prop or setting for us to play out what we do. We have within our minds the makings of us or the downfall of whom we are, it’s all there slotted into our micro-circuits and fused together by bio-chemical and electro-chemical links that fire off at each other to form our ongoing life patterns. What others have or don’t have is none of our business, what others may or may not do has little if any bearing upon the credentials of what we do, we are in effect a product of ourselves and as such are unique even if others are similar, they are never the same.

A lot of what we do, either culturally, historically, family driven or orientated, handed down rituals or ways of doing things, folklore, etc, is but a fallacy of the mind, and we are not to be snared into such things to appease other people or situations or circumstances at the detriment of ourselves such as “honour killings” and “forced marriages” etc, which still goes on today. The illusion of what life is all about can differ enormously as there is no defined blue print that incorporates history and tomorrows technology, hence it’s all new ground and it’s where religions have to make up what they think yesterday’s teachings equate to tomorrows developments, and the short answer is that the theologians and especially the religious leaders aren’t that bright, and their followers are even less bright and there lies a problem of its own making. Living our own lives, whatever that may be involves a great deal of love from both sides of the fence. Parents allowing children to live the way “they” want and not how their parents want, and the understanding that children of whatever age understand that their parents are in reality often selfishly inclined probably though their own upbringing too to want what they want for their children. There is a big difference between governance for the right reasons and an openness to allow evolution and creation to take place.  The illusion continues.
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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2010

Wednesday, 10 November 2010


We all have views about what is normal and what isn’t and by and large we share many views concurrently on the same subject , we have ideas and feelings as to what is acceptable, and if anything veers from the norm then we trawl in an instant in our minds as to why and apportion it down to whatever it is that such a person did such a thing, sometimes we are at a loss as to finding that answer. But through time what was once a shameful thing is no longer, illegitimate children are no longer seen as anything other than young children without a father, divorce which was once scandalous too is all part of the ‘norm’ today which it shouldn’t really be even if it’s an inevitable step for some. Normalising many aspects of life takes the stigma out of the deed or situation which is in many cases good as there is usually an innocent party that is a circumstance rather than the perpetrator of their circumstance, such as in illegitimacy. Marriage should be for life, but that especially in the media is “fair game” when it comes to everything that can go wrong does, and celebrities bring it on themselves. Even Islamic terrorism from the people that should practise “Love And Tolerance” is almost acceptable in that “Islamophobia has crept into the language which wasn’t there once and there wasn’t such a word, and as terrorism is 98% Islamic one doesn’t need to be a rocket scientist to understand why.

The way people get on with each other and the degree of tollerance we have enables us to meet with a whole range of people and muster through, taking people as they are the good, the bad and the indifferent, we know what we have to do for what reason, so for the grater part in life we just get on with it. Passing comment we may do but again for the major part we just accept that some of our meetings weren’t as we would have liked, but it’s all history and we have moved forward. Years ago the commonality of courtesy was far better than it is today, even if other aspects of life weren’t as acceptable as there has become an integration of many cultures and ethnicities etc, the status has changed, some cultures are outgoing others still backward thinking and culturally crippling in some circumstances. What was normal pre such times has by default changed and life has changed too. The advent of new failures was never as evident as we now have “politically correct” people who are by their own hand are sub-humans and a burden on everyone.

What’s normal for one person or society is often far from normal for another, it’s our understanding that gets us through. Protocols in one country can differ substantially also from country to country but by and large if you are a “foreigner” in that country you are usually exempt from the nuances and sometimes potentially insulting gestures as humanity accepts variances from those who are not expected to know. The most stringent and two faced societies predominantly Islamic countries where life always lags behind except for arms deals and nuclear advancement and are prone to a stringency often covering up their own gross indecencies never reported or allowed to become public because they censor everything. But fortunately for the many that don’t have to rely on state diktat, to behave ’normality’ is often ones own individuality whatever that is, and it encompasses a whole range of moods, styles, shapes, formats, ideologies and the like, subliminally helping create a growth and desire to move forward , whereas as closed societies are always beggars relying on others for advancement which they procure or emulate or steal. Art, design, development, progress, discovery comes out of ‘breaking with the norm’ it has to by its own definition and as such the levels or ‘normality’ take on a meaning and life all of their own.

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2010

Tuesday, 9 November 2010


In order to get along in life we need to have an empathy with it otherwise we either just play “lip service” to what we are doing or go through the motions almost robotically to get done what we have to do because we know it has some meaning for us. Either way our heart isn’t in it and because of that, what we do rarely has any degree of “wow factor” which accounts for many people’s lives. Then everyone steps back almost shocked and in awe and says “I don’t know why my life is as dull as it is” or “I don’t know things don’t seem to go my way” and so on. Even the best meal in the world your super, super favourite can be spoilt just by a surly waiter serving you with a disgruntled and impassionate outlook, the little things in life can make a difference and just having the ‘edge’ taken off of something can reduce it from fabulous to “it was nice” in one fell swoop. (It only takes a small pin to burst a big balloon). Attitude is the telling aspect of ourselves and if it’s tinged with negativity it will almost always be under par, if it’s positive then even the dullest of things will have a tinge of excitement, it’s that simple. You can make excuses until the cows come home, but fooling yourself with pathetic conjecture to try and make you think you are better than you are is futile, facile and pointless, anyway it’s only you who is letting yourself down. Our lives, our partners, our food, our clothes, our friends, our job, our thoughts all must strike a note with something that empathises within us for if it doesn’t then we are either already dead or teetering on the verge of it. We are only as good or as interesting and fabulous as we make out, it rests with us, no one else, we can’t blame others or the lack of others for who we are as we control who and what we are, and as soon as we realise that then from that moment life does get significantly better. Frustration, lack of this n’ that, can’t do this n’ that are all incidentals, and putting weight on to external factors to make us come alive is the biggest opt out that many have, it not only reduces ones self esteem but acts as a ”scape goat” in translation within our mind, absolving ourselves from getting our act together.

We have an empathy of some sort with most aspects of our lives even if it’s to do with our cars or food or hobbies or interests, it’s something that drives our enthusiasm and gives us the impetus to shine or attain knowledge without a great deal of effort, it provides a degree of enjoyment and purpose and an ongoing feel of wanting to continue. Of course our circumstances can play a part in how our empathy resonates within us and even the common flu can knock us for six for a while where we tend to lose interest in everything including eating. Fortunately we don’t have year long flu and even disabilities that we develop, for many do not preclude us enjoying what we like even at a different level. As we progress in life age has a bearing as does our ability to proficiently do what we could do more easily years earlier, we also gain more knowledge of life, have experienced a few more knocks, set backs, ups and downs, disappointments, losses, and whatever else has come our way, yet within us we still have the ability to empathise with aspects of life that still give us pleasure, that’s assuming we allow it to happen. All too often the self effacing aspects of man literally does “cut off his nose to spite his face” thinking that some kind of self afflicted remorse, sacrifice or unhappiness will give us a higher degree of inner credibility, well it won’t it just makes you more ‘bloody unhappy’ and a pain in the neck to those around you. Life as such doesn’t give a dam whether you enjoy life or not, it have a thing all of its own called “life” and it’s greater than all of us, so it you can’t radiate a degree of empathy towards others then certainly don’t expect it to be reciprocated, because the “others” will go to where they are appreciated, they have a soul and feelings too, and they like to be liked, they love to be loved and not listen to morose diatribe as if it’s an endless soap series on all about my pathetic life and what’s gone wrong with it. Granted such conversations are better than sleeping tablets as they have no side effects and work quicker, but that’s not the point.

We tend to migrate to those we empathise with, so the good and great and humorous and positive tend to join forces and those negative beings with all their faults and traits do likewise and migrate to the negative and so on, there is a big rift in between and often those who are not quite sure which camp to be in are the procrastinators, and they can be a pain too, as they can never quite give a definitive answer to anything, which is different from those who are naturally easy going and tend to go with the flow. More and more today the issue of mental health is coming to the fore, it’s nothing new, it’s just that many in society feel that there is always an option for someone else to take over or make a decision or worse still have a tablet after which the course has run all will be well, no you’ll be worse. Coaches and psychologists can”t make up your mind for you even if to present you with an array of options, you have to take the first step, and ironically many of these “professionals” have problems of the self themselves, even self confessed ones. Making a wrong move is making a move, we all make mistakes and sometimes it’s these that jar us out of where we are and allow us to see the ‘bigger picture’ and break free from our microcosm of “all about me” which festers and rots with time placating who we are and making us look like an old cabbage and exude as much interest too. If we lose the life passion it’s because of our inner self for no one can give it to us, dwelling on the self is absolutely the worst thing you can do as it cuts you off from mankind and humanity to the extent you always seem to commune at arms length and thus in time lose the plot. As difficult as it may be at times to put on a brave face, smile when inside you need to cry, it’s what you have to do, it’s what everyone has to do, there are no short cuts and no easy answers, but by making an effort the tumblers do start to turn, even if slowly at first. It’s only the selfish that get caught up in the pity game and then get ostracised by everyone else, and still believe that they are badly done to, well if you treat yourself like a lump of ‘detritus’ then what you sow so shall you reap.

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2010

Monday, 8 November 2010


Do you go around with that slightly vacant expression, not quite squinting but that slightly glazed look as if in deep thought, because if you do you could be one of the many that are forever pondering and evaluating life. Those people that see and assess yet do nothing themselves, they observe and take mental notes then apportion what’s good, not so good, valued or not, and how it equates to them, although it rarely ever does. How can one equate the life of others who actually make a difference to those that plod along and just observe from afar then hypothesise as to why they did what they did and why they can’t and relate to ‘their’ situation and so on and so forth, it’s all dull stuff. Life is full of unanswered questions and even the academics and intellectuals fall short of their own queries as life contains more than they even know and that’s another level of questions laced with extrapolations and conundrums and aesthetic qualitative and quantitative evaluations which has no relevance whatsoever to living a life that’s full and meaning. It’s good to be in possession of knowledge, yet a little learning in the wrong context can be almost lethal, like having a serum for good health, too little and it won’t work, too much and it could cause complications or worse - death. Human ability to go forward on potential, hope and discovery is legendary, well it is on planet earth anyway, what aliens do maybe something else, and it’s not every race, culture, religion that has made dramatic changes for the better, there are still some cultures and religions that are hell bent on killing for the sake of it and holding on to the past, such is the hollow and Devil related nature of their God, hiding behind peace and love yet smiling with jagged teeth and breath of poison fumes. The uncertainty of aspects of life at times gives rise to confusion and cause for why things are the way they are, and why people do what they do when the only outcome is mayhem, corruption and suffering, but avariciousness, greed, power, ego, and all the other negative emotions are the root cause why such goings-on still exists. Where love is a root ingredient nothing grossly untoward would ever happen as there would be no reason as to why it should.

We have to live every day without many answers being answered, sometimes a whole lifetime goes by and aspects of it remain a mystery and racking our brain is a futile exercise as it gets us even more confused, perplexed and at times destabalised than when we started out. Knowing that life has no credentials other than that which humanity bestows upon itself should be enough for us to comprehend at times the incomprehensible and allow a question mark to signify the end of the sentence and move on or we will forever be dragging ourselves and others down searching for eternal clues, none of which will enhance our future abilities or peace of mind. Besides forever dwelling on the past and posing imponderable questions doing so takes our mind off the here and now which is far more important, as the here and now is a prelude to tomorrow and tomorrow is where life is at and where we are going to live our lives. In life people do weird things for the most pathetic reasons and it really doesn’t pay us to dwell on those reasons when at times nothing is ever changed. But there are some who are lacking in intelligence and are one of those useless souls that forever goes around wanting “closure” and “resolution” on every single thing that happens in life and never rests until it happens, then when it happens realise they have wasted so much time for that moment to happen that life has moved on and they have stagnated. Habitual question asking can be a problem, whilst asking questions and being inquisitive can be grossly beneficial, it can also hinder one’s ability to reason, comprehend and formulate a stance that gives the mind a presence of greater understanding from the self and not perpetually seeking an answer that has little or no bearing on enhancing life, priorities are essential for ‘greasing’ the way forward in a proficient manner.

Ignorance can be bliss, knowing too much or more likely a lot but not enough (and equal amounts of intelligence) can make us veer into a state of panic and consternation because we know the what, why and how of many things but as to any degree of how it could pan out we are at a loss, unless we turn to mental conjecture and then that throws us unto a bigger state of flux as we are grappling with unknowns and hypothetical states which could be totally erroneous. There’s nothing worse in any aspect of life basing situations or aspects of thought or literally on what we think as opposed to what we know, the differences can be staggeringly miles apart. We live our lives which no one else can ever do so, if we forever search for the “happiness” trail, then we lose out totally as we hope that in doing so we will find a degree of satisfaction, closure, meaning, purpose, love, harmony, understanding, and the rest, only to find that others are in a similar boat. Although within that stance many may have priorities outside of themselves and that gives a greater purpose all on its own. For many their belief gives real and true stability especially when all else seems to be at odds with ones thoughts, and for those that don’t believe then it’s usually something based upon their own theories in life which in the long term always flounders because they don’t know enough of their subject to gain any real base knowledge and its completely stilted, biased and full of pathetic subliminal hope covering up gross insecurity and it often creates more mental unrest.

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2010

Thursday, 4 November 2010


There’s no big secret that some people are predominantly all alone just about all the time, however we can all be “all alone” at certain times within the bigger picture, i.e. we have families, partners, and real friends but, it’s just that for whatever reason we feel isolated, and although these are temporal phases they enter our lives and just as quickly leave them too. There is that “alone-ness” that hits predomintly single people of an age of approximately 30+ and is more evident in women than men as women respond more emotionally to such a situation than men do, and it affects their mental stance on life and outlook. Then there are those who are alone because they believe they are not understood, well, that can be true also, it can also mean that you are selfish and self centred and things aren’t going your way. And there are those who feel alone because circumstances for whatever reason have either overtaken them or have not been conducive to incorporate them into a more wholesome environment that’s more akin to who they are and fits their mental temperament such as the old and infirm. Wandering aimlessly are those who are just lonely souls by nature, can’t find a hook upon which to hang their coat, can’t find a mate because deep within that feeling of having someone else in life never just quite catches on, the eternal lonely person. Loneliness can also be something which is selfishly created, there are many who by their own nature are mean, they not only just cannot give (yet they think they are generous for some reason) but don’t see self meanness as a part of whom they are. Meanness is not necessarily monetary in value, it’s giving time, effort, help, knowledge, just listening (which is an art), it’s a quality value that humans give to other deserving humans at times. The more people give of themselves the better they commune with life and the more open minded they are and knowledgeable they are as well as have elevated degrees of compassion and understanding. Lonely people take offence, are usually politically correct, have defined and stilted views, are self reliant, and self centred to a high degree, view life as a necessary option, i.e. I might I might not, whereas the person who is giving will be more decisive yet understanding at what they are acceding to.

Creators, scientists, artists, writers, etc, can be loners, even if in a good partnership, often their dedication is a pathway which cannot be shared with others until completion, and then for them completion is an ongoing event, as there is always a new frontier ahead that needs working upon or seeing to. The road for many in life can be fraught even if success is evident en-route, the inner self and soul are at times poles apart as is the mental satisfaction that many seek but never really grasp, as it for some reason always appears out of reach. Intelligence more than education is a crucial aspect to understand where one is in life, and where education can define intellectual goals and scenarios it can also create rifts of conjecture that like chasms are so deep that crossing them is almost a step too far and thus life always has something missing and is always that degree under-performing and always just missing that feeling of completeness in the pit of your stomach. Loneliness by far is self created, circumstances preclude some from making contact with others, but for the vast majority of people loneliness is either by design or default, either way it’s you who is the instigator of not communing with others, no one will believe the excuses that are self created either. Effort of all kinds has to be put into life, being shy or not very effusive doesn’t preclude one for living a life that’s full on, it may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but that’s not important it’s not everyone that has to live your life, nor you theirs. Hiding behind being misunderstood or not mixing with the right people isn’t an option either, the only option other than physical circumstances is that of death itself, everything else has a level of convergence and if that’s rejected and rejected and rejected then the inner self will eventually lose the ability to respond to other humans at any level and then the rot sets in.

Loneliness has it’s dark side, apart from creating instability, it can grossly affect one’s equilibrium and mental health, from there onwards life is a toil, one can become self interested, cranky, set in one’s ways, isolated, self consumed, and even lose the touch to forming any real friendship because one is so used to the me, me, me, effect that there is never any room for anyone else no matter what level, it’s all mental self talk of “why should I” and one is then ostracised from enjoying life, it’s a rush to always get back home, home is the womb of safety and talking to oneself as there is no one else to share life with. Our friendships develop over our lives, some people we hold on to for days or just the holiday season, others months, some years and some a lifetime. Some who we had known for almost an entire lifetime suddenly departs without a trace or the magic just wanes and they become almost strangers all over again. Acquaintances over time can be very dear, and whilst there may not be the greatest camaraderie between the both parties there is a trust and reliability that counts for a great deal and provides that pivotal aspect of humanity which helps everyone in life move forward with a better inner feeling of life and degrees of happiness, even if most is of a past era. The short time we have on planet earth needs to be fuelled with all that’s good, and that has to be shared at whatever level with others, even if the mix of those that only share parts of our lives is far far greater than those which share a lot of our lives. Whatever we choose to share is down to us, but it’s self comforting to share a degree of warmth as that’s reciprocated and inwardly absorbed and pacifies our inner self, which is crucial to feeling content and not on edge or just killing time because there’s nothing better or else to do, which is all too uncommon.

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2010

Wednesday, 3 November 2010


It’s not that one has the will not to live but the thought that goes through the mind is literally “The Will To Live” life can at times seem all so daunting, out of reach, where everything is at arms length and the inner impetus to go forward is thwarted by lethargy and ‘what’s the point’. Coupled with gross indecision and a total lack of knowledge as to what to do next and how and where, and all the rest, nothing quite seems to fit into place and all around life appears to be moving on for everyone else and you are stuck right where you are, almost super-glued to the spot. Of course all of this can’t be further from the truth, life is experienced from within your own mind no where else, no one can see life from your perspective and why should they, they have their own. How we all view life is both complex and simple at the same time, it’s simple in that what we all see is exactly the same, how we register it all can be as different as chalk and cheese so it’s vital that we take care of our minds and not let them play tricks on us or allow our sluggish feelings to take us into a state of self pity, which is quite common. Our backgrounds can play a big part in our visualisation of the future, if we come from a somewhat negative background then we are likely to have that stance within us, and similarly if we come from a positive background then we are prone to being more positive in life and don’t let the knocks and setbacks hinder our way in going forward, knowing that all we experience is grist for the mill in making us stronger and more resilient and knowledgeable. Whereas the negative idiots fall back on “why me” all the time as if they have been singled out. What negative people do is to literally selfishly single themselves out and thus make matters worse by churning over and over again their predicament and mixing it with a bit of ego, arrogance, self esteem (or lack of it), and the rest and formulating some kind of monster thoughts which then take on a life of their own, and in reality don’t exist. It’s often this self created world that many live in and then wonder why life doesn’t have the sparkle it should, and often letting themselves down thinking that there is some magic formula to success whereas it most cases it’s purely down to diligence and ongoing pursuits that wins the day.

Life is crammed full of contradictions, truths and untruths and its disseminating which is which and why when even plausible aspects of life can be full of remorseful endings and the seemingly simplest of things can be full of subliminal meanings that fast forward us on to bigger and better things. The press and media don’t help as everything they do and say has been “treated” with ‘lipgloss’ to make it appear either more sexy, more horrifying, more desperate or more gloomy to give it added depth and to enhance what often is humdrum comment, real news speaks for itself without the fanfare of hyped emotion to try and give kudos and meaning to the subject matter. We should elevate ourselves from being passive sponges absorbing everything around us regardless of its content and stick to what is important to us, ourselves. If we can’t take refuge in ourselves and be “at one” with ourselves and be happy, regardless of our circumstances, what can we do, happiness is self generated no one can give it to us, so we are always going to be the product of lacklustre and an inner fatigue feeling that life must be better than this, when in reality it is. There are no quick fixes in life, there are highs and lows, but no quick fixes even winning the lottery despite it sounding grand has on most people a long term detrimental effect as they can’t cope, they think they can until it happens then the story changes over night. Our perceptions can deal a deathly blow to reality and if we don’t take a reality check at times we lure ourselves into a mind set of fantasy and then we really lose the plot big time. If we become stable in our thought process then we are better at looking after others, communing with life and seeing the bigger picture, whereas negative minded people pass by then wonder why nothing ever happens.

Hubble, bubble, toil and struggle, is that you? Do you wax lyrical about how you are dragging yourself along in life, that others are getting this n’ that, and you have been shunted into a siding and left there? Well, you haven’t been left anywhere you didn’t want to be, no-one shunted you into anything, no-one lives your life, no-one has an agenda for you - why should they - they have more important things to do like looking after their lot. It’s nothing to do with God, if you believe then you have free-will, and then you must have faith, but you obviously don’t otherwise you wouldn’t be whinging and moaning you’d be believing, so that puts the ball firmly back into your own court. Mild depression, apathy, lowness of self, little going at the moment, people around you are glum, circumstances not so hot either, and so it goes on, but our feelings are just emotional, and we only have to have one bit of good news and all the negativity falls away, at least for a while such is the power of self thought. Nations thrive on overall positivity that’s why the West always does better than most other countries because there’s an impetus overall that propels them forward, negativity attracts negativity and that’s in some cases ingrained into cultures that are today outmoded and defunct, yet exude parameters and ritualistic and cultural diktat that gives rise to hurt, stress, guilt and the rest and where that four letter-word is overlooked - love - in favour of old selfish protocols. We have but one life so it’s imperative that we enjoy it not dread it, even when things go wrong we don’t have to make a meal out of it otherwise we establish it further as a situation of greater importance then give it gravitas and it then starts to grow into something that we live within even after it has diminished and is no longer. Those that make the grade seek only the future, the past is literally history, an area we can’t enter anyone other than via our own emotions, others can’t join us in that so it’s all pointless and futile to our future happiness. The Will To Live, there’s no other option than to live it as best you can evey day, that way it just gets better.

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2010

Tuesday, 2 November 2010


Hope is an essential aspect of our lives, it’s not some woolly thought that we have that we win the lottery or it stays fine for the bar-b-q at the weekend, it’s something far more fundamental, for real hope can be our guiding light especially in times of turbulence and darkness. Our hope for life and what it represents in life to us all can differ greatly, some people are gregarious, some timid or introverted, some plane greedy and selfish, others egotistical and bombastic, and at the end of the line of endless possibilities there are those who are just lost in time and space and don’t really know what life’s all about, other than the fact that they are living it. Hope gives us a hook upon which to extend our rope and try and get a catch, it’s that eternal feeling that there is something out there pertaining to our thoughts and despite the setbacks and upheavals and disappointments behind all that lies substance, something that’s there for us and that something is both solid and ours. How we live our lives has a direct bearing on our attitude, if we have love in our hearts we see life differently from those that can’t fathom out what love is all about, those people are often jaundiced and somewhat arrogant, and tend to live a lesser satisfied life that than others. Hope for them is a pure selfish thing and is not really shared if at all with anyone else, whereas those that have love within want to share as the camaraderie gives them a feeling of purpose and humanity and a warm feeling within that makes life feel feel good even if current circumstances are not that great. For those that have a belief, at least a Christian based one then hope is part of the doctrine in going forward, for those that don’t believe then it matters not, you are just biding your time until death arrives.

Whether we are entrepreneurial or quite satisfied with out lot as it is now, hope is always there for us to reach out to, it’s an intricate part of our mind complex where our emotions and logic fuse together to give a stance on life and where we are within it all. If we are emotionally lead we tend to fall into a myriad of negative scenarios as we often do foolish things based upon our emotions, if we are the opposite and logically based we can tend to be cold, insincere, selfish and have little regards for anything or anyone who doesn’t serve a purpose in our own grand plan. A combination of both is ideal, it never is an equal split, but provided we look at life in a timely manner we can assess what lies ahead in a more balanced way and that allows hope to be a positive attribute and not a feeling of just endlessly wishing and hoping and getting frustrated and disappointed when nothing happens. Our input in life is paramount for hope to manifest itself in a way that we can utilise and latch on to, those that dwell on problems miss out on seeing the solutions not giving hope a chance, hope is part of our ’seeing’ process so when we see opportunities we can jump for them, unlike the our mail hope will not arrive through our letterbox and wait for us to open the envelope and read the opportunities that are available, diligence is par for the course.

Our private “wish list” in life can grow or diminish as we progress, maturity seeing a side of life that youthfulness lacks, our “hope” for what is to come can also change and what we once hoped for is now just a redundant memory of past thought as new areas comes to the fore and our wants and needs change. Circumstances play a big part in our lives and at times unless they are good circmstances can throw us off course quite substantially. But with hope it carries a flame of possibilities and leaves us open to suggestions no matter how daunting they may be that guide potential for future prosperity or solace or degrees of happiness that at times we think has eluded us. Hope is contagious, it can elevate those around us that also need encouraging or a change in mind shift to see the better things in life and not dwell in a dowdy mode that percolates our thoughts and feelings and outlook. Hope highlights what sheer mind thought can’t do, we are not privy to the myriad of possibilities that are out there, our tiny minds think we know what’s available but in reality we know nothing, and allowing our thoughts to combine with hope brings to the fore this endless stream of options, ideas, perceptions, understandings, jobs, people, and everything that’s out of the box and beyond that also exists if we are receptive to it all We can be the most blinkered people and thwart our own chances based purely on what we deem we know best. On the other hand we can shine brilliantly, but if you think you can’t - you won’t.

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2010

Monday, 1 November 2010


Habits can be formed at any level, even daily routines can in some cases become habitual and when circumstances dictate change it throws the whole of the body and mind into a wobbly, not starting out right for some mentally upsets the day, such is the power of our little minds. Our attitude towards life will dictate how we are going to go forward or reside forever in a stasis of mediocrity whilst forever complaining about things not happening or moving forward, but at the end of the day, just cutting to the quick and eradicating the self created sob stories, it’s only us who can change who we are no one else, regardless of circumstances. There is no such thing as being disadvantaged although things can be unfair, but then where in life is there anything written to say that life is fair - there isn’t, we are born into a world just the way it is and reside in it just the way things are. We have, excluding Islamic countries, opportunities to do what we want and go where we please, such is the base of freedom, although freedom has a price to pay also, but less than a society dictated to by endless rules and regulations telling you what you can and can’t do. We are all different as people, some are gregarious and some are just “stick in the mud” type of people, but that’s all down to us, and society, life and opportunity don’t give a dam as to which one we reflect or practise, it’s up to us to go fishing for what’s out there, nothing will jump out of the water on to our table. The complexity of how we live our lives is formed by our character, regardless of our educational aptitudes and abilities, nerds can become billionaires today, and those of old who have the gift of the gab can still be seen doing the rounds residing in their self knowledge that they are the bee knees, whereas they are quite hum drum in reality, even if what they have to say is spot on, they just don’t have it within them to break that ‘glass ceiling’ of self created thought, even if the mind waxes lyrical and has visions of greater things, the outcome doesn’t cut the mustard.

Many get into a state of routine, knowledge, status, contacts, etc, and live within that framework, not often venturing out of it or if they do quickly fall back to where they were before as nothing really takes a hold and progresses to a super level rarely materialises, and if it does it’s only fleeting. Arrogance, degrees of smugness, “old boys” attitudes with regards one’s peers, all have the effect of dampening the way forward even if a good living is made out of what they do, it all somehow resides in an elliptical mode touching a lot of ’sameness’ and moving on like the moon orbiting the earth, the effect it has on earth is substantial, but nothing new, and many people are like that in life seeking elevation out of their devised orbit but never have the ability to pull away from the gravitational force which others seem to do and rise to dizzy heights or just higher elevations. As times ticks by many take refuge in maturity in that they have lost that youthful urge to become whatever it was in life, and time has melded attitudes and just being comfortable in life becomes the new mode of forward thinking. Frustration, lack of drive, self confidence, the endless making up of excuses, the making up of endless obstacles, the making up of anything to thwart the feeling that failure or lack of self is the real cause for not moving forward. Where real entrepreneurs just thrive on the ability within to “Go” not relying on social networks and other such “Tupperware” or “Janet Reager” parties to try and move forward with help from a flock of people who are all in the same boat of mediocraty. Guilt of the self is not uncommon no matter how it is manifested, evading reality or not confronting the real causes and eternally trying often strikes a more cordial and progressive note within, but it boils down to the same thing, status quo, zilch.

There is only one thing holding us back and that’s ourselves, if we died life would carry on without us, so our self built importance wanes in such thoughts, moving forward rambling aimlessly about how it isn’t or should be or hasn’t been or whatever smacks of a sterile thought process where the needle has got stuck on the groove, we can’t move forward with regrets. Guilt, regrets and depression go hand in hand like a gin and tonic and a slice of lemon, it all fits together, but unlike a G and;T the former isn’t a quick refreshing experience it’s a trail of twilight wanderings that make life a toil as opposed to a pleasure. Whatever is out there for us it’s down to us to make it work, and whether our pursuits take days, weeks, months years - like many scientists have had to encounter - success equates to staying power nothing more, if we move forward with doubt then we should give up right now otherwise what is the purpose. But the last thing we should do is deny ourselves any opportunities based upon others thoughts or circumstances, others thoughts are just that and circumstances can change overnight, so we have to be firm in our forward direction to allow ourselves the ability to proceed at all costs, and that momentum eventually breaks the glass ceilings and man made barriers that only reside in our thoughts even if others try to implement them for their purpose, but to no avail. The pathway at times can be lonely but there again it’s better that way than carrying the baggage of unbelievers which is a heavy and wasteful burden in itself.

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2010