Tuesday 31 January 2012


It's 2012 the real Year of Aquarius, not the coming of Aquarius as sung years ago in the "sunshine days" of hippy environments and the like. The pyramids in Egypt and South America, Mayan religions and similar mystical and religious cultures - all of whom have died out - foretold that this year is the year for massive change. Whether we understand all of this past knowledge or believe in just today the world is by its own volition going through an enormous metamorphosis, way beyond global warming which is affecting the surface and how we live within it. The world as we know it as a whole is changing, the increase in floods, droughts, earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, seasons, water levels, erosion, emotional greed, avariciousness, the self, religions being put to task - and failing,  etc is way beyond what has been experienced of resent past and is likely to increase in the foreseeable future too, at times with enormous devastation. The world is even running out of oil and at the same time the instability of nuclear fuel is being questioned as a viable alternative in sources of secondary fuels such as electricity, our vital every day commodity.

The advancement of science is coming on leaps and bounds, yet there is always that "illusive" thought, what was there before the "big bang" and despite conjecture, hypothesis, guess work, extrapolation and anything else, scientifically it still can't be proven and science knows only too well that with certain criteria, laws and constructs lose their status as other effects take over and have properties of astounding delivery and effect once certain barriers are broken. The schools of thought are as wide today as they ever have been with regards creation. There are the Darwinians, the God believers and a group who are now somewhere in-between seeing the enormity of life and that the universe is more that a smart photo-shop creation made up and displayed on a lab PC with 3D graphics and original space sounds thrown in to bring a degree of authenticity and smug understanding.

If one believes in God as the creator then before the birth of the Universe there was God, "I am". And then God said "Let their be light" and there was light, and we are the sons and daughters of that light. Light being an energy form as we are made up of a solid energy form not quite as developed as one which is pure higher evolved energy but an intermediary. Degrees of evolution can still exist within light/matter as indeed we see things evolving at a rate of knots today especially in the fields of electronics and medical science. At this point most religions (Not God) have been left behind in the past, wallowing in stagnation and fear as they haven't a clue as to what is to pass other than what they define themselves which is always narrow and evil. Evolution and creativity isn't something religions understand, nor do they understand what love is anymore, and love is the fundamental aspect of humanity, for without it the human is no better than a robot and has no purpose or emotions, which is evident in the Middle Eastern cultures fighting for material self and at any cost. Love is not a word that can be  levied on to the area and those within it. Replace love with fear and that is tantamount to a feeling of concern for self preservation nothing more. No way does their God help them in anyway what so ever, whatever has happened has been through their own volition and intervention.

The differentiation between light as an energy and the human form is purely our inability to transcend the difference, such is our vast ignorance of the concept of utilising what's out there and incorporating it into our thinking and being. Sometimes the arrogance of science and it's great and impressive headway promotes in some circles an almost dunce like attitude based purely on personal mind thought and not that of the bigger picture. There are areas where light is the beginning and the end and science is the bit in the middle, although it's not always the light we think of generally or come to understand. If we believe in God then this concept is easy to understand, if we believe in Darwinian theories and other such draconian diatribe then we are literally facing obstacles that will never be accomplished for generations to come and plod on amazing ourselves at what was already outlined but ignored. Fortunately in the quagmire of science there are those few who not only embrace the bigger picture but see transitions as a natural development even though our limited abilities in entering the logistics of same are far from such a position. At  times science fiction writers are more closer to the ultimate truth than those who are directing their own science pathway and see little in the way of creativity.

For more www.thelifedoctor.info
Free "E" Book : www.the-alchemy-of-life.com
©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2012

Monday 30 January 2012


Relationships, we have loads of them, we specialise throughout our lives developing them, we nurture them, we dissolve them, we seek them and we then wrestle with them when they don't go our way. Our relationships with people are of prime importance to us for if we don't have any or any that are of a significant nature then we become unstable and lose the plot. We become moody, lonely, isolated, develop self mind talk, we become become reclusive and introverted and lazy and then we lose what life is all about because we then can't be bothered to do anything, and then no one wants to know us so it's a downward spiral thereafter. Of course relationships as such are not just of people, they are how we commune with life itself, our work, our various groups of people who we interact with on a regular basis, our environment, and how we see life through the various facets and streams that we utilise in our way forward. Our relationship with our self is important too, it seems funny that we talk about our self relationship but it isn't that funny when you think or know yourself better than anyone, so it's imperative that we don't fool or lie to ourselves. If we have a lack of self confidence or are not trustworthy that's how we work our way in life and at some point it will have negative consequences for the acts and deeds we have done. So we have a relationship with ourselves and almost know what we are going to do and how and how honourable we are or aren't when things don't go well, something others will find out too in the fullness of time.

We have opinions about people and how situations arise, we have our own moral and ethical codes and we have to a degree a level of etiquette too that we expect from others and if by and large it's far from what we expect then more often than not we either dissolve that relationship or if it's a work related situation keep it at arms length and on a minimum contact level. Subliminally we are almost pro-active in whom we associate with and why, and this develops throughout our whole life, as do the opinions of those around us too, life is organic and evolutionary and like it or not we do change and sometimes not for the better. Circumstances can change our lives as can religious elements that seek to cause grief rather then happiness. We also have relationships with people that not only let us down but have it in them to let others down too, for if you do it once you can do it again and again as it becomes as always the easy option in life, something that usually has consequences in latter life that aren't so pleasant. It's at this point that we enter the world of toxic relationships, it's at this point that we meet and see people who are disingenuous and whilst outside are full of smiles on the inside are shallow and insincere. It's at this point we see others from afar who are cold, selfish, self centred and hollow, those that think only about themselves and have ulterior motives for control such as is happening in the Middle East, a hotch potch of control freaks that will kill at any cost to hold on to what they want and not what the majority want. But it could just well be commercial companies that are not what they be.

We tend to keep the company of those we love and those we like, it makes us feel good and gives us that humanity boost that life is for the main part good. But keeping company with those we don't like or those who deceive us is a toxicity that has real effects that are not that pleasant. Bad relationships / families / organisations / companies / environment can cause the following :- depression, anxiety, mind loss, heart problems, cancer, apathy, raised blood pressure, inflammation, loneliness, and a host of ailments and conditions including a self created degree of dysfunction of the self. Toxic relationships are the "thing" which many of the major world universities are putting out as to the root causes of many problems within ourselves and our immediate environment, and it's only us that can stop the rot. The last thing we need to do is to pass it on to our children which we do as they subliminally take on board what we do and say even if they haven't a clue as to what our actions are, it seeps through the net something that's inherent in our deeds and actions.

Bad managers, bad friends, wrong crowd, poor environment, inadequate policing, wrong choices, double standards, etc contribute to toxic relationships all of which defines what we say and how we say it. Even if we are not aware of it we shape our future criteria on what we do now, and what we think we can get away with has future complications which often our own arrogance puts to one side as irrelevant, but it's still there whether we acknowledge it or not. We don't feel comfortable mixing with people that don't resonate well within us, we can put up with it for short periods of time but on a permanent basis it really gets to us and that has on going consequences and heightens our disdain for that person or people. There is far more toxicity today around us than ever before, and the disappointing thing is is that we have caused it as it doesn't happen on its own or naturally. Even if we don't like other cultures or religions because they don't resonate well with how we think or feel, toxicity is something that has been cultivated and driven from within, and that happens on both sides of the fence nothing is a one way street with people or their ideologies of life.

For more www.thelifedoctor.info
Free "E" Book : www.the-alchemy-of-life.com
©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2012

Saturday 28 January 2012


What is the thing that is going to upset you the most, what is it that is going to both destabilise you and make you feel low and possibly ill at the same time. What robs you of both your future and your happiness? What is it that causes you to age and not find peace, that stilts your conversational flow and curtails your camaraderie with others and communing with life? What is it that grounds you to a level that you lose the impetus to move on that steals your joy that confines your inner self and makes life feel hollow, shallow, pointless, worthless and that you just can't see the "Exit" sign. What causes depression, anxiety, tension, lack lustre, thwarts the smiles and causes the self to implode. It's fear, nothing more nor less, that little word that can have so many root complications that few of us realise that accepting it within can be like getting a virus on your PC, it starts eating away at the very fabric and core of life itself. Fear is the antithesis of love, it's everything that love isn't, it has no positive sides nor attributes it's darkness personified in an almost soluble form, like a number of religions where fear is a control and darkness, unrest, unhappiness, insurrection, aggression and killing is the outcome of the inherent evil within. Fear is not difficult to produce, carefully directed at targeted audiences always with conditions it rarely fails to work, only the enlightened rise above it and see it for what it is, a manipulation by one area of society over and above another. Religion is a perfect example in society where this can work wonders instilling a fear that if you do or don't do this n that God will punish you, where in reality nothing happens, yet the fear content of it is always lurking in the background.

Fear comes in many guises, all producing the same effect but the origination of the manifestation is different. We can have a fear of the dark or spiders or heights, etc, then we can have a fear of people and what they may do which could even be your parents as it happens, it could be a fear which is produced by a lack of self confidence and thus one is fearful of what others might think or say about them. And there could also be that religious fear that's instilled into us by the so called "spiritual leaders" which is a false name as they have no more contact with God than anyone else and have underlying tendencies to be manipulative and evil, but then some religions are as can be seen by their constant desire to kill. There is another area of fear too one which we ourselves create, a fictitious barrier that if we do something then the worst will happen. Then their is a fear of the self, getting fat, old, failure, can't cope, the future, plus a whole host of other stuff that is manifested within. The result of all these and others areas of fear is the same it reduces ones ability to enjoy life and can over the long term cause illness and degrees of timidity and loneliness.

We are all different and hold different aptitudes, abilities and degrees of mentality, whilst some thrive on the unknown as it produces excitement and possibilities, others dread that very thought, preferring to stick within what they know and what they do, their own small and semi-cosy comfort zone. In addition there are some races and cultures that are inherently unstable in that when all is well they are fine and as soon as something starts to go wrong they get hysterical and emotion leads over thought and common sense and then they produce a fear all of their own akin to, something that can be induced with a herding instinct too. Fear for many is the biggest problem they have, it's not knowing the future or how they are going to cope. Fear can be spread within families, if you are brought up in a family that's fearful the chances are you'll be like that too. If you are brought up in a family that has a positive outlook then the chances are you'll have those positive inherent traits also. Fear clouds the mind, opens a channel for inept and wrong decisions, it accelerates emotional thoughts which have often no logical base and which causes degrees of instability and separation. Negativity is all around us as is positivity, we are like magnets and attract those similar to ourselves which further fuels how we see and live in life. Our health relies on how we think and live, negative people fear the worst positive people always see the best and cope with the worst. To enjoy life we need to assess life from a positive stand point, even if it doesn't quite go the way we would have liked, If we value any part of our lives and those we hold dear to us positivity is the only way forward, otherwise fear will take over.

For more www.thelifedoctor.info
Free "E" Book : www.the-alchemy-of-life.com
©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2012

Wednesday 25 January 2012


How social is your social media or indeed how social are the areas of responsibility within a company dealing with the social aspects of a company and the overall well being of those within it. The first thing is that all social media are commercial operations they are not charities nor free well meaning divisions put forward for the benefit of the public at large. Even towards ourselves we have to obtain from somewhere a revenue stream in order for us to be supported and access food and shelter and live at the same time. The volumes of "social media" platforms that are entering the market are enormous especially as some companies specifically run such operations on behalf of either companies or individuals for a nominal cost and place your logo or design as a front for the next best thing in networking and boast of clientele in their millions and of a high calibre. There's very little to choose between the bad and the very bad and the soft sell that starts, then the restrictive usage that creeps in then of course that inevitable "Upgrade" upon which the world will then be available and you'll have access to the secrets of life or more likely the endless stream of "wannabes" and hopefuls who have nothing better to do.

Like most new entrants into a market, the originals usually survive because they evolve, some don't but many do, they learn as they go on initially without competition and their brand name starts to get a fix too, which helps in it becoming almost generic in nature. Bit by bit there are those who jump on the bandwagon which is not a bad for competition but not that often do they reach the size or stature of the original. The few exceptions are hotel chains and restaurants etc, but copycats have really to pull a 'rabbit' out of the hat to make an impression and few have that kudos. But going back to the social aspect of life, interaction between people in theory is great, let's have more of it, people talking to people getting a better understanding of life, the world, issues, problems, whatever it is that you need to get off your chest you can do so, to as many or as few as you deem expedient. So where's the catch, there isn't one really but the bottom line is for most people except the small "Social media / networking" platforms that seek to make money out of the desperate as they have to be housed and run, and that costs, is data. In come the marketing teams, the PR teams and the new Social Media teams all gathering statistics and data and then advertising revenue follows hopefully to perpetuate the platform and increase and logistically grow it into a mammoth enterprise, which a few are today.

Social media is now a part of marketing, it's no longer that of a "benefit" anymore with a moral undertone, not that there is anything immoral about what is executed today, but Social media is rigorously implemented into a structure that commands knowledge and is encrypted with subliminal searches for "buzz words" messages, types, styles, phrase, mixing and matching with the speed of light to find patterns and algorithms that set a president and a pace way beyond the often mundane chit chat of system users. There's very little that's social about any organisation or enterprise today, companies are by nature becoming mean, cold, aloof, distanced, even contacting a company today is almost a feat of dexterity and trying to actually talk to someone in a company is akin to a nightmare. It was once deemed that banks and airlines always had advertising ahead of the product, i.e. they extolled the virtues of their product but never lived up to the reality of people enjoying it, today almost every company has joined in the affray by writing so many conditions and exclusions into the identity of the product that whats offered is applicable to an ideal model and not a general use by the average public.

Social media is what it is, it's good and great and if you decide that joining one of the many up and coming ventures for a fee that will overnight put you in touch with millions of others then at least you know you are not entrepreneurial, that you are a "wishing and hoping" type of person, a small time player seeking greater kudos. You can pick and choose who you have in your circle of friends which is ideal, but you can also get hooked on having an almost impossible following striking up new "friends" every day as an excitement and entertainment and forget last weeks new people over this weeks new people, and as for those the week before, you can't remember a thing. Nothing in life is without repercussions and events, what can be great for some can be a downfall for others. The word social today has less of a humanitarian aspect to it, it has less regard for moral issues and well being, it's now part of marketing, and that means somewhere down the line they are after your money. 

For more www.thelifedoctor.info
Free "E" Book : www.the-alchemy-of-life.com
©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2012

Tuesday 24 January 2012


If we believed everything we read in the media including those that post endless updates on Twitter and Facebook and the like we would all end up as some kind of neurotic monster. Even those that give out information such as medical bodies and organisations do so from a self grandiose perspective in as much as it's almost always conflicting information, if not right away a week or so later someone somewhere publishes the exact opposite and with benefits, so who does one believe? Or possibly do most of us just "store" the information for future use absorbing it like we would the current wallpaper design. There have been industries created on the back of sheer media stories and mono-mined PR and marketing with regards green issues. Where companies and definitely governments are spending inordinate amounts of money sending incompetent people to all parts of the world to define and bring into line nations within their own ideology of what "green" is supposed to be all about. In fact the "green" issue is fodder for anyone regardless of whether for or against. The general consensus of opinion is basically a common thought of yes, we need to be cleaner and greener but how remains another issue and the quality of those expounding their own virtues is questionable to say the least. But then most "international" bodies lack mettle and seem to attract "whet" people who are "committee orientated" and have very little of anything else on their own.

Everything has a bias, even ourselves, we believe for whatever reason what we believe and that view or those views are not automatically shared by others. The biggest example of disruptive, selfish, religious stupidity and self ideological thought are those in the Middle East where squabbling will remain until the earth comes to an end, it's almost inherent and as long as it's linked to Islam there will never ever be peace let alone equality and freedom, it just doesn't exist. But closer to home where creativity in the sciences, technology, arts, freedom of speech in our writing, travel and movement is par for the course we will endeavour to make our own lives worthy of some merit. With freedom comes a whole plethora of possibilities from the very grounded and wholesome to the unscrupulous and deceitful, although this latter axiom exists world wide. We have a media that today has little regard for humanity unless it serves a purpose, such as a disaster, or shooting, something they can go to town on and try and link every other eventuality to it and cause grave concern over and above what the action or deed is about. Where creative writing is almost on a par with Walt Disney and the global bankers deceitfulness even though the press try to befriend the public, it's just being a wolf in sheep's clothing. Deep down it's all for the self and game for anything.

We have researchers in the media who are forever on a course to find an "angle" that's more confrontational and outrageous than the programme content, infact the content is almost overwhelmed and insignificant, so used to turning everything into a "spectacle or a free for all weird show" that respect for researchers is almost on a per with a terrorist or some other life reject. Quality is at an all time low, where it's grab attention and in the small print or pop up there's the "BUY NOW" sign to lure at least some into the web of emptiness and cold comfort. Nothing is ever what it seems and the people that run such programmes usually get accustomed to living in a world where nothing matters anymore and often wonder why for them life isn't what it should be. Everything today is a scandal, an expose, a shock, horror, a sensation, undercover, betrayal, hurt, let down, impropriety, as if those that write or film it were whiter than white, unfortunately their permanent tarnish leaves them in a place akin to where drug users frequent to get even higher kicks to make everything just feel right but not much more, aliens and parasites of their own creation.

Whatever happened to caring, goodness, love, hope, security, trust, honour, peace, happiness, smiling, inner security, helping others, kindness, laughter, joy, achievement, upliftment, encouragement, camaraderie, friendship, being chummy and matey with others, having real friends not acquaintances, not being taken advantage of, accepting others as they are, having a purpose, being law abiding, not being greedy, there are few if any in the media that have any of these traits. Yet many people do have such traits, they may not be saints nor Angels but they do have a degree of humanity that they really love and feel within themselves and look upon those whore mongers peddling ill-begotten news as if there is another existence that they appear to be missing, and one which they definitely don't want to co-exist with, even though it's there. Of course there are a number of types of people who see life from what they feed themselves with, and therefore there will always be a differing of opinion. The real truth is that over 95% of what one ever reads has either little or no effect upon the individual, and what effect it may have is usually so far out of the control of the individual that it's really not that worthy of knowing.

For more www.thelifedoctor.info
Free "E" Book : www.the-alchemy-of-life.com
©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2012

Monday 23 January 2012


There are some values in life which just can't be changed, if they were life would not be as it is and it would come to pass that mayhem would ensue and life would be intolerable. Regardless of whom we are and where we are there are "core values" it's those that adhere to such that have a better life than those which blindly battle through regardless and end up a mess. What seemingly some have as a material existence is not what they experience deep down nor will finish up with at the end of their days. Our views from far are just that and we should never be self judgemental as to why others have what they have and some have little or virtually nothing. There's nothing more satisfying and warming than the love and camaraderie of friends and significant others that really makes life worth living and keeps our minds and focus truly in an alignment that sees well above the superficiality and hollowness of the media, companies and the down right selfish. Our "core values" love, trust, compassion, humility, generosity of the soul, humanity understanding etc, is what grounds those who will be more stable throughout the whole of their existence regardless of what happens around them. For some to reach or attain this state takes a whole lot of being let down, upset, personal selfishness, greed, ego, arrogance and to almost fall flat on their face to see where it has landed them. And for some it won't make any difference, they will continue as long as they can accumulating what they can to fuel their self created inner thoughts and illusions of what the future holds, even if some of it appears to come true.

Evolution is a process that depending upon how and where and when we look at it can take on many different mantles. If we are talking archaeologically or scientifically then we can in a flash encompass millions of years in the opening sentence, if we are talking from a medical point of view we can talk in the 10's of years as to how things were discovered and equipment and drugs developed to cure or rectify what only years earlier was deemed as impossible for the time. So it really does make a difference as to what we are seeking as to how we look and what we do with the answers received. Our life where changing values are concerned has evolved, it hasn't changed the premise as to how we think and feel other than what we have created around us in a social environmental way and has produceds constructs within  both us and our global stance that has destabilised people. The situation where face to face meetings for both business and pleasure have waned somewhat and it has left a new and younger breed of people who lack personable skills and abilities to communicate from outside of their defence bunker their smart phone / PC / lap top / tablet or anything else they use. Without this at the ready life becomes slightly stressful and unsure. Also for those new breed of recluses of which the numbers are forever increasing their camaraderie is not of loneliness of the mind as they can share with other like minded people round the globe and that opens up a new and creative dimension that previously wasn't there. But it makes them almost by default and design lonely, dull, monosyllabic, awkward, dowdy, lacking in taste, ignorant of life in general, and the older they get the more it ingrains itself into their mind sets and that has serious repercussions.

We may not know too much of what's out there or the physical name of what we seek such as love (which is difficult for many to actually say and too easy for others), but we certainly know when there is a lack or a deficiency of it. And like medical science if we lack certain vitamins and minerals we can very easily come down with a whole range of ailments directly related to same, similarly if we lack love and human contact even if we are 'loners' by nature it has real adverse effects upon how we think, feel, live, enjoy life, the feel good factor (yes it exists), as well as smiling, enjoying and sharing with others, being open to strangers and not always being wary and defencive, not worrying unduly, not being bogged down by the evilness of some repressive religions, not being fearful of the future or life, plus many many more. The list is what you want to make it but these feelings are very real for a lack in the values around us and of others. If we meet people who have few values and are gruff and lack manners we immediately become wary, even with foreigners who have emanated from a different life structure, culture and traditions that are archaic and not often always well meaning, but we give them the benefit of the doubt to see where common possibilities lie and a degree of mutual harmony exists.

There is a degree of inbuilt etiquette in all of our lives and if we find it missing in others we immediately re-evaluate who they are and our degree of interaction with them. That is are they friends, perhaps not any more, do we work with them, if so I have to I'll keep it pleasant and to a minimum, and so on. Values do change they have to but like food and clothes they remain for without them we just don't survive, and survival is a degree of humanitarian protocols that live at a multi levels and in differing ways, all of which totals how we live and move within society. When governments and the law lose their footing that is one of the biggest negativity stances that can possibly be made and which not only destabilises the populous but cause those of the "cusp" of society to rebel as it's just too much to bear. It tales a small pin to burst a big balloon and likewise the smallest of inconsiderate action and aloofness can cause the "tipping point" to just do that which many who live within their own cloud are oblivious of. There's nothing like the gross arrogance of believing you understand life and the situations within it when you haven't a clue as to what you are literally thinking and saying. To be in tune with life you have to walk it and literally talk it not some PR version that sounds smart, smart PR and Press talk is passe and no one believes it anymore. YOUR VALUES  (click here).

For more www.thelifedoctor.info
Free "E" Book : www.the-alchemy-of-life.com
©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist

Sunday 22 January 2012


One of the biggest let downs in life today is that of the creeping state of the self, a state where everything is almost brought down to a level of "what's in it for me", and once this starts the rot sets in. It's not new there have always been selfish and self centred people around most of whom think they are generous but then their generosity is within their own mind - nowhere else. Even companies today are becoming mean and hide behind an assortment of ploys such as "unbundling" and " al la carte" or "build your own" or "you choose" which in many cases means in reality you pay more. What you get for your base price is really nothing more that the basic goods and almost no 'good will' either. Plus once when you bought something especially an airline ticket that's what was it - inclusive, today there are on many of the cheaper tickets just before you check in a list of additional charges many of which you are forced to take in order to get a seat or enjoy the product. Value has been withdrawn and greed has overcome the norm as well as miss management too, it goes hand in hand. Governments are lax as are trading regulations to stop this abject greed and almost deceptive ideology that is flaunted via marketing and empty explanations of the deceitful themselves.

The human being is basically generous by nature, although one might not think so today but they are, their whole survival has been looking out for each other and building up a camaraderie in times of trouble and upheaval. The West is particularly generous when it comes to giving especially for charities and aid for less unfortunate people and countries, and the amount of help and support organisations that are voluntary are just amazing stepping in where government ineptitude is in evidence and giving support and help to those who would otherwise be left bereft of any help at all. The word "value" is very prominent in our inner make up, not just the "value" we get from goods or services, which as  outlined is getting less and less to the point where the product and service loses its kudos and respect. But a "value" that we place on our lives and those around us, it's more than an expectation for we know who we can and can't rely upon even those in our own family. If we are religious we know what to expect from those of the same faith, there's a big gap between walking the walk and talking the talk, this is where just about all fall down badly expecting God to help them yet individuals won't help anyone else which is a pre-requisite for your conduit to God to be met, hence nothing ever happens.

Our societies are becoming more polarised in that the good and helpful and generous are drawn automatically together as they feel that inner warmth of humanity, those that share none or very little of those values are segregated and thus feel they are always missing out and then that "illusive - happiness factor" becomes an external entity as opposed to a natural feeling within. The more segregated one becomes the deeper the loneliness factor takes a hold then mild depression creeps in and before long there are areas of society that have jaundiced views about everything around them and what's happening, yet it has all been manifested from within, life is the same for everyone, it's how we interpret it that makes a difference. Life holds no favourites nor takes prisoners, it's us that has to steer our ship, but if we ignore the lighthouses those solid bastions of light that show us where the rocks lie - because society the goodness of which has built them to protect man from peril, then what can one expect. What goes around does comes around even if it takes time, but it invariably does, selfishness is one of the biggest causes of relationship breakdown too. (I want, I need, I have to, I'm going to, you can't, it's not fair, you don't understand, how can you, I don't, I'm not, I won't, why should I), and so it goes the check list of no compromise and of course where's love in all this - no where to be seen, the self taking over everything.

Everything we do has an action, equally everything we don't do has an action too, so to enjoy the best of what life and those around us have to offer, regardless of whatever that might be we need to interact with them. We have to show that our hearts are in the right place otherwise there's no reciprocation as why would anyone want a selfish person in their midst, they are but a negative entity. People often equate giving to a financial value, but in reality there are those that have little to give financially but have some of the warmest hearts on planet earth and will go out of their way to help in any way possible. It's these people that give life what it needs to understand what stability and humanity are and how often we miss these traits when intermingling with everyday people who either dare not be themselves or worse don't even know the difference looking and acting like zombies with a cold heart and a narrow mind.

For more www.thelifedoctor.info
Free "E" Book : www.the-alchemy-of-life.com
©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2012

Saturday 21 January 2012


You either like the limelight or you don't, it's that simple, it's what floats your boat, whether it's essential for your job / standing in life or not it can have very positive benefits and very negative effects too. The Internet is a wash with people trying to get you noticed and there are endless agencies who for a fee will do likewise as well as publicise themselves. Although the chances are there the positive aspects of them are however still like a lottery and the majority of clients come and go like New Years day. Many people have a degree of notoriety in relation to their chosen field of work or charitable deeds, etc, the general public not knowing anything about them yet but most likely "those in the know" do know who you are and what you do. But to get on in life you really do have to get noticed even if it's within your own family or company, because if you don't shed a degree of greater significance then the default situation is that you are just who you are and have no other attributes than those you make known via your personality and general chit chat. Now there's nothing wrong with that at all, you are entitled to be who you wish, but if things don't move forward the chances are it's you who is the obstacle nothing more.

In today's cheap and fickle world of negative media and debased outpouring of events it's actually relatively easy to get noticed, it may take some tenacity but it can be done easily and almost at no cost. Just wait where there is some press like near the Prime Minister / President, celebrity, situation, etc, (to get full effect) and when someone appears dart naked as far as you can in front of them. You will be on the Breaking News, the next news bulletins, you will have an interview with most of the press and a picture taken, and some magazines, possibly be on Breakfast TV the following day stating why you did it (even if just for a joke) and possible on a celebrity cookery programme and quiz and from there on you need an agent to keep the momentum going. It may not suite your cause to go that route but modify what you want to do and make an impact, and have a back up plan because the "window of opportunity" will only be open for so long, so maximise the potential of it all. We don't need in our daily lives to be that drastic but if we have thoughts that are pertaining to a potentially strong deed then we need to enact them otherwise we will just go on in life with a let down feeling and talking to ourselves about what we would like to do but never ever make a move. Even the women "suffragettes" chained themselves to railings, and they got noticed. 

You can Twitter you can Facebook you can blog you can do what you want to get your message around, you can even attract 1000's of followers but that for most people is it. You can even have 100,000 Tweets or followers but where does it get you other than the thought that many like what you do or say. There are billions of people daily following others sometimes overtly mainly passively and it is today just a part of their information / entertainment and whether the originator is famous or living in a tent somewhere is of no consequence at all as there is neither kudos nor panache that gives them lift or elevation that makes the follower want to engross further. So it's more than just a numbers game if you want or need to be known outside of the closed and often narrow media channels that live on the Internet and mobile phones you have to be different as "being different" other than smart makes a world of difference a world that few ever get the chance to enter because they don't possess the zany aspects of what could bring what they do to life.

Humility is a dying attribute today yet it's one that holds the base aspects of honesty, understanding, truthfulness, trust and those elements that keep them stable, which many people are losing by the day, stability is a prised goal today as opposed to a natural part of life. Being thrown into a state of grandeur often ruins ones ability to continue on the course they were once very good at and now become less than mediocre as their mind shift has irreversibly shifted their thought process and as such they continue on kudos rather than merit. To have a following on your course is good if that's what you want, if you want a following because it makes you feel important or wanted or anything else then it's a sad indictment on the state of play in your own life. There are people who are searching out there for talent at all levels but such people will rarely find you if you never ever make a stance and show that what you do you have confidence in yourself, and there's a big difference between confidence and arrogance.  If you don't know what to do, do something, anything, but don't ever ever ever sit back and wonder or ponder that just allows time to pass on. Now you now, just go and do it, and remember one thing you do this for you not for anyone else in the universe, you will get negative comments and you will get negative feedback, but also remember the word "breakthrough" means just that, you've broken through. Do it.....   (These may help - click on the links)   BEING HONEST WITH YOURSELF and INSPIRING YOURSELF

For more www.thelifedoctor.info
Free "E" Book : www.the-alchemy-of-life.com
©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2012

Monday 16 January 2012


Our journey in life is full of ups and downs and on the whole we cope with them all, some only just and some test our mettle to an extent in looking back we barely wonder how we ever got through it all, but we did, it's how it is for most of us. Despite our differences we share much in common over and above surviving to carry on whatever that is for each and every one of us. Our start in life has to some degree an influence on how we go forward and how we tend to think and feel later on, however it's not definitive stuff, there are those from the most atrocious backgrounds that turn out not only very well balanced but very successful and philanthropic to boot, so we can't go forward in life blaming our past when we are fully cognisant about whom we are and our abilities. Of course how we think and feel and our mental stance varies enormously hence the massive differences in opinions and unrest that we find in the world at large, it has two effects, one it can bring like minds together and the second it can create differences that cause unrest and friction. Intelligence denotes how one can effectively work within these two opposites ideologies, emotional responses denote how it leads to fanaticism, despots, greed, degrees of inhumanity, religious killings and other such negative consequences that are borne about with inferior thinking.

From an early age we are taught - or most of us anyway - degrees of manners and morals as to how to hopefully live a better life that respects others and in turn they will similarly (hopefully) do the same, and by and large this actually works well despite crime figures that the press and media love to flout. Some of today's crime figures are in themselves results of a "today society" and the problems of such are not resolved by governments local or national and are in the main left to charities to try and offer some degree of resolution to the problem, again it's the act of kindness stepping in over and above those acts of inhumanity and governmental politics and aloofness. When it comes however to our "own lot" it is a different story, we have to shape and hone ourselves into doing what we want / need to do otherwise it just won't happen. We may need en-route help and assistance in steering our course but that is a symbiotic pathway as people have differing skills and mind sets and abilities and what we lack others are proficient at and so for areas of our lives we come together for help of a service or knowledge so to move forward.Not always is the help we receive saged or good and at times we get sadly let down some times to the point that it's almost counter productive, but we do learn and we do grow and we do then understand far better the bigger picture and that in itself is a great thing in our future stability, even if we still feel hurt by it all, that eventually passes away leaving us feeling proud of how we steered ourselves through it all.

Our mind sets are just so important that if at any stage we  lose our focus then we lose our ability to move forward and importantly enjoy life. We can still be nervous about our pathway AND still enjoy life, never ever equate happiness to wealth, success, material effects, health, friends, etc, happiness is what you deem is about you not what others have or do, even if they give you degrees of happiness also. If we suddenly put our happiness ahead of us banking on something we then enter the stage of "postponing happiness" and then we get into a negative rut that is at times very difficult to pull out of. We should at all times also respect ourselves and not bring ourselves down in the presence of others, we have every right to enjoy what is best for us and that's not to trample over others nor be mean or selfish nor anything like that but we have to be in the fore front to get on the train of life and not be left standing at the station. We can still have humility and love and understanding and compassion yet show drive and determination and vigour and forthrightness in what we do, otherwise things will never get done. There will always be in ones pathway in life those that get upset and are evil minded and arrogant and jealous etc, but living true to ourselves and doing what is right well overcomes such people and many of those people could be in your own family too.  

Where something is good and positive and has "you" stamped all over it, go for it, never get advice or listen to those who have less of an aspiration than your own, they will forever pull you down and that does include your family. Keep quite and reserved until you are in a strong position to mention whatever it is then cautiously as it will spark off a flurry of negativity at first even if it all sounds good. Be the person you are and never ever what someone else wants you to be for whatever reason. You are always more comfortable in your skin than trying to be a facade of someone else no matter how much you admire them, they have faults to so don't emulate that aspect. Don't ever listen to negativity or believe you can't, success is those that believe they can and do even if it takes a few tries, and most successful people have failed in their original attempt yet overcome to great success. Failure is NOT a bad word except for those who never try, those that have tried will praise you and rightly so. There are no limits even those you feared yourself you break them then forge ahead, do whatever you feel you need to even breaking those barriers that you fear yet know you have to do, it's those inner voices saying "yes you can" just go for it, whatever it happens to be. And never ever be afraid of saying NO, it can be difficult but if you don't want to don't, even if those bombastic others try and blackmail you into making you feel guilty, whose life are you living. They are selfishly minded trying to get their own way for them not you. Do what is best for you and enjoy the ride because in that way others will enjoy the ride with you, and that's something to be proud about.

For more www.thelifedoctor.info
Free "E" Book : www.the-alchemy-of-life.com
©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2012

Sunday 15 January 2012


It's no big deal to say we have all done stupid or silly things, we start at an early age when we know no better and our minds are still very immature and feisty. We do a whole range of deeds and acts of which we either know nothing of the subsequent consequences nor of any repercussions as the deeds are in a way quite fun and possible even for our tiny minds well thought out. We can get away with such acts when we are very young and even be looked upon with great tenderness and love too from our protective parents even if we have made a mess with paints and lipsticks and crayons and the like. Making mistakes is a part of life, it's how we constantly grow and it runs through our whole society even to present day companies and especially in research and development where at times they just try stuff for the sake of it to physically see what the results are, which is 100% better than a theory. It's at times when one deliberately goes out of the box and tries something that whilst the result may be of no value the side effects can be of great or immense value and that's when life really starts to get interesting.

Our internal gyroscope the "mind bit" that keeps us on the straight and narrow is very robust yet at the same time fragile in that if we feed it with false or indeed information that is potent and negative then it is not going to do its job properly. The result of which is that we are going to be somewhat destabilised and compromised and our logical thoughts will become as two distinctive views on aspects of life, one which is the "regular" view and one which is now concocted by negative emotions, and this is the avenue that causes us to do silly things or even stupid things in life. It affects most people and it's a way of asserting who they are (although there is no need for this, again it's an internal thought doing this) and also at the same time getting noticed (and again there is no need for this either) hence doing silly or stupid things regardless of the consequences. Although both of these can just result in an outburst of emotion and then it's all over. The degree of silliness or stupidity determines the damage done and to some extent the subsequent regret and even worse remorse that it has affected others and all backfired to enormous embarrassment, sometimes with legal consequences.

We have within us "mind talk" and we use it more and more often, it's when we talk to ourselves and discuss events and situations, sometimes its silent other times it's even mumbling to ourselves, and no we are not going mad, it's natural. It's at times we need to speak openly about something just to get it off of our chest but don't really want to pour our heart out to anyone and say what we really want to say, so talking to ourselves gets over that situation. At times when life takes on a certain stance we are almost caught up in a scenario where logic doesn't comfort us, there's an element missing and it's that element that really gets us down, not necessarily to make us unhappy but it causes a degree of consternation that we need to vent and in doing so we do silly things or stupid things and go further to get a degree of personal satisfaction that we still can't understand but the 'devilment' of it makes us feel good.

In reality we could have everything we want, we could "tick all the boxes" we could be well known, wealthy, good health, nice family, got the good life, yet still feel subjected to being "under valued" or whatever that feeling is to yourself and it can vary substantially. But there is a definite feeling that could be both simple and complex at the same time underlying all of that.  Similarly, we could be quite the opposite to all of those things and yet still feel the need to quench whatever it is within that's not resonating well to come to fruition, and to compensate we do again silly or stupid things. There are of course over and above all these feelings and scenarios real medical problems that some suffer from which can to a degree run concurrently with each other, the medical problems however having a longer pathway and thus need attention. But fortunately for most people their short lived feelings once they understand them dissipate and rarely if ever come back. Some examples are shop lifting and it could be very cheap and insignificant products, but the thrill of getting away with it etc, is at times a drug that tends to overcome the inner feelings of the self and recompense for same. If it becomes substantial and the stakes are constantly raised and it becomes frequent then you are probably a kleptomaniac and would know that there is a constant urge to steal, which is what it is, and then you must seek help for your own good. There are many silly and stupid things you can do all devised within your own mind some deliberately like filling up diesel in your petrol tank as if by mistake then having to call out the motor services to flush your engine, it's all contrived, and limited only to your imagination it's endless and astounding too.

The feelings that many get are very real to them, they do pose a significant inner thought that they can't really tell anyone about as it's so personal and the fear that others wouldn't understand is not to be underestimated, people generally don't even if they profess to do so. The more in the public eye people tend to be the bigger the problem seems to be also, and of course it has its adverse publicity when found out. But even for everyday people the feeling that there must be something else that they need or haven't quite got not necessarily the physical but emotional where most problems start, forces them to make moves which often in hindsight they would wish to forget for shame or embarrassment of the judgement of others who shouldn't judge but don't know any better nor understand. It's often this end ridicule and feeling that rids many of their initial feelings but it's a tortuous route to embark upon and can be solved prior to the desperate moves no matter how slight they may be.

For more www.thelifedoctor.info
Free "E" Book : www.the-alchemy-of-life.com
©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2012

Friday 13 January 2012


It almost seems that "getting upset" is the current vogue, and it's being taken to the extreme that people are pre-empting that others will get upset because of what someone else has said, might say, could say, possibly would say and so on. The audacity of such pathetic low life people to try and stultify free thought and conversation brings to light the total lack of candour that insignificant people have towards others. There's almost a self inflicted fear that the weak and seemingly 'self important' want to put forward a "stylised script" as if they are some authority and have a greater well being and meaning above everyone else, whereas they are quite the opposite and smack of sheer uselessness. We all know the politically correct are the lowest common denominators in society so they need to be ignored at all costs as they can't even sort their own lives out. The biggest problem with certain groups getting offended or upset is that in the main it's historical or cultural and bears little if no significance to what was said.  For some "getting upset" is almost par for the course at almost anything they don't like, and it's reflected in how un-progressive such people are, usually backward relying on others to create or do for them whilst they reside in a state of passive stupidity.

The main culprits for raising the bar on hysteria are of course the press and media, which milk it as far as they can based on whatever it takes to make a story, the "let's do it" approach. This is the fodder which unfortunately they like a drug have become accustomed to and see no solution to kicking the habit. There are those in society that are well balanced and open minded and see life for what it is, and then there are those who are narrow minded (often third world cultures) and offer nothing to society and predominantly selfishly build up a narrow mindedness and empty degrees of morality which are just that. Always judging, commenting on what has been said or done that has caused no harm other than what one emotionally accepts and generates within and then inwardly digests in an unhappy vein. The "hidden" glass walls and barriers that rancid outmoded cultures build up worshipping hollow Gods that never ever produce positive results outside of pure chance or whoever would have received the same who didn't believe. It's these elements that are the dearth of a modern society, the new "low life" cultures from strains of past throwbacks that really have no purpose and like amoeba are just there without any significance. Playing on rituals, playing on upsetting God (as if God can't look after Himself), getting offended because someone commented on something they didn't like.

Societies that move forward like the West survive because of free speech, without which we would end up like the cesspits of the Middle Eastern rulers that thrive only by force, ego, corruption and where their students have to leave to get a better education and life skills. Where every one is wrapped in swathes of diatribe and gossip and narrow minded bigotry, hurt, unrest, unhappiness, endless rules and regulations and a law and enforcement that is positively archaic, biased and prone to gross corruption and laziness. But closer to home we know people who see life via a tunnel, and anything that veers from their stilted views causes immediate unrest and provokes degrees of anger and vicious comment. It's these people that need ignoring, they are of no value for their own selfishness is repressive, dark, satanic, void of love and stymies not only their own but others pathways if allowed to do so. Those that get upset attract bad lives, those that brush off the comments regardless of merit seek to find happier days ahead and gain respect. Life is what you make it regardless of "respect", "dignity", and "pride" which all hold truisms yet are so close to an edge where calamity and downfall are always in view. Wisdom is sadly lacking in today's society, cheapness of statement is all too common hoping to attract positive attention and then possibly some financial remuneration to follow. Keeping your own council is by far one of the best ways forward and not allowing others to ride your band waggon for their own devices and kudos, which always ends up with something unsavoury happening and an un satisfactory ending.

For more www.thelifedoctor.info
Free "E" Book : www.the-alchemy-of-life.com
©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2012

Thursday 12 January 2012


We all know about consciousness and we know about unconsciousness, it's not something we need a degree in to understand, we may be a bit fuzzy as to how to explain it but we can certainly tell the difference between one state and another. The bit in between is where it all happens, it's why we think and feel the way we do over and above emotions and the inner feelings of our nervous system. It's the part where we understand life, ourselves, who we are and why we are here outside of the physical biological process. For many they venture no further than a general pondering on the subject and leave it at that. For others there is a great significance as to the deeper meaning of both themselves and the universe which both still hold many views often quite contradictory too. There are dimensions to the brain / the mind that are inherent in the human form that can't be found anywhere else, even if some animals come close to it, the rest of their brain lacks understanding. Two main areas are love and spirituality, that inner and invisible presence that characterises who we are and what we do and how we do it and why at times when there is a lack of it we literally "go off the rails" and why there is a multi-million dollar business built upon it. Why we crave love why we need to understand and why we need to be able to both reciprocate those feelings in many ways to both significant people and others who we don't even know or probably speak their language.

The power of the mind is quite incredible although very few use its full capabilities today, our mere thoughts can be transcribed into deeds and if one believes in God as the creator then examples of this are numerous. The expression "where the mind goes the body follows" is true and why some people psyche themselves up to do things whereas others breeze through without seemingly any great effort. How we view life is basically how it will be towards us, our thought process in looking at life - the bigger picture - makes such a difference as to our 'happiness factor'  again a thought process within. Yet one we can firmly control unless we 'outsource it' and place conditions in between being happy and defined criteria to make us happy. It's possible to have degrees of "enlightenment" without vast knowledge, in fact it's often the case that mind control and such things as telepathy / clairvoyance are way beyond the learned and scientific community because they have to analyse the thoughts they are hoping to receive and because of that it will never ever work. When an "understanding" comes to mind it's that instant, to ponder what words or associations or feelings mean negates their origination and thus cuts off anything that could or might have taken place. Understanding is so instant that weird or peculiar thoughts are those which mean something outside of the mind, but within leave it struggling to make sense.

Our entire universe is made up of matter in one form or name or another. Having gleaned so much over the past few years as our ability to create new detection systems and "advanced" electronic devices to measure what we previously couldn't see or hear. We still find that we plateau out as there are further mountains ahead that prove yet even more challenging such as the Higgs Boson particle or the so called God element, the bit that supposedly makes us believe in God. Many scientists don't believe in God by principle as He can't be proven, but as no one can yet "know" what happened before the "big bang" it's everyone to what they want to believe. Our concept of life and how its portrayed by the media does make a difference to those sedentary folks who absorb by default concepts and theories and strategies devised by others believing them to be accurate, whereas accuracy of such statements is only as accurate as the time line of their knowledge and in the grand order of things could mean something totally different, as has been the case so often in the past.

Our stability structure and those that deal with it are forever learning something new about physics, chemistry, science, the universe, God, and how it all interacts with human consciousness and our ability to take it on board. More people today than ever before in all strata's of life are losing the plot, they are losing the very fundamental aspects of what we are about as people and they are overcome with desperation, loneliness of the self, fear, paranoia, vivid mind talk, lack of wholesome love, tendencies to do silly and sometimes dangerous things which they can't account for, lost in a world of their own making which causes massive internal unrest and for which few can really help. Our consciousness and our environment at large are all linked with and by energy, it's that energy that drives us forward or backwards, we have to steer that pathway through the diatribe of man made detritus and seek those happier, more stable and spiritual pathways that give real hope and substance that external accountability can never ever do. There is an answer and there is a solution, never let that thought detach itself from you.

For more www.thelifedoctor.info
Free "E" Book : www.the-alchemy-of-life.com
©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2012

Monday 9 January 2012


Social volatility has become almost of epidemic proportions, the Middle East is a prime example where anything goes in the quest for shifting one ideology for another, little changing in the process unfortunately (lying in Islamic countries is part of the culture). Where freedom of expression means out come the numbskull's throwing stones, burning cars, setting fire to effigies of politicians and burning flags,  tearing down structures, burning buildings, arms waving, eyes bulging out of their sockets. In fact it's almost an industry (Palestine and Pakistan top the league as a way of life) as the populous seem to disengage their brains at the expense of allowing emotions to run riot making little headway. Seemingly preferring to go the old route and wonder why things never change when they are the biggest part of the problem themselves. And if Islam is part of any equation then unrest is par for the course as is instability and unhappiness, but when you have a self destructive nature - what the hell.  In its own way it's not that much different in other parts of the world too, especially in the West where current weak governments tend to manage rather than lead and pamper to commerce instead of standing up to it despite the politically strong rhetoric that is spewed out which ends up as tomorrows garbage and nothing more.

There will always be a sliding scale of the population that range from the intellectuals to those that can't and won't understand, it has always been so and will continue to be so too. However, what is emerging is a new strain of people somewhere in the middle who are fed up of being too far down the life line chain and are similarly fed up of those at the top rattling out of their posteriors contrived and engineered PR of even more rhetoric that like blasts of stagnant putrid air bursts forth then immediately dissipates into the ether and very little gets ever done that means anything useful at all. And what politicians think has been progress is viewed totally differently by the majority of people who have no social constraints nor ties with those that they are trying to change, nor anything that is corrupt which a number one issue today.

Politics has always been a bit distasteful but it is a business today where bribes and personal greed are first and foremost in the minds of many. Historically the Middle East and Africa and the Indian sub continent can be seen as such havens for corruption and it's become more a way of life than what it really is endlessly greasing palms. However America is rife with daily scandals of all types and Europe is not that far behind and like everything else the quality of anything that's good that proliferates starts at the top, and when the top is like over ripe fruit there is little that can be carried down the line that instills hope, correctness, honest and just law (just law hardly exists with today's pathetic decisions by judges) and ownership of life, responsibility, and honesty itself. The press and the media churn out negativity as if it's a drug they dare not come off, negativity sells, it corrupts, it belittles, it places people into a negative mode and makes them more dependent upon what and how they are fed. Negativity is only absorbed by those that wish it to be, subliminally however many absorb it and admonish their own thoughts and personal responsibilities for those of others believing that the 'so called others' know better, but in reality they haven't a clue either as what is said one day changes dramatically another. Once you allow fluid conjecture to be a part of your daily intake of diatribe then you have literally 'had it', placing focus on to areas that you have no control over eliminates all the possibilities and opportunities that are available to you at your own level.

Riots against unjust and greed are becoming more prevalent, governments are still in a "time warp" of yesterday and endlessly rely on over run grossly expensive and out of touch reports that show no more conclusions that what the eye can see originally without committee discussions about what every one knew all along. Our own electronic age can hone meticulously upon "like minded souls" who are no longer isolated by their feelings and who can warm together to share genuine common causes. The side effects of not listening and not doing what is right but what looks politically expedient is tantamount to suicide, and the adverse effects are that the tipping point spills out into the fanatics and those who will ride the band waggon for their own cause and not what it is purported to be. The result of this "tipping point" is that mayhem ensues and after that mild anarchy because there is so much ill reporting and press sensationalism of it everyone reads what is happening as inevitable and it thus become a "norm" feeling.  The further effects of such "norm" feelings opens a gateway for personal unrest and that the "happiness factor" of the nation thus plunges and then a whole raft of other feelings towards life not being good and great starts to surface, those which otherwise would not have done so if the cause was dealt with and not brushed over with PR. Of course, your life is still in your hands so decide now what it's to be , good and self driven or bad and play "follow my leader" because leaders come and go and hold no allegiance to you.

For more www.thelifedoctor.info
Free "E" Book : www.the-alchemy-of-life.com
©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2012

Saturday 7 January 2012


Almost every day in my Email in box there is a plethora of people who are almost bending over backwards to take my hard earned cash and in the process make me even richer. Yes, they believe that with their skills and knowledge they can in an instant (running over many months) get you from where you are now to be in the top 10 league just by utilising their services. It's amazing what goodness there is out there, people wishing to impart their knowledge, and from a personal position of wealth and success too, they've obviously made it big to make such big claims and now want you to join them in the super wealthy bracket also and share the spoils of what it's like to be in the higher echelons of life. Not only do I get bombarded with emails from sources unknown but on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Xing and other such platforms the world is swimming with experts who are desperate to get you into the big time if you would only part with your money - and rightfully so - hey people have to live, unfortunately there's no guarantee and no money back either if by chance it just doesn't come off. What also seems to be of current vogue are others plastering pseudo positive messages saying, "smart pictures", "wise words" and so on, I've even done it myself when I've seen something that I think has a good meaning over and above cheap, crass and mundane. But what does it say of such people who continually do it, does it mean they have lots of time on their hands, that they have little self originality, that they are possibly so benevolent towards readers that they feel its an obligation, that other people are personally so good that the knowledge they seem to have gleaned should be more wide spread, or is it some form of entertainment and something to do at the same time, or maybe just to feel wanted or of use themselves?

There's no doubt about it that to use a social platform can be a good thing, it's primarily used by small time people, it's rare that any "big time" people use it other than celebrities and presenters to voice or solicit opinions, but the general throng of people aren't in those industries nor leagues either. American companies are the tops when it comes to greed, they will stoop at nothing to try and solicit your last penny at whatever cost, it usually starts with "It's Free" (like a spam download that's free too) but then to make it work just at the end up pops that little screen with "PAY NOW", but we are all wiser to that anyway. Then of course there's always the "LITE" version a version which hardly works at all in fact it's so lite that it's likely to float away as its contents are almost invisible, to spell your name you have to take the subscription right away. This is all past marketing this is the grovelling in the pits of brown stuff, and it tends to capture the market of people who are forever seeking something for nothing, and the sellers are quite prepared to lie and deceive you in the process because they know that you are just like them greedy. And speaking of something for nothing many "network" meetings and socials are almost always full of those who are perpetually seeking to "sell their product / services" and are rarely on the buying end, trying to ferret out free content and information at all costs, whilst in the process of doing so overlook the fact that they look desperate and sound needy rather than laid back and successful and knowledgeable and positive and respectful and trustworthy, very few ever put out that aura. Many network meetings are the same dull sad small minded faces peddling the same dull product and meeting the same dull contacts reminiscing and agreeing on the state of the market, and at times lying too to make one sound positive and doing well, but it really does become a bore.

There are out there genuinely good people who have a really good service who can make a difference, please contact me if you are one of them, the rest are those who just do what they do because they can do it and hopefully make a living out of it too. My 'spam' selector on my email box is well honed, and most of the physical mail goes straight into the recycle bin, and it's becoming more rare to meet people despite the fact there are more out there who are really what it says on the label. Many company receptions have people who go because they are freebies and just attend for a social reason as well as the canapes and free drink too. It's all a presence and a facade and it's a shame because under all of this lies a wealth of information that can be shared at a price for one or more parties to take mutual advantage over and in the process elevate their own standing both professionally and financially, which will have the effect too of raising the bar that bit further each time it happens. There are endless books on "Making It Rich" in one fell swoop and "I Was Down And Out And Now Worth $12bn" and so it goes on. Well it worked for them and it's all probably a good read but it's not that good that it's swept the world by storm and that there are strings nae rows of multi-millionaires queueing up, it doesn't exist. You are the master of your world, your life, your thoughts, your deeds, in fact you are the beginning and end of your life. Make what's in between work, it can and it will, but be down to earth and don't be mean, it won't pay off.

Webinars or Social conference calls that are springing up right left and centre again all boasting that what they have to say or that a person of note is on there and that if you tune in - at a cost obviously - then you too will be informed and energised and more knowledgeable than before even though you've had to re-schedule your day and lost sales because of it. Or maybe you are part of the daytime lost and bewildered, another strategy of "couch potato" that's seeking something worthwhile that will never ever come their way because they are too pathetic to make a real effort. Does anyone work at all, is it why the economy is failing because people are so busy blogging, networking, listening to others, watching others, etc, that they have stopped doing whatever it is themselves. Is it only those that work from home that can participate anyway everyone who has a small shop or works or service etc, can't afford the time to listen to what may be interesting yet has no bearing upon what they do or how best to improve it, which is usually the case. Is this new "business advice" a drug that's upon us leaching into the fabric of business promising what sounds good but offers nothing except to those that run it, or a day / afternoon out for those that work in large companies as it makes a break for them.

You are the best to decide what to do, even if you don't know what to do. That feeling of not knowing is not to fear as many feel the very same thing and it's natural. We are not experts in every field of our work whether it's accounting, advertising, sales, manufacturing, etc, we are good at one or two things and the rest we either need help with or advice with so we can concentrate on what we do best, that's the bit that makes it all come alive. Don't sell yourself short seeking utopia or great advancement and wasting times on or in areas that are way beyond you. And whilst information at all levels is good, most of the time it just stays put and still can't be acted upon and others have to be brought in to do the deed or whatever it is they have to do. We can drive our car, when it breaks down we go to a garage or call the motor services, knowing that the bearings have gone or that the whatever is broken doesn't make a seconds difference, we still can't fix it ourselves. Be more proud of what you have, by all means learn new stuff but stand firm make what you've got work, the rest will all fall into place. And if you do need specific information, you know you need it, so target those areas not just fall into the catchment area of endless seminars touting their wares. You are better than a pawn in a game, you are king pin, keep it that way.

For more www.thelifedoctor.info
Free "E" Book : www.the-alchemy-of-life.com
©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2012

Friday 6 January 2012


You know happiness is becoming a joke in life today, people are viewing happiness as an accessory that they "must have" and "where can I get it from". There are even companies and sad organisations pampering to the thick and stupid and mean and lonely trying to instill or kick start via their eclectic techniques that "happiness gene" which seemingly is not working for them. It's absolutely mind blowing that people feel the need to leave their homes and buy a book or attend a course to try and be happy, what the hell is going on, who are these people who for some reason can't be happy and who on earth are those who think they have an answer other than make a financial return out of others ineptitude. The happiness factor is borne into us, it's there when we are little and know nothing of life other than cry and giggle and have our nappies constantly changed, oh and become hungry then don't want to eat it. It never ever leaves us despite what happens in life, what we go through or what we encounter, so NO excuses from those who opt out and prefer to "outsource" their happiness to others. For those who want to sit back and let other people "do the work" or "talk the talk" about what happiness is all about, so if by chance it doesn't work, which it rarely lasts very long, the book or course can be blamed as it not materialising as it should. And here lies the whole bottom line of why many people are not happy, it's because they have placed so much of themselves and selfishness upon what the credentials of "what happiness should be" that they will never attain it, in this life or the next. Of course the "happiness factor" changes as time marches on and the majority of people who buy such books and attend such courses are usually 30+, single and predominantly women or if younger have great "issues" that are self created, it's nothing to do with happiness what so ever.

Happiness is contagious, happy people tend to migrate towards other happy people whereas the miserable Jobs comforters migrate towards the unhappy people, the "emotional vampires" that drag along more baggage that a jumbo jet and en-route accumulate even more because it becomes a way of life, it's their raison d'etre, they almost get hooked on to negativity which has far reaching consequences. When one is negatively disposed everything looms large, one can't eradicate what one hears or put it into perspective, the media, the government, crime, finances all play vastly significant parts in what should be the "bigger picture" but are blown out of all proportion. It's this self entrapment that makes life lowly and overrules ones ability to be happy because of the imbalance of thought towards negativity. Anything that's negative is bad, all our negative emotions, greed, pride, envy, avariciousness, hatred, anger, jealousy, like woodworm constantly eat away at our inner self taking the edge off of everything we do.  Eventually it all comes toppling down and many then succumb to depression, stress, anxiety and a whole host of psychosomatic and niggly little illnesses, rashes, sniffing, coughs, sweating, bowl irritability, lack of concentration and so it goes on. Similarly when negativity is the main thrust of your mind conversation your immune system is slightly impaired and one tends to pick up and suffer from similar problems which then lowers ones mind ability and the 'helter skelter' syndrome then starts up.

We know when happiness is not in evidence for when we meet someone who is unhappy we say straight afterwards either to ourselves or those around us, "they were not very nice" or similar things, we can pick it up, it's a totally different vibe than someone who is predominantly happy but just having an "off" moment because of bad new or dented the car, etc. We carry happiness around 24/7 it doesn't get turned off even when we are facing some degree of crisis. Those that say "if you knew what I'd been through you wouldn't be happy" leave well alone, they have decided that this excuse is a platform for them and unless you want to be a universal social worker - move on. Of course it's good to help people but not at the risk of letting your own self become bogged down in the selfishness of others who will sap every last drop of your energy and whilst they may look glum are deep down enjoying the attention you are giving in fuelling their reserve of negativity . Happy people predominantly speak well of everyone, unhappy people rarely speak of anyone and then grudgingly keep it to a minimum. Happy people always have somewhere to go, not just where they live but other places or inner peace, unhappy people hardly know what any of that is.

It's strange that many negative or lonely people actually think they are "alright" that their void of happiness is like a bad tummy, it will pass, of course it won't because the un-happiness is constantly being self perpetuated and manufactured from within, so one actually makes it worse and becomes very defencive and sensitive to conversations about age, sex, partners, love, enjoyment, or whatever, and one can tell instantly from the quality of the feedback that what is being said is not what is being felt. It's sometimes the negative camaraderie of others in the same boat that they at times feel more comfortable with, yet there is almost always that piece of the "happiness jigsaw" missing and that is the self being free from itself and from contrived aspects of life which like a check list are mentally ticked and if certain criteria isn't matched, happiness is not there. Happiness is there but when one rationalises it you lose the plot straight away, out goes freedom of thought, spontaneity, fun, silliness, out goes the lighter side of life in favour of analysis, out goes giving for no other reason that it's fun and in comes 'what do I get out of it' because the selfish factor has loomed large and reared its ugly head.

If you want to be unhappy and miserable that's just fine, but leave the happy people alone, they don't need your excess baggage, they don't need you to feed off of them, they don't need you as a support guy for your own low life thrills, they don't need your meanness, they don't need your contrived and dull views on life, they don't need the endless sighs and exclamations of woe, they don't need your rambling on about courses on happiness and such like when they are ahead of the game themselves. They don't need a compendium of excuses and hard luck stories, of being let down and it not being fair, they don't need poor old me, they don't need why it's alright for them but not for you, they don't need any of it. If you want to reach old age being lonely and unhappy and predominantly single then so be it, no one can do anything for you other than yourself, you are the only one who thinks in your mind and does your deeds, if you get into a rut then you get into a rut, there are no smart answers and definitely no magic wands, it's your life change it radically for the better but if you don't want to change - fine. For everyone else happiness reigns - no question about it.

For more www.thelifedoctor.info
Free "E" Book : www.the-alchemy-of-life.com
©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2012

Thursday 5 January 2012


How strong are you as a person to do and say what you will without fear of upsetting others? This excludes the rude and crass who deliberately and selfishly say what they like in a rough manner and think it's clever - it isn't it makes them look more pathetic than they already are. But for many people they find themselves struggling to both tell the truth and say literally what is on their mind for fear of upsetting others, especially a significant few who they know are already very touchy on certain subjects. This situation which many find themselves in is not an isolated case it is widespread and in all honesty it shouldn't happen. It's nothing to do with being tactful nor mindful we all know when someone or a group of people are going through something that's unpleasant so we don't want to rub salt into the wound, but outside of such areas every day conversation should be free and easy. After all if you don't say what you feel and what's on your mind others will never know and progress will never be made and you'll forever feel closeted and stifled by your inability to just say what it is that's on your mind or important to you.

Families who have dominant parents or grand parents or very stringent religious leanings often have areas where there is an "unwritten" style of conversation and verbiage that is spoken and whatever one says in the family presence is not that said outside of it. Why do such bastions of negativity exist, what is the root cause or purpose, most of it is down to control, insecurity, and importantly a lack of real love, after all if you love someone - genuinely - you don't want to control them you need them free to express themselves and their love for you, which never happens in a controlled environment. Traditional cultures especially those of the Middle East and Far East have such draconian leanings, but it happens all over the world and causes a great deal of consternation, upset and tension. There is also a big difference between respect and saying or speaking the truth, everyone has feelings and many people have some kind of Achilles heal which makes them possibly unduly sensitive to certain things in life, and knowing these one tries because of ones respect for that person to tread lightly because of their prior knowledge of same. However even those who are sensitive to certain aspects of life and styles of conversation need also to be understanding that the world doesn't revolve around them, not now nor ever, and that other people have a perfect right to say as they please even if it causes some degree of consternation. Selfishness and possessiveness works both ways and if it is lauded out in one direction get ready for the return wave to follow as it surely will, often in tsunami proportions.

In the West we are basically free to say what we will about anything that we feel is of interest to us. What interests us may be of no interest or even boring to other people. We have a generation of politically correct peasants that seem to have be borne out of a breed of sub standard human beings, but hopefully they will die out leaving a better place for the rest of us. Similarly protocols that one can't say certain things in certain places or to certain people is rubbish, no one is better than anyone else be they King, Queen, President or Prime Minster, Pope, etc, it doesn't mean again one has the right to be rude, but such people are only human and are subject to the very same failings and bad decisions and degrees of stupidity, bad manners and weaknesses that everyone else has despite their banks of advisers who at times seem to live in an alien world, or at least not of this one. We've all heard conversations by people saying "Oh you can't say that because  so and so will get upset", or "they don't like that kind of conversation" or "we don't mention it here" and so it goes on a plethora of self built up paranoid statements wafting around stopping real free flow of conversation, good ideas, thoughts and deeds being done because of "gatekeepers" and insignificant people hiding conversation from even more insignificant people who seemingly can't handle the truth because they themselves are mentally impotent of solidity and mettle.

There is also a type of person today that for some reason or another gets "upset" or "offended" just because someone has spoken their mind in all honesty and said what they have had to say. Well, get upset but don't expect an apology for your own redundant failings and narrow and pathetic view point, either get over it or just stay at home and listen to music. This sheer effrontery of having to tell others that you are not in alignment with current conversation stinks and stifles any degree of freedom or alternative view point or conversation, by all means don't agree that's quite OK, but to go down the lame and selfish route of "I've been offended" should be followed by an iced bucket of water thrown over them to complete the issue. Society moves forward by people speaking their minds, creative processes likewise need that same freedom as do developmental areas it's what separates the developed countries and those that follow. There's no room in any society for a lack of freedom in speech, it's the life blood it's how people communicate and stops hidden conversations and plots and riots when all is in the open and not festering in random places which suddenly boils over and comes together in a general consensus via some social media network or platform. Listening is an art form, it's not a science, not the "snooping" that governments do to quell their own paranoia but the "listening" to the way the populous talks and what they say. It's this embodiment of people who need respect not the focus on the minority who don't care. In future just state your case and if others get upset "tough" you have NO contract with anyone to supply their happiness nor avoid negativity  for their deficient mind thoughts with stylised conversation. Speak up, get heard, state your case, you are worth it every day of your life. If you don't state your case by default you are lessening who you are.

For more www.thelifedoctor.info
Free "E" Book : www.the-alchemy-of-life.com
©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2012

Wednesday 4 January 2012


When we are little we have a whole range of thoughts as to what we would like to be later in life, as we get older, hopefully wiser and definitely more knowledgeable we hone our views and aspirations into different quarters and then link the possibility of same with our credentials and abilities which immediately puts paid to some thoughts and allows others possibly - only just - through the net. Even then we are not always that satisfied as we often have feelings deep within that there must be something better which really fires our inner self that current ideals don't seem to do or meet. Once upon a time it was a job for life, now it hardly ever exists at all as shareholder value is way in excess of employee value so knowing that makes us more wary of what we want to do for ourselves and not for someone else who will take our credit and leave us with nothing. The fragility of today leaves many pondering their own future and the way they both need to proceed forward and at the same time enjoy life too, for without enjoying life but enduring it is a route to falling short of everything that we would like for ourselves including respect.

Mid-life crisis, life crisis, increases in stress, anxiety, stability, cohesion of whom we are, our views on life and our take on whom we are are all very important because if we don't have a handle on these things we are almost lost in a mental quagmire that will haunt us day and night. If there is no future as we see it then we are not going to rest soundly, and for many both young and old alike they are faced with such thoughts daily and find it difficult to come to terms with. The employment market today is as mixed as ever, the changing of a career way outside of what one has done for many years is not uncommon and what's more those that do make such changes are not only happier but very good in what they now do, regardless of not having years of experience. Unfortunately, employment agencies and HR are not that confident nor proficient nor forward thinking enough to facilitate more in this emerging area but it is increasing.

At some stage in our lives we recollect what we have achieved and what it means to us, it's at times like these that the reality of life comes upon us and we make strong judgements and decisions as to where we would like to go and why and what for. Our own inner satisfaction taking a major role in our decisions. We evolve in life to an extent that we at times are not aware of where we are as it creeps upon us in our struggle or development or just our understanding of looking after others that time flies by. One moment we are doing what we are doing the next we are contemplative and rather fragile and sensitive about all that's around us and the smallest of things and the faults of others looms large within the framework of our view and it becomes a task in itself to steer a straight line, wavering from one point to another trying to seek some degree of peace and acceptance. The feel for inner grounding becomes paramount and we see that those around us are oblivious of our needs and thoughts which leads to a degree of further isolation and unrest. The whole scenario is becalming and one wishes desperately for that wind of change to blow up and fill our sails with something that fills those inner voids that weigh heavily within.

The good news is that the becalming effect is but a mere blip, it's there for a relatively short time and provided we put some effort into what we seek in life then at some point the two effects will merge and that eureka moment will arrive. Keeping our own resolve can at times be a trying experience yet we do it and we overcome the debacles that exist. It's never too late to do what you want to do, listen ONLY to positive people around you never take advice from those whose life is less than your own. Never discuss your problems or ideas with those who you know are lowly and negative as they will act as "emotional vampires" draining all your positivity through narrow mindedness and lack of fore site, knowledge, experience and worst of all their own failings, anxieties and fears which is the last thing you want. Success isn't exclusive to a few it's awaiting what you want to do, your name has success right next to it, never let anyone no matter who take that sign away from you, it's yours keep it.    

For more www.thelifedoctor.info
Free "E" Book : www.the-alchemy-of-life.com
©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2012