Wednesday 31 August 2011


The world as such has a life of its own, it will survive whether we as humans do or do not. There is definitely a move of global turbulence afoot. It's not because the Arab Spring which will still not resolve the underlying problems with the Arab world, it will just shift the movement and placement so that it looks better from afar, Islam is unstable - full stop. And yes it may open up the markets and give degrees of freedom and even possibly adaptations of real democracy not potted versions of it. But where any country has an overwhelming Islamic populous failure and unfairness, insecurity and instability will be the end result, there isn't one stable Islamic country on planet earth. But even in the West there is another turbulence that's growing daily, and political rhetoric is but that, empty words even if spoken with sincerity, if one can say that politics and sincerity can go hand in hand today. There is a real lack of World Class Statesmen and Women today, the quality of such in the USA and Europe is at an all time low as is the increase in corruption, bribery, self conceitedness and all the rest. That's not to say that both areas don't do well, they do despite the global greed of the manipulated financial sectors, which have yet to be accounted for by any government.

The young are finding it more difficult today than at any time, and whilst opportunities to start your own business are always available, it's not a mass structured view that will help or assist the many. The Third World countries will for the foreseeable future still be Third World countries even though various attributes within them may have improved the ratio between them and the Developed world will remain a constant. If it wasn't for Western Charities much of Africa would be in a far worse state that it is even now. Inhumanity and avariciousness are becoming more and more the trade marks of leaders and companies, where shareholder value far outweighs that of employee value. Where a countries overseas policy is at times in direct contrast with home policy, all this adds up to the "Unhappiness"  of the nation. The unhappiness of the nation can produce drastic and permanently damaging results that mere policing will have no effect whatsoever.

Watching the international television channels one can see the manufactured waffle that Public Relation statements and other Press Releases contain, saying what is expedient to hopefully close an issue and quell unrest, but it's no more true than telling someone who is going to die that they will be falling into a long sleep, just to avoid coming out with the truth. The quality of journalism is almost on a par at times with that of game shows, where the "press back rooms" sift and sort through what they deem will be a better delivery of a topic, hyped of course and a few imponderable statements added here and there to make it sound far more important and far reaching that the 'one liner' it could have been. Although marketing the news is an art form itself, depicting death in as many ways as one can imagine just to 'heighten' vocalised statements. After a while one becomes immune to it all, and in fact it becomes so depressing and so out of one's hands that unless watching the news is habitual, it's at times worthy of not even watching it.

Good news doesn't travel well, unfortunately bad news placed incorrectly and insincerely can have devastating effects especially on those who are troubled with where they are in life already. Being "economical" with anything has consequences, with life around you it can induce states of depression, fear, panic, anger, hatred, insurrection, and a host of other feelings. There's nothing worse than tainting life by deed and suggestion and seeding possibilities that are only that to destabilise and produce discord and disharmony. The increase in governmental and corporate mindlessness and irresponsibility is forever increasing yet governments do nothing at any level to give a feeling of security, harmony, positivity, replying via their own weakness to try and push through unpleasant bills and statutes by enhancing fear within the process and potential consequences. The real backbone of any society are the people themselves, and in turn they look up to 'strong leadership' to give them that overall feeling of inner peace. But when your own government gives your own finances and support as a first call to others then they have by default lost all credibility. It wouldn't happen in any home, so is this difference what they call "politics" the new dirty game based upon ego and self. Wanted World Class Leaders and Politicians - you must be out there somewhere - please apply!!!!!!

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2011

Tuesday 30 August 2011


Every so often we review our lives either directly or subliminally. Life goes in stages it's usually age related and that starts from our childhood upwards. We coast at times surfing a wave of life that suites us quite well, it may not be ecstatic but at the same time it provides a degree of peace and not too much trouble so that we enjoy the relative placidity of it all. But as we all know life never stays still and there's always something afoot somewhere to bring it all to a close, a close that needs to be re-started and assessed for us to again find that level of harmony that suites us within. What each and every one of us enjoys could be completely different, some may like the gregarious life dashing from here to there and beyond, whilst others just want the complete opposite, there's no right nor wrong, it's human beings as they are.

How we live our lives is completely down to us, it has nothing to do with circumstances nor parameters nor anything else, how we react within all those given points or areas is purely down to us, no one else. After all no one can live our lives for us, think for us, be happy for us, eat and drink for us and a host of other things too. Much of our base living is our own domain, so how we reflect that is a personal direct action stemming from a very personal thought derived within, it can't come from anywhere else. Health, wealth, relationships, bereavement, redundancy, job relocation, children, etc, can all have a defined bearing on what we ultimately do and where we go. And in the midst of all these intangible areas in life we have feelings towards ourselves, feelings that are at times so personal that they consume our thoughts to an extent that time tends to either slow down or speed up because the feeling of unrest and even despondency shapes our thoughts about the future. Of course the future is as it is and can be something totally alien to our views and projections, so it's imperative that we harmonise our views with realities and a degree of latitude and flexibility otherwise we will be aiming for something that doesn't exist.

That ultimate feeling at "being at one" with yourself is the perfect answer as that will eliminate frustration, doubt, mental stress, anxiety, foreboding, and all the other negative feelings that we can get from 'not knowing'. However for the majority of people that's not an option, not that they can't attain such a position but because most people are addicted to worry and believe if they don't worry they are being flippant and not taking their situation seriously. This is purely a 'mind stance' and usually of historical value (i.e.picked up from the family) in actual fact if we all stopped worrying as such we would find a greater detail in the availability of clarity, understanding and solutions would be more forthcoming, after all dwelling on the problems limits our ability to see solutions. The feeling that "out there" someone has the answer to our plight is more often than not a fantasy, even if someone can assist in taking you from where you are to where you need to be it's the self that needs to be available for that journey no matter how far or indeed short it is. There is a big difference between being passive in thought and active in thought, passive thought stagnates, active thought energises and invigorates it sees what is out there and thus keeps active literally the inner person who has to understand and act accordingly as to how best to proceed. Passive thought doesn't do anything, it just waits for something to enter the situation as if by magic like winning the lottery without buying a ticket.

It takes a small pin to burst a big balloon, similarly our doubts and problems don't always require the complicated and at times grandiose ideas to make things come right again. We formulate what we need, with good intentions, yet often there are many other solutions even better ones that because we don't know exist tend to disregard before they have even come to light. We need to be kind to ourselves, and feel that the onus whilst still rests with ourselves is one that is neither unique and that there are positive answers that can and will fit the bill. A change of personal attitude is required not one of other people's thoughts and ideas based upon how they think, even if some are valid, it's how we walk the walk that counts and it's us that will enjoy the rewards of such in the end.

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2011

Monday 29 August 2011


The stigma and anxiety associated with mental health can literally make it even worse than it is with all sorts of things running through our minds that if not gotten under control can like a nuclear reactor just get out of control then all hell is let loose. It's not only the mental anxiety itself it's often the associated loneliness that accompanies it that makes it worse and the fact that few trust those in  mental health care even if they come to a realisation that they may have to utilise their services at some point. When it comes to medical conditions including mental health we need to know to reassure ourselves that what we have got isn't what we think or if it is it's curable or treatable, the "unknown" element is probably the worst part. Once we know the anxiety suddenly leaves us even if we are left with a concern, that concern is now shared by others who are in the business of helping us the best they can, and that has a big effect upon our moral and stability. However, when it comes to mental health it's slightly different for if our mind goes we tend to lose the plot very quickly and grasp at all kinds of intangible things, make stuff up, and we see life from a very different perspective where nothing is real anymore it's all part and parcel of a structure that has new values and new concepts and meanings of things reflect a different understanding.

Our friends, family, partners, children, the world all appears somehow differently as if it's not quite there, as if it hasn't the substance it once did have and that reality has a missing value, that missing value is the heart of why many people distrust psychiatry and councillors because the interlinking degree of communicable humanity is a cold shudder that seems just so distant and indeed many in their own field of psychiatry often appear odd themselves. People who are on the periphery of seeing councillors often never go the full course getting both disillusioned and frustrated at seemingly 'one sided' endless note taking and their own resolve gets them up and running far quicker than anything else. It's a strange world mental health, it has a bad reputation amongst the public and it shouldn't have as it's not a stereotype illness where people go 'off the rails' or 'do stupid hings' you can be 100% compus mentus and still do those things so it holds little kudos to label people all the same. Much of the mental health condition is a deep personal suffering of what life is all about in relation to themselves and like a jigsaw puzzle the pieces don't fit which is where it gets tricky to resolve from the self point of view. Even with those understanding the situation it doesn't always help to get those disjointed pieces back into alignment as there are still elements that rely on other criteria that need resolution although there are many situations where a degree of self governance can help enormously.

The human mind is complex and simple at the same time, we laugh and we cry it's a commonality to at least 99.99% of us, there will no matter what happens in life be an exception but those are the exceptions. How we think of our mind is paramount and if we take on more that we care to via our negative emotions, our negative emotions are our worst enemy, then the inevitable will happen. Much of our depressive states are self induced, we can't, we don't, we won't, I need, I want, my shows, my life, my, my, my, the "all about me syndrome". It starts off with booze then probably drugs then you're screwed. Ego, arrogance, greed, avariciousness, anger, retribution, etc, some of the Middle Eastern religions have much of this stuff inbred within their diatribe and thus it manifests itself as a gross area of instability. The selfishness of many people leads to self created disappointment, reading the detritus of others lives and what people are doing subliminally erodes one's humble existence in relation to same. Everything we do has an affect upon us, we are our "Shop Window" and it shows at times that the goods are not of saleable quality, at least not now - they once were. The good news is that much of it can change in a flash, but that needs a degree of "letting go" from things which hold you back. Not the New Age rubbish but genuine things which puts the self back into pole position and not sub contracting areas of life to others or following others thinking its a good idea, whenever did personal though become someone esle's domain.

Getting to grips with theoretical aspects of life is difficult in that we can't always see both sides of the coin so fused are we to a single sided vision that intangible helter skelter we zoom down. We have a brake to stop anytime we want, it's just when do you choose to use it, it's a personal choice.

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2011

Saturday 27 August 2011


Without getting into statistics and political jargon and enhanced journalistic rhetoric there is definitely a movement today regarding the breakdown of family life. Where young people are finding it respectively more difficult than at any other time in history to find some degree of substance in their lives. Every generation says the same thing, yes, but this current generation have been disadvantaged by very poor parenting or possibly none existent parenting and this has caused a systematic shift is resultant lifestyles and emotional thought patterns. Governments are almost impotent in the area of personal associations finding it difficult enough to keep their own noses clean let alone look after those of a nation. Too far has 'political correctness' gone and those that have put into place high degrees of immunity for children and governors of same should be rounded up for the euthanasia programme, as the damage they have done to society is immeasurable. It's not fortunately beyond reach but never the less only tough, single mindedness and directly responsive action will again place the young back on track and at the same time give them a feeling that hope something that is sadly missing and currently is fuel for growing discontent.

Not only is bad parenting an issue but even for the parents themselves becoming overweight and sloven in their attitude to life. One only has to see children in supermarkets and banks to see that it's a free for all with them doing exactly what they like, and playing around with everything they can touch without any feeling or knowledge of what they are doing. Parents seemingly give in at the sign of any pressure just to get peace of mind. Yet the government and the local councils offer no moral lead whatsoever, upmarket bickering and hypothetical banter about our "one size fits all society" and "not upsetting" certain groups takes precedence to a degree that leadership is almost a fictional issue. Is there anyone in the world who has leadership qualities and thinks about their own people first, where charity begins at home and not sending taxpayers money overseas when everyone at home is struggling - this is a fundamental aspect of 'national happiness' or lack of it, as is the case currently. It doesn't make good international politics for the politicians not to talk about giving money away, but the UK is not a charity of right to global issues, and because politicians are weak they prefer to tow the line rather than make waves on a national and proud principle. National pride hardly exists and that's a DIRECT response to bad and ineffective governmental control. The last Labour party were bloody useless and the current government haven't a clue.

The advent of gaming, social media, emailing, texting, etc, is here to stay, the very young know of no other situation in their lives and their communicational skills and the speed at which they utilise such is a part of their abilities to communicate as much as their social structure. However, from a parenting aspect sticking young children in front of a TV screen for hours on end to keep them quiet, or plying them with endless food and soft drinks is not only lazy it shows a degree of patheticness and lax stupidity regarding the future concerns of the children themselves. Whilst the government should lead, that attitude should be well tempered with "personal responsibility" for without personal responsibility and an understanding of what it means, there is no hope whatsoever and any plans which are drawn out are on the definite failure list before they start. Manners are a rarity with young people unless they come from a family with manners, which is a rarity too, so self absorbed in a structured world of deluded selfishness that they see little around them and a smugness prevails. The "me" syndrome.

There are so many "ring fences" around children, they can't be touched and they know it. The social services (who know their rights too well and backwards and in every language) and the legal ambulance chasers after young offenders who like whores will do anything for money, are happy to earn their stipend regardless of how it comes into effect, in fact some specialise in representing almost lost causes as a profession in itself. Morality is holistic it's not something that's dished out to a chosen few, it's something that should be part of a communities ability to understand the bigger picture. Rich or poor the bottom line is right is right and wrong is wrong, where this is thrown out of kilter is that the poor that do wrong are excused because of their background, and the wealthy have expensive lawyers lying their way through technicalities in order to get their clients off, and the justice system is at times a version of Monty Python's 'Original' Flying Circus. Another cause for national unhappiness.

Where national cohesion and unity are positions of strength, enhancing alien cultures goes against the grain as they can never ever be technically fulfilled and thus in a market of multi-cultural people where separation is the norm ghettos are becoming common place as opposed to a unified Britishness made up of a homogenised group of different ethnicities. The bowing to groups who suddenly decide that they want things their way only enhances aggravation and yet again causes national unhappiness. The underlying lost echelon of teachers and bureaucratic local government personnel have very little to aspire to other than what they think as opposed to what they know and it shows terribly in the somewhat disjointed output over and above pure educational products. The future generation needs the symbiosis of parenting / schooling and very little is concordant today and there are no hard efforts to make it happen. i.e. It's must be a legal requirement of parenting as opposed to some wet self governing situation which always has a cop out who always get away with it because they can.

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2011

Friday 26 August 2011


We have but one chance at it before we eventually die, it's called life, it comes without Government Health Warnings, medical health warnings, it comes without conditions and it certainly has no guarantees. It has nothing to do with useless politically correct imbeciles and birth has comes to each and every one of us unrequested, regardless of what New Age people say or anyone else says. If we did make that choice we can't remember so it's pointless dragging what we don't know around with us as an explanation. We can leave all the fuddled messes of today on to politicians who seem to relish in diatribe of the moment. How we start and finish life is the way it is, it's not pre-destined nor luck based nor anything else it's all a series of situations, coincidences (which are concurrent situations) and personal effort, how it comes together given almost identical parameters can be as different as chalk and cheese. Life whether we like it or dread it it's what it all is. As soon as we are able to make our way forward it's down to us, rightly or wrongly it's down to us. Forget others expectations, forget what others do and don't do, forget what we would like to happen, forget what you read in the press and see on television, forget the "self help" books, it's what is in your head and heart that will decide what you do and how you do it. You are the only one to steer your ship - no one else. Advice, well one never ever accepts advice from anyone who has an aspiration less than your own, otherwise you will get a stilted answer full of others failings, fears and insecurities. Only positive people count in life.

As a human being where you are right now is a product of yourself, circumstances come and go, missed opportunities are in abundance, situations come and go too, but you as a sentient human being are here to stay until such a time as you cease to exist anymore as a humanoid, your spirit will have departed leaving a cold fleshy carcass behind. It's all very morbid and grounding stuff but that's the bottom line. How you think from day to day is down to you, what you see and feel and think are only your thoughts never anyone else's, even if you choose to copy others - it's your decision.Whatever breaks or help you ever get it's still you who has to walk the walk and talk the talk. The moment you die you lose the emotions of life, you lose the love element too, it has no place is a corpse as it's literally ashes to ashes - dust to dust in reality. One has the option of making life good or not so good, there are no magic wands out there despite the enormous amounts of money people spend on seeking answers and solutions to life from so called gurus who do little more than collect sad followers who know no better and give up their own thoughts for those of someone else, and of course pay for that privilege. One only has to read the comments on Twitter and Facebook and other social sites to see how many people out there are completely or very nearly completely disjointed with life and spew out diatribe about virtually nothing of value, wallowing in their own plight without any positive elements of seemingly wanting to change. It's not that difficult to change, but if you wallow on where you are you'll always miss out on the solutions, it's not rocket science.

If in this life before death you believe in God (not religious rubbish) then you will have a set of mind constructs as to how you live life and an understanding about where you are any why and the hope of the future and abilities to make it happen. If you don't believe in God then you make it up as you go along as it's all a blank canvass so one does one's best, or hopefully so. Morals are subjective even stemming from the same base, what one thinks is immoral others aren't too fussed about, so we have in society with a dichotomy of provocative thought based structures that tend to make us do and react in certain ways. The base as mentioned in many of my blogs is love, we are a love based society and falling out of love produces some of the most horrific problems imaginable. Love is holistic in that it encompasses everything even in the legal and financial worlds where love is almost seen as an enemy as it's against greed and winning at all costs even if wrong. Love is fair and just and moral and understanding and compassionate and STABLE and wholesome and happy and fun and restful and joyful and great and wondrous and alive and unselfish and trustworthy, it heals and it also makes you smile easily too. Take love away and all the opposite elements of those stated start creeping into life and make it a shell in which one inhabits and in many cases just exists on a day to day basis with a view that tomorrow is empty and nothing to look forward to. Loneliness is an absence of love and loneliness is a vast problem in the world today, nothing to do with the desire for a partner it's an inner self feeling that over rules one's thoughts on life. Living a life with a void almost gives rise to a degree of dysfunctional thoughts and feelings, love fills all voids.

In our world mental health is becoming an issue that it never once was, it's not on an illness based situation but a self caused effect based on too much information from extraneous sources and not enough solutions that have a positive outcome, it's called the "Hour Glass Effect". Our ability to process information within our present circumstances highlights problems but not proportionately and of course all problems when combined with our "emotions" all hell is let loose. It's literally "showtime" in the mind and we get bouts of sleeplessness with the "mind gremlins" coming out to dance and jive to our mental unrest and then the party really starts to rock n roll. We see it first hand with celebrities who just can't hack what's going on then it's booze, drugs, rehab, psychiatrists and it's another life from there onwards. Our life is in our hands, it's not always easy but then there is nowhere that says it would be or will be, if we veer off the beaten track then that's where we will go, if we do nothing then by default life will take us where it wants to go, so if we arrive at a destination which isn't of our choosing then we only have ourselves to blame. We are not talking perfection here just life strategies that effect everyone no matter where they are. Often causes and effects are very hard to administer to and even understand, in areas in Africa children are born by the dozen to families that still can't feed their current children then comes a drought or floods and it's beyond the pale with almost predictable results.

The differences in humanity around the world are what the world consists of. The great nations are great - as such - because of their ideology and world understanding. Many of the poor nations who are sitting on a vast wealth are inept both mentally and educationally to see the bigger picture in global terms, always introverted by greed and self value and there it all crumbles into the dust in which they already live. Life before death for everyone is a complexity of areas that most take well within their stride, but for the increasing numbers of people it is now becoming a problem of understanding that's unnerving and causes untold unrest within. The solutions are there, the release valve is there if only accessed, but it's the self that can only do it, it's not possible to utilise a remote control and then everything will be alright - unfortunately.

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2011

Thursday 25 August 2011


Have you ever thought about the value of your life, what is your life worth, would you be missed if you passed away today, what is your purpose on earth, what have you achieved, what have you done for others - if anything and what have you done or do do for humanity without cost - i.e. it's done from the heart?  Well we could go on forever looking at such fundamental questions and come up with a dearth of tangible and intangible answers especially religious ones. But the worst are those of old outmoded traditions and pathetic old cultures which cause gross pain and suffering both mentally and physically. In my travels around the world I've seen how families who base their life styles on religion (not God) inflict deliberately conflict as a way of life and this is still to a large degree evident both in Europe and the USA by families from predominantly the Asian continent. It's almost an evilness that seems to be "handed down" as a form of respectability and purpose even though it holds absolutely nothing within it as a form of higher elevation and understanding. It's not that some cultures are not colourful in every sense of the word, and values of hospitality are not endearing or even certain family values, but for the main part they are of another era. The value of life is upheld everywhere on this planet by the four letter word that I use often it's called "love", for without this we are but drones or robots just living to live, such as is the interface in stock markets today, run by computers that see life as black and white and with no heart whatsoever. And in the stock market computers we have "red screen syndrome" the  auto warning that all isn't going well.

Love equates to happiness, not the physical happiness of wealth or possessions but that of the heart and soul. Love sees happiness as an underlying aspect of life on earth, if you believe in God and not a man made religious aspect of God then you'll know exactly what it means. Most people who are 'religious' never experience anything to do with God whatsoever, and never will, even if they become successful, their success is no more or less than that of atheists or agnostics. And for those that praise God when things go well and when they don't go well say "it's a punishment or something I have to go through" it's beyond being pathetic as this situation affects everyone on the planet also. Religious believers - or more to the point indoctrinated believers rarely have health, peace, understanding as it's as volatile and as selfish as a none believer and possibly more as a none believer doesn't have to live up to rules that are interpreted by deranged religious leaders who are out of touch with today and seem to think they are God's representatives, whereas they are God's servants. Appointed by man himself not God, big difference.

The litmus test of freedom is that of God, or if you are a non believer just freedom. A freedom to build, create, allow, understand, develop, love (whom you like), enhance, from within, allowing the individual to progress to what they are best at and not be controlled by fear, hurt, evilness, killing, and structures that cause endless failure and unevenness in life. To tell your parents you are marrying someone outside your faith or that you are gay and if it invokes rage and anger it denotes that the love you have from your family is totally conditional and without any Godly merit. They are a failure in God's eyes, which they were all a long but just didn't admit to it living in a facade of their own desires and constructs. Their emotion of not being happy, disappointed, etc is understandable but to not be happy about your daughters or sons happiness themselves smacks of first rate selfishness and a direct destination to hell on your demise.

So what do you think of yourself, what do you think your friends really think of you? Have you really got a value and what is it? How is your relationship with your friends, brother, sister, work colleagues? How is your relationship with the world and what you hear as to what's going on. All these are quite important aspects of whom you are and whilst the majority of people "get on" with life incorporating the answers to such questions within themselves, many don't and thus struggle with life on numerous levels. Even many professional people are living with scars of the past and addictions, mistakes, arrogance and egotistical facades, lies, deceit, visions of empty futures serving no purpose but making the best of it as a choice that's only left. Equilibrium is where we best feel at ease, it's a place where we can modulate our life structures and cope with the ups and downs and still feel relatively at peace with life and can face head on life's hitches. If you have no thought about your value (other than a conceited view) then perhaps it's a stumbling point as to who you are and why your life isn't as you think it should be, these areas are usually closely linked, never perfect but invariably linked. Why anyone does what they do often defies an overall logic as it's an emotional feel within that has to be quenched even if it wasts time and needless energy. Those that "do what they do" because they can do as a means to filling in time are really treading water, those that have definition know the value of themselves and are more creative in their overall output. Inner satisfaction, meaning and purpose is ours - should we want it.   

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2011

Tuesday 23 August 2011


Is it the sign of the times or is it a product of the marketing of violence that the top brands push out in order for them to tap into "street cred". Or just throw an image into susceptible teenage minds that they latch on to as an expression of rebellion against the general life consensus of no hope or nothingness which governments pursue via their own ignorance and self mindedness. All through life teenagers rebelled even if quietly against the older generation, it's quite natural especially in developed worlds, it's just that today we have technology to assist our plight whatever that plight is. However the fundamental aspect of life is love, we are a love based society, not the sick and neurotic love portrayed by Hollywood and the media which comes from a script, but real, stable, harmonious, unselfish love (it does exist even for those that are sceptical). All around the world we know of love, I've been to most places on planet earth and regardless of cultures (and there are some weird ones), regardless of religions (and there are some demonic evil ones that still kill every day such as in the Middle East), regardless of settings (and there are some very hard landscapes), regardless of languages (and there are hundreds), there is a fundamental aspect of love.

Love in its pure form is unconditional, love is the base for God whether you believe in God or not, love is the universal freedom of mankind that allows us to flourish and grow and commune with each other, love does not have hatred, anger, retribution, jealousy, greed etc, in its vocabulary as an adjunct set of words. Love allows co-operation and fosters understanding, love is not politically correct nor subversive, love does not take prisoners nor hold hostages, it doesn't kill to get its own way nor does it syphon off funds for its own cause, love is honest (you don't get endless surprise charges concealed in your bill), love is open and quality based, it doesn't have secret agendas. It doesn't offer endless services and facilities then charge you an arm and a leg for what it lead you to believe was affordable or even free as part of the service, love has at the end of the day very little to do with today's commercial business. The free downloads on the Internet (spam and viruses are free downloads too) that then charge you to move on, and so it goes on, that's not love nor even smart marketing, it's deceit at its best. It's everything that's underhanded and it's devised by humans who themselves want to enjoy life free from stress, anxiety, being ripped off (like the airlines now do having unbundled their services to get more money out of you), and is there any wonder why the general populous don't trust companies anymore and get really annoyed when services are not upheld.

Governments are definitely not immune from deliberate wrong doings, where statesmen are an almost extinct species, where governors and politicians have their fingers in any pot they can get the lid off, where the press make stories out of nothing just hoping they will stick to foster their own ends, it goes on all the time. Where mankind makes kudos out of fellow mankind for the sake of greed and entertainment. And where a whole generation of couch potatoes and wide mouthed back seat drivers wax lyrical about what should and shouldn't be yet themselves are an embarrassment to society. Where religions breed hatred and control in their quest for supremacy yet their God has done absolutely nothing to help their own kind as the vast majority are forever subject to the world's worst conditions of floods, droughts, poverty, lack of education, lack of rights and basically as a whole just take from the world and give nothing back.

The mental health of many in all parts of the world is getting worse, where individuals feel lost, isolated and cocooned in their own mind status not effectively being able to commune anymore and thus wonder what its all about, who they are and what does the future hold as pawns in the rants of those that seemingly control the strings for their own devises and ends. Where love is an intrinsic part of life it governs the "evilness" and "deceitfulness" that may be levied for the sheer gain of others such as the financial and banking markets who are cold hearted and completely ruthless in their game of  "take all" whilst worshiping their God of greet and avariciousness. Love isn't a two sided coin where you do something deliberately bad for the sake of pouring goodness upon the family to look good in their eyes, nor wanting to fuel one's own ego, love isn't a superficial aspect of life that one likes to turn on and off at a appropriate times. Love is a 24/7 event that nurtures the whole and has no exceptions, except for those that seek opportunity of the self as far more valid and fair game than stability and purpose in the real sense and playing out as a real life video game playing with others lives and finances for their own thrills.

For those seeking love the main reason they rarely come close to it is because they are by far too selfish of themselves, never quite giving enough for fear of losing something and at the same time forever seeking that 'better love' elsewhere. Where those that feel they have lots of love to give out to the "right person" are lying to themselves, as love never diminishes nor runs out, if you can't share it and give it out with those around you you'll never be able to give it out freely at all least of all to that 'significan't one' that is forever in the forefront of your mind. The "love walk" is not something superficial or soppy, it's a deliberate way of living that often separates you from the rough flottsam and jetsome of life, the forever 'has beens' that are shallow and insincere and see everyone else like that too. The "love walk" is an elevation of the norm, the norm is where none of us want to live, we deserve better, and better is within our grasp, but only if we make it that way.

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2011

Monday 22 August 2011


There's a lot to be said about technology and where it has taken us and what we can do with it. It's been developed whatever it is to enable us to function somewhat better and in most cases more cheaply (despite initial costs) at doing what we do. Whether it's detecting cancer in the body, the quality of our air, satellite navigation to help us find the next street to ours or walk around in a complete daze listening to our favourite music. Like everything in life there are two sides to it, there is the positive advantage of the product or service offered and then there is the less acceptable side that latches on in some people to a usage syndrome that is somewhat off the beaten track. There can be addictions to gaming websites, social media and so on, there are those who have the mobile phone syndrome of looking at it every 90 seconds just to see if there is a message etc, and so it goes on. But it's not a direct fault of the system it's partly to do with us, the human element. After all is you shovel food down your throat you get fat, no one gets fat on fresh air, if you drink too much liquid whether it be alcohol or water etc, it has adverse effects, if your car can go at 150 miles an hour it's you who breaks the speed limits deliberately not the car, it's not rocket science.

Governments are becoming paranoid about electronic surveillance and communication aspects of technology, and to some degree rightly so, but just being able to communicate with people doesn't in itself start insurrection nor does it start riots nor anything else. I know people all over the world, it's what I've been doing all my life travelling, and if I sent out texts, Tweets, Facebook messages or emails to each and every one of them telling them to loot, riot, set fire to or whatever else nothing would happen, because they are just not that sort of people. If I said I was in hospital I know I'd get an almost instant reply as to the state of my health, it's again because of the nature of my contacts. Not all my contacts are bosom buddies, many are business people, but it's the quality of the relationship that makes a difference.

It's come to note that politicians are almost inept if not totally ignorant of relationships and how people perceive such. Whilst they understand relationships predominantly when being spoken to their own ability to see and do is at best limited. Commissioning reports at exorbitant costs lead by some old crony to give it a degree of status isn't the answer either, the science of emotions outside sheer technicalities is more often than not in a direct contrast to governmental policies and how they blindly report their actions completely ignorant of what they are saying. Many politicians including prime ministers speak against what the vast populous want to hear. It's no wonder that unrest and gross unhappiness flourishes with communications as they are, people talk because that's what people do. They don't more often than not have ulterior motives but when a high degree of sheer commonality is in evidence it actually generates an energy of its own which then has gravitas and it starts then to grow arms and legs and a synergy thus forms into a movement. Again it's not rocket science. Although politically it's seen as subversive and anything else that paranoia brings to the fore.

When governments don't represent their constituents, i.e. they don't hold firstly their OWN citizens as a prime concern then trouble starts, unlike the Prime Minister of Singapore who said about his own people that they come first. One can't blame households for being lax when the government's own household policy is no better. If your teenage son came home from school very excited having been appointed to the first 11 football team then asked for some new boots and shorts etc, only to be greeted with, I'm sorry I've just bought next doors children some new clothes, it's good for neighbourly relations. Need one say more, yet this is what the government are doing selling their own people short under the auspices of it's own "bigger picture" policy. Result, national unhappiness, in addition to bad attention via the politically correct moronic world which has fostered a total lack of morals and responsibility. Electronic communications are only a faster way of spreading bad news they are not the prime base or cause for such happening.

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2011

Friday 19 August 2011


We all want good health and fortune after all if we don't have it our life is to an extent reduced because of the constraints of the conditions we are suffering. However there are many out there who are relatively well yet almost permanently seek better wellness and health and happiness and peace and whatever else they conjure up that they seem to be lacking in and go to New Age workshops or follow trendy events that some celebrity found useful in between rehab, and so it goes on. It's not that some don't find solace or comfort from these areas of life as the placebo effect is very real and if you happen to be one of the "lost souls" wandering through life then it's probably comforting to commune with other lost souls too. However if these therapies were as brilliant as made out they would all be hitting the world headlines and be taken up by opportunists and it would be a phenomenon, but they aren't and it isn't. Weirdness is becoming more common today and a lot of it is down to self induced stupidity or ignorance or possibly both, never the less the occurrence of individuals - predominantly single and over 30 - for healing is definitely rising and it shouldn't be. Loneliness is one of the biggest culprits to make life lacking in favour, and it's nothing to do with not having lots to do or dozens of friends, it's that inner feeling within you that stops you enjoying life or desperately needing a companion to share a degree of quality life with.

For some belief in God is the answer, but that requires faith as a conduit so the vast majority of people who have a "so called faith" never ever achieve anything remotely near healing or life happiness because they also live within fear and endless religiously fabricated rules which cancels out whatever faith is supposed to be. However, for those that do believe, for those that do have a positive prowess in life, for those that do have a good outlook and don't harbour negativity then there is a very definite and positive effect  both upon life, health, a marker against right and wrong and a mental stability which others crave for but seek remedies via tablets and self help books, as if there lies a Utopian answer or secrets which they have yet to find. The bottom line is that everything you need to make you happy already lies within you, it's never been anywhere else. What you deem expedient that will make you happy is something contrived based upon intangible and changeable constructs, like building on quicksand, always subject to the ground being washed away at a moments notice. And as many objects as you place in front of you no matter what they are will by default keep you away from obtaining happiness and the healing needed to allow it to flourish, somewhat like the carrot and the donkey syndrome, you never catch up.

Healing comes from degrees of contentment, good sleep, enjoying life at whatever level that may be, keeping an even keel and not getting embroiled in the detritus of mundanity of others ineptitude and narrow thoughtlessness. Being positive, kind of thought and deed and overlooking those that have ulterior motives, just moving on allowing the the negative ones to seek their own kind - which they do. The dearth of social vampires that are out there all wanting a bit of someone else's energy is forever increasing and one should protect oneself from this, that way it allows the self to always see the bigger picture and disseminate between the genuine and the selfish and the down right deceitful. Everything in life is a balance, the body can endure far more than we think or even care to think but the mind has an ability only to go so far before it starts to manifest aspects that aren't conducive to stability, like a computer with corrupt files, it no longer does what it should do and at times it starts to crash.

There's nothing highly spiritual (if you know what being spiritual is? - if you have to think about it you don't know) about healing the mind and body, there's nothing mysterious that includes ancient rituals and chants (it didn't do all those cultures any good they all died out), there's nothing mystical nor magical either about healing, Healing or self healing is up to you, you either embrace it or opt out and farm it out to others to give you what you think they can do without you having to lift a finger, you'll probably die waiting if that's the case. Medical healing is one thing, but enjoying life and having stability is all in your court, it's not an outsourced aspect of life. What cost is life to you for your enjoyment is it a relative thought or a comparative thought, it should be neither because if you aren't you who are you?

Spirituality : dictionary definition :
Spirituality an ultimate or an alleged immaterial reality; an inner path enabling a person to discover the essence of his/her being; or the “deepest values and meanings by which people live.” Spiritual practices, including meditation, prayer and contemplation, are intended to develop an individual's inner life; spiritual experience includes that of connectedness with a larger reality, yielding a more comprehensive self; with other individuals or the human community; with nature or the cosmos; or with the divine realm. Spirituality is often experienced as a source of inspiration or orientation in life. It can encompass belief in immaterial realities or experiences of the immanent or transcendent nature of the world.
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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2011

Thursday 18 August 2011


What has happen to everyone today that they feel they have got to be "mean" and show "attitude" to gain respect whereas it's the opposite that's needed. In fact it's usually the thick and stupid that predominantly think like that because they have nothing else to demonstrate that their brain functions. We know the media are like chameleons in the same newspaper they will deplore the actions of someones morals on one page and on the next page do just the opposite themselves, so we just quickly turn over the page and move on, that is if we are still reading newspapers and not utilising other people's copies for tomorrows "fish n' chip" wrappers. The really true and great exude humility, it just flows out from ever pore, it's inherent in what they say and do and has nothing to do with "success" in the modern concept. It's often linked that if you run or start a company you have insight and intuition which could well be the case, many a good businessman has an ability to see potential in a product or service and then often nothing more. However all this is not important, how we are or how we turn out is what matters and that's how we commune with life itself. There's more to life than being good of character, even though that's important in its own right, it's how we come across to others that builds up not only our rapport but whom we are as a person. Grace and humility are traits or attributes that few seemingly have today, mostly because of a lack of self esteem rather than anything else. We all have grace and self esteem within us but it's how it is manifested that makes the difference. Most knowledgeable people in history have shown having such properties even though at times they've had to be quite outrageous in a society that mocked them to start with, especially all the armchair experts of no value. One must follow one's own heart not that of general opinion.

Grace and humility are aspects of life that are fundamental to most of the religions on earth, even though very few adhere to such preferring to take the car bomb route or killings in the name of love and peace, it stems from somewhere it doesn't just happen for no reason. But for stable countries or relatively stable countries grace and humility are part of their structure, hence most people get along with most people even if it's at a relatively superficial level. The understanding of what makes people tick and why we do what we do plays a big part in our communication aspects, getting upset every time you disagree with someone or someone says something out of turn smacks of small mindedness and a lack of their abilities to see beyond their own nose. One thing that grace and humility gives you is a peace of mind, a feeling of understanding in life which puts perspectives into pole position, it gives a presence of a lack of fear and it gives by default an inner calm that shows that you know the score but are not willing to get drawn into others chaos. The feeling of calm gives rise to a more positive aspect of life regarding one's health, stress being a major contributor to a whole range of problems associated with modern life.

Today everything is seemingly hyped up by marketing, PR, devised headlines, shock tactics, anything to try and catch the attention of another punter. Even the news is an almost glorified version of the truth, forever adding potentials or possibilities to a story to try and give it added kudos. There is at times a numbing effect of seeing so many disasters, dying people, suffering people that there is a tendency to become immune or even turn off watching or following the news threads. The reaction to such hyped information is a pure degree of scepticism, a degree of disbelief, a degree of lack of concern as it's way out of the control of the average person who has problems of their own to deal with, and an understanding that the current news of tales of woe and despondency will be usurped by the next bulletin and reports of an increased death count, such as it is. Life causes its own problems, it purveys its own demise in some cases, like crying wolf, it happens so often that it loses its impetus and sincerity, love, harmony, grace, humanity and humility are bundled into the background often exposing third world corrupt governments to open their doors to more Western aid for them to syphon off more for themselves.

Those who have a really great life, a life of substance, love, compassion and not just objects of financial value or temporal respite which flits from one thing to another are the real bastions of society even if for many they go unnoticed. Life is what you make it, you make your mistakes and live with them, you make a success out of what life throws at you whatever that is. With grace and humility enjoyment is possible, contentment is possible and those forever feelings of having to keep on trudging over old ground for the sake of personal vanity just disappear. Many people never experience happiness or love in its true form only degrees of both and then they are thankful for that happening as they know what lies in between is more often than not shallow and dank.

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2011

Tuesday 16 August 2011


It's almost a fad to talk about a "oneness" of life, becoming stable for some is a fantasy, yet mental health is the biggest problem area in the West. Much of it is not in fact an illness as such it is a condition that is self induced because individuals literally 'let go' of life and opt for others or someone else or whatever it is they deem as a higher entity to fight their battles or live life as an adjunct for themselves. They seek to following devised stories and hyped glamour and rancid reporting by low life journalists, they seek to follow the ups and downs of celebrities that live partly in rehab clinics and have regular therapy sessions to keep themselves afloat. The single nearly always fare worse than those who have stable relationships, and by that it's usually "married" relationships not just two people shacking up together. There is something about a person who has been or is married that has a degree of stability that others rarely have, even if the relationship didn't work out. Stability can affect many gay people as their relationships are predominantly transient, and for those who are single throughout (gay or straight) age often makes them become 'precious' or very much introverted in their overall thoughts, not exclusively but overall. There is something that saying "I do" to each other in front of witnesses as a base for a life together that gives many an inner tranquil 'meaning' and "understanding" and 'confidence' that other just don't experience at all, regardless of any ultimate outcome.

However, being whole and enjoying a 'oneness' in life can be very real for everybody, married, single, gay, straight and anything else that comes into the scenario of life today. Hollowness and shallowness are self caused, as is the "me" factor, where everything is about the self. There is a massive difference between looking after yourself and being selfish, the problem is when you don't know the difference and life revolves around self induced likes and dislikes and habits and routines because there is only you in your life. Cossetting yourself becomes for some a way of life and a norm and it gets worse as one gets older until one can actually turn into a cranky old person and lose out terribly on events in life. Singles clubs, relationship clubs, dating sites on the net (comes under the gaming section now not relationships), etc are all there to get your hard earned cash and just possibly find a mate or rarely a friend, and if you you are not particularly fussy lots of sex too. Whatever action you indulge in has a repercussion that matures with age and can bring into force mental unrest plus jaundiced and sceptical thoughts based on you indulging in a shallowness of life. Where others become particularly nasty or bad you throw judgment at, yet half the problem of your own rhetoric is you. Remember if you are the result of many failed relationships or friendships you are the common denominator not the other person or people.Your failures are a result of something you didn't get right, not everyone else, even if it's just bad judgment.

Stability is a badge of identity of whom you are, it's how you see life, it has to be no one else can see life through your eyes. How you interact with life, people, situations, how caring and generous you may be not necessarily financially but of yourself, knowledge, time, listening, befriending etc, it all forms a picture that identifies you as a person. Being judgmental and arrogant brings about a surly, tetchy and embittered future where upset and coarse conversations keep on making life worse as one then finds that peace in life is not within as you've just sold out to bad taste and sarcasm and short tempered bouts of anger. Self ego worship, having "nice" people around you is fine, but like anything else in life it is a quality not quantity thing. The universal antidote to everything negative is 'love', where love is happiness reigns, where love is not present anything that can happen that is bad and fair game for disharmony, very few escape that void even if they think they know about love - it's usually a mechanically controlled financially volatile entity nothing more, it's that pathetic. Keeping our own council is par for the course of self enlightenment, seeing others and life for what it is but not getting embroiled in the detritus of it all, not getting sucked in and dragged down by the thoughts of others which is of little meaning and divisive in context. So many are paying the price for going astray "just because they could" which sidles away from correct thought and the "all about me" syndrome of having to have others of a particular vein in your life to make yourself feel better.

Like everything in life there's a stop point, a point at which what we did or are doing comes to a close, either by design or default, it matters not. Living the best we can regardless of the trappings around us is paramount as that brings in the best inner feelings one can ever get, a feeling of inner contentment and that quenched feeling in the pit of your stomach that all is definitely well, even when it at times isn't. Of course the notion of good takes courage as it means at times letting go of mind constructs and years of lecherous thoughts over "life candy" as a substitute for real empathy with humanity, old habits die hard and are at times mild forms of addiction, where one "has to" do it just to feel good. People with real love attract like minded souls, all else is a fabricated and devised thought which is transient and here lies the problem at where we started, mental stability.

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2011

Monday 15 August 2011


The little bit of grit or sand in an oyster, that minute irritant produces after a time something that is forever precious, the peal, long since valued the world over as a decoration and adornment for the body. Many an artist, creator, developer, designer, scientist, etc, have within them that little bit of grit, something that eternally is there that provides the substance for them to want to continue onwards towards a deree of excellence, perfection or just completion of what they are doing. It's that eternal thorn that gets us to overcome obstacles, and turn the seemingly large boulders in front of us into stepping stones for a way forward. The difference between those that go forward and those that stagnate is purely 'mind perception', our minds control our entire lives, yet to speak to some one wouldn't have thought so. Our minds are where we live, they are our permanent home to ourselves a home which contains the past, the present we are living and the future where we will be every second of our lives, as time marches onwards our mind records it all in detail even if we can't at times recall some of the events. Our mind concurrently not only records time dates it controls how we live, our heart our breathing our functionality, it is our best friend and shouldn't be abused. We wouldn't abuse our lap top knowing full well it would crash or stop working yet do we ever feel the same way about the missuse of our mind.

The Oyster effect is a common phenominan, it's something that is forever with us, we accept that pain and emotional turbulance that we suffer from time to time often not of our doing but purely circumstantial in nature is something that we will get over, and we do. Emotions are fabulous things, but we need to control them and not the other way around. Failure to control our emotions always leads to a life of random turbulence and unhappiness based thoughts which leads to depression and stress and anxiety. The sentient human being is a variable creature of infinitessimal feelings and notions and ideologies, yet at the same time it has a concurrent "oneness" with others no matter where they are and who they are. It's only religion (not God) that tears people apart causing mayhem and deaths, and old outdated traditions and customes predominantly from third world countries who also practise outmoded religiously concocted customs that are the cause of their own suffering and at times devilment. Ignorance and wrongly placed beliefs both in God and man are the tools for destruction and permanent hardship and not enjoying life because fear and upset and instability actually becomes the way of life.

The Oyster effect can produce both good and bad, it can be both harmonious and disruptive it can be anything. Anything that produces a base upon which inconsistant movement is a by-product elevates the production of ancillary motions, feelings, movements some of which at the time are just sub concious, yet after a prolonged time, such effects start to draw on a lifestyle change, one that incorporates the disruptive effect and the enormaty of each effect dictates how and when the outcome will result in whatever it manifestes. Social change works in exactly the same way, small inadequacies over time change methodology and mind patterns, socially inept councils and politically correct moronic people slowly take away self esteem, personal thought, and soon a degree of lawlessness is in evidence. The idea that they are doing good shows how really narrow and stupid they are when it comes to the bigger picture, as it produces a reliance on society as opposed to the self, then when governmental cut backs take place one has a lost society that finds it difficult to cope with.

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2011

Sunday 14 August 2011


Well at last its finally happened, the multi-cultural grand plan of pathetic politicians, politically correct morons and the tempering of police abilities has culminated in riots. And why not riot, the governments don't and can't understand what's happening, all they do is rely on consultants to present themselves with idealistic plans that 'fit in' with governmental strategies devised by the cloud minded governmental strategists who are so used to political rhetoric that its almost another language. The media debate such utilising the same old cronies of the past waxing lyrical with staid dull experts adding to the forum of yesterday's expertise and not on what should or shouldn't be done, it's the usual mental masturbation that we get used to and is at best substandard. In short it's a total communicational mess with people no matter how good or not so good as it may be impotent in their ability to be brave and bold, failures of their own making.

Life is at last back firing, the vein of young illiterate and hopeless people has grown to a level that they see no future, no chance and government diktat has been so badly and hopelessly purveyed via the Job Centres and various agencies that it's oppressive and demeaning and stifles that inner credibility that one needs to at least latch on to to foster hope. Where hope is none existent and where rules and regulations are so bureaucratic it saps one's energy just to appease pen pushers in the system that's devised for its own use. Where government has still even after recent situations weak financial regulators, weak phone regulators, weak broadcast regulators, all at the end of an elasticated string to those in government who feel they know best and as of recent date 'outed themselves' as to not having a clue. Fine talk and fine sparing is just that, it's real action that is needed, do we need to put advertisements in the global press seeking "world class leaders" wanted, someone to take care  of us in our home country, who has guts and understanding and foresight and are not frightened to bulldoze the wimps and pathetic who have nothing to offer. Do we need another Winston Churchill who will look after his own people first and then consider others later, because at the moment it's disadvantage UK citizen. The ideology of the "one size fits all" doesn't exist, people will get upset, but like bad tasting medicine it's what does you good.  Family breakdown is in mass evidence, where self respect is almost an extinct word and where local government and councils foster multi-growth where as it should foster a unity of purpose, it can't as they haven't a bloody clue themselves.

Cover ups, whitewash statements, bland presentations that all of a sudden 1000's of police will stop the rot, is futile, it won't make any difference to the thoughts raging still in the minds of those who've had enough. Where one's own countrymen have to pay for education and the government gives away millions to others countries for the self same thing. National identity and resources come first every time, you wouldn't buy next doors children clothing for a community PR exercise at the expense of letting your own suffer, but governments do that all the time. Playing God eventually falls short of it's promise, it doesn't work, if individuals want to give freely fabulous, but for those who are barely making ends meet the last thing they need to hear is that what taxes they pay are being syphoned off to foreigners.  Ones own country is not a global welfare society nor charitable status, and it's not some well off pop star or celebrity saying you must give when they drive their cars costing more than the price of an average flat, or jet set around the globe, two faced initiatives by others are also lacking in moral value for those at home. Giving to the poor doesn't ever stop poverty, it's a national structure that does that and where it's needed the most such as in Africa corruption is a way of life and value is an alien concept.

A country where illegal immigrants get more benefit that pensioners who have contributed all their lives in a hope that they will enjoy what years they have left, it all fuels national disharmony and unhappiness. It's not tax hikes or reductions that give happiness a boost or a negative image it's the gross and total unfairness that those that see their way of life diminish resent both government and local government and that endemic populations are actually disadvantaged against the mass of wingers that never tire of their lives as failures. It's the smug "bigger picture" that prime ministers and politicians portray that they "know best" and "your suffering" will be good in the long term. It's all a pack of lies, life is for living now, and there's nothing wrong with helping others and being generous, but when you start to rot in your own home because of grandiose ideas that others have over and above your own benefit it smacks of incompetence and impotence and self gratification of that of others happiness. And if politicians disagree with this ideology they are NOT what the electorate want, here lies the "UNHAPPINESS" factor of the nation.

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2011

Saturday 13 August 2011


The trouble with 'Politically Correct' people is that they are weak, insipid, fearful, unintelligent and have this universal approach to life that "one size fits all". They are usually single, over thirty, predominantly female (although not exclusively) and have a somewhat 'precious' outlook that belies their unhappy, unloved lifestyle, that many (not all) but many seem to induce. Life is not equal, never has been nor will be, we are not equal as people in the way that we have different abilities, aptitudes and understanding in life. Nor can life be responsible for the irresponsible, the United Nations is made up of a few countries that "have" and predominantly the rest - the majority - are "have nots", for whatever reason they are have nots. The successful countries on planet earth are predominantly Christian based and those ones which are predominantly unstable and unproductive are Islamic, where life is a matter of control, hatred and upset, global terrorism (in the name of love and peace of course) and although many would deny to your face quoting contextual verses, the talk and the walk are light years apart, the facts in front of you speak for themselves. The remainder are a mish mash of whatever corruption and bad management and lack of sincerity that is out there that's in power.

World turbulence will continue until eternity, there will not be an "accord" in life and the future will not be one of tolerance and peace as the pathetic so want it to be, it's not that others would like turbulence to be common place but the diversity of the past few years of migration shifts has toppled the status quo and so called developed countries have had thrust upon them illiterate and uneducated and ideologically stagnant people who because of weak governments, and the effect of political correctness have allowed backwardness to take root as opposed to bringing everyone up to date. In Europe the EEC in Brussels is at times living in a world of its own so out of touch with human feelings in the member states that it literally needs a rude awakening and new blood from those that live outside the bubble of conceited understanding and theoretical applications. There's even unaccountable spending and financial irregularities in Brussels itself not audited which for a "centre" of such as so called "responsible" body is reprehensible and smacks of  a smugness that breeds contempt of its own accord.

There are two kinds of life, the intellectual whereby those who forever consider the way things are going and predominantly get it wrong, it's possibly interesting stuff for television debates but no more than mental masturbation. And then there are those who basically don't give a dam as it's all out of their hands, and whilst they get annoyed at ministers endless procrastination and the press hyping everything out of proportion they have a thing called "a life" to get on with and enjoy the best way they can. Life is what you make it, there's no getting away from that fact, if you succumb or accede to circumstances you are finished. The sea change of life is accelerating at a speed of knots unknown to mankind, the breeding of intelligent yet illiterate people is also growing. Where many of the young are lost in confrontational situations so used are they to talking behind electronic devises and losing the ability to understand intuitive and personable feelings with fellow man. Age plays as a great part in how we have to adapt or make good who we are in life, at times we are forced into situations outside of our comfort zones and in reality this is where we and others actually grow and in the grand order of things it helps to keep us on an even keel and enhances stability to a degree. The current plague of youth unrest is not a "now" thing, it's been festering for years and political thought today is so wrong, with few strong and defiant leasers available it will continue until "nanny" states get real with life as it is.

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2011

Friday 12 August 2011


There's a lot spoken about luck, we even say "you are lucky" when something good happens to someone, even if we don't know the circumstances to which the event has happened, it is at times an almost instinctive phrase we splash out on. But in reality is there ever such a thing as luck or is it really a series of circumstances that have come together at a certain time to produce a result which is favourable to us?  Or at times negative circumstances to provide what we would call "unlucky". For the most part we don't believe in magic even when we see it on television, we know somewhere lurking behind the scene or in the slight of hand there is a plausible understanding of how it all works. We could be passively surprised that a great aunt whom we didn't have any contact with has left us a legacy of money that will see us well for the rest of our lives, but is that luck or just the fact that we were left that money because of a plan behind the transaction taking place. On the face of it it may seem astounding and wonderful - and it is, and it could be construed as luck, one never knowing much about the aunt and indeed what wealth she had, but in reality what part did luck play in that money being left? Everything basically has a plan, those that win the lottery do so because they take part, tickets don't just fly into our hands for nothing. Whether we win or not is something else it's not luck it's a game of chance, and whether we want to adonate the fact that we are lucky that our numbers came up trumps it is after all a sheer electro-mechanical process, as some weeks no one gets to be a winner and thus it's a rollover time.

To be in the "luck" game we have to manufacture the circumstances for it to materialise, sitting at home isn't going to do anything for us and neither is contemplation or anything else, we have to be in it to win it, whatever it is that we wish to embark upon or win. Whether we go for a job or wish to elevate our lives or whatever it is the more we commune with life the chances of us getting ahead are far far greater than just thinking about it or hypothesising about it. Meeting like minded others or indeed similar people in different environments and indeed just meeting others no matter who they are can all be conduits that can whizz us on towards our desired destination. Calculating on those around us does very little in the order of things to know who knows who. Someone who is so remotely distanced from what you do can have a brother, sister, son, daughter, friend who is fully knowledgeable about what you do and indeed is either looking for someone like yourself or who could quickly place you within the thick of those you have been skirting around for such a long time. The value of networking is always impressive but be cautious as there are those who are seasoned net workers who do very little in life but take, take, take based on contacts and never give anything back, and if you have nothing to offer will shun you and not even offer to assist such is there devised smugness and meanness.

Life is not an even playing field so those that seem to "have luck" over those that don't means nothing, it's circumstances and not all luck ends as positive or at times hides negative underlying currents that we often don't see or if we do recognise such tend to brush aside as it often has a macabre appearance. The fact that some struggle for years whereas others seem to glide onwards is not to be analysed, our positioning in life does play a very big part as does our outward appearance, there are many factors that are unseen that play a significant part in our development and opportunities that are available. A positive mind is always an advantage as is compassion and understanding too, we can't live others lives or dreams neither can we allow others to live ours, surfing someone else's wave or flying in the slip stream of others is dangerous territory and smacks of a lack of self initiative and originality, it more often than not results in failure or gross disappointment. If you are religious then God is on your side, sadly some God's have done nothing for their followers ever, the Middle East is a prime example, despite fervent worship, if anything it's hindered growth and unsubstantiated the human being. For those that don't believe in anything, that we are a result of pure evolution and thus mistakes of the present moment without purpose or destination - you need all the luck you can get.

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2011