Thursday 30 December 2010


The turmoil of today's world is forever growing, the gap grows between those that believe and those that don't, and even those that believe many do so in a self created version which is not only pathetic but has no value other than self destructive tendencies driven up by fanatics and others who are low in mentality. The worlds religious leaders today are short of being useless, old, dithering idiots and well past their "best before" dates, the worst thing being that they are all self appointed "so called" representatives of God, whichever God they believe in and none have been appointed by God Himself.  "Religions" that are man made and thus are prone to disingenuous creeds, deeds and rituals that are self derisory and change according to who is currently in power and what is dictated by them during their period of reign. They are always out of touch with today cocooned in their glass towers of yesterday surrounded by "yes men" who are but drones of no value. Once man has to "decide" or "interpret" areas of the "Holy Scriptures" then we have a free for all, and those that do decide are usually so "out of touch" with society that they are worthless and useless and mock the religion that they purport to represent, as again it differs greatly from one to another in the same religion, nothing remains true.

Of the 35,000 plus registered religions God equates to "unconditional love" (except for Islam) and God is also the omnipotent being that created the Universe, knows all about science, atomic structures, biomlecular particles, black holes, quasar theories, and stuff that scientist have yet to discover but find super sexy at the thought of discovering anything new. If your God is a "living God" then He will be with you today in today's environment complete with the knowledge of mobile phone technology, Internet, pornography, drug abuse, pedophiles, prostitution, murderers, politicians, deceitful and corrupt bankers and financiers, useless religious leaders, fraudsters, Islamic terrorists, and the like so it's no big surprise to Him, nor is it anything new, as He will have in mind what man has yet to develop and where society will be heading. It's only stupid priests, imams, rabbis that predict the future by resting on the past and so here the dichotomy of understanding falls sadly apart and corruption starts to infiltrate and whole countries are then run by alien minds focused on "control" rather than cooperation, love and freedom. Cooperation is love based, control is Devil based. With pure love, i.e. it's unconditional, God loves you regardless of who you are and what you have done, he has to because unconditional is unconditional and God doesn't tell lies. It's man that kills, blows up, chops off hands, beheads people, lashes women, and so forth so evil spreads its way into Gods unconditional love. As earthly creatures we all have "free will" and our destiny is not down to God, it's down to us, what we do is down to us, any help we get from God is also down to us, it's called "faith" and 99% of people don't have faith at all, including religious leaders, they are totally devoid of it, hence nothing happens. Faith (and love) is the conduit to God, nothing else, you don't even have to know scriptures, faith is the one and only thing you ever need to commune with God. If you are shipwrecked on to a dessert island with nothing but the clothes you are dressed in, that faith is all you need.

God (your faith) is between you and Him, no one else, not the state, not the church, not priests, imams, rabbis, next door neighbours, nothing, it's that personal. Many eastern cultures are almost tantamount to devil worship when they melds culture and customs in with religion such as in Eastern Europe, Middle East and Far East, it's a fabrication of mythology, culture, religion and it never ever works, but it does bring on untold misery, and backwardness and all the negative aspects of an ingrowing society based upon hierarchical disasters and ignorance and massive corruption. If people really believed, and not just believed what they wanted to when they wanted to, life would be far better, but alas that concept doesn't work, instant miracles and the understanding that suffering is good for the soul is past being pathetic, and those that teach or preach such evilness are worthless humans of no value to anyone. The growing movement of those that have real faith also have and show real love, not the conditional variety but towards those they see as being lost or not conforming, for it's this test of inner dexterity that allows true faith to rise above the zealots and pharisees that religions seem to attract and whose so called spiritual leaders view it as a private domain for themselves.

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2010

Wednesday 29 December 2010


Are you one of those people who goes through life as if talking on a mobile phone, the conversational quality of talking on mobile devises is one of constant updates such as I'm in a traffic jam, on the bus, just coming to the roundabout on such and such a road, or at the store or whatever locational landmarks seem pertinent to what's being said or one needs to state as a matter of course. The calls from land lines are usually premeditated to a degree that one needs a fixed position and a time frame in order to conduct it all, the only variances are that someone walks into audible range and the conversational topic is not for their ears, the rest is immaterial. But regardless of all that, we are the traffic jam we are in, we are the hold ups too, we are the ambient noise, and we are part of the pedestrian courtage, it's not the rest, we are part of the rest. How we conduct ourselves in life is totally down to us, how we react to life is totally down to us, how we view life is totally down to us, in fact how we live and all that surrounds us is totally down to us, which is not good news for the lazy, pathetic, stupid, ignorant and those that live within the framework of "blame culture status", ego's and negative emotions.

The mental pressures that are self afflicted today are forever growing and those that seek counselling for whatever it is they feel they are not capable of solving themselves is also forever increasing. Many get resolution just from the endless visits that tend to lead nowhere and immorally keep the patient / client forking out for trips that say nothing, do nothing and in the end sheer frustration gets the better of the client so that they eventually make a decision and move on, albeit somewhat financially poorer for the experience. The downside of seeking "professional" help or Life Coaching is often better than the physical experiences that many get during their visits as it gives the client a comparison to their dilemma and their problems and the rhetoric and the way it's all portrayed by the person they are seeing, sometimes giving rise to degrees of humour at the ambiguity and culpability of it all in a hindsight fashion. The hubbub of life, the plethora of unwritten forces and opinions, the negativity of the media and the overall shallowness and fickle approach that drives the press and magazines into whirling up a drama out of trivia is becoming a profession in itself. Where at times the fine lines between fact, fiction, truth and lies all seem to meld into an unsavoury hue with overtones and disingenuous swirls giving rise to unhappiness and reporters not quite knowing who they are anymore when peddling superficiality for a living.

For those that have a life, for those that see the "bigger picture" and know what they can do and understand what they can't it seems a joke too far and one which they opt out of leaving the rest to feed on the rancid fodder of self stupidity and then wonder why life isn't as good as it should be. Fairness and magic wands do not exist in a natural world, man has to physically apportion fairness and the media haven't yet discovered that the word exists yet alone its meaning. Whatever the problems life throws at us either individually or collectively we are part of it, we are the traffic jam we report we are in, it's not the others that makes the traffic jam and we are a solitary entity caught up in it, we are part of the traffic like it or not. We are a part of life and all that goes wrong, we are part of the upheaval and the evil deeds of others and fanatical religious idiots, we are one and the same, our only saving grace is that we have free thought and that gives us an enormous opportunity to stay our course the way we can choose even if the choices are few and far between, we have that ability. Those that enjoy life make choices those and those that don't enjoy life bring it on themselves and predominantly go with the flow. Even our own personal circumstances that at times can tax us enormously have a choice availability somewhere within it all, it's those that use it that come out shining at the end. 

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2010


Tuesday 21 December 2010


The emotional aspects of disappointment can be almost crippling in that they can alter not only how we feel, which is usually low, but the way we view life, ourselves, others and indeed our whole future. It can affect our current state of health and it can distort the way we interpret life from just about every angle. In short it can virtually impair our reasoning and our happiness trail, it can subliminally pull us down via our own volition. Furthermore we can ostracise ourselves by being glum and moody and thus others don't want to commune with us as they have better things to do than to foster an association with a person who is dull and dowdy and depressing in their presence, no matter who they are. Some people are forever disappointed in life, it's the way they have allowed themselves to become, after all what goes on in our mind is something we are totally in charge of, even for the thick and stupid, what actions we do or say emanates from our own minds. There's very little that we can apportion to others, all this "they made me say or do it" is utter rubbish, at the end of the day it's the self that decides what to do even under duress.

Of course disappointment can be self manifested, our expectations can be flawed, our idea of what something should be like was wrong, our ability to see beyond what's in front of us can cause great consternation, ego and arrogance and indeed selfishness can topple our ability to stay calm and cool and even when all seemingly goes well, many need that extra boost to inflate their own ego state in order to enjoy that "feel good" factor. Small mindedness and lack of self esteem, self value, self worth tends to fuel disappointment, as does a lack in creativity. Often when things go wrong many don't have any idea as to what to do next other than feel low and indeed be disappointed then dwell on it often, looking elsewhere for others to introduce an external aspect on their behalf to stave off further disappointment and hopefully raise the bar so "all will be well" again, silly and foolish, but sadly there are those out there that fit the bill only too well, you could be one of them!

Respecting ourselves eliminates the deepness of disappointment, it lightens the load of discontent and it paves the way for a speedy recovery, it also allows us to see the bigger picture that for us includes happiness not long bouts of selfish depression and melancholy which self feeds on itself and produces that "poor old me" attitude. Those that make it in life are predominantly positive towards just about everything regardless of what beset and befalls them, it's their resistance to that inner voice saying "I'm in charge of my life - not circumstances". The weak think the opposite way and resort to the low "blame culture" mentality where all that goes wrong and how they feel is the responsibility of someone else or circumstances, hence they never get anywhere, and what happiness they do enjoy is but fleeting.

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2010

Friday 10 December 2010


Many people come across the "Now What" factor in their lives because they are somewhat insular in their thoughts and the way they think. It's nothing to do with personality or being good or bad but just the way many tend to assimilate their own visions and the way forward. We are not expected to be "clairvoyants or far seers" or anything else but so many people set themselves on a single point of hope or expectation and when it arrives, that's it, it's all over, or if it doesn't materialise they are bereft of what else to do and then everything seems flat and there is a lack of purpose that follows. It's this interregnum of current 'nothingness' that many find daunting and can't seem to get to grips with. This phenomenon can happen even within large companies where aspirations of ever getting higher appear overpowering, and similarly even individuals leading their own lives at times think that in order to achieve something of value, whatever that is, is beyond their comprehension and though process. It's all to do with the ongoing "Now What" factor that leaves so many out on a limb and mentally low. Even with outstanding abilities and creativity, our 'monomindedness' can be the downfall in where we see ourselves going and at times we can be our own worst enemies. Help in the form of "cheer up" conversations from friends and others more often than not makes matters ten times worse as they are quite useless in their prognosis of your own thought complex and as such all conversations fall on deaf ears. Even the most ebullient of souls at times needs some assistance or encouragement from a pertinent source to spark or ignite what is to follow. And it's this 'what is to follow' that is where we need to be because that's where it's all at.

Forget the past, forget what others have or are doing, forget fantasies, forget the "what I have to do thoughts - but never get to doing them", forget everything that's going to drag you down that your mind is going to churn over endlessly and cause great consternation, sleepless nights and degrees of self activated stress built up on hollow premises that don't exist. Firstly we must not just pin point one aspect of life ahead of us to give us something to work for, and whilst that's a reasonable cause to steer to, we must see other areas of life at the same time that we would like to achieve. All must be feasible even if some are 'possibles' but there must be a feasible route towards them all, none of them requiring "quantum leaps" that will only reside as thoughts and never materialise, and if by some chance a quantum leap does happen it's a bonus. By having an number of options and don't fall into the "I don't know mode" that's both stupid, lazy and selfish, one will then find that there are even more options available than one thought because the mind is now looking at the bigger picture and not falling on the "what I know" areas which are narrow and very dull. If they weren't you wouldn't be in the 'mind position' you are in now, so don't fool yourself that you are above being the 'all knowing' because you are not.

Everyone of us accomplishes something, rejects something, sees the end of something, or something forecloses on us, no matter what it is life is a series of endings and beginnings and from a position of seeing closure we move towards even by default a position of starting something else, even if that something else is self created depression. Hobbies, people, interests, perseverance, are all admirable topics to put one's energy into as they fuel both hope and camaraderie with others, doing nothing stifles open thought with others and that leads to self denial which in itself is a backward and retrograde step. There is but one way in life and that is forward, it's not a negotiable fact, if we are living that's where we are heading towards. How we do it is down to us, regardless of circumstances that by the way don't single us out or have a hidden agenda, they are anonymous and we are the pawns who have to dance our own dance and make it to where we need to go. Only by communing with life will we ever find a place that feels comfortable to move into, otherwise we will stagnate in solitary mind thought and feel endlessly out of touch with life, others and possibilities. The initial steps may be often quite outfacing but like any journey the first few steps get you on the road to where you need to go, and once on that road the self impetus is enough to see that there is mileage in moving forward and that distances have been travelled and that there are now once underway more than a few designational routes as options, options that never revealed themselves previously. It's your life, it's your future, it's your journey. Bon voyage.

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2010

Tuesday 7 December 2010


Whatever our character, or whatever our attitude is it's all manifested from within. The stories of "life made me like this" or "if you've been through what I've been through" or whatever else one can conjure up it still manifests its outward appearance from within the mind. We are the only ones who can think for ourselves even if we tend to copy or emulate others, that thought and the deed which follows comes from within. Our actions and deeds come from within regardless of any circumstances and whatever our actions whether linked to education or just wild guesses life lives within our minds, nowhere else. Our moods are governed by our thoughts and interlinked with our emotions and often how our character is hard wired. Some people are always moody others despite the knock backs are always happy and positive, we like positive people, we don't like the moody people they are selfish, introverted and try to hold everyone back for their own desires, moody people are not needed in life, neither are greedy people. How we view life not only depends upon our outlook but how we view life itself, whatever happens around us and how we face it is relative to where we are emotionally in life. If our health, wealth, happiness factors are relatively high we cope far better generally than if we are not so well, not so wealthy and thus little problems at times loom larger than they really are, everything is relative.

How we see life varies from person to person but we generally find a consensus of opinion that in some way agrees with how we think, not because we are right but that in the grand order of life and the various permutations within it we meet similarly "hard wired" people who have thoughts almost on a par with ours, and they are often quite moral thoughts too. Interestingly and fortunately most people really do have a moral streak even if they tend to veer off it at times, their base thinking is quite solid and humanistic. Forgetting moody people who only see feigning moods as a tool to get their own way such as "emotional blackmail" etc, but for the rest whose only moods are mild versions of feeling low or sad because of their reaction to events as opposed to deliberately making an issue out of something to gain attention, they move almost silently onwards in life. Our expectations and hopes are at time at loggerheads, our families let us down, we hit a financial crisis, health takes a turn for the worse or we have a series of problems at home like water leaks, machines stopped working etc, all play a part in our overall view of life and how we look towards life. Even if we cope it all still takes its toll and we need a little period where we need to adjust, come to terms with, get over, etc, in order to re-evaluate everything and move on again, as life is for living not just surviving.

When all is good we feel free to laugh at anything whether its funny or not, when life takes a tumble we become short tempered and irritable, yet nothing in the bigger picture has changed, it's just a few pieces of the jigsaw that have been clouded over. Getting over anything is as much to do with our mental state as any physical efforts that need to be altered. The more drama we make out of anything the worse it will get and even when its all over we will still keep it all alive then wonder why life isn't as it should be. Self obsessiveness is a dangerous thing, if things go wrong, rectify them as best you can, move on and life will bounce back even if it's not to the same place as it was before, but harking on about disparities and discrepancies is tantamount to fueling future despondency. We can only live where we are now, and whilst we may have hopes, ideas and perhaps dreams of better things for the future we can't postpone any happiness which is there for us at this moment. And for those who are already making up negative comments about their present happiness well, you are really pathetic, deliberately cancelling out any possibility of being happy because you are in the habit of searching for unhappiness to make as a statement.

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2010

Monday 6 December 2010


Whatever we do in life or whatever someone else does in life it has a bit of us or them in it, it has to have otherwise it would have been done by a robot that shows no feelings or emotions, at least to the extent our technological accomplishments have reach to today. So if we are dull and glum or do things under sufferance then it usually shows, and it shows remarkably quickly too as we've all been served by surly waiters or waitresses and similarly airline crew, and also come into contact with offhanded medical staff in hospitals which is the last place one needs to feel the downside of someone else's emotional state. Perceptions of course can lead us into alien territory whereby we see actors and actresses who on screen are excellent yet off screen have the ambiance of a moron on acid and find it difficult to string a sentence together and one that means something too. Of course we are not all the same, some have a natural warmth that they exude automatically regardless of situational occurrences, and some are naturally dull, dowdy and boring, even if deep down they are good and decent people, their personality is not at a level which they can commune well with life and their respective mental abilities are reflected as such. Ability and personality don't always go hand in hand and in the work force and this can cause untold problems by default as people like to get on with people and those that are very reserved or offhand tend to get ostracised, although if one is too gregarious it can be at times overbearing. Aptitudes and proper positional locating in life especially in a work environment is paramount, it can be done proficiently but it's often not taken into account.

Happy people, people with a positive outlook in life, people who smile, people who are generous in life (not necessarily with money but time, knowledge, listening, help, etc) people who are thoughtful, don't bear grudges, aren't moody (ultimate in selfishness), people who are not egotistical, etc, are those that get on better and receive more help even if others are in greater need, but have a bad attitude. Humans as a race like to help humans, people are people people, it gives them a feeling of humanity and camaraderie and purpose to help  others, any lack of this makes people embittered and sallow and lax and low. We like to be noticed too when we help someone, nothing grand but just a smile or thank you is more that enough acknowledgment for our good deeds, it's part of our ability to communicate and reciprocate our gratitude no matter how small it is, even standing up for someone less able (yes it still does happen) is almost always met with a smile of acknowledgement by a stranger for the need to be offered.

Our quality of life, our mental stance, how we view life, the world, how we are treated, how we see others, how we apportion what happens in the world is all assimilated within our minds. It's not all fair and it's not all just, but in between all that we have to live, and there are excellent people and opportunities and positions and happiness trails for us if we choose to look and if we choose to be happy in what we do. If our decision is to dwell on the negativity and all that is unjust then we will forever be on an uphill struggle. And that uphill struggle will manifest itself into something of a journey of gross unhappiness which in turn will manifest itself in our outlook which in turn will alienate us from everyone around us, even if others share similar views.

It's imperative regardless of circumstances or unfairness to ride above it all, to commune with a higher place, because when we do that we really do see a different life, our "hot air balloon" (life) starts to rise as we throw out the heavy ballast and rubbish that holds us down. And then we see below those that cling on to the detritus of life, the garbage and never ever leave the ground, they are forever looking up at the rising balloons complaining that it's not fair, as they haven't moved. We have but one shot at this life on earth, it's far too short to hold on to negativity, but if we do and it's our choice then we should be in the knowledge that things will almost inevitably never get better, and we will see others moving forward and then wonder why and still keep on thinking life isn't fair, yet our own selfishness and rooted negative emotions anchor us is what  allows unfairness to take root in our own heart and our own lives.

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2010

Saturday 4 December 2010


In today’s world we are bombarded by a whole manner of people who seem to take it upon themselves to be the bastions of our society and tell us what we can or can’t say, do or not do, comment upon or not comment upon and so it goes on. These people usually fall into the “politically correct” category are are by definition life’s rejects, they need to be seen to be ”doing good” on behalf of others and in doing so get some degree of kudos for it to make up for the massive shortfall in their own pathetic lives. It’s a sad indictment that many of these such people work in government offices and are politically motivated as opposed to being diligent at what they do, failures trying to find a home, most will die probably unhappy and deep down probably unloved too.

With political correctness comes almost by default feelings that life is never right, and today more and more people instead of getting on with life are becoming self offended by anything they dislike, offended because it’s deemed ageist, sexist, racist, and any other “ist” they can find to make a cause of for something to do. What such people can’t get to grips with is that life is not a “one size fits all” and neither are we born into a world which is fair either. Morality and fairness are what man creates himself nothing more, and if life was a level playing-field we would be in a terrible state today, there would be no creators of anything at all, engineering, pharmaceuticals, food, buildings, arts, music, etc, etc. All achievements are created by those leaving the “norm” stepping out and doing things, whilst the politically correct just leach and take from life for their own selfish reasons.

We all at times in our lives come across success and failure sometimes at the same time, there’s no measure as to why or how it just happens even if we because of our own stupidity eased it on a bit it still happens the way it does, how we react is paramount to how we overcome or get over it and quite often turn it all on its head and make it become an asset rather than a detrimental aspect of demise. For those who go into a mood tell all and sundry about what’s happened and dwell on it they do but realise they are digging themselves deeper into the crevasse that’s awaiting them. They are giving their problems gravitas and once that happens it takes a life of its own and then it becomes a primary event as opposed to a fleeting event. For those that look cooly and calmly at it, take a look at what’s what from afar, they will be able to see the bigger picture and from that point onwards will see a depth of clarity that they then can steer through towards resolution and any benefits that may come because of the action taken. An open mind is always far better than a stilted one that jumps far too quickly to conclusions then wonders why all goes awry.

We choose to be a victim or a victor despite what has behest or befallen upon us, successful people always choose the option to get out of the doldrums, miserable people find degrees of solace in depravity and thus never get anywhere and see life as a place for others to enjoy and never them, but do you wonder. When “stuff” goes wrong it’s never pleasant and we do get some degree of support from those that are significant in our lives, it gives us a friendly cheer and helps us resume our positive pathway. The “Jobs” comforters make an issue out of everything and try and keep on validating it to milk the scenario for as long as possible, these are the failures in life, the miserable and selfish people who you definitely do not want as friends.

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2010

Wednesday 1 December 2010


At times in life many arrive at what is virtually a Life Impasse in that all of a sudden everything appears to come to a grinding halt. The meaning and purpose and fluidity of life starts to pull heavily within the mind and one starts to reflect with a determined voracity that drags up one’s past life including all sorts or weird and unrelated events whereby one tries to piece them all together to form some sort of coherent picture. Once this happens the happiness trail starts to falter and one’s thoughts dwell on the morbid events of the past and the possible uneventfulness of the future, the inner desire to see positivity is all but thwarted and anything that tends to ‘raise the game’ is viewed with a degree of caution that it’s almost self defeating. All this can and at times and in some instances does lead to depression of the self generated type. We are the product of what we feed ourselves so for example if we are fat it’s not down to our condition or tablets even if there is an effect as such, no one gets fat on fresh air, it’s in direct relation to our calorific intake. Similarly if we feed our minds with rubbish then we will eventually manifest an attitude which has a base parameter of rubbish in it, we will see much of life as both flippant and oppressive such is the nature of pathetic content taken in. The power of the mind is just so great that if we abuse it and if we turn it in on ourselves and instead of doing ourselves favours we are harming our own infrastructure and start to develop negative traits and idiosyncrasies. Where the mind goes the body follows, so if we are not quite as we should be mentally then our body also follows that route and we manifest all sorts of psychosomatic illnesses or manifestations that are a result of our depleted mind functionality with regards thinking.

Dwelling on the problem is the worst thing anyone can do as it staves off ever finding the solution, which separates the entrepreneur from the plodders, those that don’t make that distinction and forever go around in circles wishing, hoping and thinking that they will meet someone or something will happen all of a sudden to change things for the better, keep dreaming it won’t happen that way. The self is the begining and end of life, it’s what we do for ourselves or what we “put out” into the wide world that opens up the endless possibilities of chance happenings. Chance happenings are not to be associated with luck even if one perceives that events changed because of luck, even luck can’t be manifested if there isn’t a base for it to latch on to, we will never win the Lottery if we don’t do it. We are responsible for changing our own fortunes and that only happens with a positive mind, a negative mind is one that chooses to see the bad rather than the good and thus is forever in a state of perplexed conjunction and embroiled mind talk which never gets anywhere other than produce feeling of lowness, lethargy and everything else associated with dullness, it’s not rocket science here, we all know what’s what.

What really makes a difference is our attitude, that’s something that we can control even though many choose not to and prefer to hide behind a smoke screen to solicit sympathy as a way of consoling themselves as to why things haven’t changed for the better. But what ever one tries to hide behind or excuse or manifest scenarios, the truth is that if life sucks it’s still down to you, no one else nor circumstances, it’s perhaps a greater truth that you haven’t got the ability or desire to just step out from where you are and thus just rest on potential thoughts as opposed to a reality of trying to really move forward. There are always solutions to move towards the exit, there are always routes and roads leading to where you would like to be, but whether the bottom line instinct is strong enough to cast caution to the wind and go for it is yet another matter. But whatever it is a reality check is the most important aspect one must face and not continually searching and hoping for that will never produce a positive result. Being true and honest will at least allow where you are to be more pleasant even if it’s not at least initially palatable. Decisions are sometimes monumental at other times relatively mild in nature and context, whatever those decisions are one must stick to the reality of whether it needs to be resolved now or hold on tight for the road ahead and perchance to live the rich rewards that are all possible, but it’s your choice.

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2010