Thursday 31 May 2012


Do you really matter, have you any importance in life, what do others feel about you as a person, what indeed do you feel about yourself, and ultimately do you have any real value whatsoever. Value, worth, importance etc can be subjective and objective at the same time, but most of all it's a totally relevant perception. For what our parents mean to us or our sons and daughters or close friends, those significant others etc, mean very little if anything to anyone else. It's not that others don't understand both the moral or humanitarian aspects of those they don't know because they can feel the bonds that others have in similar situations to themselves. The human mind is incapable of incorporating thousands of others into a close loving situation, when faced with massive death it changes emotional tack and thus everything becomes a statistic of fact and names and faces blurr all together. It's at times the media get it wrong showing pictures of thousands of people suffering and starving in floods and droughts - something they love to do and indeed relish the whole morbidity of it, but it often rebounds and becomes wallpaper angst against which few can do anything against the acts of nature, or the despots in the Middle East killing their own kind in cold blood. We can be the most sensitive and emotional people on planet earth yet at the same time be completely insensitive to vast figures of human suffering even if it touches a nerve within at the dreadfulness of it all. Our global understanding is not capable of taking in the suffering of many our mind plateaus out and reason and comprehension take over as it's all processed as a statistic.

The press and television bestow leaders in industry, chiefs of global companies and at the same time heads of state at some event or another with an importance that is often of a hype that leaves the reality of the situation behind, even if what is being done or discussed is of a crucial nature. Yet the reality is, and it's a cold reality, if at a world conference every leader was killed in a terrorist attack ever single country would continue the following day as if nothing had happened, apart from the hysteria that would be drawn up in government circles and to the delight of the media. Similarly, if the CEO's and indeed the boards of the major corporations and banks were targeted in a similar fashion those companies and banks would be open for business the following day, and new blood would be introduced post haste and who knows it could be better than before.  It's always a possibility and more often than not true most new blood kick starts the complacency smugness and narrowness and corruption of the past. So what is the value of people who can be replaced over night? Because they can, there are no exceptions and no one is irreplaceable, even if in a family situation and sadly missed. We cope, we overcome, we adapt, we compromise, we make do, we create, we develop, we seek, we do far more than we give ourselves credit for, and this is where our value as individuals comes in to play. Don't ever farm off or outsource emotions to individuals for something that has no value to you other than entratainment or something to do, it doesn't mean you can't wish them well or anything else, but it can accumulate within a degree of unworthy respect which doesn't lead anywhere postive and produces false values.

There is the commercial aspect to life, no one has a higher personal value than anyone else, they are just people doing a job and hopefully well for which they are also well remunerated. Then there is the personal aspect of life mum, dad, son, daughter, brother sister, family, friend, who do what they do because of the love aspect, maybe not perfectly but they do love and this is where value comes into force. The whole human race is a love based society take love away and they are nothing more than  robots or drones living to live and that's it. And do we matter, as individuals yes we do, as a figurehead no matter how good- no, as a celebrity- no, as a head of a corporation - no, as a head of a financial institution - no, they can always be replaced even if those in power don't know of anyone else it's their ignorance not that others don't exist. As an individual you definitely do matter, there are those who would weep, be saddened, be upset, miss you dearly if you were no longer here. If those in high office died would you miss them no, would they miss you if you died - who are you, they wouldn't have a clue. And again do we matter, yes if you believe in God then you definitely do matter, if you don't believe in God then just hope that when all fails that there is someone who cares for you and that your existence wasn't futile.

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©John Rushton / The Life Doctor 2012
(These blogs are read in over 120 countries, if you like what you read please re-send them to others),

Wednesday 30 May 2012


There is no getting away from it everything around us is of a molecular structure, we are molecular structures - human life - and we rely on other molecular structures to survive in the form of food, water and air, plus a whole array of interrelated complexities that correspond to form the life we are living. The whole universe is energy of its own type, everything is vibrating at different speeds and together they form all the substances known today and possibly many we don't know of too. Just because we don't know of something it doesn't mean it doesn't exist, it's just that we haven't gotten the sophisticated ability to seek out, discover or find out that it's there or whats there has properties that so far have eluded us. As humans we too give off all sorts of energy, if we are alive then we have a body heat, we also give off signals too that we can pick up upon and not those that medical equipment reads but more down to earth person to person signals. Whatever they are they are forms of energy whether visible or invisible. We are marvellous transmitters and receivers of information, we can detect the smallest of details if we put our mind to it, and if we know someone we can really be on the ball to notice and feel changes about them.

Energy is not consigned to science it's there whether science has evaluated it or not, what is important is that we commune with life itself as that is then being at one with all that's around you and beyond, for nothing exists in isolation. Understanding who and where we are establishes a comprehension of life itself, it's good and not so good points as well as everything in between. Those that cope better with life, get on better, see and understand better than those that are running around in their own minds and not open to the endless positive possibilities that exist that life can offer on an elevated level. Just because life may not be so grand at any one moment doesn't mean that it can't / won't get better even if you possibly can't imagine how or why, because if you think that way you've shut out the possibilities of it actually happening. We can manifest much of a better quality of life just by our thought, by our mental energy, similarly we can make it not so wholesome too. Where the mind goes the body follows so it's imperative that a positive vision is forever present even if circumstance seem otherwise, circumstances are always prone to change so we should not lock ourselves to situations that are so fluid.

As a race we are energy seekers, we need to fuel ourselves with a whole array of molecular delights some make us fat, unhealthy, and some positively energise us and keep us well functioning throughout, we even seek energy to keep us warm or cool, we use energy in our portable devices and transportation, and in global communications and of course that most proficient device the bomb. Religions use energy to subvert the truth about what God is really all about, and third world and Middle Eastern countries  use arms to keep control because of greed and self fear nothing more. Everything is molecular it's just that they are arranged slightly differently to form the end product which we as humans are rather good at. We also use molecules to bamboozle ourselves to think that via advertising we need to look a certain way or have a certain product and of course it's us the punter that has control of what we do yet so many people give themselves over to the "Sponge Effect" where they brainlessly absorb what they see and create a false realty that they then can't comply with and thus cause a rift in their thinking and a discord in their overall thoughts. It's silly, even stupid but people do that and then blame everyone and anything and want tablets or booze to console themselves when they are their own worse enemy.
Our education system today hasn't come that far in that it has come on an equal par or footing with our environment, yes it's updated itself here and there but social skills, communicational skills, understanding yourself and life within this highly engineered molecular society is sadly lost and thus many leave school lacking rather than having an ability to discern in life. Where reason is given in to 'need' and commercial companies will now not stop at anything to subliminally subvert young minds to want their products by choice even if they have no value what so ever. Life doesn't hold grudges which is the good news, we can change for the better at any single moment, our past is wiped out and the future always holds promise unless you think it doesn't then it won't. Molecular structures have no past present or future they just evolve and recylce themselves into other bits and bobs and we enact a short stay with them and then that's it. The overwhelming versatility that is within our grasp is amazing, yet few use any of it to their advantage preferring to view from the side lines and watch a few make the grade and then they call them lucky. But luck is with everyone, no matter how you define it, go and create some today you'll be amazed at what it can do for yourself and the fabulous results you can achieve by using your molecular magic.   

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©John Rushton / The Life Doctor 2012
 (These blogs are read in over 120 countries, if you like what you read please re-send them to others),

Tuesday 29 May 2012


Do you have a destiny, a dream, an inkling of where you are to go to in life, is there something more than what you have or is what you have all there is, and if so there's nothing wrong with that. Many people have a feeling deep within that they would like to do certain things which have a solid resonance with them. Possibly no others can even share that or even know of it as it's never been mentioned. The idea that one would like to over and above what is currently happening venture forth and be an explorer, a writer, a cook, a discoverer, whatever it is that has a fascination and a stimulus for that inner self. Or is it a need for an understanding of the soul to reach somewhere else and gain a higher meaning of life, because it exists whether we entertain it or not. How do we want to end up and what happens between now and then can dramatically affect both who we are and who we think we are. It's a sad enditement to ourselves to think little of life outside our confines as there is a vastness that holds such knowledge about life and why some countries do well and others always lag behind and suffer and enact deplorable states and injustice. Our concept of life changes as we get older, our lives are pushed and pulled and knuckled into shape, things change, dreams shatter, new opportunities arise, people come and go, experiences are encountered good and bad, and time ticks on regardless, and when we are gone time will still tick on.

Making the best out of life is what we have for ourselves, sometimes it goes well and sometimes despite best efforts it doesn't, either way we have to get on with it and try, and try and try for if we don't stagnation starts to take place and then decay sets in. Decay is a part of the whole recycling of life, everything goes through the process even the universe recycles itself, it's all part of the very big 'bigger picture' sometimes lasting nano-seconds sometimes thousands of years, either way everything has a life at some point. For ourselves the moment is now and that's the crucial aspect of both enjoying life and allowing others to enjoy and share that joy with us for if that doesn't happen we certainly aren't maximising our lives and reaching into the fullness of it all. Our enjoyment is an essential aspect of a sentient existence, it's what makes us think and feel not only for ourselves but others too, it's a love based concept that never dies. Where there is an absence of love there is instability and ironically religiously controlled countries have a massive lack of love as internal mayhem and instability are their trade marks.

Our journeys in life are so personal that we can't compare to others as we are all individuals and we can't either appoint fairness nor anything else. What is, is nothing more than that. We have a free hand within our own self and it's a case of reacting to life the way it is and the myriad of permutations that exist and crop up because of co-existing circumstances often arranged subconsciously by others. The culmination of events in our lives is infinitesimal, and it's up to us to change or alter what we can in order to best make a headway for ourselves, otherwise life will happen by default, and then it may be alien to what we like and want and takes us to a place which is less happy. Sometimes life can be like a roller coaster others it can be sedate and slow, either way we are the fulcrum in our existence and have to move and shift and turn to make it what it is for ourselves. The reciprocity of life is paramount, what we put out we get a return, if we put out little or nothing then that is what we will reap so we can't blame others for a poor harvest if we sow few seeds. Our attitude is part of our journey as it reflects who we are and what we are, it's our face to the world no matter who sees it. Our attitude is our shop window so if what we have to offer looks soiled then it probably is, if it's always shining regardless of circumstances then it's that warm glow that others will pick up upon. But it's all down to the self, your life, your journey, how do you want to write your script?

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©John Rushton / The Life Doctor 2012
 (These blogs are read in over 120 countries, if you like what you read please re-send them to others),

Monday 28 May 2012


What happens when your future is stymied right in front of you, when hope turns into a nothingness, when the glimmer of something on the horizon just fades out of view, when within your mind you just sit and stare at the endless swurming of nothingness that's all around you. When the excitement of anything has lost its sparkle and searching for the smallest thing to try and bring a feeling of possibility has completely vanished and the mind is on a life support system that keeps functions going but not much more. Where living in a mind coma is the nearest explanation one can get to an understanding of surviving with intangible thoughts exhausted and mind control depleted. Well this doest happen no matter what you feel or how close you may be able to empathise with any of it as it's all a state of mind. Frustrations and disappointments do happen and they seem to arrive like buses all together then there are none for quite a while, but that doesn't solve nor explain anything, things are what they are and we need to understand the 'bigger picture' in life for if we dwell in our own microcosm we will forever be at the mercy of negativity, insularity and loss.

Our mental state is largely down to ourselves and whilst we all differ in abilities, intelligence, education, common sense, etc, no one can change our thoughts but ourselves, even if others try and persuade us by reason and example. When either as an individual or a nation loses sight of hope and better things then there sets in a mind shift which is neither wholesome or stable, it's a lowness which generates, fosters and creates subliminal structures of a negative nature which affect everyone, some being more pervious to the effects than others. Where a state of lowness resides unrest, insurrection, mayhem, violence, treachery, deceit, corruption thrives as all these need ideal conditions to take root, and where all that is good and hopeful isn't all that is the the opposite will flourish. Politicians rarely make the best people to dictate terms even if they are spot on with their understanding of the situation. They tend to broadly speak in terms of "we" and "us" as a colloquial diktat that hopefully encompasses and engages all, sadly it doesn't as they haven't that ability to be genuine in delivery nor do they understand and efficiently empathise with degrees of sincerity that would create an ease within the turbulence that is to come. Cold rhetoric is becoming more common and more frequent and the backlash to this is the exact opposite of what is needed. Ineptitude has no boundaries nor parameters as it exists anywhere where there isn't a firm cohesion of thought, implication, understanding and deed.

Life goes around in cycles as does current opinion and current thought by default has a 'shelf life' then dies a death, it is something that the overall population take on board without too much thought because it appears that it's all a consensus of opinion, little do they realise it isn't and that they are creating that opinion anyway, hence negativity spreads via a viral route. Good things can spread via a viral route too but not that often because if goodness is an intrinsic part of the self there's little impetus to go further, if it's good it's good. Where bad or not so good things happen as we see quite often today it's because individuals have been motivated into doing and saying things quite often that they have never done nor said before. Viral understanding and getting a "litmus" test of life is going to become more prevalent and make the press even less useful as they only embellish stories to try and create gravitas whereas they are all a few steps behind the reality of any situation especially where it's all punctuated by studio conjecture by the same old cronies who spoke about it last time and the time before and got it wrong then too.

We all have to "see the light" at some point in life some more than others, never the less without a degree of real hope the future would permanently look bleak. Everything has limitations and when our time comes to excel it will, wishing it would come sooner than later is futile even if we create our own destiny or think we do. We need to isolate ourselves from what's around us and conditions for if we don't we will by default be controlled by them. It doesn't mean that we can't be mindful of what our environment local and global consists of but within all of these there are always opportunities for us to excel. Keeping our own council is of paramount importance and not entering into mundane banter about what we can't change nor are privy to in great detail, headline news is just that nothing more. Our emotions create our lives for it's how we feel strongly or not that guides us in whatever direction we feel fit or perhaps just rest on our laurels and do nothing. For some it's not a case of finding the light at the end of the tunnel, it's actually finding the tunnel and understanding that tunnels aren't always straight so we need to go down it turn a few times then the light is there, it's not linear. It's linear thinking that stops many from doing well and getting despondent, when all along they are perhaps just a hairs breadth away from great success.

For more :
FREE "E" Book :
©John Rushton / The Life Doctor 2012
 (These blogs are read in over 120 countries, if you like what you read please re-send them to others), if it's good it's good.

Saturday 26 May 2012


It's quite the vogue right now to talk about the future of planet earth and listen to all the scientific jargon pertaining to it. It's actually a field day for scientists to enter the boxing ring punching out theories based on all sorts of statistical data and hypothetical conjecture and extrapolations that it's becoming a circus of intellectual entertainment more than a reality concept. Most theories now are backed up by vested interests, that is those that are stating their case have sponsors whether governmental or commercial and many have indeed political backing too which makes it all the more dubious as to any validity whatsoever. Then we have the religious cranks, idiots and morons who are forever predicting the end of the world and those soothsayers who delve into mystical events of the past and link it with today and come up with some sort of Hollywood based concept ready for the next blockbuster called "Tomorrow In Sight". The icing on the cake are the media whores who love anything to do with negativity, strife, pestilence, death etc as they can go to town and put a spin on it all that even the Devil himself would be proud of, whether it's remotely true or not is immaterial today, morals are nasty words that get in the way of much of journalism and are thus ignored.

Many of the world governments have agreed on carbon offsetting as a way to reduce emissions etc, which is basically a good thing, however in the usual government ineptness and the lost and bewildered they employ to draw it all up revenues on commercial organisations and services have been levied to help fund this process. Such levies have increased prices substantially and instead of them doing what they say they do, offset carbon by forestation etc. They are now trading as a commodity themselves "carbon trading" and thus profiteering is made on the whole project which is an underhanded way of consumers funding businesses by default for which they themselves as contributors financially have no benefit. If governments were in charge of sea water there wouldn't be any left within 6 months.

The truth to global longevity is relatively simple in that there are two things to consider. Firstly planet earth itself and secondly the human race. The first situation is also relatively simple in that whatever we do to "mother earth" it will survive, it has done for millions of years and come through the most massive raging fires and incredible ice ages that man could not have survived, and in doing so each times has revived itself and it's still here and we will not be. So that's one thing to understand. The second is us humans on planet earth, how are we going to survive when fossil fuels run out and the stability of nuclear fuels and its subsequent waste starts to mount up in alarming quantities. As a race we are survivors but already there is a significant shift in how people are living and how countries are faring and it's all rather negative. Life is now in a metamorphic state. The "third world" and that includes the middle east will unfortunately and relatively get worse, despite the oil rich middle east at present, take away the oil and there's nothing left, and anything which has a majority Islamic content is prone to gross failure. Even currently there isn't one stable Islamic country on planet earth and what there is is despite what is termed as the Arab Spring the prelude to ongoing insecurity, injustice and turbulence a demise of its own making. However the validity of all religions will come under scrutiny as to what they mean and how they have veered off course via man's own self interests, and self imposed structures that are not of any God driven doctrine, mayhem will increase in this area for a while. Some of the larger global religions such as Catholicism will undergo radical change beyond current thoughts and revert to how it should be an not as a religious industry it is now with weak management and grossly insipid leadership with an entourage of useless followers on.

Sustainability is how the population if to continue needs to progress to, and it will, at least in the West where creativity and ingenuity is its homeland trait. Where man has had to find solutions He has, and where there is a creative environment it's almost an endemic part of the thought process. The terrible Tsunami that hit Japan a year ago, just suppose it hit the Middle East or Africa, they would never recover because the mentality of the population are just not capable of individual thought by and large, so used to relying on 'others' that they are almost impotent in their abilities to do anything themselves. But even in the West there will be an enormous shift in how people perceive others and how both information and deliverance of life and it's products are administered where regulatory bodies will becomes established with great force as opposed to the somewhat watered down associations they are today. For a while greed will become almost epidemic as it is now until a 'tipping point' is reached and it will then be uncomfortable for those who reside in certain areas to exist with a freedom that they enjoy today, even though many others will have increased wealth and be able to enjoy it. Over the next twenty years much will change, not visually but within the thought patterns of society and governments will adhere more to "local content thought" than  that which is almost dictatorial today or "advised" by information seekers who get it wrong as they daren't say what they feel. Exciting times ahead, enjoy every moment the metamorphasis had just begun.

For more :
FREE "E" Book :
©John Rushton / The Life Doctor 2012
 (These blogs are read in over 120 countries, if you like what you read please re-send them to others)

Friday 25 May 2012


Everyone has a view on life, how we view life depends upon a number of things and a number of internal parameters, some seemingly have already been pre-set whilst others we have acquired or foster acordingly as they resonate with our overall thought mode. Even asking the same question to a number of people on the same topic can produced a myriad of differing responses such is the variety of options that are available to us and thus it's this difference that produces our own reality. The horizon for instance for some is engaging, fascinatingly haunting and produces an inner excitement for further possibilities and potential, whereas for others it's a distance too far, frightening, fearful, unknown, yet these two views can sit side by side and view the same horizon and come up with two totally different perspectives. It's this dichotomy of perspectives that produces all what we think and how we react to life and why some generate their happiness within, for that's where it resides for everyone, and those that perpetually seek happiness because they are negatively dispositioned. However it's our emotions that display how we take life on board such as ego, arrogance, jealousy, greed, envy, it's always the negative emotions for the positive emotions spring from love where nothing can go wrong, negative emotions suspend reason hence there is so much upset and anger between what we think and others possibly think. Politically correct people are also negatively charged via their own make of selfishness hiding under the auspices of 'doing good' for others or society, but in reality they have appointed themselves into a position where they are not wanted and become gatekeepers holding back truth and hiding their own failings and pathetic inabilities.

We subliminally have an idea of what we would like in life or like life to be like, but that is just that an idea, we live solely in the present and that is where we must enjoy life because if we don't we then end up with historical gaps of the past of not being happy and having wasted our time seeking a future that has come and gone and not materialised into anything we have wanted. Even if our ideals come to pass in a respectable time frame they are never the same as we would have envisaged even if they happen to be better. Of course paving the way for a better tomorrow is good and expedient for most people so the journey should be enjoyed not endured for if it isn't resentment starts to creep in and that then clouds our whole thought process which ultimately leads to a negative perspective of life. The media and following rubbish on the TV and in the press have a lot to do with many subliminally absorbing it like a sponge and not processing it accordingly (squeezing it out) but that's more to do with intelligence and personal thought than the media itself who will stop at nothing to peddle their wares, we do have an option however to discern an option that for many is sadly impotent.

No one knows what lies in store for our future but being positive in mind always lightens the load with regards upsets and attracts positive solutions as to getting the best out of what there is and the vast array of options that are 'out there'. We think we have a 'good idea' but in reality that's only what we know of or more accurately 'think of' and not what is out there as we haven't a clue what really exists. This is where narrow mindedness and arrogance and stupidity take a part in our own created downfall, pretending that we know whereas if we had an open mind a whole manner of opportunities would avail themselves to us. One reason why entrepreneurs do well and the so called "open minded" who are anything but fall by the wayside and then wonder why and feel disgruntled in the process too. Our real reality is what it is, who we are where we are and what we have, it doesn't matter what that consists of as there are no rules levels or parameters, they differ enormously from every person on the planet even if some are almost parallel. But perception is something to be understood by everyone and allowing others to have their perceived ideas and allowing our own to change as we become enlightened is a way forward that can enhance our whole being and give us a peace, understanding, love walk, happiness, stability, improved mental health and physical health that we might otherwise have jeopardised because of stilted thoughts.

There isn't an equation in life as to what you need or see as compared to anything else that means it's all OK. Nor are perceptions of what some have or others don't have mean anything except via  materialistic thoughts and self concocted or conjured up ideals which have no bearing upon the life you are living at the moment, even if you are sadly lacking in resources this makes no difference at all. The moment you place ethereal aspects of life upon material aspects of life you have lost the plot, and yes it's nice to have nice things but that's it nothing more. Perceptions are often based upon security and when one becomes more secure attitudes change whatever is security for yourself, financial, job, health, relationship, etc. However once we attain a modicum of what we think is essential to our life we then seek something else, it's bit like the carrot and the donkey scenario, it's always one step ahead of us. But reality is exactly what it is, the comments about "the real world" are rubbish, if you are living and breathing then you are in the real world, regardless of your standing. It's up to you to make the best of it and not place idealistic thoughts and negativities ahead of you or you will never ever be happy or fulfilled or stable.

For more :
FREE "E" Book :
©John Rushton / The Life Doctor 2012
 (These blogs are read in over 120 countries, if you like what you read please re-send them to others)

Thursday 24 May 2012


Everyone goes through a "down time" or two in their lives it's just the way it is, stuff happens, situations arise, outside circumstances change, parameters are no longer stable and whatever it is for us it affects us mentally over time. Initially it can be a shock or it can just escalate into something of its own making. What makes all of it even worse is that when it affects others they tend to react in ways that are seemingly 'out of character' although deep down such traits were possibly always there but until a certain moment of mayhem triggered them off lay dormant. Unfortunately when we are thrown into an alien situation, that the proverbial spanner is thrown into the works and the cogs come to an immediate grinding halt and there's that awful smell of heated metal, it throws us off guard too and even our own self is compromised. It renders our world almost incomprehensible in that we feel we are suddenly in a bubble and there is the world and us, it immediately opens up a temporary feeling of helplessness and it's a destabilising feeling and one that's both lonely, isolated and full of endless mind talk, ponderings and swimming with potential solutions which come and go like the tide itself.

Being mentally hurt not only affects our minds but our whole body too, it literally causes all sorts of aches and feelings of lethargy and takes away any impetus and desire to progress even though deep down this is what's needed and required. It's a strange feeling of isolation as you then look at everyone around you from a different perspective, it's not that they are right nor wrong but none hit the nail on the head as to the cause or any acceptable solutions as it's all a version brought to mind by others and missing detail, clarity, acumen and reality as to it all being feasible. Walking alone in the mist of every day or trying to find refuge for the mind and soul to regenerate is a feat in istelf, clutching on to self esteem and upholding the self virtue is an onward struggle against the endless mind chatter and debased status that lingers around. At times living is like a job in itself, something which cannot be explained to others nor does one want to anyway as it's all so exasperating and infuriating and like juggling with knives, one false move and that's it. Nothing fatal but yet another wound to add to the rest already there and one wound more is one feels the last straw on the camels back. But it's not.

When the mind is circulating in an near overload capacity tempers are quick to emerge, one's self cool is permanently being tempered and restricted otherwise an outburst will flare up and the self regrets will be more than the outburst itself. Where life has two sides the good and the bad where once there wasn't a demarcation line, now there is, where there are those for you and against you where once there wasn't such a thing, where narrow mindedness and understanding have taken opposite corners, and where everything said and done has to be accounted for both within and without. It's a solitary world that spins on its own axis and days and seasons merge into one as if the future is but a dark corridor of dampened potential that holds little hope, although at times hope is all that is seemingly left. But the good news is that it does all change, and like everything that's time related it does become a memory, it becomes part of the past where it's rightfully been consigned. Those intangible events now have solutions, those impenetrable areas of impregnable thought have but dissolved into a new and different understanding. The fears have melted away in a state where new parameters exist and base lines have a new and brighter stance. Where turmoil has given in to a happier resolution that all can join in and take part in a camaraderie that's been absence for so long.

Life regeneration is happening to everyone, but it's only when we take it on board do we find that it actually works, for 'letting go' elevates us from the 'now stranglehold' and breaks those invisible but ugly ties that have for so long been draining the inner self like a vampire constantly flying around looking for blood. When one frees up the 'self' there isn't anything that can touch it as it rebounds all the negativity from those that throw it around trying to gain points and ground at the expense of small and narrow mindedness, this all whithers away and becomes futile. The seemingly unfairness of life isn't what it is, we have no guarantees nor templates, it's us humans that react accordingly and do what we do rightly or not. But everything has its season, its time, and then it fades as other things take over with renewed ground and it's this hope and knowledge that will spur the ability to keep going despite the perceived onslaught in life. The hidden 'enemy' of unreason that listens to  no one but itself dies by its own hand. It all fades away and it is then that one realises that what was something of an ongoing turmoil is now a past memory as life has moved on and better things are being enjoyed.

For more :
FREE "E" Book :
©John Rushton / The Life Doctor 2012
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Wednesday 23 May 2012


It may seem strange to say what do you look like, after all we are experts in what we know and feel about ourselves. We know all the little bumps and bits and pieces and which is our best side or maybe we don't even have one. But more than just looking in the mirror and seeing ourselves via a critical eye, others see us as something totally different. With the exception of friends, relatives and possibly those we work with everyone else sees just what they see a person in their own right. Not someone who is slightly overweight or skinny or tall or short, they see a person that they have no other comparison with and one that they have to make an assessment upon. We know who we are but others see a picture that they try and assimilate into a character. Do they look mean, happy, friendly, moodily, surly, quiet, extrovert, approachable, would you trust them, are they dressed nicely or according to the setting of where they are? Do they look presentable, would you like to know them or be associated with them. And would you want to be seen with them with your friends or family etc. Our eyes are the fastest scanners on the planet women have an extraordinary sense of what someone is like, even though they can let themselves down emotionally despite that inner self saying something else.
The thing is do we actually "see" us as others do and the answer is NO we don't. We might come a close second at times but by and large others see a different us, an "us" without explanation or excuses, if we are fat they see a fat person, if we are skinny likewise, if we are badly dressed or unkempt that's how they see us. It doesn't matter whether it's a work picture or a work in the back yard picture, it still tells a story about you and quite an accurate one at that. We exude a status about ourselves that we don't realise, following fashion doesn't denote style, it denotes you "follow" and not develop your own, if you are scruffy it tells a lot about how you prioritise your looks with regards what you do, and in some cases it doesn't matter but then there's the social side to you too and if that looks like it stinks then it probably does. Nothing goes without notice even subliminally we pick up on the nuances and the statements and assess the credentials which are filled in later on - perhaps if one gets any further. Rightly or wrongly this happens many times a day and most people would be surprised to learn if they had to give an account of someone close by or in their office or others give an account of them just what things they would pick up upon.

It doesn't matter if our characters are avant guard, eccentric, dull, conservative, traditional, docile, etc, it will probably suite our overall look as it is an exclamation of us within, although some could well be helped to upgrade as they haven't a clue as to colours or styles etc, however it won't detract from any observation. Our speech, body language further punctuates whom we are as does our eye contact which the is doorway into our world and those talking to us. Of course one could go further but the essence of whom we are resides on that initial glance, and yes we can get it wrong, so if we do we are either reading the wrong messages, seeing something out of kilter or not following up with a general and overall picture, that's why it's so important to get it right from a personal perspective straight away if we are to be judged. Often second chances don't exist and personal excuses running around within your mind are futile as the opportunity to make that first grab contact pales into insignificance of what might have been but wasn't.

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©John Rushton / The Life Doctor 2012
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Tuesday 22 May 2012


There's a lot spoken about "The Higher Self" and indeed there are endless books on the subject and a whole host of videos on YouTube too to keep you occupied for the next twenty years. Much of it is all the same stuff regurgitated with each authors' own slant or interpretation and at times it seems like it's re-inventing the wheel yet again. Whether most of it is true or not one rarely gets to know if as many claim it is or does what it is supposed to do why isn't it more universally available and helping people in life as opposed to where it tends to reside with the "New Age" lost and bewildered crowd. Also those perpetually seeking answers to life at the expense of not getting anywhere as their reality isn't tangible and is often paradoxically narrow and full of useless diatribe and associated ill health and lacking in laughter and dietary problems. The most commonly practised areas of the "Higher Self are done in Buddhism and have been for centuries, it's part of their doctrine. And whilst the Higher Self comes into other religions too it's mentioned as some tertiary area and not dealt with in any great depth the reason being that the religious leaders in the main religions are in themselves far from Spiritual and their higher self is more akin to walking upstairs as opposed to raising their minds.

The dictionary definition is as follows:- Higher self is a new age term associated with multiple belief systems, but its basic premise describes an eternal, omnipotent, conscious, and intelligent being, who is one's real self. Blavatsky formally defined the higher self as "Atma the inseparable ray of the Universal and ONE SELF. It is the God above, more than within, us". Each and every individual has a Higher self.

Make of that as you will, many people talk about 'being spiritual' or accessing their 'higher self' quite easily but to be honest very few if ever challenged wouldn't have a clue as to proficiently describe it even if they had got the basic gist of it right. Having said that there still would be a great gap between knowing what it means, understanding what it means and literally following it through to enacting it. Accessing the Higher Self is supposedly a positive move in that it can give clarity and improve the quality of life and give more of a peaceful scenario to life and our purpose and our understanding. And as an adjunct improve our health too and certainly reduce stress, even the self induced hysterical exclusive type.The main problem which lets most people down is the mediation, it's difficult for the vast majority and to sit still for over 30 mins without looking at their cell phone, it is beyond life itself for many who suffer from 'cell phone shuffle'. Quick look, quick look, quick look, quick look on a repetitive basis even if it hasn't made any of the numerous pings and clings that say "you have mail". It's also getting over that initial "nothingness" where the mind races and thinks of everything under the sun and at this stage thwarts people who then believe that they can't meditate after 5 mins and give it all up. Although to access your higher self you really don't have to meditate even though it's the long established and usual route. Life isn't a "one size fits all" and what benefits one gets from anything is literally down to the 'self' not what others proclaim or what someone has written in a book, that's no validation.
At times one can read articles on "the Higher Self" and it at sounds all very nice but what benefit does or can it give you right now to improve your life. It improves the lives of those that give classes on it because you pay them, but what about yourself when you have other things on your mind like life and keeping body and soul together and work, and the home, and bills and whatever. And yes one must put all these into perspective and prioritise and not be flippant with what constitutes one's day or existence, and yes it's important to have good quality "chill out" time otherwise we get overload and then that's it, we vegetate in our minds and lose the cognisance of reality and enjoyment. Our emotions in life play a major part, something we have all experienced such as from tears of joy to tears of sorrow and the latter is no fun whatsoever, something which we have strong memories of even if many years ago. Our higher self has a lot to do with the use and placement of our emotions and how we see life and the usage of our verbiage and deeds towards both others and ourselves. It's both complex and simple at the same time, where many go wrong is that they literally don't think allowing emotions to take over then it's "show time" and out comes the self and ego and anger and jealousy and arrogance, and the rest and of course much of all this is linked to low self esteem, which is far far away from any higher self.

One thing the "higher self" will not do is give you a key to life, it won't give you any short cuts to a better future or increase your wealth (unless you write a book yourself or give classes), it won't get you more friends or makes others like you and it won't make you the star of your own show. It won't make you more attractive or successful and it won't give you a place of superiority in life either, in fact it won't do much at all especially at the material level. It will give you a better understanding of life if you are not arrogant enough to think you know it all already, it will possibly increase your health status, it will give you a peace that you maybe haven't enjoyed for a long time and it will give you a presence over life that you may not have experienced before either. Anything else is a bonus for you and what you get out of it as there are NO set benefits and some advance amazingly whilst other plod on, but all should increase an enjoyment to some degree. Whatever you do life should be treasured and not from an angry perspective as that will forever set you aside from really getting the best out of life and attracting that which you don't want nor need.

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©John Rushton / The Life Doctor 2012
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Monday 21 May 2012


Our whole stability revolves around who we are as a person and what our value is, that is what keeps us going in a relatively stable way. Loneliness accounts today for much grief, consternation and personal upset in the form that it can make us somewhat disjointed from life, which has psychological implications. Whether we have a significant other or just very good personal friends (real friends not acquaintances) matters not it's how we communicate with them and on what level. Social interaction between others is essential even for those who like to keep themselves to themselves, for being alone is not conducive to a good and rewarding life. As a sentient society we need to commune to share to enjoy and to feel as well as exchange with others aspects of life. In doing so we re-affirm important aspects even if others opinions differs it's the fact that an exchange of conversations that touch us deep down and mean something and that we respect "that" or "those" significant others makes a world of difference. Faced with just ourselves in a world that cares not is akin to an isolation that will eventually cause the mind to be introverted and implode as far as sanity and creativeness is concerned. Ironically many people of a staid and overly religious nature tend to follow in similar pathways harbouring fear, becoming judgemental, rebuking aspects of society with a purposeful and self created venom, start lacking perception, becoming introverted, and all in all become vacuous.

Whatever one's age, the need to be needed to be cared for in as much as someone significant who has an interest in you and your well being even if they can't do anything directly themselves has a massive psychological effect in the way we live. Take this facility away and an almost automatic 'longing' starts to whell up. It varies from person to person but the people who shut themselves off have defined negative points and are often cranky, moodily, intolerable, narrow, spiteful, insular, judgemental,mean, greedy, self defined, etc, to varying degrees. Many people even take on a pet to find solace in life as that pet will give 'unconditional love' something that humans won't do and religious people definitely can't do such is their outlook via their version of God, ironically God being that of unconditional love, strange why that happens. Of course there are ideals in life, get a partner and live blissfully happily ever after, unfortunately that doesn't happen, especially in today's society that when the slightest thing goes wrong it all comes crumbling down as opposed to getting it fixed and enjoying the benefits of a heightened experience in the process. Selfishness and "me" are more of the mark of society today and that puts paid to the base lines in starting something that has longevity written in to it. Many a relationship starts with soiled goods and multiple failures and a wealth of back-up excuses as to why it's never your fault and I did this and they did that and their iPad crammed with help lines on standby to console the selfish soul.

Many put a brave face on their own relationship and well being, often talking of  their 'so called' many friends and acquaintances and those in between too. It's true some people make friends easily others just don't and actually never try, just complain that they are not lucky and it doesn't happen to them, but again they are the cause of that, people still don't come knocking on your door asking if you want a relationship, you have to open it and go out. Even Internet dating sites aren't successful in that a 5% success rate if you are lucky and have to sift through the scammes, liers, cheats, lustful, desperately lonely, weirdos, and those who treat it as an 'on-line sport'. Most successful people have someone behind them who is instrumental be it their partner / friend supporting them getting on and becoming successful. A busy life can help one get on alone, but then when at some point the parameters change there is that 'elasticated effect' when one comes flying back to a nothingness of where yesterday comprised of lots of people all around and today none of them no matter how nice they are don't ring those significant bells within. Our emotional feelings are just so that little things that happen in our life can trigger off thoughts about certain people that we never thought existed or were that deep and can affect us so much.  

One should never spurn the need of another regarding companionship whatever it is for them, even if it's not your idea of such that's not important, it's to each his / her own. The love from one human being to the next is a priceless commodity even if it's your best friend that will do, that's humanity at its best also. Never be afraid of telling someone or people how much they mean to you or how nice they are or whatever complimentary thing you can say. And although some find it incredibly difficult say something just do it and don't fear the worst either. The more you compliment others the better you will feel and the easier it will become and the lighter life will be, even just smiling on a regular basis ups your game in life. There will however be the odd person and they will be odd who can't understand what a good comment is all about or a smile for no apparent reason other than that of a smile from one human being to another. Or those that view kindness or pleasantries as a case of "what do they want from me", but let not others insecurities and patheticness rub off on to you, go your way and smile, be nice and then the hurts which come with the territory will just melt away as the vast majority although they many not say it, will be warmed by your actions. You only have one chance in life, may it pleasant at least.

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©John Rushton / The Life Doctor 2012
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Sunday 20 May 2012


Everything in life is relative, and what one sees as something spectacular others see it as just what it is as it means little more than the entity of itself. If one travels frequently to all parts of the globe then travel is no big deal even if it stimulates degrees of excitement, to those that travel once or twice a year it's almost an event in itself. Those that have expensive cars see them for what they are and can afford, to others they are an entity in another dimension of driving. Those that frequent expensive restaurants on a regular basis enjoy a different experience from those that see going out to an expensive restaurant as a 'special occasion'  and so it goes on. And whilst there is no wrong nor right the emotional aspects of perception can either reduce or elevate one's thoughts on life and one's abilities to communicate effectively. Our friends and social strata and gathering account for our ability to be able to proficiently do what we do and be accepted for same with others regardless of whether they do more or less and regardless of their circumstances. Unfortunately emotions fall into the equation far too often and greed, jealousy, ego, etc, rear their ugly head and then everything goes belly up or sour.

We migrate to those who love us 'warts an all' and tend to take a wider berth with those that have opinions on what we do or have because it's dull, boring and none of their business anyway. At times because of business we have to get along with those who don't particularly like us for whatever reason but we do so because it's expedient and has a purpose and we know that showing negative feelings is a lack of self control, low life mentality and stunted thoughts so we move on. It takes all sorts to make a world, and there are those at the opposite end of the spectrum in the voluntary sector that are priceless human beings devoting their lives to what they believe for little reward in the material stakes. It's whatever floats your boat and we can't judge what is better for everyone has a place in life and a purpose even if some don't want to utilise it because of their own negative self thoughts.

Our views, creativity, direction, ideas if they are to be implemented and put to good use or at least given a hearing need to be either directed to appropriate sources that understand where we are coming from, even if they don't like what we have. Or we have to attract those around us that are 'likeminded' as that will help us in bouncing off thoughts and empathising with what we wish to put out. But it doesn't stop their because there are those who may share a commonality of thought in a certain direction and yet have a totally different perspective of life and that can not only be frustrating but hinder your own thoughts which have a higher calling than just an understanding and an interest. It's here that many areas of life fall down as personal thought over and above knowledge takes a tumble, what some see as a need others don't, what some see as potential or greatness others don't, what some see as the 'bigger picture' others don't see anything other than their own microcosm of space, and without due understanding rifts develop often beyond reproach or repair. It we are to venture into any type of thinking that frees us up from convention then we need to look at all that is around us and not just where we are at, for if we do that we will forever be hindering our own progress no matter far up the ladder we are already.

The greatness of what is available in life goes a long way to allowing our minds to expand and understand as opposed to storing potted versions of different people and different things and then using that limited knowledge as a base for further thought or decision making. Which by default eliminates much of the realness and facts that we don't have to hand. It's almost like the 'armchair expert' or TV commentary which is forever manufactured and manipulated to produce an entertaining result mixing fact and fiction. Those in "the loop" our loop of friends and acquaintances that resonate at different levels are essential to us even if there is a distance involved. Some we would talk to on a certain level others we wouldn't it varies so much but by and large it's needful for us so that we can feel more at ease with ourselves and move on and enjoy a degree of camaraderie for without that frustrations build up. Cultivate new friends who resonate with whom you are, it's not the easiest of things to do but it does pay off and potential is forever present, whereas being alone is a one way journey to nowhere.

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©John Rushton / The Life Doctor 2012
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Saturday 19 May 2012


Our lives comprise of a series of defined areas where we ourselves strive or aim to get to, many of them we succeed, and some are areas where life does its own thing and we end up as recipients of circumstances and weird situations at times also. It happens to everyone and there are no favourites nor prisoners taken in the process. We are as individuals entities of our own making, that is our minds are ours from day one until the day we die, and once we reach our teens we are basically 'on our own' as far as how we think via our individuality and where our perceptions of life are concerned. We can be well educated and stupid or we can be far less educated and very wise, neither wisdom nor stupidity are linked to education we need a modicum of each to go forward. Many is the time that creativity is born out of little education but the wisdom has allowed others to take over and uphold what the originator lacks, everything in its place. You can also end up as very well educated and become a television expert that talks a load of rubbish and gets it all wrong as what they think or surmise is basically based upon here say. The fluidity of life today especially with social networking and viral growth has almost eliminated extrapolations and the unexpected is now the expected.

Whether we like it or not we move on, life evolves and we get taken with it lock stock and barrel it's only when we decide to do something of our own volition that we can define more succinctly a future for ourselves and where we would like to be placed, even if it's a constant striving of modifications en-route. There is but one guarantee in life and that's death and here lies a whole load of conjecture as to the after life or the 'that's your lot' theory, options are always open. But whilst we are alive we need to do the best we can and that takes a great deal of personal dexterity in order to at least respect whom we are as individuals and be selective who we allow into our lives on our journey. Our sentient capability gives us feelings and a a purpose to keep going even if some don't exactly know why or possibly care, but it takes all sorts to make a world. Our progress encompasses many hurdles and also many joys too which we must never ever overlook by dwelling upon what wasn't that exciting as it will quell our focus and stymie our ability to proficiently enjoy tomorrow and the day after.
Countries move onwards but not neccessarily to better things, business move on and close down, areas move on and get demolished, and moving on doesn't automatically denote better, although in most cases the striving force is for better even if the end product is the opposite. Moving on at times is more of a metamorphasis in that what one moves on to bears no resemblance to the past or what was originally envisaged, it's therefor impertaive that one has an open mind to allow drastic yet far better changes take place than to hold on to the past and wollow in the detritus of redundant life being regurgitated for the sake of it. It's sometimers leaving our comfort zone that is the achiles heal and we dare not make those needed moves so life literally grates as it fights with potential and throws up an unstable present that has little if nothing to offer. Life can be good or it can be resilient and keep us firmly placed to where we are, we have the ability to change even if a little, and don't forget it takes a small pin to burst a big balloon. Similarly any small changes we make can have positive changes that we can enjoy ahead of us.

For more :
FREE "E" Book :
©John Rushton / The Life Doctor 2012
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Friday 18 May 2012


Grief can be so debilitating that it takes a hold of life and steers you into a corner and holds you there to the extent that at times one feels that nothing will ever be the same ever again, and the truth is it won't. It's not that life won't be fun and exciting anymore nor the will to proceed won't return and life will be as it is from there onwards worthy of living and worthy of participating and communing with those around you. It's ironic however that when grief strikes and it can and does happen to almost all of us at some time in our lives those that we feel can or could offer support like family and our religion offer nothing but coldness and a wall of stone, especially where bereavement is concerned. It can be like vampires coming out of the woodwork all seeing what they can get and finding every legal excuse to get more. Where at one stage of life "love" was a supposedly unspoken entity it's now a cold war and each to his own, where the smiles reveal the fangs and frosty sliver. And whilst to some this may seem gruesome it is unfortunately for many a very real reality. That at times many fear for their own sanity and purpose and most of all "love" for themselves, that someone "out there" knows and understands and will share their real tears and not some emotional outburst like that of little children "on and off" at the flick of a selfish thought. The relations that never liked you or you were the wrong religion, but now your partner has died it all comes to roost their evilness starts to ooze out.  

How we deal with real grief is down to us, and we are all different those that cry the most are often the insipid selfish ones that want everyone to join them in what they are going through whilst those that tend to stave off such are harbouring the love of the deceased that helps even through the trauma of the aftermath. Of course and "here we go again" religions mount on the grief trip after all it gives them something to do, wearing dull dark clothes, moping around with long faces, it's as if the deceased didn't actually love you after all and you've just found out. If whoever it is that has died loved you then THE LAST thing they would wish is that you be unhappy, otherwise what's the point of it all. And sympathy is the shallow side of offering real help to the extent many offer sympathy but no help and actually get a "high" of trying to buck the other person up whereas they are acting as vampires themselves draining their captive of energy for themselves. Sympathy has an effect of boosting others up, then when you leave them they have an almighty low afterwards. Not very nice.

Age has a related value on our perceptions in life, everything revolves around what we have done, are doing and will be doing, although the variances and boundaries can be very muted and glide into each other. What age doesn't have is a monopoly on pain, especially the mental type of pain, that is possibly the most debilitating as it literally messes up your whole control system. It's so easy to become introverted when grief strikes that it can form a situation where you rarely come out of it, this happens in the Middle East as they go to town on morbidity it's a way of life as is complaining and moaning yet doing nothing to rectify it, however they don't have any exclusivity or monopoly on it. One thing that grief often brings home is the reality of who you are in life and what others mean to you, your 'family' may be those you have chosen to be around you as opposed to the biological ones who are judgemental and shallow. It brings home too where you stand in life and what all around you means with regards happiness, freedom, duties, life itself and what and how you choose to think about things in general. Grief is but a stepping stone and depending upon your belief you either move on - not forgetting the past as you can't - or dwell forever where you are and carry it as a burden. Never forget if love is involved then there is a real freedom, but a genuine freedom not a selfish freedom that you keep to yourself as if it's something exclusive because it's not.  

In times of trouble don't scorn those that you think could offer some support as for them it could also be difficult to muster up the ability to offer it, and beware of those who seemingly offer everything because they can, it's at times those that do little that think deeply and the effusive ones that are shallow. One must always feel the depth of love and the need from others which is over and above sheer words and never allow the feeling of self sorrow to overtake who you are despite the pain that one may be reliving for a while. An understanding of those that now scorn, pour oil on troubled waters, who reject, who reprimand and turn face, who show their true colours be at one with yourself, because the love that YOU had with that significant other was priceless and above their deceitful facade. Life is for living, for loving and that is the only golden rule for grief, and the only golden rule for your own self is that of love at any cost, it's never left, and what was there is still there even if slightly but temporarily tarnished, it's still there in all its glory. Don't ever turn your back on it no matter what.

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©John Rushton / The Life Doctor 2012
  (These blogs are read in over 120 countries, if you like what you read please re-send them to others

Thursday 17 May 2012


For everyone life is full of ups and downs, we don't need to be reminded of that, at times life goes swimmingly well and then it changes to something else, not necessarily bad or worse but like you've just been grounded and almost treading water as nothing seems to materialise or move forward in the way or ways you would like or have indeed anticipated. However if you just accept and feel low when the good times appear to stop then you will have succumbed to a nothingness of our own creation. Everything has a shelf life or best before date including ourselves so it stands to reason that aspects in life have the same, just because we don't want good or nice things to come to an end is immaterial and a bit stupid also. The fear of things going wrong isn't a valid fear as if fear is valid at all, but it's not even worthy of contemplation as it leaves room for instability to take hold. It's funny that at times when things are going well people become complacent as it all seems nice and bubbly, then when it stops they become remorseful and take on that "woe is me" attitude to varying degrees. Whereas we should be vigilant at all times so that the ups and downs are evened out somewhat and we can then best enjoy the good times and not have to endure the not so good times.

The worst thing we can do is forever compare ourselves or circumstances or situations to others, none of it is relevant, and if the opportunity to do what others do or did comes along it would never manifest itself the same way, in fact you would be surprised at the reaction you have should you ever be faced with such choices and availability. Our assumptions in some area  of life are so crass that we deem we "know" ourselves but often perceptions and the reality of affordable or doable choice takes the potential excitement out of literally doing it as we can then see beyond simple areas or mere acquisitions that were once on our "wish list" and move to more tangible areas that can provide more substance both physically and mentally. Many people let themselves down badly and protract a dullness in life through the sheer desire to want or do something which once gotten is placed in the "OK" box in the mind and then they wander on to something else and whilst it may be nice to have it doesn't further their inner self to satisfaction or happiness.

Every area of our life is a phase, it's either work, relationship, financial, age related and it's never ever the same. Maturity quells for most people desires that were strong when young but mean little later on. As life progresses one also notes that the 'self' is more important than following others who if died wouldn't make the slightest difference to life except those around them but not you. It's not that degrees of selfishness take a hold it's the importance and trivia that separates out what is indeed pertinent to your life after all you are the only one to steer your ship no one else. It also doesn't mean you can't follow your favourite sports person or whatever, it's just a perspective that puts you more firmly in charge and allows you to balance your emotions accordingly which has an elevatory effect. If we can't do things for ourselves no one can, even if they assist us greatly it's still us that has to walk the walk and talk the talk.

If you feel that life has becalmed you worry not as that is the worst thing you can do, worry has the effect of neutralising creativity and acting as a magnet for a whole array of negativity which is the last thing you need. Being positive even in the face of adversity is the answer to shaking off both the blues and what is ahead of you that's of no consequence. Positive attitudes attract positive people so if you are on a sympathy trip you've lost, and don't take to heart what others are perceivably doing and you are not, you don't know what they have gone through or are indeed going through either, which could be ten times worse than yourself. If you want to succeed at anything you have to exude it otherwise people will not trust you respect you nor think you are worthy either. So much is in your own hands that thinking everything is at the mercy of others will eliminate any opportunity that's there, people need people, the good and successful need people to keep good and successful it just doesn't happen in isolation. You too can be good and successful there's no reason why not, unless you think there is then it's all back down to you.

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©John Rushton / The Life Doctor 2012
 (These blogs are read in over 120 countries, if you like what you read please re-send them to others