Sunday, 31 October 2010


For many today there is a degree of hopelessness surrounding their thoughts, events at large seem almost too much for them to mentally cope with. There are few if any politicians on the planet that have both guts and brains and are not afraid to use both, most seem to be always dithering on a half way ‘one size fits all’ intellectual stance, yet spouting out rhetoric as if what they have done was momentous, in their own minds - maybe. There is a lunatic fringe who seem to dwell in local government and whilst some local governments do some excellent work many fall short because of gross stupidity and ineptitude from the politically correct morons and bureaucratic ambiance which they tend to uphold. Where world terrorism is almost an exclusive domain for mental Islamists yet governments cower down to them as if they are some superior race whereas the truth be told they are the worlds greatest failures, just look where they live and what they achieve, the lowest of everything. Where modern day banking has become a fine art of almost legalised embezzlement and governments have tiptoed through tepid water at really solving the problem in the fear that bankers will move, no one is irreplaceable and where one person goes there are queus just awaiting the demise of the person in front. The problem lies in old staid dull archaic management who can’t, won’t see beyond the past, the future is changing remarkably and even many young people of today are steeped in traditional and outmoded ideology, which doesn’t mean compromising morals or the values in society. Governments are like the media more adept at the easy options of spreading fear and negativity because it requires little creative thought and definitely no back up required as an after service, and it can be changed at will to heighten or tone down previous comments in order to manipulate future intentions.

But it’s not for nothing that one of the greatest problems affecting modern society is that of mental health, and secondly in western cultures the acquiescing of immigrant cultures that are outmoded and rubbish joining a more developed socity where such immigrants want a better life yet cling on to the cesspool of a defunct and pathetic society and culture from whence they have left and yet start nurturing their past forming an almost replica of what they have just left, then wonder why others ostracize them. It’s all not rocket science, although like everything in life it’s how events are managed that make them work or a protocol or free fall into a self created decay. Hopelessness is a vast problem, as one migrates to the apex of the life pyramid such problems become diluted as personal means put paid to gross distortions that lesser mortals think about. Attitude is everything in life and where many see negativity ahead of them because their personal situation is precariously balanced, others are more stable in that they can weather what’s ahead even if pushed a little, and for some it makes no difference whatsoever. The chat rooms on the many dating sites or social websites are crammed full of lonely people seeking some kind of contact to fulfil that void in their stomachs that they daily experience with regards someone significant in their lives, alas to no avail, constant chat gives rise to heightened brain movements that’s like getting drunk, once you stop the sensation goes, and an overload leads to big downers of nothingness and feelings of ‘now what?’ Humans crave for a whole range of things to get feelings of other human emotions to feel more complete themselves, yet modern politics is full of hollow thoughts because those that practise their art haven’t any ability in social humanity on a scale over and above their own families.

The question raised is “is hopelessness today” a product of our society or a product of society itself opting out of what it sees as problems beyond its comprehension and ability to change itself. thus it feels less able to cope as it did years ago and its own resilience is somewhat floundering to an extent it almost gives in. Where governments need to be strong so that the population needs to feel that at least there is someone on their side and not some smart alec spewing out media friendly prose because some insidious emotionless PR numbskull has written it for them. Companies no longer can guarantee anything, international trade and finance fluctuates as it’s often manipulated by those that gain from such moves and at the end of the day even robbers, rapists, muggers, burglars, are given rights over and above the victims, and the young can be as unruly as they like because they too have rights and so by legal default decay has started all by the subhuman politically correct, who are themselves lost and for them unhappiness is a future of their own creation. Hopelessness for may is a state of ongoing life, interspersed with a few highlights which make everything more tolerable, yet the bottom line speaks of others untold ailments such as blood pressure, sleeplessness, dietary problems, weight problems, mental stability, and at times even a sense of personal security. But there are ways out that bring joy and real inner hope and contentment.

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2010

Friday, 29 October 2010


There is almost an epidemic of social websites emerging covering just about every aspect of social activity graded by sex, age, social level, intelligence (or lack of it), education, and anything else that one can throw into the arena. It’s interesting to see how many individuals are starting up their own Social Sites too as the technology, Internet blue prints and methodology are all there for just the asking or taking, and can be custom made from the vast array of mix n’ match templates on offer by the respective Internet software houses. With the exception of the notable main entrants into the market and their phenomenal growth, there are dozens of start ups every day trying to emulate the same and reap the rich rewards, sadly or possibly not, most will fail as their greed has precluded the kudos of what simplicity started the whole ball rolling, the ‘me too’s’ wanting to be everything to everyone and that never works as one is reduced to a status of nothingness in someone else’s bigger picture. The bottom line however in all of the social networks are contacts, and contacts for different purposes. People like to commune, the young are now communing with “friends” (read acquaintances) all over the place, sharing information, getting upset, getting rejected, finding new friends, dumping old ones, moving on, growing up, and so it all goes on, talking from behind the fence and in a language that would make them stumble and get flustered and possibly embarrassed in face to face contact situations. In business too there are social network sites, almost akin to desperate people trying to sell their wares or seek information for free because in reality most are small time failures with big time aspirations. Very few successful people are on such sites, why would they need to spend time on such when they are already busy making pots of real money with real people and not having to find Internet marketing gimmick’s to lure the available on-line dross into a scenario where money can hopefully be extracted from them. One only has to read the blog content to see their “overview” mentality, nothing to do with education, just to see the the mind sets that range from pedestrian to insular to aspiring, but most go no further, all still hoping to pick up the free tips from others on the site so that they too can make the grade. It rarely happens, even those pleased at what they have learnt haven’t that entrepreneurial streak to step out and go big time, real entrepreneurs already have that zeal within them.

I joined one site and within 12 hours the top tier members launched upon me like a pack of whores on a street corner, obviously ‘newbie flagging up’ on their profile pages, all trying to sell this, get that, take this, introduce me to this, want me to buy that, all designed to make me rich and wildly successful in next to no time, one wonders why it hasn’t worked for them or is all this just a game for them for something to do in their spare time. There’s something that’s interesting about communicating with those who have time to sit on the net and tout for business, and this works well for some, but for many it’s a habit of potential only and it’s the little bites that keep the excitement going for those larger bites that are desperately hoped for. Networking is good, but there is networking and networking, and many networking events are full of takers and few givers, everyone wanting something or wanting to sell something and few on the giving and receiving end, the word “Free” subliminally percolating in the air, i.e. ‘what can I get for nothing”. Many events are by their nature downbeat even if well attended. We all like to do well, we all deserve to do well, whatever we have in mind, however life dictates that it isn’t going to happen to everyone, never the less second, third or even fourth base can be richly rewarding and satisfying. For many social activity on the Internet can be more akin to an emotional interaction whether it be business or just social, more so for women as they are generally more social creatures than men. Never the less much ’sparring’ goes on like it does with hens asserting their territory. A lot of smart conversations, narrow personal opinions, nuances of intellect, snippets of information, endless quotes from anyone who has said anything as if it’s so profound it will change life on earth in a flash, what all these things lack is originality. What all these things lack is that WOW factor, which is why so many people of like minds huddle around together knowing that the difference between themselves is minimal and thus aren’t going to feel too out of place. The real entrepreneurs are nowhere to be seen.

It’s not wrong to want to do well nor get ahead, it’s not wrong to aspire and it’s not wrong to have a yearning to do something for yourself either, the route to all these aspirations becoming a possibility or even an eventuality is wide, where many get lost is that they have a modicum of entrepreneurialism within themselves but not quite enough to break free as a true entrepreneur would do, as much of an entrepreneur’s ability is inherent, it’s a feel within, it fuels their ability to see beyond the humdrum and the masses of exchanged information, they have a vision that’s already loaded with positive insights and abilities. Further down the food chain are those who feel the need to commune and exchange notes, facts and figures and there’s no doubt that this does help many people, usually more by default than design. Born leaders are just that, those that are good at leading often need top ups to enhance or expand what they already have knowledge in, and those one step further down, well like many people are forever going on courses for this n’ that n’ something else, and whilst they may take it all on board like many is the psycho… whatever / coaching business are only as good as the last book they have read. Many people on the social networking sites are evolving in an elliptical manner as opposed to something more straight and vertical, there is a degree of social separation and few seem to get it, making contacts is admirable it’s the banter en-route that is just so telling of what backs up their abilities, business intentions and personalities, or lack of such as is often the case. People are people, they get used to repetitive scenarios where potential exists on paper but in reality no one lets go, meanness is a streak that often jealousy, greed, envy, (the negative emotions) fuels up. However if one has the “bigger picture” in sight, not just one’s idea of “what I’d like life to be like” and there is a massive difference there, then potential not only exists it offers itself to you.

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2010

Thursday, 28 October 2010


Control, control, control, control, governments like control, local councils like to control, companies like to control, lawyers love control, accountants need control, families fall out over it, and at the end of the line is us. Who and what do we control, do we in fact control ourselves or are we a product of our environment, surroundings, the media, our friends and family or worse still a legacy product of an old defunct and outmoded cultural past that has no place in today's society, especially if you are the second, third or fourth generation from an immigrant family where historical traditions in your new land of birth have no truck whatsoever other than for cosmetic and sentimental reasons. There's more falling out over "my culture" issues where it's all fabricated than anything else. The trouble with control is that it leads to selfishness, despot control, fanaticism, regression, idolatry, stunted growth, failure, repression, segregation, self isolation and a general demise in humanity, which has the effect of an an unhappy breed of person where terrorism and fraction groups thrive because they see no alternative to living under a regime, which after all is only controlled by fellow human beings, nothing more superior.

Religions can be evil players too, trying to "hold on" to their flock one way or another even though what you believe is very personal and at the end of the day it's still between you and God and not some organisation or self appointed spiritual leader. Ironically, both agnostics and atheists can be quite violent in their views on not believing and even have psychological problems in coming to terms with a nothingness in life, especially the words 'love' which they tend to mock, even though they know the meaning of it, it's the 'feel' they often can't own or access it proficiently. The "Elastic Effect" is very real, it breeds in families who become over protective and even neurotic in their thoughts and outlook towards life and all the hidden dangers that are there, concentrating so heavily on such that they miss all the positive aspects and opportunities then wonder why life isn't that fair or good, yet it's they who have caused their own downfall. We are as free as we want to be, having travelled around the world endless times visiting entire continents freedom is something that one notices and sees from afar. Having slept in jungles, deserts, private yachts, aircraft, igloos, being shot at, ambushed, stranded, arrested, and all points in between and observed those around it's often people themselves that keep themselves held back rather than societies in general. Notably in staunch Islamic societies that are forever backward because they are more interested in controlling the masses than allowing them to evolve.

Our own inhibitions strengthen our ties with abstract elements of life, "what will they say" (whoever they are), "What will people think",  "if I do this they will get upset", or the stance today of why don't things go my way, which is really an adjunct to laziness, lack of ability, stunted foresight, and an illusion that you are better than you are. Staying power is a prime cause of success for many as is a positive mind, not falling foul of what others think and say so allowing yourself the freedom of your own strength and ability to flourish. Taking advice from positive minded people is the only way forward, one should never ask advise from anyone who has aspirations less than your own, otherwise you will only get a response full of their inhibitions, fears, negativity and failure. Why we do or don't certain things in life is down to us, however self created strings or elastic threads that are forever holding us from that point of success are manifested within our minds, nowhere else, cut the chords and set yourself free.

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2010

Tuesday, 26 October 2010


It's become almost blase today to broadcast the negative side of life, like most religions fear breeds an almost destined and clandestine following of those eternally seeking truth, and freedom from what they feel is an oppression out of their own hands. Of course that's far from the truth, designer fabrication is de regeur brought about by narrowness of ability more than the prowess of real unbiased truth which most broadcasters talk about but in reality when it's passed through the 'system' comes out candy wrapped. And with journalists salivating at the thought of the next catastrophe to lick the grime and blood up for their next fix. There's a new " trendy" tide of conjecture throwing 'ideas' about the pre-big bang into the public gaze, but it's only theory and no matter how convincing it sounds, nobody knows, and as we know all too well, today's science is tomorrows garbage paper. The likes of Stephen Hawkins and Richard Dawkins waxing lyrical about evolution and hugging the limelight as if they are experts on how it all started whereas in reality they haven't a bloody clue, it's all at this time coconjecture.and are peddling theories which for those on a similar ilk is pure mental masturbation, some of which is becoming habitual. The idea that we are all mistakes really throws the whole of society into a melting pot of a lack of hope and purpose, as it's for them an "enjoy it while you can" scenario because when your number is up, that's it, which it will certainly be for them.

But for the young and those yet still to be born there must be something more than death to look forward to in this world, where hope plays a vital part as does optimism and where does love fit into all this. For without love humans are just robots or drones living for the sake of living, and that has no kudos nor degree of camaraderie either. As advanced as science is, in the grand order of life it still knows nothing, the manipulation of molecular structures is still beyond our grasp despite what we know or even possibly believe. And even the power of the mind, whilst some areas are producing astounding results leave many baffled how certain individuals can do what they do just by sheer thought and at times at a distance. The trouble with intellectuals is that they lose touch of life and love, they see only what they see and though that in itself can make a good read they overlook so many aspects of life some of which they can't even fathom out as they are aloof to the deeper aspects of why? Intellectuals like scientists need a formula and a reason, and if either can't be found they move on, which often eliminates the formula and reason until it has been found or discovered in the meantime leaving a massive gap in the plausibility stakes. Humanity needs a reason, mistakes aren't enough to live by, especially when we all try our best not to make any or rectify what has gone wrong, intellectuals see no wrong in prostituting their ideas of life with the mix n' match approach of what I don't know I'll replace by some scientific explanation in it to give it some degree of credibility. Wrong, it's all soppy Barbra Cartland science, with too may unanswered questions and 'perhaps's', and 'if's' and 'it could be's' thrown in en-rout to the conclusion, which is still, "we don't know"!

Most people on planet earth are struggling, there are those who will always probably struggle in relation to the rest of the world such as the corrupt and badly educated third world and the Islamic countries, who will always find it hard to move forward because their religion is oppressive. Then there are those who live within a tight latitudinal financial bracket that is susceptible to market conditions and governmental diktat, and this is predominantly within the western markets. Without hope and God - whatever God is to many, life has no purpose whatsoever, and whether real or imagined it does get many through the turmoil of life, something which many scientists are grossly unaware of so cocooned are they seeking enlightenment from their own rectum. Stability of the human mind is important, and the biggest negative stance in the West is that of "Mental Health", where science on one hand is trying to help in this respect, and on the other is creating a void for which those who seek purpose lose it completely, and for which both aspects of science miss out totally the human needs and essentially TLC in order to live proficiently, just like one's pet dog or cat that's content because its owner treats it well. Humans needs treating well and that is not science it's humans doing what humans do best, love each other, respect each other and this applies to corporations as it makes for happy workers, not pseudo-courses at exorbitant prices run on psychometric bases to try and induce what isn't inherently there and as such has always a short shelf life of workability.

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2010

Sunday, 24 October 2010


It’s all coming to the boil, religions are clambering for credibility, what does each and every God do for their followers, the answer is nothing, maybe give false hope but physically nothing. The religious intellectuals will wax lyrical about why and what for but have no connection with their God whatsoever, if indeed their God exists. If God is pure love, and God in any religion / language is pure unconditional love (repeat unconditional) then why are so many followers suffering on the planet, especially Muslims who seem to encounter more disasters, more troubles, more upheavals, as well as in many cases creating them than anyone else. Even atheists and agnostics have a better life than the vast majority that follow Islam who are racked with internal fear and restrictions. All followers no matter what they believe fall into the category of when something goes well or is good it’s “God’s will”, and when it all falls apart it’s God wanting to punish them, but that’s all stupid narrow talk, and shows a complete lack of faith and knowledge about God, which ever one you subscribe to. The preachers are all raising their game as life becomes more turbulent, but the bottom line is that all preachers are in themselves losing the plot, especially the devout and intellectual as well as the fanatical ones, as they are in themselves fearing the change that is taking place. That fear is killing them inwardly and their ability to believe, despite what they say or “tentatively believe”, tentatively because they don’t honestly know!!! Another great truth is that God who bestows unconditional love, which means if you are a drug offender, prostitute or mass murderer, gay, banker, lawyer, etc, He still loves you, because that’s what “unconditional” means, (Muslim families nearly all fail here as love to them is conditional), God may not be happy but never the less He still loves you, no discussion, He does. This aspect of unconditional love is something that priests, imams, rabbis, etc, can’t get to grips with, they know it but they need to feel they have some credential in order to tell everyone not to sin, and give advice and quote spiritual context, but it has lost its impact as they are themselves dying of a religious cancer of their own creation. The big truth is that ALL priests, imams rabbis sin, and there is NOTHING written, spoken or anything else that says that despite how they live they will not go to Hell, as the vast majority probably will. All the priests, rabbis, imams etc, are “self appointed” i.e. God didn’t appoint them, and whilst they may know their own and other religions in fifty different languages backwards that guarantees them nothing when the day or reckoning comes along.

God is a very personal thing, it’s between you and Him, and that’s it, and you don’t need to go to church for absolution or confessions nor anything else, the litmus test is always the same, if you are on a dessert island - then what? Well, the ‘then what’ is exactly the same, it’s all between you and God, not some poncy divisive religious cretin who is full of evil bias and divisive sinfulness, (and most religious sin is given in preaching ill created doctrine - and that’s a “go to hell directly” sin) you have enough of that yourself. Any religion that has excuses within it, saying you must do this n’ that except if you are here or have that is man made stuff, God is far greater than excuses. He is - that’s it, don’t create a job for yourself discussing it. Similarly if you do believe in God then you must believe that God created the Universe and knows all about molecular structures, bio-chemistry, singularity, quantum physics, quasars, atomic and molecular transformations,etc, so do you think eating pork or being frightened of a dog or cat is going to throw God off into a wobbly, because if you do it just shows how narrow, thick, stupid and pathetic your mind really is. Man has created religion and all these narrow ways, no one created God, so all this hyped up doctrine and bias against women and sin and everything else has been written, produced and created by MAN, not God. The restrictions that many religions bring is not that of a loving God, God should help you excel, and not just one or two, but everyone, free from those zealots and despots that control countries and call themselves righteous - that’s almost beyond comprehension. It’s very easy to say God is good if you are healthy and wealthy, but the vast majority of people are not, especially Muslims. The publication Management Issues survey of workforces around the globe found that Muslims have an astounding 80% chance of being less happy than anyone else, even if they are wrong by 50% it’s a staggering figure. The Catholic Church is just as bad pampering themselves around man made doctrine and decisions that have no Godly bearing especially within the “bigger picture” and are the biggest employers of pedophiles on the planet, and it all seems much of a surprise to them even though everyone else knew about it for years and the terrible things that many nuns got up to in children's homes. However Catholics are not isolated in these atrocities, but what it does open up is that “religions” are divisive and kept as “jobs for the boys” even though they may do a lot of good in ancillary areas. If you deal with God and not hide behind Him - and there is a big difference, transparency is a key note, NO religiouss organisation is transparent.

There are about 35,000 registered religions around the world all practising what someone or other has made up and their respective followers believe. Islam accounts for 96% of global terrorism, and the various bodies can’t keep on saying “they don’t represent the average Muslim” when in fact unrest and dissent is almost endemic in some areas, there isn’t a stable Islamic country on the planet, and this can’t be all under a “Loving Compassionate, Understanding, God”, God loves the Devil kills, so if you kill what is the Devil supposed to do, sit back with a glass of champagne and say “I love these Muslim people they are doing my work in making everyone unhappy and killing - great”, love doesn’t kill or mane or hurt or cut off hands or stone people, the Devil does that. Even the government of Saudi Arabia recently was looking for a doctor to literally cripple someone as part of a court vendetta, what kind of people and God does this, and what kind of people are these, what kind of society is this? The mind power of the human being is amazing but if you give it up to others then you have lost out forever in life, you can’t have fear and God together it’s like matter and anti-matter, - zero. If you believe in God then miraculous things can happen, and do for many, but the majority believe in an idolatry and that absolves them from anything good happening other by accident. God gives you “free will” on planet earth so it you do nothing then nothing will happen. The conduit to God is love, so if you don’t have “real” love not just a love facade then you haven’t a hope of even communing with and God whatsoever. Fear and gross selfishness is not love, so many people whilst think they are believers will never ever have any connection with their God, ever, ever, ever, which goes full cycle to show why Islam has the poorest of everything in life, and why many young Muslim students have to leave their own countries to go to the “West” to further their studies free from the tyrants and mentally insane who hold everything back.

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2010

Saturday, 23 October 2010


It's got to be said, that the more companies invest in front line personnel the more clients seem to get frustrated by the way they are treated, theories are fine but where it all comes to a grinding halt is when a human takes over, it's their attitude that either makes or breaks the deal. Many of us will have experiences with surly cabin crew yet at the same time there are those that are just bubbling with life and flair and make "everything all right". Similarly with customer services it's not just what's said it's how it's said and the tenation put upon the content, learning parrot fashion isn't an answer to anything when it comes to communication ability. You are either good at it or you are not, it has nothing to do with being able to do the job in hand it's how you do it. Similarly leaving a message on some else's voicemail,  despite the fact they say leave a message and I'll get back to you, do they? Their importance is placed upon themselves not the client and that's when the rot starts to set in.

The common courtesy of replying especially by email is beyond many people yet they expect replies themselves even if their two faced attitude precludes them from the thoughtfulness of sending out a reply themselves even a "stereotyped" one. Media and publishing organisations are by far the worse culprits they seem to draw the dross from the marketplace who are cocooned in a world of self, me, mine, and have a degree of vacancy when it comes to anything outside of their own remit. But it does also extend to companies at all levels and it's so refreshing to get a reply promptly that's not only accurate but fair and not bogged down with endless asterisk outlining their limits of liability and what the reply does not constitute, almost like looking through an insurance policy.

Frustration is not the worst thing that one can be up against, but it can taint one;'s views and feelings and indeed future business when it comes to making a decision or a choice. The interaction between people is a reflection of the "self" in that what one is like in one's personal life and has a tendency to echo into business life and vice versa. It's also to an extent a reflection of one's mental state and mental thought process, and the wrong person in the wrong job can negatively charge much of the correspondence of the business even if physically they are capable of carrying out what is needed to be done. Many people in the "self help / coaching / psycho...." arena are often in more need of help than their clients, even if they are successful. The absence of thought is a big issue today, and it's an issue which affects more those without thought than those with thought, for those without thought become almost selfishly intertwined with a part of life that forever lets them down and then they feel pity towards themselves, something that those with thought rarely does.

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2010


Thursday, 21 October 2010


The basis of all my writings is about the foundation of society and that is “love”, for without love we are but drones or robots just living for the sake of living, a grown up ameoba without cause and feeling and without the ability to commune with life itself. But love comes at a price, it’s a great price to pay, but for many the “evil ones in life” it really is a step too far. For those religions that preach “Love and Tolerance” yet still kill, maim, stone, and everything else it’s the beginning of the end. For with true love there is absolutely no violence whatsoever, why would there be because no one would wish anyone else to be the cause of suffering no matter what the nature. “Evil” religions need control, and the words “unconditional freedom” and ” unconditional love” don’t exist, everything is conditional and oppressive, hence all the religiously controlled countries around the world are backward in every way and breeding grounds for terrorists. The Love Swingometer is very simple it outlines various potentials and thoughts as to where you are in life, it gives a visualisation of thoughts and feelings and puts home within yourself where you are. If you believe in God and good (and God in every religion is pure love) then you are on the left hand side of the swingometer, Light, happiness, goodness, etc, and if you believe in the Devil then you are on the right hand-side, it’s that simple and that accurate. If your religion is oppressive and resorts to killing and maiming then there is no “Almighty compassion” it’s just cheap words, if you are on the right for any reason it’s Darkness and Evil and Devil, death, suffering, fear. etc so you may wish to review who you are worshipping and how your thoughts are constructed.

The more to the left hand side you are of “The Love Swingometer” the better life will be, it will be lighter, happier, more healthy, more fun, not at all neurotic or paranoid, it will not be stressed out or depressing, nor will it be lonely, it will not be vile or jealous nor will it be full of avariciousness and greed and divisive playacting, it will be creative and intuitive. And of course if you are on the right it will be the opposite, repressive, fearsome, psychosomatic, dark, lonely, isolated, conditionally loved, dreary, future-less, negative with hatred, anger, greed, indecision, full of paranoia and neurosis and all the rest, your God will demand retribution and all in all you will by default be a devil worshiper. It matters not what your ego tells you, nor what schematic plans you feel are needed to control or grow a society, but where love is in gross evidence the defaults of life, crime, rape, murder, embezzlement, burglaries, theft, etc, are but almost none existent. You create your life not circumstances. Circumstances are what you have to live within, how you react to them or apportion them to your life is purely down to you. So if you throw a “wobbly” then that’s how life will be to you, if you say “sod it, I’m going to be happy anyway” then life will automatically be elevated even before any change has taken place. Such is the power and nature of our mind thoughts. We tend to migrate to those who share a common ideology of life, negative to negative and positive to positive.

TheLoveSwingometer is an indication of what life is all about for you, it’s how you react to life how you feel how you manage your emotion or perhaps why you don’t, it’s how you interact with life and how you see yourself in relation to others as well as they to you. Peer pressures, media hype, friends attitudes, plus other’s lifestyles at times have an influence, they shouldn’t' but they do, what is inherent in just about all is the camaraderie of humanity and life itself. It’s only edged apart by politics, ignorance, and cultures, many of which are not compatible with life today, the stupidity of the gross failures in life are the ”politically correct” morons, who have nothing to offer except early death of themselves, and those that are greedy and avaricious. For the average person being loving and kind is the best credential they can hold to going forward in life and attracting the “right” sort of people around them to make life as comfortable and as secure as they can. TheLoveSwingometer is but an indication of where the good and the bad in life lies, the real litmus test is within and that is where you experience life for all it is. Life is what you make it, you can’t control outside forces but you can control yourself and how you feel. The rest is now up to you, follow your heart not the diatribe of nasty religions and worthless people.

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2010

Tuesday, 19 October 2010


Regardless of what we aspire to, or how we would "ideally" like life to be we have to face up to the fact that whatever is in front of us is going to be interspersed with some degree of mayhem, even if it's just a temporary setback. There's our daily life, the life that we live whether we do anything or not, and the life we make some sort of effort in to go where we would like to go and not where life takes us by default. We are all different and many are prepared to settle for what they feel comfortable with, and the pressure level at which they are also comfortable with too. Unfortunately today people often aspire to jobs and salaries outside of their area of capability and then feign stress and all sorts of things which is pathetic and rubbish, when they can't cope.  Making what we want out of life, and reasonably too, is what will give us that feeling of accomplishment, and that's a very personal feeling and thought, not something made up by the lame ducks in the media or anyone else. If what we have enables us to attain at least something towards our goals in life that's an accomplishment, not what coaches, books, TV programmes deem is what has to happen, you live your life not theirs, nor they live yours. What help or assistance you seek is something else, but the bottom line is you have to do what you need to do at your level and not a dramatised yet potted version for television that misses out more that it shows.

We don't have to be gregarious or outgoing to "make it happen" indeed there are many dull nerds walking around who have developed and produced whatever their product is who nobody knows of and who are very wealthy because of that fact. It's not a "celebrity" success market, what you have is what is going to carry you forward, although there are no guarantees that it will ever happen, but with the right frame of mind it is never the less a possibility and one that can be exploited. The bottom line with everything is are you a "mover and a shaker" or are you a "plodder and a follower" because if you are the latter then already your chances of going forward are lessened considerably, degrees of success will be mainly mind thoughts by the self. Society today is unfortunately governed for many by hype and hollow adjuncts pertaining to what some faceless moron deems as success or good or great or whatever, and in reality they have no credentials nor positioning to state such things other than it's of a personal opinion, and whilst it may sound good if that person died overnight the they would not be missed such is the strength of what they have to say.

Whether your aspirations are to run a cottage industry from home, be a tycoon of some sort, writer of your chosen subject, whatever, it's a very personal thing and not the subject of others' comments or thoughts, they can do what they want to do and move forward also. If how you are living is basically pressing all the right buttons already, then don't let the mind allow it to take you away from that thought just for the sake that you feel you need to make a point, you don't, you are fine just the way you are. So many people fail when they "have a go" but haven't the ability to push forward themselves. There are no conditions nor ground rules for life, it is what it is, it's often ourselves that creates "fictitious" rules based upon what others have done that thwarts our way forward or worse still we give credence to people we don't know thinking they know best, when it's often not true. If what you feel deep down is not unduly ruffled by life then don't change for the sake of it, if what you feel needs changing then that's the motive to make a move.

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2010

Thursday, 14 October 2010


We all think we deserve the best and why not, we put effort into something and we expect there to be some return for that effort and expended energy. We also expect too that when we ask a question or seek information from a company that is in the public gaze we ought to get a reply of some kind, even if it's possibly not what we anticipated, which is more often than not the case today. There's all too often a Q and A's section which is all the rage and talking to a living soul is almost a luxury. However, is it a luxury anymore? The quality of people one often comes into contact with are very often subject to a real challenge when it comes to communicational skills and degrees of real service orientated mind sets, all too often those one contacts are mediocre to say the least. Dealing with people in the media and publishing as I do one often wonders if there are courses on how not to communicate proficiently or is this just a natural selfish trait for those who seem to work within it. What is in evidence is the deceit and lies that those faceless wonders tell in order to "cherry pick" what they deem expedient and absolve themselves from any responsibility of anyone else other than "what's in it for them".

How many people for whatever reason have been automatically put through to voicemail only to hear "I'm sorry I'm away from my desk at the moment, please leave a message and I'll get back to you shortly". And of course the lying toads never do, not on the first, nor second nor third call, and then they get upset that they keep getting repeat messages. Of course this stems from inept management and there is little control on the ratio of calls to responses, but that doesn't not absolve those who seek a reply getting one, regardless of its quality content. One of the best ways to get over this is to write (far more effective) but email is good too firstly to the person with whom you were wishing to speak to, then copy the MD of the company, the personnel department, senior managers, and anyone else you can rope in saying. "I have now called (whoever) 5 times now, each time their voicemail has said they will call back and they have lied, as they obviously have no intention of doing so. I'm somewhat amazed that your company and managers support this blatant lying on behalf of your company". This is a mild response, you can add whatever you like and really if need be turn up the heat and go to town on how disappointed and unprofessional it not only is that the person you are calling doesn't seem bothered either, etc, but that's all up to you. You can also write to Personnel or HT for it to go on their work record too, that's a big jolt to the system.

It really does work, and DON'T be fobbed off with some pathetic apology either, or some crass statement or PR hype, it's all rubbish, humans want human answers not PR and damage limitation tripe, which should never have happened in the first place. You are not a pathetic soul in life that has to put up with others indifference as they are paid to answer your calls otherwise they should be doing something else. If they are too busy then perhaps they actually can't cope but that's not your concern, you are not a sponge to corporate "sob stories" nor incompetence nor anything substandard either. Whatever the excuse you are not a "mind reader" and your part in what you seek is a reply, don't settle for anything less, and don't be afraid to respond outlining their pathetic excuses either.  Having said that don't make the whole episode a vendetta or anything silly like that or a crusade. Just state your case calmly and without undue emotion, that way you'll stay on top of what you want to say and it will sound far better. But make sure that EVERYONE is copied and that EVERYONE knows. The whole purpose of writing is to get a response from someone in the company that has a mind with some knowledge, and who isn't self obsessed with themselves to deal with customers or anyone else that isn't pivotal in getting them a better position in the company or any false kudos or merit.

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2010

Tuesday, 12 October 2010


We all have degrees of hope within us, it doesn't matter what language we speak either, we still have phrases such as "I hope this or that or whatever will come about", Hope is universal in its meaning and depth, it transcends all manner of negativity and places itself firmly within us. Without hope we have nothing, and without hope we are empty vessels for there is nothing ahead of us worthy of living for, and we are also void of real love too that percolates every atom of our body. Hope is the invisible electron that orbits all, it's everywhere we go and it's got such a power that if we access hope we can take on anything. Hope transcends the despots and the official but hollow banter that's all around us, it takes no prisoners and thwarts the enemy, it see only good and eradicates the bad sending it to where it emanated from. Hope is that burning glow within that sparks even in the cold, hope is the fuel of moving on, it's the everlasting flame that we can draw upon when everything seems to be against us and no one seemingly can help.

It's always good to do something positive even if ends up being wrong, the mere fact that we make a move sets the tumblers moving and stops the wheels cloggingg up. Even going to a motivational evening could help, but the trouble with motivational speakers they are sometimes like a good meal or a night of drinking, good whilst it lasts but the morning after it's all a yesterdays memory and you are still on your own, and you still have to do whatever it is - somehow. Hope is always there it's never an afterthought of smart words, it's real, it's wholesome and it's free. It has more value than anything else on earth, it's a priceless commodity and we all possess it, even if we think it's in short supply, we still have it and it remains with us until death.

Hope however is a semi controlled force, our attitude often governs how we think and feel so it's imperative that we keep our minds free from the lowness and negativity that others may harbour. Hope is ours to keep it's not dependent upon anyone else, nor is it affected by circumstances, situations or present conditions no matter how lengthy or temporary they may be. We are the "governors" of ourselves and thus we need to access "hope" 24/7 so that no matter how we feel whether it be great or somewhat low, hope is their kindling that inner thrust of energy and mind determination that allows us to see the bigger picture and that is where life really lives on, that is where life is determined not only by ourselves but within what we 'see' and 'feel' and 'hear' all around us.

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2010


Thursday, 7 October 2010


Boredom is something we are all prone to from time to time, it's a mental thing, it's where we can't apportion our thoughts and feelings to the moment and it can last for a very short time to something that literally stretches out over days. Many factors can affect how we view boredom and our attitude plays a vital part in us 'snapping out of it', as well as at times positive external factors changing our focus and stance to give us a new purpose albeit temporary. We can be ultra busy and yet in the few moments we have for rest we can have a degree of boredom overcome us to the extent it can be somewhat debilitating as it changes our complete thought process. The usual boredom is where we don't feel that what we currently have has a value to sustain our mind levels to the degree we lose the ability to concentrate and focus. Often when we are bored there are many things we can do but can't muster up the incentive, the energy or anything else to do, and if we did do them we would probably mess things us as our heart wouldn't be in it.

There's nothing technically negative about boredom, some are more prone to it than others, and it's very subjective, we can look at others and think "what have they got to be bored about" but that's only from our dull, narrow and judgmental view point, we need to be more pro-active ourselves otherwise we get into a rut of endlessly comparing others to ourselves, all of our minds are different and so our are circumstances and the way we think and feel and also our future aspirations. Those that have bouts of boredom mostly bring it on themselves and it can become habitual like anything that's negative. Predominantly happy people can always cope far better than their miserable counterparts, and that is usually true for nearly every other aspect of life. At times our deep rooted thoughts overtake our ability to reason above the line, so we then dwell below it and that's when boredom sets in, it's below the line thinking that takes its toll and we as lemmings  almost automatically go with that feeling and suddenly we become bored.

Pre-conditioned thought sometimes is responsible for our mindset, such as delays in travel plans, the mere suspicion that a flight is delayed brings on negativity and bouts of dullness and a whole manner of stupid, childish and immature and selfish thoughts to some mindless passengers, as if it's all a bigger issue that it really is. Or in the same vein "jet lag" many start to suffer from it before they have even taken off such is the power of negative thought. It pays at times to travel on your own so you are not bogged down with others negativity and self perpetuated restlessness and endless sighs and repetitive conversations. If we change our outlook on life, regardless of circumstances we will elevate ourselves out of the trap of reacting to circumstances and put ourselves back in charge of our thoughts and feelings in that we will be in charge and not act as a default emotionally to anything else. Boredom comes and goes, it's something we don't learn it's almost an inherent feeling within, but what we need to understand that's it's only a mind construct, nothing more, the only fine line that there could be is that of boredom becoming mild depression and most of that is self perpetuated too.

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2010

Tuesday, 5 October 2010


It's easy to forget or overlook the good and pleasant times of the past, negativity has an edge especially if we are disposed to a negative stance on life. The press and media live on negative reporting many of those that contribute have calluses as brains and wouldn't know what a 'good time' was forever seeking the little chinks of imperfection to seize and criticize upon. None of that however is important, what is important is who we are for if we haven't a clue as to who we are and don't understand who we are then we are at a loss as to doing anything at all in life and thus will not receive anything of value either.

There are those who make an effort and look forward and there are those who because they don't do anything hold on to the past as a permanent conversation piece then wonder why life stinks. It's not rocket science and it really does as it were "separate the men from the boys" in every way. The great successes are those who take failure as a part of life and not make it a feature and then become greatly successful, and then there are those who live failure because they make it a subject whereas it's just something that happened in the past and have not totally moved on from such events. Giving life a chance is going forward regardless, residing in pity is well beyond failure it's just being useless in every way and totally selfish, self centred and conceited.

Life isn't a game nor is it a version of what some pathetic author has written in a book to try to explain it, such explanations don't exist, life is what you make it, and how you enjoy it whatever it happens to be life is down to you. Life is not fair or just, so as long as you understand that you have a great chance of overcoming the odds and doing something akin to what you want. Knowledge can be a wonderful tool in moving in any direction you wish, but once you start to intellectualise with that knowledge you start to interact within yourself and at that point you lose contact not only with the outside world, but reality, opportunity and those around you who could help you as they can't read your mind nor do they want to. Letting go is the only way to move forward, if your ship is harboured then the ropes need to be loosened in order for it to move off, it's the self same thing with your life, if you do nothing you can't hope to move forward in any other way. Good 'Attitude' is paramount to not only being positive about moving forward but to how you enjoy the ride, so it's down to the self as to what you get out of life and make the best of whatever it is you have, which at times can be great and at other times not so great.

There are endless opportunities, chances, options and avenues all open to us and good ones too, so it's imperative that we are readily available mentally to accessing these opportunities otherwise they will fly by and become the domain of others who are more receptive. Dwelling on negativity takes our mind off solutions, ways out, good happenings, etc, and we then get even more bogged down in our selfish way of "poor old me". We like to think when things go wrong that we can have another chance or go at what it was we tried to do, and similarly we must give those chances to life also if we are to bathe in the possibilities of far better things happening in all areas of life. Being staid and dull is tantamount to moving backwards, then there is usually nope hope at all. We have to see the optimistic side of everything even if we decide it's not for us, because fostering a judgmental point of view will bring the onset of negativity back into our court which is the last thing we would want.

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2011

Saturday, 2 October 2010


We like to think we are trustworthy (although some know they aren't), we like also to think that others are too, but deep down we know better. It doesn't necessarily mean we are deceitful or corrupt or anything else, but what it does mean is that our belief in trust is apportioned to what it means to us. Similarly trust in others is also apportioned to what we know of that person and what we require of them. We may trust our doctor implicitly based on past experiences and the rapport we have with him or her, but in a situation outside of the surgery where we have to interact with life skills and events is that trust as hard and fast, probably not? We know only too well with regards friends and friends of friends and the horror stories of being let down, constantly late, forgetful to a high degree and bouts of sheer stupidity, all of which reduces our degrees of trust on the individual, even if they are great company. Life is not a "one size fits all", it's a complex ratio of social interaction which is reliant on conditions and results that in themselves spell out even more complex feelings of self, values, morality, and our opinions and perceptions of life. We also know from experience those people we speak to on the phone in companies when asking for information and the often off handed and stereotyped response which is shallow, cold and insincere and that the person giving such information isn't as bright or as good as they think they are, which eliminates distant trust instantly just from the sheer level of tone and content of one's voice.

We can trust someone we dislike intensely, and we can distrust someone we like very much, we can detest associates and colleagues because they are always late, or in a world of their own yet their work per se is of a high quality, and so it goes on. Our take on trust is very fluid and it's not just the overall concept of someone being honest and not stealing something or taking goods which are not theirs, it's a far deeper and richer concept. You could even trust your lawyer to try every trick in the book to get you off whatever it is they represent you for knowing full well that the tactics used are borderline with being economical with the truth, and deep down you are guilty. It certainly is refreshing when someone is open, transparent and honest, as it makes for not only a lighter conversation but something of real value. People's perceptions today are so stilted that telling lies to shorten conversations and get rid of people and only want your point of view to be heard changes subliminally many individuals outlook and telling lies after a while is something that they do automatically. Since the global banking fracas there is by default an abhorrent distrust of anything that the financial sector puts forward, regardless of the credentials of the individuals who work within it who had nothing to do with the grand greed and deceit that took place.

Life comprises of a series of perceptional trusts ranging from those we see on television such as politicians and overseas spokespersons, down to those who run our local councils and how they perform according to their remit. It can stretch further from our relatives to neighbours and close friends, all of whom have some degree of trust apportioned to them even if we never have to put it to the test. And of course there are those we just distrust and dislike because they don't fit in with what we think or see as being good, regardless of any merit that they may have. Whilst people we like or admire might not be out and out villains, they could be addicted to drugs or some vice or gambling or alcohol or whatever it is, and although that doesn't directly affect us it does alter our perceptions and usually to an extent that we disproportionally distrust them from that point onwards.

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2010

Friday, 1 October 2010


There's a lot of hype about thought and people who in theory anyway are "outside of the box" when it comes to their perceptions, creativity and take on life, however unless you know what you are looking at or hearing it's doubtful that most would know the difference. A bit like foodies buying premium dark chocolate containing 80% cocoa solids and the supermarkets own make which contains - well, your guess is as good as anyone else's, the bottom line however most couldn't tell the difference. Many "blue chip" companies seeking "out of the box" recruits have to be filtered out by those firmly well within the box, and most likely huddled towards a corner somewhere such is their own ability and take on life. It's amazing that many such "out of the box" thinkers get turned down because they go through the "spot the braincell" tests that the "in the box" thinkers conjure up, and the "out of the box" thinkers then get picked up by boutique companies who are then commissioned by the "blue chip" companies whose commissions are then run by those that they have just been turned down, and at enormous cost. It's all hype and it's all a game, everyone seeking more but lacking the ability themselves to know what it is when it's presented to them. Where would governments and local authorities be without consultants who make their minds up for them, unless of course we talk about political correctness and then that's where government bodies excel in the flat lining and gross nothingness of wasted money and poor quality tunnel visioned personnel.

Of course there is a need for the "in the box" people who represent by far the majority of the population, but it's the "out of the box" people that can make the biggest difference, and then it's not every "out of the box" thinker that has the credentials to step out, for thought without deed is nothing short of failure. Like a brilliant medical student wanting to be a surgeon but hasn't the nerve to make an incision. Everyone has a right to be themselves, we are who we are and whether we apportion excuses as to why we are who or where we are reflects distinctly in how we see life and everyone else within it. How others perceive us is in most cases a direct reflection of what we put out even if we keep our cards close to our chest, we still give off traits that others subliminally pick up. Coming to terms with our abilities and who we are is essential otherwise it ends up as a fantasy and then we start to get illusions of grandeur. We must be "at one" with our abilities and at the same time who we are, because if we are not together within we will be at the crossroads of an internal conflict, wanting to do something but having endless excuses why we can't.

Life "In The Box" can be as good as any other life whether its "Out Of The Box" or beyond that, and that's also becoming a sought after commodity but way beyond most corporate entities as their prescriptive views of advancement are forever held back by their own apron strings and the dearth of "In The Box" thinkers who constantly aspire but dither permanently on the thought of putting themselves down by real geniuses. For the average pedestrian "In The Box" and "Out Of The Box" are alien concepts drummed up by weird people who do weird jobs, and to some extent that's true, it's all manufactured status based upon abilities that are relatively rare and thus not in common domain. There's almost an "aura" or "buzz" in certain quarters when speaking about such people and many "Out Of The Box" people prefer to go it alone anyway for once shackled by corporate bureaucracy they may as well have applied for a job at the local council.

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2010