Our state of mind is everything, forget intelligence, knowledge, as neither automatically mean one has common sense, many an expert or professional in one or more subjects is screwed up personally and that brings life is to a low ebb and renders itself almost worthless. We are all different as people and have different trajectories in the way we want to go forward, some are almost self sufficient within to move on their own accord, some need every bit of help and push and incentive they can get, and the variance in-between runs wide. However what we do have within is both 'happiness' and that 'feel good' factor ability, it's with us whether we use it or not, and it's linked to the brain, so we can decide whether to turn it on or off. Granted bad news makes us feel initially not so excited and good news raises our spirits, but we still have the ability to make decisions based purely on being happy or acceding to circumstances and reacting accordingly and deciding to be sad or unhappy.

We see in advertising the word "spirit" it is commonly used as to denote a heightened experience or feeling, we even say 'low in spirits' or 'they are very spirited people', etc. The dictionary definition of "Spirit" is thus :- "the principle of conscious life; the vital principle in humans, animating the body or meditating between body and soul" and "the incorporeal part of humans; present in spirit though absent in body". That vital element in our higher life form, the ability we have that can elevate our whole being subject to us allowing it to happen and living with a degree of lightness within. If we at all start to think negatively then our elevated processes are subject to a down grading, if we try our best despite what may beset and befall us to see the good in life then we will succeed, we will overcome. Of course there are those who go on courses and buy DVD's and downloads or read books on our "spirit" hoping that saged words of wisdom by someone else will suddenly propel them forward and all will be well, and of course that won't happen. There's no free lunch and admonishing yourself of doing anything for yourself by yourself it tantamount to sheer stupidity. If you can't think better thoughts then no one can do it for you, it's that simple. The beauty about human life is it has "free thought" (forget religious repression - not God, religion)) what we think is powerful stuff in that we can decide how we live, if we put our thoughts into a negative mode then we will reap a negative harvest if it's in positive mode then the sky is the limit. If you don't believe that then the chances of life becoming better may have already passed you by.

FREE "E" Book : www.the-alchemy-of-life.com
RADIO : www.liferadiointernational.com
©John Rushton / The Life Doctor 2012
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