Wednesday 28 September 2011


We all like to think of ourselves as special or although some may say they are 'ordinary' but still a bit special at the same time. But what constitutes ordinary can vary enormously and one's perception of other people and who they are and what they do is totally relative to yourself and how you think and what you know. We reside on different strata's in life, and we reflect where we are by the content of what we say, how we say it and to whom as well as how we say what we feel. i.e. Is what we say kind or aggressive or bitchy or tongue in cheek or is it some sort of smart language that purports to be fun and outgoing yet constantly hides the past and hurt that's never really have been healed. Whatever it is, our conversations reflect whom we are and it doesn't take long for the odd word to interject and interpose within our conversational context to makes us realise what lies deep within. Of course for the major part we don't really care, you say what you say, we hear it and then move on, at the end of the day, you live within your mind and world and others live with theirs, and that's it as far as most interaction is concerned. We migrate towards those that speak on our level, not necessarily on a tonal base or a highly punctuated base either but one which resonates with base qualities that makes us feel easy and comfortable and one that we don't have to make too much of an effort to respond to.

Everyone is special to someone, and everyone is ordinary to everyone else whether you are a prime minister or whatever it is, after all if the prime minister or president died tonight life would carry on tomorrow without them, there's never a shortage of takers to fill the gap. Respect is earned it's never bestowed other than the common courtesy of respecting others rights to live a free life, unless you live in an Islamic country and then life is dictated to by ungodly failures who see repression as a strength. But special is subjective too, we can wax lyrical about a person who means so much to us yet to someone else they can't stand the sight of them, so our own perceptions and emotions are melding together to make a figure of a human special for very personal reasons, even if those reasons have very little in the way of credentials to everyone else. We see millions continually starving in Africa and deem them special in that the West predominantly supplies food and aid and medical assistance, yet we could pin point a single person around us and deem them as not special in our company because of various factors, special is a relative concept and has relative values.

We make our values in life, some people are naturally lovable whilst others one tends to shy away because of their temperament or character, it's not that such people don't love equally themselves those around them, it's just that their outer mantle isn't that 'hot' and is more often than not selfishly shrouded by their own aura of arrogance, indifference, narrow views and even have a 'chip' on their shoulder too. Often those who are not easily accessible have a temper and are relatively unstable liable to flare up when things don't go their way, they at times even dress scruffily as a feeling of defiance, even if their overall intentions are relatively good. Everyone however is unique, no one is exactly the same and even identical siblings have traits which separate themselves from the rest, it's these differences which set us apart and identify how we think and feel and how best we meld with others. If we want to be respected we need to be respectful, if we want others to treat and acknowledge us as someone of value and not just "another person" we have to give out that impression, and if we don't get it returned then we accept that and move forward. Making a statement towards "how you feel you need to be treated" over and above being abused is a lowly state of one's inner mind thoughts and reduces the chances of you ever gaining ground in life.

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©John Rushton / The Life Alchemist 2011

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