Tuesday 10 May 2011


Silence is not all what it appears to be, just because we can't hear anything personally doesn't mean that there is nothing going on, in fact for the major part there is a lot going on, there is an awful lot of noise out there and its being used to determine many aspects of life including mathematical and geometrical properties, the health of cars and a whole manner of other things. We need soundings from water and space to determine distances and shapes and often densities of substances, thankfully our hearing doesn't stretch further than it does otherwise we would be all going mad deciphering what's what. Silence can on it's own be both comforting and oppressive, we at times long for silence to just listen to "as it were - nothing" other than the residual noises of life itself, even if that includes our own breathing. But after a while silence can be oppressive we need to hear familiar sounds, people and other noises as these relate to us as an understanding of whom we are and what makes us tick, it's a degree of familiarity that at times we need just to convince ourselves that all is as it should be, which is not strictly essential even though we tend to think it is. How we utilise sound plays a vital part in our lives today, we have our mobile music players, car sound systems, home music centres and in hospitals we have ultra-sound to see what's going on deep inside us and determine what needs to be done. We use sound as a warning or as an advice point, door bell, oven clock, bedroom alarm, car horn, seat belt warning sound, light warning sound in our car, burglar alarms, fire alarms, carbon monoxide alarms, telephone ringing tones, the list is endless. Even on our computer there are many little sounds and pings that advise us that stuff has taken place - or not and that it needs attention, so sound is everywhere in our lives whether by design or default. It's when it gets out of hand that it can at times backfire and irk us, it can irritate our thought processes and if we are feeling a little stressed out or not be as we should be then all sounds appear louder than normal, highlighting our degree of unease at the time and it gets on our nerves.

We like the silence too, we tend to sleep better, we feel refreshed as the brain doesn't have to listen to all the noises around us and we thus allow ourselves to fall into a hopefully restful state. Even scientists like quiet as they can then see more clearly what they are working on, removing extraneous sounds and clutter thus it aids focus and heads progress. There is also another form of silence it's that inner peace which we can generate ourselves that provides a more tranquil state, a state that is conducive to a better quality of life and a state that provides degrees of harmony that promotes stability, healing and clarity of thought. If any of these are out of kilter then we can suffer from a breakdown or have an upset system or mental imbalance. The ambient noise today is getting greater and greater, despite technology advancing in respect to sound insulation we are recipients of the fall out of the sound of modern technology, even personal music systems or mobile phones. The sound of "nothing" comes at a cost, we can't escape from all sounds but we are sold holidays or retreats on the basis of reduced sounds or in many cases "different" sounds that because they are different they have a different bearing upon us. Even a city break from one large city to another has a different feel to it regardless of the ambient noise level. What some may regard as "wallpaper" sounds, i.e. the sound of their children others regards as an intrusion and a nuisance in particular on transport where they have no option to move elsewhere. Everything has a value and is subjective and like life itself its value is what it means to us, how we respond to the noise, the feel, the memory, what it does for us etc, etc. Many people become nostalgic at listening to "old songs / music" as it brings back a time date memory, similarly some music can bring a memory of a "not so nice time" and so on. A city dweller may get unnerved at the silence of the countryside whilst a country dweller may have a similar experience in taking in a plethora of noises that they are not used to in the city.

Within the hustle and bustle of life, the ups and downs, the negativity of the news, the gloom of world events, the quarterly reports from corporate entities vying for even higher turnover, the banks and credit card companies coming up with yet more ways of charging fees and interest, and overseas unrest from dictatorial countries, one needs to be master of one's own life, the world in which we personally live day to day. The bigger picture we can do very little about but where we live we have degrees of control that can affect our every thought and move. It's here that we can understand that "inner silence" that we can place at the door to our world and choose to live the way we do without the superfluous and overbearing knowledge that bombards us every second of every day. The "silence" within is a matter of ourselves placing our priorities within our mind where they should be and not being sidelined by others thoughts and opinions which in reality mean nothing or very little at all. Some people meditate effectively and successfully reduce the mind clutter that causes consternation. But unfortunately life is not a "one size fits all" and for others different means need to be employed in order to reach that same mind state. Elevating mind talk can redically improve our health and allow us the ability to cope better with whatever comes in front of us, it gives us an inner peace and a silence that's there regardless of ambient noises around us, we hear but don't listen to it, which is often the case for many but for the wrong reasons.

Silence is a premium like flying First Class it gives one a sence of privacy, space, freedom and not being hurdled around with everyone else and not being treated as "just another" person. This First Class feeling can be ours, we are special and that "silence" that we so often crave for can be with us even in the height of bedlum and rawcusness around us. Hearing the noise as opposed to listening to it changes our view point, many things that irritate us we deliberately look for or listen for then when we eventually pick them out we get more than frustrated we get annoyed to an extent that we don't enjoy anything else as that irritatrion takes pole position in our thoughts. Mastering one's thoughts can reduce or at times eliminate that feeling that the niggling little noises are overtaking by far the greater elements, but it's us that's allowing that to happen. When life and everything is good we can almost cope with anything, that feeling can stay with us as it's a mind attitude nothing more, no other criteria has changed whatsoever.

For more : www.thelifedoctor.info
FREE "E" Book : www.the-alchemy-of-life.com
John Rushton / The Life Doctor 2011

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